990 resultados para Mathematics investigation
The oxygen cutting is a thermal cutting process, in which metal is heated locally up to its ignition temperature and burnt off by oxygen blast. Oxygen cutting can be used to remove upset metal of a hollow bar occurred due to solid-state welding process. The main goal of this research was to establish a connection between oxygen blasts and mass of metal removed and relate findings to production to suggest improvements to the current process. This master´s thesis describes the designing and building of a test rig for oxygen blowing measurements. It also contains all executed tests and test results, which were carried out. There are different cutting parameters which were studied as well as their effect on cutting process. The oxygen cutting process, used in solid-state welding process, can be improved by the test results.
Programming and mathematics are core areas of computer science (CS) and consequently also important parts of CS education. Introductory instruction in these two topics is, however, not without problems. Studies show that CS students find programming difficult to learn and that teaching mathematical topics to CS novices is challenging. One reason for the latter is the disconnection between mathematics and programming found in many CS curricula, which results in students not seeing the relevance of the subject for their studies. In addition, reports indicate that students' mathematical capability and maturity levels are dropping. The challenges faced when teaching mathematics and programming at CS departments can also be traced back to gaps in students' prior education. In Finland the high school curriculum does not include CS as a subject; instead, focus is on learning to use the computer and its applications as tools. Similarly, many of the mathematics courses emphasize application of formulas, while logic, formalisms and proofs, which are important in CS, are avoided. Consequently, high school graduates are not well prepared for studies in CS. Motivated by these challenges, the goal of the present work is to describe new approaches to teaching mathematics and programming aimed at addressing these issues: Structured derivations is a logic-based approach to teaching mathematics, where formalisms and justifications are made explicit. The aim is to help students become better at communicating their reasoning using mathematical language and logical notation at the same time as they become more confident with formalisms. The Python programming language was originally designed with education in mind, and has a simple syntax compared to many other popular languages. The aim of using it in instruction is to address algorithms and their implementation in a way that allows focus to be put on learning algorithmic thinking and programming instead of on learning a complex syntax. Invariant based programming is a diagrammatic approach to developing programs that are correct by construction. The approach is based on elementary propositional and predicate logic, and makes explicit the underlying mathematical foundations of programming. The aim is also to show how mathematics in general, and logic in particular, can be used to create better programs.
Svavel förekommer i kol och olja och oxideras vid förbränning till svaveldioxid (SO2). Årligen utsläpps stora mängder svaveldioxid som åstadkommer sura regn, minskning av stratosfäriskt ozon och sjukdomar. Av dessa orsaker är det nödvändigt att minska utsläppen av svaveldioxid. Den teknologi som rör planering av reaktorer och processer för rökgasavsvavling (FGD) har utvecklats kraftigt och idag använder man olika typer av lösningar. De vanligaste alternativen för FGD är våtskrubber- och semitorra skrubbersystem (Spray Dry Scrubbers, SDS) och injektionsprocesser för absorbenter. SDS-processer har studerats bland annat av Ahlbeck [4] och Klingspor [5] och injektionsprocesser av Alvfors [6]. Kalksten, som i huvusak består av kalciumkarbonat, används i rökgasavsvavling på grund av sin förmåga att binda svavel i form av sulfatsalter. Den vanligaste rökgasavsvavlingsmetoden är våtskrubbning, där det sedimentära stenmaterialets upplösningshastighet är en av de faktorer som påverkar resultatet mest. Utvärdering av kalkstensreaktivitet är därför speciellt viktig vid planering och drift av anläggningar för rökgasavsvavling. Målsättningen med detta arbete var att modellera upplösningen av olika typers kalksten för att få en kvantitativ utvärdering av kvaliteten på de analyserade proverna. Därtill testades även karbonatbiprodukter från stålindustrin för att utvärdera möjligheter att använda andra råmaterial. Det transienta förloppet har analyserats, varvid upplösningshastigheten modellerades bl.a. i avseende på tid och pH. Under arbetets gång har antalet empiriska korrelationer minskats till fördel för fysikaliska modeller av diffusiva och konvektiva masstransportfenomen. En målsättning var att skapa en effektiv och snabb metod för att testa olika absorbenter för rökgasavsvavling under transienta förlopp. I arbetet användes PSD-analys, gjordes pH-mätningar och andra utvärderingar av de fysikaliska parametrar som ingår i beräkningarna. On-line mätningar för de icke-stationära variablerna tid och pH ger möjlighet att eliminera osäkerheter. Vissa modeller kan vara komplicerade. En modell för upplösningshastigheten med mer detaljerad utvärdering av parametrar och färre approximationer är därför nödvändig då man vill utvärdera reaktionshastigheten för fasta partiklar i sur miljö. Arbetet utfördes under fyra år och fem peer review-artiklar ingår i avhandlingen.
Mc Taggart's celebrated proof of the unreality of time is a chain of implications whose final step asserts that the A-series (i.e. the classification of events as past, present or future) is intrinsically contradictory. This is widely believed to be the heart of the argument, and it is where most attempted refutations have been addressed; yet, it is also the only part of the proof which may be generalised to other contexts, since none of the notions involved in it is specifically temporal. In fact, as I show in the first part of the paper, McTaggart's refutation of the A-series can be easily interpreted in mathematical terms; subsequently, in order to strengthen my claim, I apply the same framework by analogy to the cases of space, modality, and personal identity. Therefore, either McTaggart's proof as a whole may be extended to each of these notions, or it must embed some distinctly temporal element in one of the steps leading up to the contradiction of the A-series. I conclude by suggesting where this element might lay, and by hinting at what I believe to be the true logical fallacy of the proof.
Abstract: In this article we analyze the key concept of Hilbert's axiomatic method, namely that of axiom. We will find two different concepts: the first one from the period of Hilbert's foundation of geometry and the second one at the time of the development of his proof theory. Both conceptions are linked to two different notions of intuition and show how Hilbert's ideas are far from a purely formalist conception of mathematics. The principal thesis of this article is that one of the main problems that Hilbert encountered in his foundational studies consisted in securing a link between formalization and intuition. We will also analyze a related problem, that we will call "Frege's Problem", form the time of the foundation of geometry and investigate the role of the Axiom of Completeness in its solution.
The update of the Finnish legislation concerning waste was unavoidable, to comply with the European Union (EU) requirements defined in the EU-Directive on Waste. The new waste law updates were enacted into the Finnish legislation on the 11.03.2011 and targeted for applicability by the 11.03.2012. This thesis investigates the implications of the new amendments to the waste legislation from the perspective of green sand foundries. The investigations are conducted by comparing two of Componenta’s green sand foundries and evaluating their waste streams. Additionally, the impacts of legislation amendments are critiqued on their environmental and economic aspects. The study’s comparison of waste fractions at the two foundries reveals that sand is dominant in absolute tonnage and costs. The increments of waste taxes forces foundries to focus on waste management, recycling and disposing. The new legislation’s promotion of material efficiency, also guides foundries towards the prevention of waste. A potential preventive measure is to regenerate waste sand resulting to cost savings on both raw-materials and waste management. However, the lack of absolute targets for waste prevention or recycling rates discourages the interests towards creating or adopting new technologies and methods for the waste handling.
In this work we report the observation of the blue visible fluorescence at 420 nm in rubidium vapour as a result of two-photon absorption excited by femtosecond laser pulses 790 nm. After experimental investigation of the spa-tial and spectral characteristics of the obtained emission we can claim that mechanism of this coherent fluorescence at 420 nm was not caused by ampli-fied spontaneous emission, but represents the nondegenerate four-wave mixing. As a probable outcome of this investigation an opportunity of creation an ultrafast all-optical switcher might appear.
Preattentive perception of occasional deviating stimuli in the stream of standard stimuli can be recorded with cognitive event-related potential (ERP) mismatch negativity (MMN). The earlier detection of stimuli at the auditory cortex can be examined with N1 and P2 ERPs. The MMN recording does not require co-operation, it correlates with perceptual threshold, and even complex sounds can be used as stimuli. The aim of this study was to examine different aspects that should be considered when measuring discrimination of hearing with ERPs. The MMN was found to be stimulusintensity- dependent. As the intensity of sine wave stimuli was increased from 40 to 80 dB HL, MMN mean amplitudes increased. The effect of stimulus frequency on the MMN was studied so that the pitch difference would be equal in each stimulus block according to the psychophysiological mel scale or the difference limen of frequency (DLF). However, the blocks differed from each other. The contralateral white noise masking (50 dB EML) was found to attenuate the MMN amplitude when the right ear was stimulated. The N1 amplitude was attenuated and, in contrast, P2 amplitude was not affected by contralateral white noise masking. The perception and production of vowels by four postlingually deafened patients with a cochlear implant were studied. The MMN response could be elicited in the patient with the best vowel perception abilities. The results of the studies show that concerning the MMN recordings, the stimulus parameters and recording procedure design have a great influence on the results.
Detection of Leptospira by PCR had not yet been described in snakes. This study investigated, by microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and PCR, the presence of antibodies to Leptospira spp. and Leptospira spp., respectively, in venomous and non-venomous wildlife and captivity snakes. All snakes were divided into three groups to be compared: Group 1 (wildlife snakes - WS); Group 2 (snakes in intensive captivity - IC), and Group 3 (collective semi-extensive captivity -CC). Of the 147 snakes studied, 52 (35.4%) were positive for leptospirosis by MAT, 8 (15.4%) belonging to Group 1 (WS), 34 (65.4%) to Group 2 (IC) and 10 (19.2%) to Group 3 (CC). Jararaca (Bothrops jararaca) presented the highest average titer (66.7%, N=22/33) among the three group studied, and Hardjo prajtino was the most prevalent serovar (88.5%, N=46/52), with titers varying from 100 to 3200. Leptospira interrogans was revealed by PCR in kidney and liver of caiçaca (Bothrops moojeni) and jararaca-pintada (Bothrops pauloensis), showing 100% and 93% identity respectively. Future studies should be carried out for better understanding of the role of snakes as a reservoir of Leptospira in nature.
The flow structure of cold and ignited jets issuing into a co-flowing air stream was experimentally studied using a laser Doppler velocimeter. Methane was employed as the jet fluid discharging from circular and elliptic nozzles with aspect ratios varying from 1.29 to 1.60. The diameter of the circular nozzle was 4.6 mm and the elliptic nozzles had approximately the same exit area as that of the circular nozzle. These non-circular nozzles were employed in order to increase the stability of attached jet diffusion flames. The time-averaged velocity and r.m.s. value of the velocity fluctuation in the streamwise and transverse directions were measured over the range of co-flowing stream velocities corresponding to different modes of flame blowout that are identified as either lifted or attached flames. On the basis of these measurements, attempts were made to explain the existence of an apparent optimum aspect ratio for the blowout of attached flames observed at higher values of co-flowing stream velocities. The insensitivity of the blowout limits of lifted flames to nozzle geometry observed in our previous work at low co-flowing stream velocities was also explained. Measurements of the fuel concentration at the jet centerline indicated that the mixing process was enhanced with the 1.38 aspect ratio jet compared with the 1.60 aspect ratio jet. On the basis of the obtained experimental data, it was suggested that the higher blowout limits of attached flames for an elliptic jet of 1.38 aspect ratio was due to higher entrainment rates.
Thermal louvers, using movable or rotating shutters over a radiating surface, have gained a wide acceptance as highly efficient devices for controlling the temperature of a spacecraft. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the performance of a rectangular thermal louver with movable blades. The radiative capacity of the louver, determined by its effective emittance, is calculated for different values of the blades opening angle. Experimental results obtained with a prototype of a spacecraft thermal louver show good agreement with the theoretical values.
This paper discusses the effect of tool wear on surface finish in single-point diamond turning of single crystal silicon. The morphology and topography of the machined surface clearly show the type of cutting edge wear reproduced onto the cutting grooves. Scanning electron microscopy is used in order to correlate the cutting edge damage and microtopography features observed through atomic force microscopy. The possible wear mechanisms affecting tool performance and surface generation during cutting are also discussed. The zero degree rake angle single point diamond tool presented small nicks on the cutting edge. The negative rake angle tools presented more a type of crater wear on the rake face. No wear was detected on flank face of the diamond tools.
In this work we consider the transient stability of coupled motions of a 2 D.O.F. nonlinear oscillator that can represent, for example, the motions of a sea vessel under the action of trains of regular lateral waves. Instability is studied as the escape of the system from a safe potential well. The set of initial conditions in phase space that lead to acceptable motions constitutes its safe basin. We investigate the evolution of these safe basins under variation of parameters such as frequency and amplitude of waves, and an internal tuning parameter. Complex nonlinear phenomena are known to play an important role in determining the loss of safe basins as, say, wave amplitude is increased. We therefore investigate those processes, and attempt to classify them in terms of their speed relative to changes in parameter values. "Mechanism basins" are produced depicting regions of parameter space in which rapid or slow losses of safe basin are observed. We propose that a comprehensive understanding of mechanisms of loss of safe basins can be a valuable tool in assessing stability properties of these systems, and we give a conceptual view of how such information could be used.
In two-phase miniature and microchannel flows, the meniscus shape must be considered due to effects that are affected by condensation and/or evaporation and coupled with the transport phenomena in the thin film on the microchannel wall, when capillary forces drive the working fluid. This investigation presents an analytical model for microchannel condensers with a porous boundary, where capillary forces pump the fluid. Methanol was selected as the working fluid. Very low liquid Reynolds numbers were obtained (Re~6), but very high Nusselt numbers (Nu~150) could be found due to the channel size (1.5 mm) and the presence of the porous boundary. The meniscus calculation provided consistent results for the vapor interface temperature and pressure, as well as the meniscus curvature. The obtained results show that microchannel condensers with a porous boundary can be used for heat dissipation with reduced heat transfer area and very high heat dissipation capabilities.
In 1859, Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution by natural selection, the process occurring based on fitness benefits and fitness costs at the individual level. Traditionally, evolution has been investigated by biologists, but it has induced mathematical approaches, too. For example, adaptive dynamics has proven to be a very applicable framework to the purpose. Its core concept is the invasion fitness, the sign of which tells whether a mutant phenotype can invade the prevalent phenotype. In this thesis, four real-world applications on evolutionary questions are provided. Inspiration for the first two studies arose from a cold-adapted species, American pika. First, it is studied how the global climate change may affect the evolution of dispersal and viability of pika metapopulations. Based on the results gained here, it is shown that the evolution of dispersal can result in extinction and indeed, evolution of dispersalshould be incorporated into the viability analysis of species living in fragmented habitats. The second study is focused on the evolution of densitydependent dispersal in metapopulations with small habitat patches. It resulted a very surprising unintuitive evolutionary phenomenon, how a non-monotone density-dependent dispersal may evolve. Cooperation is surprisingly common in many levels of life, despite of its obvious vulnerability to selfish cheating. This motivated two applications. First, it is shown that density-dependent cooperative investment can evolve to have a qualitatively different, monotone or non-monotone, form depending on modelling details. The last study investigates the evolution of investing into two public-goods resources. The results suggest one general path by which labour division can arise via evolutionary branching. In addition to applications, two novel methodological derivations of fitness measures in structured metapopulations are given.