983 resultados para Mammalian Forebrain


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An analysis of the Mycobacterium smegmatis genome suggests that it codes for several thiolases and thiolase-like proteins. Thiolases are an important family of enzymes that are involved in fatty acid metabolism. They occur as either dimers or tetramers. Thiolases catalyze the Claisen condensation of two acetyl-Coenzyme A molecules in the synthetic direction and the thiolytic cleavage of 3-ketoacyl-Coenzyme A molecules in the degradative direction. Some of the M. smegmatis genes have been annotated as thiolases of the poorly characterized SCP2-thiolase subfamily. The mammalian SCP2-thiolase consists of an N-terminal thiolase domain followed by an additional C-terminal domain called sterol carrier protein-2 or SCP2. The M. smegmatis protein selected in the present study, referred to here as the thiolase-like protein type 1 (MsTLP1), has been biochemically and structurally characterized. Unlike classical thiolases, MsTLP1 is a monomer in solution. Its structure has been determined at 2.7 angstrom resolution by the single wavelength anomalous dispersion method. The structure of the protomer confirms that the N-terminal domain has the thiolase fold. An extra C-terminal domain is indeed observed. Interestingly, it consists of six beta-strands forming an anti-parallel beta-barrel which is completely different from the expected SCP2-fold. Detailed sequence and structural comparisons with thiolases show that the residues known to be essential for catalysis are not conserved in MsTLP1. Consistent with this observation, activity measurements show that MsTLP1 does not catalyze the thiolase reaction. This is the first structural report of a monomeric thiolase-like protein from any organism. These studies show that MsTLP1 belongs to a new group of thiolase related proteins of unknown function.


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Phospholipids, the major structural components of membranes, can also have functions in regulating signaling pathways in plants under biotic and abiotic stress. The effects of adding phospholipids on the activity of stress-induced calcium dependent protein kinase (CaCDPK1) from chickpea are reported here. Both autophosphorylation as well as phosphorylation of the added substrate were enhanced specifically by phosphatidylcholine and to a lesser extent by phosphatidic acid, but not by phosphatidylethanolamine. Diacylgylerol, the neutral lipid known to activate mammalian PKC, stimulated CaCDPK1 but at higher concentrations. Increase in V-max of the enzyme activity by these phospholipids significantly decreased the K-m indicating that phospholipids enhance the affinity towards its substrate. In the absence of calcium, addition of phospholipids had no effect on the negligible activity of the enzyme. Intrinsic fluorescence intensity of the CaCDPK1 protein was quenched on adding PA and PC. Higher binding affinity was found with PC (K-1/2 = 114 nM) compared to PA (K-1/2 = 335 nM). We also found that the concentration of PA increased in chickpea plants under salt stress. The stimulation by PA and PC suggests regulation of CaCDPK1 by these phospholipids during stress response.


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Multidrug-resistant Salmonella serovars have been a recent concern in curing infectious diseases like typhoid. Salmonella BaeS and BaeR are the two-component system (TCS) that signal transduction proteins found to play an important role in its multidrug resistance. A canonical TCS comprises a histidine kinase (HK) and its cognate partner response regulator (RR). The general approaches for therapeutic targeting are either the catalytic ATP-binding domain or the dimerization domain HisKA (DHp) of the HK, and in some cases, the receiver or the regulatory domain of the RR proteins. Earlier efforts of identifying novel drugs targeting the signal transduction protein have not been quite successful, as it shares similar ATP-binding domain with the key house keeping gene products of the mammalian GHL family. However, targeting the dimerization domain of HisKA through which the signals are received from the RR can be a better approach. In this article, we show stepwise procedure to specifically identify the key interacting residues involved in the dimerization with the RR along with effective targeting by ligands screened from the public database. We have found a few inhibitors which target effectively the important residues for the dimerization activity. Our results suggest a plausible de novo design of better DHp domain inhibitors.


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Most ecosystems have multiple predator species that not only compete for shared prey, but also pose direct threats to each other. These intraguild interactions are key drivers of carnivore community structure, with ecosystem-wide cascading effects. Yet, behavioral mechanisms for coexistence of multiple carnivore species remain poorly understood. The challenges of studying large, free-ranging carnivores have resulted in mainly coarse-scale examination of behavioral strategies without information about all interacting competitors. We overcame some of these challenges by examining the concurrent fine-scale movement decisions of almost all individuals of four large mammalian carnivore species in a closed terrestrial system. We found that the intensity of intraguild interactions did not follow a simple hierarchical allometric pattern, because spatial and behavioral tactics of subordinate species changed with threat and resource levels across seasons. Lions (Panthera leo) were generally unrestricted and anchored themselves in areas rich in not only their principal prey, but also, during periods of resource limitation (dry season), rich in the main prey for other carnivores. Because of this, the greatest cost (potential intraguild predation) for subordinate carnivores was spatially coupled with the highest potential benefit of resource acquisition (prey-rich areas), especially in the dry season. Leopard (P. pardus) and cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) overlapped with the home range of lions but minimized their risk using fine-scaled avoidance behaviors and restricted resource acquisition tactics. The cost of intraguild competition was most apparent for cheetahs, especially during the wet season, as areas with energetically rewarding large prey (wildebeest) were avoided when they overlapped highly with the activity areas of lions. Contrary to expectation, the smallest species (African wild dog, Lycaon pictus) did not avoid only lions, but also used multiple tactics to minimize encountering all other competitors. Intraguild competition thus forced wild dogs into areas with the lowest resource availability year round. Coexistence of multiple carnivore species has typically been explained by dietary niche separation, but our multi-scaled movement results suggest that differences in resource acquisition may instead be a consequence of avoiding intraguild competition. We generate a more realistic representation of hierarchical behavioral interactions that may ultimately drive spatially explicit trophic structures of multi-predator communities.


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For the purpose of water purification, novel and low-cost adsorbents which are promising replacements for activated carbon are being actively pursued. However, a single-phase material that adsorbs both cationic and anionic species remains elusive. Hence, a low-cost, multiphase adsorbent bed that purifies water containing both anionic and cationic pollutants is a desirable alternative. We choose anionic (Congo red, Orange G) and cationic (methylene blue, malachite green) dyes as model pollutants. These dyes are chosen since they are widely found in effluents from textile, leather, fishery, and pharmaceutical industries, and their carcinogenic, mutagenic, genotoxic, and cytotoxic impact on mammalian cells is well-established. We show that ZnO, (Zn0.24Cu0.76)O and cobalt ferrite based multiphase fixed adsorbent bed efficiently adsorbs model anionic (Congo red, Orange G) and cationic (methylene blue and malachite green) pollutants, and their complex mixtures. All adsorbent phases are synthesized using room-temperature, high-yield (similar to 96-100%), green chemical processes. The nanoadsorbents are characterized by using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analysis, and zeta potential measurements. The constituent nanophases are deliberately chosen to be beyond 50 nm, in order to avoid the nanotoxic size regime of oxides. Adsorption characteristics of each of the phases are examined. Isotherm based analysis shows that adsorption is both spontaneous and highly favorable. zeta potential measurements indicate that electrostatic interactions are the primary driving force for the observed adsorption behavior. The isotherms obtained are best described using a composite Langmuir-Freundlich model. Pseudo-first-order, rapid kinetics is observed (with adsorption rate constants as high as 0.1-0.2 min(-1) in some cases). Film diffusion is shown to be the primary mechanism of adsorption.


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Spatial information at the landscape scale is extremely important for conservation planning, especially in the case of long-ranging vertebrates. The biodiversity-rich Anamalai hill ranges in the Western Ghats of southern India hold a viable population for the long-term conservation of the Asian elephant. Through rapid but extensive field surveys we mapped elephant habitat, corridors, vegetation and land-use patterns, estimated the elephant population density and structure, and assessed elephant-human conflict across this landscape. GIS and remote sensing analyses indicate that elephants are distributed among three blocks over a total area of about 4600 km(2). Approximately 92% remains contiguous because of four corridors; however, under 4000 km2 of this area may be effectively used by elephants. Nine landscape elements were identified, including five natural vegetation types, of which tropical moist deciduous forest is dominant. Population density assessed through the dung count method using line transects covering 275 km of walk across the effective elephant habitat of the landscape yielded a mean density of 1.1 (95% Cl = 0.99-1.2) elephant/km(2). Population structure from direct sighting of elephants showed that adult male elephants constitute just 2.9% and adult females 42.3% of the population with the rest being subadults (27.4%), juveniles (16%) and calves (11.4%). Sex ratios show an increasing skew toward females from juvenile (1:1.8) to sub-adult (1:2.4) and adult (1:14.7) indicating higher mortality of sub-adult and adult males that is most likely due to historical poaching for ivory. A rapid questionnaire survey and secondary data on elephant-human conflict from forest department records reveals that villages in and around the forest divisions on the eastern side of landscape experience higher levels of elephant-human conflict than those on the western side; this seems to relate to a greater degree of habitat fragmentation and percentage farmers cultivating annual crops in the east. We provide several recommendations that could help maintain population viability and reduce elephant-human conflict of the Anamalai elephant landscape. (C) 2013 Deutsche Gesellschaft far Saugetierkunde. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Due to environmental concerns, health hazards to man and the evolution of resistance in insect pests, there have been constant efforts to discover newer insecticides both from natural sources and by chemical synthesis. Natural sources for novel molecules hold promise in view of their eco-friendly nature, selectivity and mammalian safety. We have isolated one natural bioactive molecule from the leaves of Lantana camara named Coumaran, based on various physical-chemical and spectroscopic techniques (IR, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR and MS). Coumaran is highly toxic and very low concentration is needed for control of stored product insects. This molecule has potent grain protectant potential and caused significant reduction in F1 progeny of all the three species in the treated grain and the progeny was completely suppressed at 30 mu g/l. The differences in germination between the control and treated grains were not significant. The lack of any adverse effect of Coumaran on the seed germination is highly desirable for a grain protectant, becoming a potential source of biofumigant for economical and environmentally friendly pest control strategies against stored grain pests during storage of grains or pulses. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The growth of axons is an intricately regulated process involving intracellular signaling cascades and gene transcription. We had previously shown that the stimulus-dependent transcription factor, serum response factor (SRF), plays a critical role in regulating axon growth in the mammalian brain. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying SRF-dependent axon growth remains unknown. Here we report that SRF is phosphorylated and activated by GSK-3 to promote axon outgrowth in mouse hippocampal neurons. GSK-3 binds to and directly phosphorylates SRF on a highly conserved serine residue. This serine phosphorylation is necessary for SRF activity and for its interaction with MKL-family cofactors, MKL1 and MKL2, but not with TCF-family cofactor, ELK-1. Axonal growth deficits caused by GSK-3 inhibition could be rescued by expression of a constitutively active SRF. The SRF target gene and actin-binding protein, vinculin, is sufficient to overcome the axonal growth deficits of SRF-deficient and GSK-3-inhibited neurons. Furthermore, short hairpin RNA-mediated knockdown of vinculin also attenuated axonal growth. Thus, our findings reveal a novel phosphorylation and activation of SRF by GSK-3 that is critical for SRF-dependent axon growth in mammalian central neurons.


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Cytosolic nucleotidase II (cN-II) from Legionellapneumophila (Lp) catalyzes the hydrolysis of GMP and dGMP displaying sigmoidal curves, whereas catalysis of IMP hydrolysis displayed a biphasic curve in the initial rate versus substrate concentration plots. Allosteric modulators of mammalian cN-II did not activate LpcN-II although GTP, GDP and the substrate GMP were specific activators. Crystal structures of the tetrameric LpcN-II revealed an activator-binding site at the dimer interface. A double mutation in this allosteric-binding site abolished activation, confirming the structural observations. The substrate GMP acting as an activator, partitioning between the allosteric and active site, is the basis for the sigmoidicity of the initial velocity versus GMP concentration plot. The LpcN-II tetramer showed differences in subunit organization upon activator binding that are absent in the activator-bound human cN-II structure. This is the first observation of a structural change induced by activator binding in cN-II that may be the molecular mechanism for enzyme activation. DatabaseThe coordinates and structure factors reported in this paper have been submitted to the Protein Data Bank under the accession numbers and . The accession number of GMP complexed LpcN-II is . Structured digital abstract andby() andby() Structured digital abstract was added on 5 March 2014 after original online publication]


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Background: Heat shock factor binding protein (HSBP) was originally discovered in a yeast two-hybrid screen as an interacting partner of heat shock factor (HSF). It appears to be conserved in all eukaryotes studied so far, with yeast being the only exception. Cell biological analysis of HSBP in mammals suggests its role as a negative regulator of heat shock response as it appears to interact with HSF only during the recovery phase following exposure to heat stress. While the identification of HSF in the malaria parasite is still eluding biologists, this study for the first time, reports the presence of a homologue of HSBP in Plasmodium falciparum. Methods: PfHSBP was cloned and purified as his-tag fusion protein. CD (Circular dichroism) spectroscopy was performed to predict the secondary structure. Immunoblots and immunofluorescence approaches were used to study expression and localization of HSBP in P. falciparum. Cellular fractionation was performed to examine subcellular distribution of PfHSBP. Immunoprecipitation was carried out to identify HSBP interacting partner in P. falciparum. Results: PfHSBP is a conserved protein with a high helical content and has a propensity to form homo-oligomers. PfHSBP was cloned, expressed and purified. The in vivo protein expression profile shows maximal expression in trophozoites. The protein was found to exist in oligomeric form as trimer and hexamer. PfHSBP is predominantly localized in the parasite cytosol, however, upon heat shock, it translocates to the nucleus. This study also reports the interaction of PfHSBP with PfHSP70-1 in the cytoplasm of the parasite. Conclusions: This study emphasizes the structural and biochemical conservation of PfHSBP with its mammalian counterpart and highlights its potential role in regulation of heat shock response in the malaria parasite. Analysis of HSBP may be an important step towards identification of the transcription factor regulating the heat shock response in P. falciparum.


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Iodothyronine deiodinases (IDs) are mammalian selenoenzymes that play an important role in the activation and inactivation pound of thyroid hormones. It is known that iodothyronamines (TnAMs), produced by the decarboxylation of thyroid hormones, act as substrates for deiodinases. To understand whether decarboxylation alters the rate and/or regioselectivity of deiodination by using synthetic deiodinase mimics, we studied the deiodination of different iodothyronamines. The triiodo derivative 3,3',5-triiodothyronamine (T3AM) is deiodinated at the inner ring by naphthyl-based deiodinase mimics, which is similar to the deiodination of 3,3',5-triiodothyronine (T3). However, T3AM under-goes much slower deiodination than T3. Detailed experimental and theoretical investigations suggest that T3AM forms a weaker halogen bond with selenium donors than T3. Kinetic studies and single-crystal X-ray structures of T3 and T3AM reveal that intermolecular I center dot center dot center dot I interactions may play an important role in deiodination. The formation of hydrogen- and halogen-bonding assemblies, which leads to the formation of a dimeric species of T3 in solution, facilitates the interactions between the selenium and iodine atoms. In contrast, T3AM, which does not have I center dot center dot I interactions, undergoes much slower deiodination.


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Redox imbalance generates multiple cellular damages leading to oxidative stress-mediated pathological conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases and cancer progression. Therefore, maintenance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis is most important that involves well-defined antioxidant machinery. In the present study, we have identified for the first time a component of mammalian protein translocation machinery Magmas to perform a critical ROS regulatory function. Magmas overexpression has been reported in highly metabolically active tissues and cancer cells that are prone to oxidative damage. We found that Magmas regulates cellular ROS levels by controlling its production as well as scavenging. Magmas promotes cellular tolerance toward oxidative stress by enhancing antioxidant enzyme activity, thus preventing induction of apoptosis and damage to cellular components. Magmas enhances the activity of electron transport chain (ETC) complexes, causing reduced ROS production. Our results suggest that J-like domain of Magmas is essential for maintenance of redox balance. The function of Magmas as a ROS sensor was found to be independent of its role in protein import. The unique ROS modulatory role of Magmas is highlighted by its ability to increase cell tolerance to oxidative stress even in yeast model organism. The cytoprotective capability of Magmas against oxidative damage makes it an important candidate for future investigation in therapeutics of oxidative stress-related diseases.


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In this study, we combine available high resolution structural information on eukaryotic ribosomes with low resolution cryo-EM data on the Hepatitis C Viral RNA (IRES) human ribosome complex. Aided further by the prediction of RNA-protein interactions and restrained docking studies, we gain insights on their interaction at the residue level. We identified the components involved at the major and minor contact regions, and propose that there are energetically favorable local interactions between 40S ribosomal proteins and IRES domains. Domain II of the IRES interacts with ribosomal proteins S5 and S25 while the pseudoknot and the downstream domain IV region bind to ribosomal proteins S26, S28 and S5. We also provide support using UV cross-linking studies to validate our proposition of interaction between the S5 and IRES domains II and IV. We found that domain IIIe makes contact with the ribosomal protein S3a (S1e). Our model also suggests that the ribosomal protein S27 interacts with domain IIIc while S7 has a weak contact with a single base RNA bulge between junction IIIabc and IIId. The interacting residues are highly conserved among mammalian homologs while IRES RNA bases involved in contact do not show strict conservation. IRES RNA binding sites for S25 and S3a show the best conservation among related viral IRESs. The new contacts identified between ribosomal proteins and RNA are consistent with previous independent studies on RNA-binding properties of ribosomal proteins reported in literature, though information at the residue level is not available in previous studies.


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A new colorimetric probe has been developed for the detection and estimation of Pd-II at sub-nanomolar concentrations. The probe consisted of rhodamine (signaling unit), which was linked with a bis-picolyl moiety (binding site) through a phenyl ring. Pd-II induced opening of the spirolactam ring of the probe with the generation of a prominent pink color. The excellent selectivity of the probe towards Pd-II over Pd-0 or Rh-II ensured its potential utility for the detection of residual palladium contamination in pharma-ceutical drugs and in Pd-catalyzed reactions. The probe showed a ``turn-on'' (bright yellow) fluorescence upon the addition of Pd-II, which made it suitable for the detection of Pd contaminants in mammalian cells.


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Nanomaterials with enzyme-like properties has attracted significant interest, although limited information is available on their biological activities in cells. Here we show that V2O5 nanowires (Vn) functionally mimic the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase by using cellular glutathione. Although bulk V2O5 is known to be toxic to the cells, the property is altered when converted into a nanomaterial form. The Vn nanozymes readily internalize into mammalian cells of multiple origin (kidney, neuronal, prostate, cervical) and exhibit robust enzyme-like activity by scavenging the reactive oxygen species when challenged against intrinsic and extrinsic oxidative stress. The Vn nanozymes fully restore the redox balance without perturbing the cellular antioxidant defense, thus providing an important cytoprotection for biomolecules against harmful oxidative damage. Based on our findings, we envision that biocompatible Vn nanowires can provide future therapeutic potential to prevent ageing, cardiac disorders and several neurological conditions, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.