919 resultados para Machine to Machine


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A simple method of controlling the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) is presented. The controller comprises two Proportional-Integral (PI) modules and requires only the rotor speed feedback. The machine model and the control system are developed in MATLAB. Both simulation and experimental results are presented. The performance of the system is presented in the motoring and generating operations. The experimental tests included in this paper were carried out on a 180 frame size BDFM with a nested-loop rotor. © 2007 IEEE.


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The paper presents a novel vector control structure for the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) which is derived based on the machine synchronous operation. In fact, the synchronous operation of the BDFM provides an efficient approach for determining the required reference angle in the machine vector control structure. The utilization of such reference angle makes the vector control structure presented in this paper different from and, in fact, more effective than the existing rotor flux and stator flux orientation schemes proposed for the machine. The results of implementing the vector control scheme in simulations confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach for the BDFM control. © 2010 IEEE.


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The aerodynamic design of turbomachinery presents the design optimisation community with a number of exquisite challenges. Chief among these are the size of the design space and the extent of discontinuity therein. This discontinuity can serve to limit the full exploitation of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD): such codes require detailed geometric information often available only sometime after the basic configuration of the machine has been set by other means. The premise of this paper is that it should be possible to produce higher performing designs in less time by exploiting multi-fidelity techniques to effectively harness CFD earlier in the design process, specifically by facilitating its participation in configuration selection. The adopted strategy of local multi-fidelity correction, generated on demand, combined with a global search algorithm via an adaptive trust region is first tested on a modest, smooth external aerodynamic problem. Speed-up of an order of magnitude is demonstrated, comparable to established techniques applied to smooth problems. A number of enhancements aimed principally at effectively evaluating a wide range of configurations quickly is then applied to the basic strategy, and the emerging technique is tested on a generic aeroengine core compression system. A similar order of magnitude speed-up is achieved on this relatively large and highly discontinuous problem. A five-fold increase in the number of configurations assessed with CFD is observed. As the technique places constraints neither on the underlying physical modelling of the constituent analysis codes nor on first-order agreement between those codes, it has potential applicability to a range of multidisciplinary design challenges. © 2012 by Jerome Jarrett and Tiziano Ghisu.


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We investigate the Student-t process as an alternative to the Gaussian process as a non-parametric prior over functions. We derive closed form expressions for the marginal likelihood and predictive distribution of a Student-t process, by integrating away an inverse Wishart process prior over the co-variance kernel of a Gaussian process model. We show surprising equivalences between different hierarchical Gaussian process models leading to Student-t processes, and derive a new sampling scheme for the inverse Wishart process, which helps elucidate these equivalences. Overall, we show that a Student-t process can retain the attractive properties of a Gaussian process - a nonparamet-ric representation, analytic marginal and predictive distributions, and easy model selection through covariance kernels - but has enhanced flexibility, and predictive covariances that, unlike a Gaussian process, explicitly depend on the values of training observations. We verify empirically that a Student-t process is especially useful in situations where there are changes in covariance structure, or in applications such as Bayesian optimization, where accurate predictive covariances are critical for good performance. These advantages come at no additional computational cost over Gaussian processes.


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Two-dimensional photonic crystals in near infrared region were fabricated by using the focused ion beam ( FIB) method and the method of electron-beam lithography (EBL) combined with dry etching. Both methods can fabricate perfect crystals, the method of FIB is simple,the other is more complicated. It is shown that the material with the photonic crystal fabricated by FIB has no fluorescence,on the other hand, the small-lattice photonic crystal made by EBL combined with dry etching can enhance the extraction efficiency two folds, though the photonic crystal has some disorder. The mechanisms of the enhanced-emission and the absence of emission are also discussed.


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Studying chaotic behavior in nonlinear systems requires numerous computations in order to simulate the behavior of such systems. The Standard Map Machine was designed and implemented as a special computer for performing these intensive computations with high-speed and high-precision. Its impressive performance is due to its simple architecture specialized to the numerical computations required of nonlinear systems. This report discusses the design and implementation of the Standard Map Machine and its use in the study of nonlinear mappings; in particular, the study of the standard map.


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Reconstructing a surface from sparse sensory data is a well known problem in computer vision. Early vision modules typically supply sparse depth, orientation and discontinuity information. The surface reconstruction module incorporates these sparse and possibly conflicting measurements of a surface into a consistent, dense depth map. The coupled depth/slope model developed here provides a novel computational solution to the surface reconstruction problem. This method explicitly computes dense slope representation as well as dense depth representations. This marked change from previous surface reconstruction algorithms allows a natural integration of orientation constraints into the surface description, a feature not easily incorporated into earlier algorithms. In addition, the coupled depth/ slope model generalizes to allow for varying amounts of smoothness at different locations on the surface. This computational model helps conceptualize the problem and leads to two possible implementations- analog and digital. The model can be implemented as an electrical or biological analog network since the only computations required at each locally connected node are averages, additions and subtractions. A parallel digital algorithm can be derived by using finite difference approximations. The resulting system of coupled equations can be solved iteratively on a mesh-pf-processors computer, such as the Connection Machine. Furthermore, concurrent multi-grid methods are designed to speed the convergence of this digital algorithm.