937 resultados para Marks of origin


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Contemporary artists have proposed repositioning of the view as a psicogeographics, routes of drifts, affectives maps, subverting the physical, historical, political and social places in the global mapping. The Chilean artist Eugenio Dittborn with their "Airmail Paintings" that design, sewing, painting and collage are folded and placed in an envelope and sent by post. At your destination, the paint is removed from the envelope, unfolded and hung leaving the marks of the route traveled. The Argentine artist Alicia Herrero in his work "The trip Revoluvionário - title inspired by the trip that Ernesto Guevara held in South America, traveled by navigable rivers of South America and composed the work in the form of a" novel navigated "where each chapter is a port route. As the river of Heraclitus, the writing of "novel navigated" composes processes transposing borders.


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Since photographic document always bears the marks of a given universe imagined, subject to fi ctionality inherent in all assemblies plot as an act, the purpose of this article is to analyze the photographs archival materials disclosed in remembrance of the Brazilian military dictatorship in the magazine Veja, published in the decennial anniversaries of the 1964 coup, from the methodological assumptions of the rhetoric of image. If, in some cases, archival photographs reinforced the argument of the report, in others, they created a parallel narrative, framing the present through an interpreted past.


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This article aims to list the studies on environmental training published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, to emphasize the publications most relevant according to the number of citations in other research, list the most prominent authors regarding the topic, the contexts studied and the researcher’s countries of origin. The concepts of environmental management and environmental training were reviewed. The systematic literature review is presented as the methodology, which has as its results the identification of the most influential papers studied in the area, the countries of origin of researchers and the relation between context and origin of the researcher, concluding that Brazil stands out in the study of the theme. That there is a small number of researchers studying different contexts in their country of origin and that partnership between researchers from different countries are required for studies in the area. The study presents as a limitation the still restricted access to some journals presenting articles on the topic, making it impossible to analyze them. It contributes with researchers and those responsible for human resource managers in organizations because it shows the most relevant studies of the area in a compiled form.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this study, we analyzed the ABCD1 gene in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) patients and relatives from 38 unrelated families from South America, as well as phenotypic proportions, survival estimates, and the potential effect of geographical origin in clinical characteristics. Methods: X-ALD patients from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay were invited to participate in molecular studies to determine their genetic status, characterize the mutations and improve the genetic counseling of their families. All samples were screened by SSCP analysis of PCR fragments, followed by automated DNA sequencing to establish the specific mutation in each family. Age at onset and at death, male phenotypes, genetic status of women, and the effect of family and of latitude of origin were also studied. Results: We identified thirty-six different mutations (twelve novel). This population had an important allelic heterogeneity, as only p. Arg518Gln was repeatedly found (three families). Four cases carried de novo mutations. Intra-familiar phenotype variability was observed in all families. Out of 87 affected males identified, 65% had the cerebral phenotype (CALD). The mean (95% CI) ages at onset and at death of the CALD were 10.9 (9.1-12.7) and 24.7 (19.8-29.6) years. No association was found between phenotypic manifestations and latitude of origin. One index-case was a girl with CALD who carried an ABCD1 mutation, and had completely skewed X inactivation. Conclusions: This study extends the spectrum of mutations in X-ALD, confirms the high rates of de novo mutations and the absence of common mutations, and suggests a possible high frequency of cerebral forms in our population.


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Os benefícios das empresas em manterem comunidades virtuais de marca próprias versus os provenientes das comunidades criadas pelos consumidores permanecem desconhecidos. Esse estudo testa o efeito moderador do tipo de gestão da comunidade no impacto da homogeneidade psicográfica percebida, da disponibilidade de avenidas virtuais e do relacionamento com a marca sobre as influências da comunidade e as intenções dos participantes da comunidade. Os dados provêm de 555 participantes ativos de duas grandes comunidades virtuais para o game XBOX no Brasil. Os resultados comprovam que a gestão da comunidade de origem é moderadora de todas as relações consideradas. Apontam, também, que alguns dos efeitos mais favoráveis para a empresa ocorrem na comunidade gerida pelos consumidores. A lealdade à marca, porém, é maior para membros da comunidade oficial. O estudo indica como as empresas podem se beneficiar de comunidades geridas por consumidores.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi discutir a transmissão psíquica geracional em duas obras do escritor Mia Couto: Antes de nascer o mundo (2009) e Um rio chamado tempo, uma casa chamada terra (2003), e no conto A terceira margem do rio, de Guimarães Rosa (1962). As três obras são narradas pelos filhos e destacam a família como epicentro de uma trama de segredos, interditos e culpabilizações transmitidos de uma geração a outra, possibilitando a compreensão de que o seio familiar permite não apenas a organização das experiências emocionais, mas a também a transmissão de aspectos intersubjetivos aos quais nem sempre as personagens têm acesso. Os segredos ou a não revelação das verdadeiras histórias dos personagens são apenas uma das formas de transmissão, pois, mesmo ocultando o interditado, transfere-se algo, de modo que o não revelar também é uma maneira de destacar o interdito, aquilo que ainda não foi elaborado e que, por conseguinte, não recebeu inscrição psíquica.


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Meiofauna, and especially marine nematodes are common in sediments around the world. Despite very wide ranging distributions in many nematode species, little is presently known about their dispersal mechanisms shaping these patterns. Rafting, and perhaps ballast water transport has been suggested as viable means for nematode long-range transport. On a much smaller scale other processes have been suggested for their dispersal. They generally include some form of passive suspension into the water column and later on a passive, haphazard settling back towards the bottom. Small-scale phenomena in nematode dispersal were studied by conducting a series of studies at Askö field station, Trosa Archipelago, Baltic proper. Studied aspects were one case of macrofaunal influence on nematode dispersal rate, using an amphipod, Monoporeia affinis as disturbing agent, and three different studies on mechanisms related to settling. The experiments were conducted both in laboratory and field settings. The amphipod Monoporeia affinis did not exert any influence on the dispersal rate in the nematodes. The nematode dispersal was only an effect of time, in the aspect that the more time that past, the more nematodes dispersed from their place of origin. The settling experiments revealed that nematodes do have an active component in their settling behaviour, as they were able to exert influence on the spot where they were to settle. They were able to choose settling spot in response to the food quality of the sediment. It also became evident that contrary to common belief, nematodes are able to extend their presence in the water column far beyond the times that would be predicted considering settling velocities and hydrodynamic conditions alone.


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The thesis deals with the heterogenous category of the “unaccompanied minors”, concentrating the scientific work on those who migrate from Romania to the Italian city of Bologna. Between different migratory routes that include Romanian minors, I chose to explore the ones linked with the underground and illegal contexts. In order to analyse the reasons and the morphology of their migratory career, I used the multisituated field research which allowed me to consider the social policies in both the Romanian and the Italian environment. The main debate on the situation of the “unaccompanied children” refers to the extent to which these minors leave their country of origin “accompanied” by different adult figures and it also involves the role played by these adults. The first chapter is dedicated to a brief theoretical and methodological introduction to the main arguments of the thesis such as Romanian migration to Italy, trafficking in human beings, transnationality of migrant’s migration and decentered cooperation as a means of contrasting illegal migration and trafficking. Each field of research is characterized by a specific methodological approach, but they are all linked by the anthropological perspective I adopted throughout the entire work. The Romanian context, analized from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective represents the object of the second chapter. Some aspects of the Regime policies and other characteristics of the Romanian poscomunist period of “transition” are useful frameworks that become a background of the migration flows outside the country. The third chapter focuses on the Romanian patterns of migration. The reconstruction of some past attitudes that Romanians adopted towards migration are relevant in order to reveal the continuity with the present migratory practices. A consistent part is dedicated to a concrete example based on a field research in Bologna on a group of Romanian roma migrating from the south of Romania. The contact with these persons opened a debate on the limits between legal and illegal migration practices among the Romanians. The conclusion is that minors’ migration to Italy follows the adult patterns and flows. The nucleus of the field researches is included in the fourth and the fifth chapter. Before presenting the settings and the itineraries of the field researches, some deconstructive reflections are made on the representations that common sense and social sciences create on concepts as “child”, “minor” and “childhood”. A first perspective on the Romanian migrant minors emerges from a research concentrated on a group of roma teenagers engaged in Bologna in activities like windscreen washing, pocket-picking, begging and street prostitution. The aim of the research was to gain access to their daily life, to observe their relationship with the adults who “accompany” them and the strategies they activate in order to take some material profit out of their migratory experience. A parallel field research focuses on the Romanian minors who are part of the roma group coming from the south of Romania. Most of them are reunited with their family in Bologna, but according to the Italian law, they are all living as illegal migrants. Others are only temporary sheltered by these families and they meanwhile dedicate to illegal survviving practices. An interesting point of my participant observation was to reveal the motivations that these minors give when asked about the refusal to start a legal career inside the local Centres dedicated to the “non accompanied minors”. Their autoreflexivity brings some light on the controversy regarding the adequacy of the local and national care system and the migratory projects the minors have. In this respect, a small part of the research is dedicated to the phenomena of minors’ street prostitution in Bologna, as a useful contribution to the fragmented vision researchers have on the “unaccompanied” or “separated” children. The last chapter focuses on a decentered cooperation project that emerged as an alternative response the local administration from Bologna had chosen for facing the presence of numerous migrants coming from the south of Romania. The group of Romanian roma who was also the object of my field research became the starting point for the cooperation proposals between the city of Bologna and the city of Craiova. Although there are three projects involving the two administrations, throughout a period of stage in the Romanian city of Craiova I chose to analyse, only the one dedicated to the “urgent measures” requested in order to contrast the illegal migration and the trafficking in minors. This final part of the thesis highlightens the possible contribution that such a project might bring to the study of a complex and in some parts contradictory phenomena as that of the “unaccompanied” migrant minors.