978 resultados para Male Choice


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Le choix de partenaire est souvent considéré comme étant le résultat d’une simple interaction, mais, en nature, l’environnement social dans lequel les animaux communiquent correspond généralement à un réseau d’émetteurs et de récepteurs. La présence de congénères, de rivaux, et même de prédateurs durant le choix de partenaire peut avoir plusieurs répercussions sur ce choix. Être observé par une audience composée de congénères de même sexe peut pousser certaines espèces à modifier le niveau d’expression de leurs préférences, et même à modifier ces préférences pour réduire la compétition ou éviter d’être imitées. La préférence de plusieurs femelles diamant mandarin pour deux mâles a été mesurée en absence et en présence d’une audience femelle pour déterminer si la présence de rivales a des effets sur le choix de partenaire des femelles. De plus, afin de déterminer si ces effets varient en fonction de la qualité des femelles focales et audience, la condition de plusieurs femelles a été altérée en diminuant leur capacité à voler. Selon les résultats, les femelles diminuent leur niveau de sélectivité suite à l’ajout d’une audience femelle, et l’intensité des interactions mâle-femelle dépend de la condition des femelles focales. Les femelles ajustent leur comportement surtout pour éviter d’être imitées et non en fonction de leur condition. Cependant, ces deux mécanismes peuvent affecter les femelles simultanément.


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A choice function is backwards-induction rationalizable if there exists a finite perfect-information extensive-form game such that, for each subset of alternatives, the backwards-induction outcome of the restriction of the game to that subset of alternatives coincides with the choice from that subset. We prove that every choice function is backwards-induction rationalizable.


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Dans les études sur le transport, les modèles de choix de route décrivent la sélection par un utilisateur d’un chemin, depuis son origine jusqu’à sa destination. Plus précisément, il s’agit de trouver dans un réseau composé d’arcs et de sommets la suite d’arcs reliant deux sommets, suivant des critères donnés. Nous considérons dans le présent travail l’application de la programmation dynamique pour représenter le processus de choix, en considérant le choix d’un chemin comme une séquence de choix d’arcs. De plus, nous mettons en œuvre les techniques d’approximation en programmation dynamique afin de représenter la connaissance imparfaite de l’état réseau, en particulier pour les arcs éloignés du point actuel. Plus précisément, à chaque fois qu’un utilisateur atteint une intersection, il considère l’utilité d’un certain nombre d’arcs futurs, puis une estimation est faite pour le restant du chemin jusqu’à la destination. Le modèle de choix de route est implanté dans le cadre d’un modèle de simulation de trafic par événements discrets. Le modèle ainsi construit est testé sur un modèle de réseau routier réel afin d’étudier sa performance.


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Single-basined preferences generalize single-dipped preferences by allowing for multiple worst elements. These preferences have played an important role in areas such as voting, strategy-proofness and matching problems. We examine the notion of single-basinedness in a choice-theoretic setting. In conjunction with independence of irrelevant alternatives, single-basined choice implies a structure that conforms to the motivation underlying our definition. We also establish the consequenes of requiring single-basined choice correspondences to be upper semicontinuous, and of the revealed preference relation to be Suzumura consistent. Journal of Economic Literature.


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We complete the development of a testing ground for axioms of discrete stochastic choice. Our contribution here is to develop new posterior simulation methods for Bayesian inference, suitable for a class of prior distributions introduced by McCausland and Marley (2013). These prior distributions are joint distributions over various choice distributions over choice sets of di fferent sizes. Since choice distributions over di fferent choice sets can be mutually dependent, previous methods relying on conjugate prior distributions do not apply. We demonstrate by analyzing data from a previously reported experiment and report evidence for and against various axioms.


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Plusieurs patients atteints d’un cancer de la prostate (CaP) se verront prescrire l'hormonothérapie (HT) en raison du stade avancé ou en cas d’une récidive de la maladie, pour freiner la progression de la maladie et améliorer leur survie. Cependant, l’HT présente des effets pouvant nuire significativement à la santé du patient.


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We study the problem of deriving a complete welfare ordering from a choice function. Under the sequential solution, the best alternative is the alternative chosen from the universal set; the second best is the one chosen when the best alternative is removed; and so on. We show that this is the only completion of Bernheim and Rangel's (2009) welfare relation that satisfies two natural axioms: neutrality, which ensures that the names of the alternatives are welfare-irrelevant; and persistence, which stipulates that every choice function between two welfare-identical choice functions must exhibit the same welfare ordering.


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Full Text / Article complet


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I provide choice-theoretic foundations for a simple two-stage model, called transitive shortlist methods, where choices are made by sequentially by applying a pair of transitive preferences (or rationales) to eliminate inferior alternatives. Despite its simplicity, the model accommodates a wide range of choice phenomena including the status quo bias, framing, homophily, compromise, and limited willpower. I establish that the model can be succinctly characterized in terms of some well-documented context effects in choice. I also show that the underlying rationales are straightforward to determine from readily observable reversals in choice. Finally, I highlight the usefulness of these results in a variety of applications.


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Note de l'éditeur : This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It is not the copy of record. / Cet article ne constitue pas la version officielle, et peut différer de la version publiée dans la revue.


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This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the journal. It is not the copy of record. / Cet article ne constitue pas la version officielle, et peut différer de la version publiée dans la revue.


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Ever since Ellen Moer's "Literary Women" (1976), "Frankenstein" has been recognized as a novel in which issues about authorship are intimately bound up with those of gender. The work has frequently been related to the circumstance of Shelley's combining the biological role of mother with the social role of author. [...]


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This thesis entitled “Histological ,Histochemical and biochemical characterisation of male morphotypes of macrobrachium rosenbergii(De Man). The giant fresh water prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) is emerging as a prime candidate species in fresh water aquaculture as a global basis and therefore, receiving much attention in recent years.the present work was aimed at to study the histological variations, if any, in the reproductive system viz. testes, vas deferens including androgenic gland, hepatopancreas and the neurosecretory system viz. eye stalk, brain and thoracic ganglion among the male morphotypes and their transitional stages of M.rosenbergii from growouts. This study was also aimed at to bring out the histochemical variations, if any, in the reproductive system comprising of testes, vas deferens including androgenic gland and the hepatopancreas among the male morphotypes and their transitional stages collected from growouts. Biochemical characterisation of various male morphotyes and their transitional stages have also been attempted in order to find out biochemical evidence, if any, in the morphotypic transformation.Histological study of the testes of three male morphotypes viz., SM, SOC and SBC and their 'transitional stages viz., WOC, tSOC, WBC and OBC have been carried out with a view to unravel the structural and functional differences of the testes, if any, of these morphotypes. Studies on the lipid components viz., cholesterol, phospholipid and triglyceride In the muscle tissue and hepatopancreas have been carried out.


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This thesis Entitled Buyer information and brand choice behaviour in markets with asymmetries.The period of transition set in by globalization and liberalization has ensued a onsiderable degree of homogeneity with western societies with respect to quantity and quality of goods and services.The study is aimed at finding out how the buyers adapt to the prevalent complex and dynamic market configuration by taking an archetypical situation of information gathering and brand- choice decision of select household consumer durables.The study was based on a set of 301 sample respondents who were either first time purchasers or repeat purchasers for household use, of the items under study in the sample area comprising of rural, urban and semi-urban areas. Data were collected using interview schedule and analysis of the same was done with standard statistical computer programs.Buyer confidence as perceived by buyers with respect to information acquisition and brand-choice represents the felt competence to effectively function in the market.In general, lower levels of education, income and occupation showed lower levels of search. The oldest were also low searchers. The repeat purchasers of the product searched less than the first purchasers. The most important source of information was word of mouth or information from others followed by television advertisements. The least important source of information was billboards, displays and similar forms of advertisements.The second factor is characterized by items representing ‘social attributes’ like, use by many others, use by peers, recommendation by significant others and reputation of the brand. The third factor represents ‘susceptibility to incentives and promotions’.


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The primary theoretical accounts of migration have been largely unaffected by the feminisation of migration. But this does not mean that they are gender neutral. Drawing on the concept of gender knowledge developed by German sociologists Irene Dölling and Sünne Andresen, on the feminist critique of knowledge, feminist economics and studies on gender and migration, the paper interrogates two influential models of migration from neoclassical economics for their gendered assumptions: the Roy-Borjas selection model of migration and Jacob Mincer’s model of family migration. An analysis of their gendered assumptions about the individual, the family, the institution of the labour market and immigration policies shows that both theories explicitly and implicitly assume a male migrant as the norm and frame female migrants as passive dependents. However, the paper argues that it is not “men as such” who serve as prototypical migrants, but a specific type of white, heterosexual and middle-class masculinity, which is set as the norm while other migration realities and knowledge about the structuration of migration processes through social relations of gender, race and class are excluded. Finally, it is argued that with knowledge being a powerful site for the production of meaning in social relations, the gender knowledge in mainstream migration theories could lead to discriminatory migration policies and might also affect migrant subjectivities. This underscores the need for a more sustained dialogue between feminist and mainstream migration scholarship to further engender the field.