1000 resultados para Marriage records


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The Pacific Ocean is the largest water body on Earth, and circulation in the Pacific contributed significantly to climate evolution in the latest Cretaceous, the culmination of a period of long-term cooling. Here, we present new high-resolution late Campanian to Maastrichtian benthic and planktic foraminiferal stable isotope data and a neodymium (Nd) isotope record obtained from sedimentary ferromanganese oxide coatings of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1210B from the tropical Pacific Ocean (Shatsky Rise). These new records resolve 13 million years in the latest Cretaceous, providing insights into changes in surface and bottom water temperatures and source regions of deep to intermediate waters covering the carbon isotope excursions of the Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary Event (CMBE) and the Mid-Maastrichtian event (MME). Our new benthic foraminiferal d18O and Nd isotope records together with published Nd isotope data show markedly parallel trends across the studied interval over a broad range of bathyal to abyssal water depths interpreted to reflect changes in the intensity of deep-ocean circulation in the tropical Pacific. In particular, we observe a three-million-year-long period of cooler conditions in the early Maastrichtian (72.5 to 69.5 Ma) when a concomitant change toward less radiogenic seawater Nd isotope signatures probably marks a period of enhanced admixture and northward flow of deep waters with Southern Ocean provenance. We suggest this change to have been triggered by intensified formation and convection of deep waters in the high southern latitudes, a process that weakened during the MME (69.5 to 68.5 Ma). The early Maastrichtian cold interval is closely related to the negative and positive carbon isotope trends of the CMBE and MME. The millions-of-years long duration of these carbon cycle perturbations suggests a tectonic forcing of climatic cooling, possibly related to changes in ocean basin geometry and bathymetry.


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The western warm pools of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans are a critical source of heat and moisture for the tropical climate system. Over the past five million years, global mean temperatures have cooled by 3-4 °C. Yet, current reconstructions of sea surface temperatures indicate that temperature in the warm pools has remained stable during this time. This stability has been used to suggest that tropical sea-surface temperatures are controlled by some sort of thermostat-like regulation. Here we reconstruct sea surface temperatures in the South China Sea, Caribbean Sea and western equatorial Pacific Ocean for the past five million years, using a combination of the Mg/Ca, TEXH86-and Uk'37 surface temperature proxies. Our data indicate that during the period of Pliocene warmth from about 5 to 2.6 million years ago, the western Pacific and western Atlantic warm pools were about 2 °C warmer than today. We suggest that the apparent lack of warming seen in the previous reconstructions was an artefact of low seawater Mg/Ca ratios in the Pliocene oceans. Taking this bias into account, our data indicate that tropical sea surface temperatures did change in conjunction with global mean temperatures. We therefore conclude that the temperature of the warm pools of the equatorial oceans during the Pliocene was not limited by a thermostat-like mechanism.


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The dataset contains the revised age models and foraminiferal records obtained for the Last Interglacial period in six marine sediment cores: - the Southern Ocean core MD02-2488 (age model, sea surface temperatures, benthic d18O and d13C for the period 136-108 ka), - the North Atlantic core MD95-2042 (age model, planktic d18O, benthic d18O and d13C for the period 135-110 ka), - the North Atlantic core ODP 980 (age model, planktic d18O, sea surface temperatures, seawater d18O, benthic d18O and d13C, ice-rafted detritus for the period 135-110 ka), - the North Atlantic core CH69-K09 (age model, planktic d18O, sea surface temperatures, seawater d18O, benthic d18O and d13C, ice-rafted detritus for the period 135-110 ka), - the Norwegian Sea core MD95-2010 (age model, percentage of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, sea surface temperatures, benthic d18O, ice-rafted detritus for the period 134-110 ka), - the Labrador Sea core EW9302-JPC2 (age model, percentage of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, sea surface temperatures, benthic d18O for the period 134-110 ka).


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New pollen and radiocarbon data from the Bykovsky Peninsula document the Late Pleistocene and Holocene environmental history of the Laptev Sea coast. More than 60 AMS-14C and conventional 14C dates indicate that the deposits accumulated during the last 60,000 radiocarbon yr BP. High concentration of green alga colonies (Pediustrum and Botryococcus) in the investigated sediment show that sedimentation was mostly in shallow water environments. Scarce grass and sedge communities dominated the vegetation 53-60 kyr BP. Climate was cold and dry. Open Poaceae and Cypcraccae associations with Asteraceae, Ranunculaceae, and Cichoriaceac, dominated in the area about 48-42.5 kyr BP. Steppic communities with Artemisia and shrubby tundra communities with Salix and Betula sect. Nanae were also present. Climate was dry, but relatively warm. Vegetation cover became denser about 42.5-33.5 kyr BP, reflecting more favorable climate conditions. Scarce Poaceae communities with some Caryophyllaceae, Asteraceae, Cichoriaceae, and Selaginella rupestris covered the Bykovsky Peninsula area during the Sartan (Late Weichselian) stage about 26-16 kyr BP. Disturbed, uncovered soils were very common in the area. Climate was extremely cold and dry. Poaceae and Cyperaceae associations with Caryophyllaceae, Asteraceae, Cichoriaceae dominated the vegetation in the late Sartan, ca 16-12.2 kyr BP. Climate was significantly warmer than in the early Sartan time. The lee Complex sedimentation was interrupted about 12 kyr BP; most likely it was connected with the beginning of the Allerod warnring. Shrubby (Betula sect. Nanae, Alnusfnuicosa, Salix, Ericales) tundra was widely distributed on the Bykovsky Peninsula during the early-middle Holacene. Climate was most favorable between 8200 and 4500 yr BP. Vegetation became similar to modern after 4500 yr BP, suggesting a deterioration of climate.


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We present alkenone-derived Sea Surface Temperature (SST) records from three marine cores collected within the southern Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) spanning the last 3 ka. The SST evolution over the last 3 millennia is marked by aperiodic millennial-scale oscillations that broadly correspond to climatic anomalies identified over the North Atlantic region. The BUS SST data further suggest cooling and warming trends opposite to the temperature evolution in the Moroccan upwelling region and in Antarctica. In contrast, the last decades are marked by a cooling of unprecedented magnitude in both the Benguela and Moroccan upwelling systems, which is not observed in the Antarctic record. These contrasted responses in Atlantic upwelling systems triggered by natural and anthropogenic forcings shed light on how different climatic mechanisms are mediated by ocean-atmosphere interactions and transmitted to the geological records of past and present climate changes.


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There is a great similarity between pollen types which occur in the early Holocene NE Tibetan pollen spectra and those which are commonly considered to be typical for the Würm Late Glacial period in Central Europe and for the Würm Pleniglacial period in Southern Europe. Evidently, this similarity is due to a remarkable general conformity of plant taxa growing in cold-arid regions of the northern hemisphere. The improvement of the climate and the retreat of the glaciers that commenced at the end of the Würm period had already terminated definitely before 9500 BP. In addition, the climatic situation as well as the vegetation belts must have remained rather constant during the following 3000 yr, i.e. through most parts of the climatic optimum of the Holocene.


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El proyecto del presente trabajo consiste en reflexionar sobre la constitución del sujeto ético-político en los Erga de Hesíodo. Trabajaremos desde una propuesta de matriz antropológica, en torno a los consejos de administración familiar que el poeta propone, recurriendo a Jenofonte cuando la comparación sea oportuna. Siguiendo el horizonte semántico del término chresis, indagaremos dos cuestiones fundamentales, la gestión del hogar, a partir de la problematización del matrimonio como cuestión afín, y la gestión de los vínculos personales, que van más allá del oikos, para convocar a otros actores, el hermano, el huésped, el amigo. En ambos niveles, el estrictamente familiar con la presencia del marido y la esposa en el centro de la escena, y el familiar, en sentido más amplio, los tópicos devuelven ciertas preocupaciones y reflexiones en torno a cuestiones que se repiten, el trabajo, la riqueza, la productividad, la prudencia, el honor, la convivencia, la tolerancia. Se plasma un universo antropológico que nos permite relevar, desde los topoi recortados, la pequeña familia intramuros y la gran familia extramuros, la preocupación habitual de la constitución de un sujeto temperante que en Hesíodo cobra distintas aristas. El modelo discursivo obedece a las reglas de formación que reconocemos en los Erga como matriz de discurso: recomendaciones, consejos, exhortaciones, que delinean dos topoi reconocibles, dos categorías de sujetos, dos registros de conductas, dos modelos de instalación en la vida. Hesíodo nos tiene acostumbrados a esos sistemas binarios que, a nuestro juicio, se inscriben en la lógica del linaje. Hombres, valores, conductas de matriz diurna o nocturna, positiva o negativa, luminosa o tenebrosa. La vida familiar y la comunitaria no parece escapar a esta lógica binaria y el corpus de consejos no hace otra cosa que vigorizar con su logos el aspecto diurno de la tensión