952 resultados para Markets -- Buildings -- Conservation and restauration -- Barcelona (Spain)


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Estudio elaborado a partir de una estancia en la Universitat Polictecnica de Cataluña entre marzo i junio del 2007.El proyecto tiene como objetivo general el perfeccionamiento de las metodologías docentes en la enseñanza de la construcción mixta en grado y postgrado en la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) y la Universidad de Camagüey (UC), en correspondencia con la situación actual y perspectiva de la normativa europea, española y cubana. En el trabajo se realiza una valoración sobre programas experimentales en estructuras mixtas y sus resultados, así como su interrelación con la modelación numérica. Se evalúa la correspondencia entre las normativas europeas, española y cubana y se definen los aspectos específicos que deben ser perfeccionados o complementados en la normatividad vigente en Cuba, así como la estrategia general para acometerlo. Para caracterizar la enseñanza de la construcción mixta en la UPC y la UC, se parte de la valoración de información sobre asignaturas similares en un grupo seleccionado de universidades y sobre el contexto que sirve de marco al perfeccionamiento. Se realiza el diagnostico del sistema de objetivos, conocimientos y organización metodológica en los programas de grado y postgrado y se ofrecen recomendaciones generales para el perfeccionamiento de la enseñanza de la construcción mixta en la UPC y la UC. Finalmente, se realizan propuestas detalladas para ambas instituciones, para el perfeccionamiento de las metodologías docentes, con enfoques generales similares, respetando los criterios específicos y formatos de cada entorno. Se concibe un sistema integrado de actividades para cada asignatura, lográndose que, a pesar de las particularidades de cada contexto, el enfoque de trabajo sea coincidente en gran medida, lo que favorece la continuidad en las relaciones de colaboración entre ambas instituciones.


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This paper presents estimates of the contribution of infrastructure investment to the growth of output and employment in Spain and its regions and investigates the impact of this factor on the process of regional convergence in income per capita during the period 1965-2004.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Universitat de Toronto, Canadà, des d’octubre del 2006 a febrer del 2007. El projecte Barchito és un projecte Interrnacional que va involucrar tres universitats: La Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, la Universitat de Toronto (Canadà) i la Universitat de Roosevelt (USA). El seu objectiu principal era posar en contacte estudiants de les tres universitats (de tres cursos diferents) per discutir al voltant de temes com ara l'ensenyament/aprenentatge i elements culturals de cada país. Aquest projecte presenta la natura de l'experiència des de la visió dels participants: alumnat i professorat. Superant diferències inicials de llengua, els participants van aprendre d'altra cultura, van aprendre sobre altres maneres d'ensenyar i van aprendre, en definitiva, sobre ells mateixos. L'eina d'aprenentatge col.laboratiu els va ajudar a sobrepassar el context immediat, emprant per això, l'eina tecnològica anomenada: Knowledge Forum.


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Mitjançant les seves experiències, els éssers humans aprenen a construir significats amb els quals donar sentit i organitzar l’entorn físic i social en què es troben immersos. No accedeixen a una realitat vertadera i única sinó que són possibles múltiples construccions de la realitat. Per tant, és necessari elaborar hipòtesis sobre un mateix, els altres i l'entorn. Aquestes hipòtesis personals estan constituïdes per dimensions de significat o constructes, que consisteixen en la captació d’una diferència o en un contrast; implica percebre una discrepància, que s’expressarà en dos pols oposats. Per exemple, construir el significat “fort” implica diferenciar-lo del significat “feble”; a partir d’aquesta dimensió “fort–feble” s'organitzen les experiències classificant-les al llarg d’aquest continuum. Els constructes s’integren en una xarxa constituïnt un sistema. L’experiència clínica evidencia sovint que dones maltractades no reconeixen la violència de gènere. L’experiència d’abús ha de ser detectada, construïda i integrada dins del món dels significats, és a dir, dels constructes, per ser identificada com a tal. Per exemple, és necessari construir la noció d’agressor i de víctima per poder posicionar-hi a un mateix i als altres. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és explorar el sistema de constructes en dones que pateixen o han patit violència de gènere, centrant-se en la construcció personal de l’abús per identificar els seus constructes i detectar possibles motius que bloquegin el trencament de la relació amb el maltractador o altres possibles solucions. La mostra està constituïda per 36 dones, amb un rang d’edat situat entre els 18 i els 72 anys. La mitjana d’edat es troba al voltant dels 45 anys. La durada d’aquest estudi és de març de 2006 a març de 2007.


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This paper evaluates the effects of policy interventions on sectoral labour markets and the aggregate economy in a business cycle model with search and matching frictions. We extend the canonical model by including capital-skill complementarity in production, labour markets with skilled and unskilled workers and on-the-job-learning (OJL) within and across skill types. We first find that, the model does a good job at matching the cyclical properties of sectoral employment and the wage-skill premium. We next find that vacancy subsidies for skilled and unskilled jobs lead to output multipliers which are greater than unity with OJL and less than unity without OJL. In contrast, the positive output effects from cutting skilled and unskilled income taxes are close to zero. Finally, we find that the sectoral and aggregate effects of vacancy subsidies do not depend on whether they are financed via public debt or distorting taxes.


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Aquest projecte ha estat desenvolupat entre l’octubre de 2008 i el juliol de 2009 per un equip d’estudiants de Ciències Ambientals de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. L’objecte d’estudi principal han estat les bordes, construccions agroramaderes utilitzades tradicionalment per a emmagatzemar l’herba i estabular-hi el bestiar. D’altra banda, pel que fa la biodiversitat, s’ha realitzat un estudi de la vegetació de pedra seca, i una primera aproximació a l’estudi dels rat-penats, espècies protegides que utilitzen les bordes com a refugi. L’àmbit d’estudi ha estat la Vall d'Estaon dins el municipi de Vall de Cardós, a la comarca del Pallars Sobirà, Catalunya. Tota la superfície d’estudi es troba dins de l’àmbit del Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu (PNAP) i, per tant, sota la seva protecció. Per a la realització d’aquest estudi, s’ha utilitzat la metodologia emprada en el projecte del Bosc de Virós (Mestres et al.,2007). S’elabora un inventari de bordes i un altre de biodiversitat a partir de les dades recopilades amb la observació al camp i es realitzen entrevistes als gestors de la zona, antics i nous propietaris. En l’anàlisi dels resultats, s’observa que les bordes han perdut la seva funcionalitat tradicional i moltes d’elles s’han abandonat. Aquests fets provoquen la degradació d’aquestes construccions i la conseqüent pèrdua de patrimoni. D’altra banda la idea de recuperar les activitats tradicionals esdevé poc realista i es combina amb la impossibilitat d’aplicar nous usos per la protecció que exerceix la figura de Parc Natural. Així doncs, les bordes es troben enmig d’una situació estàtica i paradoxal entre la voluntat i desig de conservació i l'imminent i accelerat procés d’abandonament i degradació.


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El Parc del Garraf (PG) és una zona on la dinàmica del porc senglar amb el medi té una alta importància, tot i que la densitat de població al PG d’aquest ungulat és de les menors de Catalunya. Els aspectes més rellevants de la relació porc senglar-medi són: la correlació que hi ha entre l’abandonament d’àrees de conreu i activitats forestals amb l’augment de la població de porc senglar, i l’afectació que per tant, provoca a les àrees de conreu que hi ha actualment, que es pot veure minvada aplicant bones mesures correctores. També la relació que té amb el margalló (Chamaerops humilis), que és positiva ajudant a la recuperació, conservació i a la dinàmica ecològica de l’espècie, així com amb el medi del PG en general, i, per últim, els impactes viaris a la xarxa viària del PG, tot i que no existeix cap TCCU (Tram de Concentració de Col·lisions amb Ungulats) dins els límits del PG. Referent a la caça, actualment és la única mesura viable de control de la població de porc senglar, tot i que no hi ha relleu generacional per a aquesta activitat.


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Whiteflies and whitefly-transmitted viruses are some of the major constraints on European tomato production. The main objectives of this study were to: identify where and why whiteflies are a major limitation on tomato crops; collect information about whiteflies and associated viruses; determine the available management tools; and identify key knowledge gaps and research priorities. This study was conducted within the framework of ENDURE (European Network for Durable Exploitation of Crop Protection Strategies). Two whitefly species are the main pests of tomato in Europe: Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Trialeurodes vaporariorum is widespread to all areas where greenhouse industry is present, and B. tabaci has invaded, since the early 1990’s, all the subtropical and tropical areas. Biotypes B and Q of B. tabaci are widespread and especially problematic. Other key tomato pests are Aculops lycopersici, Helicoverpa armigera, Frankliniella occidentalis, and leaf miners. Tomato crops are particularly susceptible to viruses causingTomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD). High incidences of this disease are associated to high pressure of its vector, B. tabaci. The ranked importance of B. tabaci established in this study correlates with the levels of insecticide use, showing B. tabaci as one of the principal drivers behind chemical control. Confirmed cases of resistance to almost all insecticides have been reported. Integrated Pest Management based on biological control (IPM-BC) is applied in all the surveyed regions and identified as the strategy using fewer insecticides. Other IPM components include greenhouse netting and TYLCD-tolerant tomato cultivars. Sampling techniques differ between regions, where decisions are generally based upon whitefly densities and do not relate to control strategies or growing cycles. For population monitoring and control, whitefly species are always identified. In Europe IPM-BC is the recommended strategy for a sustainable tomato production. The IPM-BC approach is mainly based on inoculative releases of the parasitoids Eretmocerus mundus and Encarsia formosa and/or the polyphagous predators Macrolophus caliginosus and Nesidiocoris tenuis. However, some limitations for a wider implementation have been identified: lack of biological solutions for some pests, costs of beneficials, low farmer confidence, costs of technical advice, and low pest injury thresholds. Research priorities to promote and improve IPM-BC are proposed on the following domains: (i) emergence and invasion of new whitefly-transmitted viruses; (ii) relevance of B. tabaci biotypes regarding insecticide resistance; (iii) biochemistry and genetics of plant resistance; (iv) economic thresholds and sampling techniques of whiteflies for decision making; and (v) conservation and management of native whitefly natural enemies and improvement of biological control of other tomato pests.


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Durante los cuatro años de disfrute de la beca (2006 – 2009) se ha consolidado una base de datos de medidas osteológicas del esqueleto apendicular de numerosas especies del O. Carnivora. Concretamente, se han medido 364 individuos de 126 especies. Los ejemplares pertenecían a las colecciones del Phyletisches Museum (Jena, Alemania), el Museum für Naturkunde (Berlín, Alemania), el Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Ciutadella (Barcelona, España), el Múseum National d'Histoire Naturelle (París, Francia), y el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid, España). Asimismo, con estos datos se han estado preparando tres artículos sobre la morfología de ciertos elementos del esqueleto apendicular en carnívoros, dos de los cuales se encuentran actualmente en estado de revisión para su publicación científica. Dos de ellos, "Scapula, habitat and locomotion in Carnivora" y "Size and shape in the carnivore scapula", relacionan la morfología escapular con factores como el tamaño del animal, el tipo de locomoción que presenta y el hábitat en el que se encuentra; el primero mediante metodología multivariante (análisis funcional) y el segundo bajo las nuevas técnicas de morfometría geométrica. El tercer artículo, "Scaling and mechanics in the carnivore calcaneus: A comparison of natural and artificial selection", evalúa el efecto de diferentes tipos de selección, natural frente a artificial, sobre la morfología del calcáneo y su influencia en la biomecánica de este hueso. Finalmente, también se ha desarrollado un estudio experimental sobre la búsqueda de estabilidad durante la locomoción arbórea, cuyos resultados han dado lugar al artículo "The search for stability on narrow supports: An experimental study in cats and dogs", que también se halla bajo revisión actualmente.


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Aim: The relative effectiveness of different methods of prevention of HIV transmission is a subject of debate that is renewed with the integration of each new method. The relative weight of values and evidence in decision-making is not always clearly defined. Debate is often confused, as the proponents of different approaches address the issue at different levels of implementation. This paper defines and delineates the successive levels of analysis of effectiveness, and proposes a conceptual framework to clarify debate. Method / Issue: Initially inspired from work on contraceptive effectiveness, a first version of the conceptual framework was published in 1993 with definition of the Condom Effectiveness Matrix (Spencer, 1993). The framework has since integrated and further developed thinking around distinctions made between efficacy and effectiveness and has been applied to HIV prevention in general. Three levels are defined: theoretical effectiveness (ThE), use-effectiveness (UseE) and population use-effectiveness (PopUseE). For example, abstinence and faithfulness, as proposed in the ABC strategy, have relatively high theoretical effectiveness but relatively low effectiveness at subsequent levels of implementation. The reverse is true of circumcision. Each level is associated with specific forms of scientific enquiry and associated research questions: basic and clinical sciences with ThE; clinical and social sciences with UseE; epidemiology and social, economic and political sciences with PopUseE. Similarly, the focus of investigation moves from biological organisms, to the individual at the physiological and then psychological, social and ecological level, and finally takes as perspective populations and societies as a whole. The framework may be applied to analyse issues on any approach. Hence, regarding consideration of HIV treatment as a means of prevention, examples of issues at each level would be: ThE: achieving adequate viral suppression and non-transmission to partners; UseE: facility and degree of adherence to treatment and medical follow-up; PopUseE: perceived validity of strategy, feasibility of achieving adequate population coverage. Discussion: Use of the framework clarifies the questions that need to be addressed at all levels in order to improve effectiveness. Furthermore, the interconnectedness and complementary nature of research from the different scientific disciplines and the relative contribution of each become apparent. The proposed framework could bring greater rationality to the prevention effectiveness debate and facilitate communication between stakeholders.


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Some historians have argued that 1996 marked a ‘second transition’ for Spain because of the return to power of the political right in Madrid and that the relationship and eventual pact between the Partido Popular (PP) and Convergència i Unió (CiU) meant that the state could finally escape the ghosts of its Francoist past. For this research, face-to-face interviews were conducted with Catalan Members of Parliament who served under either José María Aznar or Jordi Pujol in Madrid or Barcelona. Drawing upon both interviews and other evidence, including the analysis of election results and the 1996 Hotel Majestic Agreement, the research seeks to provide a better understanding of the previous relationships between the PP and CiU and their leaders in order to understand what lessons might be learnt that would contribute to anticipating and explaining possible future negotiations between the two parties. This is attempted by first examining the potential costs and benefits of political pacts between centre (Madrid) and periphery (Barcelona). Secondly, due to many interviewees making reference to Salvador Espriu’s work La Pell de Brau, the three routes of Espriu’s Catalan nationalism are put into the context of the political pacts. Finally, the likelihood of future agreements between PP and CiU are hypothesized, not only how those agreements may (or may not) come about, but also, what might the result of those negotiations be. Ultimately, it is concluded that the benefits of the Hotel Majestic Agreement outweighed the costs, thus leaving the door open for future negotiations, even if some of those interviewed disagreed.


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This paper analyses whether a firm’s absorptive capacity and its distance from the technological frontier affect the choice between innovation and imitation in innovative Spanish firms. From an extensive survey of 5,575 firms during the 2004-2009 period, we found two significant results. With regard to the role of absorptive capacity, the empirical evidence shows that when innovative firms have difficulties in accessing external information and hire skilled workers, their innovative capacity is reduced. Meanwhile, with regard to distance from the technological frontier, the firms that reduce this gap manage to increase their innovative capacity at the expense of imitation. To summarise, when we studied firms’ absorptive capacity and their relative position to the technological frontier in tandem, we found that the two factors directly affected firms' ability to innovate or imitate.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the determinants of use internal or external labour market to fill a firm vacancy in SME’s taking into account the differences existing among blue and white collar jobs. Following different theories we can identify three main reasons for use internal candidates rather than external ones‐ firm specific knowledge, adverse selection problems and motivation‐. However, there are others factors that might affect this choice but the last theories don’t take into account. In this paper we try to shed some light on what are these other factors that may affect firm decision to use internal or external labour market. Particularly we analyses the relationship among new technologies, innovation activity and firm location on the staffing strategy. The results shows difference behaviour on the decision to fill a vacancy using internal or external labour markets between manufacturing and service firms, and this decision depends not only on firm internal characteristics, like technological complexity or innovation activity, but also on firm location. The results also support the hypothesis of ports of entry especially in the manufacturing sector.


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Loss-of-function variants in innate immunity genes are associated with Mendelian disorders in the form of primary immunodeficiencies. Recent resequencing projects report that stop-gains and frameshifts are collectively prevalent in humans and could be responsible for some of the inter-individual variability in innate immune response. Current computational approaches evaluating loss-of-function in genes carrying these variants rely on gene-level characteristics such as evolutionary conservation and functional redundancy across the genome. However, innate immunity genes represent a particular case because they are more likely to be under positive selection and duplicated. To create a ranking of severity that would be applicable to innate immunity genes we evaluated 17,764 stop-gain and 13,915 frameshift variants from the NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project and 1,000 Genomes Project. Sequence-based features such as loss of functional domains, isoform-specific truncation and nonsense-mediated decay were found to correlate with variant allele frequency and validated with gene expression data. We integrated these features in a Bayesian classification scheme and benchmarked its use in predicting pathogenic variants against Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) disease stop-gains and frameshifts. The classification scheme was applied in the assessment of 335 stop-gains and 236 frameshifts affecting 227 interferon-stimulated genes. The sequence-based score ranks variants in innate immunity genes according to their potential to cause disease, and complements existing gene-based pathogenicity scores. Specifically, the sequence-based score improves measurement of functional gene impairment, discriminates across different variants in a given gene and appears particularly useful for analysis of less conserved genes.


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Protecting native biodiversity against alien invasive species requires powerful methods to anticipate these invasions and to protect native species assumed to be at risk. Here, we describe how species distribution models (SDMs) can be used to identify areas predicted as suitable for rare native species and also predicted as highly susceptible to invasion by alien species, at present and under future climate and land-use scenarios. To assess the condition and dynamics of such conflicts, we developed a combined predictive modelling (CPM) approach, which predicts species distributions by combining two SDMs fitted using subsets of predictors classified as acting at either regional or local scales. We illustrate the CPM approach for an alien invader and a rare species associated to similar habitats in northwest Portugal. Combined models predict a wider variety of potential species responses, providing more informative projections of species distributions and future dynamics than traditional, non-combined models. They also provide more informative insight regarding current and future rare-invasive conflict areas. For our studied species, conflict areas of highest conservation relevance are predicted to decrease over the next decade, supporting previous reports that some invasive species may contract their geographic range and impact due to climate change. More generally, our results highlight the more informative character of the combined approach to address practical issues in conservation and management programs, especially those aimed at mitigating the impact of invasive plants, land-use and climate changes in sensitive regions