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S’ha estudiat la bioacumulació de contaminants orgànics persistents en el múscul d’una espècie de peix en dos punts del litoral català: al Port de Barcelona i a la costa de Blanes. Citharus linguatula ha estat escollida per les seves característiques d’hàbitats (està més exposada a la contaminació al ser una espècie bentònica). La metodologia emprada consisteix en la homogeneïtzació amb sulfat de sodi i una extracció assistida amb microones amb n-hexà-acetona(1:1 v/v) durant 20 minuts. Els extractes es netegen i es fraccionen amb una columna cromatogràfica d’alúmina que permet la separació dels extractes en dos fraccions: un amb la majoria dels compostos organoclorats (hexaclorbenzè, DDTs, ciclodiens clorats i policlorbifenils) i l’altre amb els isòmers hexaclorciclohexans i els PAHs. Aquestes dos fraccions són posteriorment analitzades en el GC-MS. S’ha pogut corroborar l’elevada presència de PCBs a Barcelona, així com que en aquest punt de mostreig les espècies estan més exposades a la contaminació per organoclorats. S’ha identificat la presència de DDTs en els dos llocs estudiats. Pel que fa als PAHs s’ha pogut observar que a Barcelona també hi ha més presència d’aquests. Cal destacar que la concentració obtinguda dels compostos no es pot donar com a vàlida per l’existència d’indicis d’errors experimentals o d’injecció.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la universitat d'Udine, Itàlia, entre setembre i desembre del 2006.S'han caracteritzat mitjançant la reducció a temperatura programada i tests catalítics catalitzadors en pols basats en cobalt i supostats en òxid de zinc i monòlits ceràmics funcionaliltzats també amb cobalt i òxid de zinc. L'addició de promotors (manganès, crom i ferro ) als catalitzadors en pols, preparats per impregnació i precipitació, no afecta significativament ni la temperatura a la qual té lloc la reducció ni al percentatge global de reducció. En els cicles de reducció-oxidació sí que s'observen diferències entre el primer perfil de reducció i els següents, especialment en el cas de la mostra que té ferro com a promotor, on les diferències s'accentuen en cicles successius (fins al quart). S'ha evaluat l'activitat d'aquests catalitzadors en la reacció de desplaçament de gas d'aigua, obtenint uns resultats satisfactoris. Finalment s'han realitzat reduccions a temperatura programada i tests catalítics en la reacció de desplaçament de gas d'aigua amb monòlits funcionalitzats amb cobalt i òxid de zinc (en cap d'ells s'ha introduït promotors). El nivell de conversió assolit és menor que en el cas de catalitzadors en pols, fet que s'associa a la geometria d'aquests sistemes catalítics, però la relació CH4/CO2 és més favorable que en els catalitzadors en pols, el que els converteix en sistemes molt selectius.


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The paper studies the interaction between cyclical uncertainty and investment in a stochastic real option framework where demand shifts stochastically between three different states, each with different rates of drift and volatility. In our setting the shifts are governed by a three-state Markov switching model with constant transition probabilities. The magnitude of the link between cyclical uncertainty and investment is quantified using simulations of the model. The chief implication of the model is that recessions and financial turmoil are important catalysts for waiting. In other words, our model shows that macroeconomic risk acts as an important deterrent to investments.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, entre 2007 i 2009. Aquest projecte descriu la síntesi i aplicació de nous tipus de membranes compòsit basades en xarxes metal•loorgàniques (MOFs). Aquestes es van seleccionar tenint en compte les seves propietats estructurals per tal de discriminar les espècies a separar en funció de la seva mida molecular. Les membranes obtingudes s'han aplicat satisfactòriament tant en separacions líquides, concretament en nanofiltració resistent a dissolvents (SRNF), i en separació de parells de gasos com CO2/CH4, CO2/N2 i H2/CO2. Els resultats obtinguts posen de manifest l'obtenció de membranes sense defectes i amb rendiments prometedors, en la majoria dels casos, amb permeabilitats i selectivitats superiors a membranes purament polimèriques. Tanmateix s'ha desenvolupat un nou equipament d'alt rendiment (HT) per a separacions de gasos que inclou un mòdul que permet realitzar 16 experiments simultàniament. Els resultats obtinguts amb el nou equip són comparables amb els obtinguts amb mòduls convencionals, i alhora presenten una millor reproduïbilitat. Finalment, s'ha establert un nou mètode per a obtenir membranes per a SRNF, que han estat aplicades en processos de separació de catalitzadors homogenis en dissolvents polars apròtics i s'han caracteritzat emprant la tècnica d'espectroscòpia d'annihilació de positrons, que ha permès establir per primer cop una relació entre les propietats estructurals de les membranes a nivell molecular i el seu rendiment en les aplicacions anteriors.


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Street demonstrations have received the lion's share of scholarly attention to collective action. This article starts by returning to this research in order to raise some methodological questions about how to collect data on demonstrations and on the validity of the subsequent results. Next, based on my own research on demonstrations, I suggest some questions that deserve to be analyzed. In particular, I argue that we should work more on the psychological effects of participation in demonstrations. One potential line of investigation would be to more systematically explore the socializing effects of political events. Indeed, vivid political events should be important catalysts because they can have significant effects. Events may have an impact at any age but socializing effects will differ based on one's position in the life cycle, from conversion for younger participants to substantiation for older participants. I hypothesize, in line with Mannheim's (1952) "impressionable years" model of socialization research, that people especially recall events as important if they happened in their adolescence or early adulthood.


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The origin of andesite is an important issue in petrology because andesite is the main eruptive product at convergent margins, corresponds to the average crustal composition and is often associated with major Cu-Au mineralization. In this study we present petrographic, mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic data for basaltic andesites of the latest Pleistocene Pilavo volcano, one of the most frontal volcanoes of the Ecuadorian Quaternary arc, situated upon thick (30-50 km) mafic crust composed of accreted Cretaceous oceanic plateau rocks and overlying mafic to intermediate Late Cretaceous-Late Tertiary magmatic arcs. The Pilavo rocks are basaltic andesites (54-57 center dot 5 wt % SiO(2)) with a tholeiitic affinity as opposed to the typical calc-alkaline high-silica andesites and dacites (SiO(2) 59-66 wt %) of other frontal arc volcanoes of Ecuador (e.g. Pichincha, Pululahua). They have much higher incompatible element contents (e.g. Sr 650-1350 ppm, Ba 650-1800 ppm, Zr 100-225 ppm, Th 5-25 ppm, La 15-65 ppm) and Th/La ratios (0 center dot 28-0 center dot 36) than Pichincha and Pululahua, and more primitive Sr ((87)Sr/(86)Sr similar to 0 center dot 7038-0 center dot 7039) and Nd (epsilon(Nd) similar to +5 center dot 5 to +6 center dot 1) isotopic signatures. Pilavo andesites have geochemical affinities with modern and recent high-MgO andesites (e.g. low-silica adakites, Setouchi sanukites) and, especially, with Archean sanukitoids, for both of which incompatible element enrichments are believed to result from interactions of slab melts with peridotitic mantle. Petrographic, mineral chemistry, bulk-rock geochemical and isotopic data indicate that the Pilavo magmatic rocks have evolved through three main stages: (1) generation of a basaltic magma in the mantle wedge region by flux melting induced by slab-derived fluids (aqueous, supercritical or melts); (2) high-pressure differentiation of the basaltic melt (at the mantle-crust boundary or at lower crustal levels) through sustained fractionation of olivine and clinopyroxene, leading to hydrous, high-alumina basaltic andesite melts with a tholeiitic affinity, enriched in incompatible elements and strongly impoverished in Ni and Cr; (3) establishment of one or more mid-crustal magma storage reservoirs in which the magmas evolved through dominant amphibole and clinopyroxene (but no plagioclase) fractionation accompanied by assimilation of the modified plutonic roots of the arc and recharge by incoming batches of more primitive magma from depth. The latter process has resulted in strongly increasing incompatible element concentrations in the Pilavo basaltic andesites, coupled with slightly increasing crustal isotopic signatures and a shift towards a more calc-alkaline affinity. Our data show that, although ultimately originating from the slab, incompatible element abundances in arc andesites with primitive isotopic signatures can be significantly enhanced by intra-crustal processes within a thick juvenile mafic crust, thus providing an additional process for the generation of enriched andesites.


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Aquest projecte de doctorat és un treball interdisciplinari adreçat a l’obtenció de nous nanocompòsits (NCs) funcionals sintetitzats a partir de materials polimèrics bescanviadors d’ions que són modificats amb nanopartícules metàl•liques (NPMs) de diferent composició. Els materials desenvolupats s’avaluen en funció de dues possibles aplicacions: 1) com a catalitzadors de reaccions orgàniques d’interès actual (NCs basats en pal•ladi) i, 2) la seva dedicació a aplicacions bactericides en el tractament d’aigües domèstiques o industrials (NCs basats en plata). El desenvolupament de nanomaterials és de gran interès a l’actualitat donades les seves especials propietats, l’aprofitament de les quals és la força impulsora per a la fabricació de nous NCs. Les nanopartícules metàl•liques estabilitzades en polímer (Polymer Stabilized Metal Nanoparticles, PSNPM) s’han preparat mitjançant la tècnica in-situ de síntesi intermatricial (Inter-matrix synthesis, IMS) que consisteix en la càrrega seqüencial dels grups funcionals de les matrius polimèriques amb ions metàl•lics, i la seva posterior reducció química dins de la matriu polimèrica de bescanvi iònic. L’estabilització en matrius polimèriques evita l’agregació entre elles (self-aggreagtion), un dels principals problemes coneguts de les NPs. Pel desenvolupament d’aquesta metodologia, s’han emprat diferents tipus de matrius polimèriques de bescanvi iònic: membrana Sulfonated PolyEtherEtherKetone, SPEEK, així com fibres sintètiques basades en polypropilè amb diferents tipus de grups funcionals, que ens permeten el seu ús com a filtres en la desinfecció de solucions aquoses o com a material catalitzador. Durant el projecte s’ha anat avançant en l’optimització del material nanocomposite final per a les aplicacions d’interès, en quant activitat i funcionalitat de les nanopartícules i estabilitat del nanocomposite. Així, s’ha optimitzat la síntesi de NPs estabilitzades en resines de bescanvi iònic, realitzant un screening de diferents tipus de resines i la seva avaluació en aplicacions industrials d’interès.


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Here we present a processing route to produce multi-structured ceramic foams based on the combination of particle-stabilized foams with polymeric sponges to produce positive and negative templating structures. Polyester sponges are infiltrated with freshly produced calcium aluminate alumina foams and upon sintering either positive templating structures are produced when wetting the sponges, or negative templating foams with a percolating pore network are obtained when completely filling the sponges. Additionally, by combining different layers of these particle-stabilized foam infiltrated sponges, various different structures can be produced, including sandwich structures, pore size gradients, and ceramic bone-like structures applying to different types of bone. The particle-stabilized foams used were in situ self-hardening calcium aluminate cement enriched alumina foams to obtain crack-free samples with pore interconnections and tailorable pore sizes.


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The importance of entrepreneurship for social and economic growth is generally accepted. In addition, intrapreneurship or corporate entrepreneurship is recognized as one of the key elements for organizational development. In this context, corporate culture and, specifically, entrepreneurial competences are considered to be catalysts for intrapreneurship. The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of resources and capabilities on the probability of becoming an intrapreneur. Using data obtained from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) for 39 countries, and a logistic model, the study shows that entrepreneurial resources and capabilities, such as previous entrepreneurial experience, entrepreneurial competences and the ability to detect business opportunities, influence intrapreneurial behaviour. The contributions of this research are both conceptual (advancing corporate entrepreneurship theory) and practical (relating to the design of policies to foster intrapreneurial activities).


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AIMS: High-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) is a nuclear protein actively secreted by immune cells and passively released by necrotic cells that initiates pro-inflammatory signalling through binding to the receptor for advance glycation end-products. HMGB1 has been established as a key inflammatory mediator during myocardial infarction, but the proximal mechanisms responsible for myocardial HMGB1 expression and release in this setting remain unclear. Here, we investigated the possible involvement of peroxynitrite, a potent cytotoxic oxidant formed during myocardial infarction, on these processes. METHODS AND RESULTS: The ability of peroxynitrite to induce necrosis and HMGB1 release in vitro was evaluated in H9c2 cardiomyoblasts and in primary murine cardiac cells (myocytes and non-myocytes). In vivo, myocardial HMGB1 expression and nitrotyrosine content (a marker of peroxynitrite generation) were determined following myocardial ischaemia and reperfusion in rats, whereas peroxynitrite formation was inhibited by two different peroxynitrite decomposition catalysts: 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-sulphonatophenyl) porphyrinato iron (III) (FeTPPS) or Mn(III)-tetrakis(4-benzoic acid) porphyrin chloride (MnTBAP). In all types of cells studied, peroxynitrite (100 μM) elicited significant necrosis, the loss of intracellular HMGB1, and its passive release into the medium. In vivo, myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion induced significant myocardial necrosis, cardiac nitrotyrosine formation, and marked overexpression of myocardial HMGB1. FeTPPS reduced nitrotyrosine, decreased infarct size, and suppressed HMGB1 overexpression, an effect that was similarly obtained with MnTBAP. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that peroxynitrite represents a key mediator of HMGB1 overexpression and release by cardiac cells and provide a novel mechanism linking myocardial oxidative/nitrosative stress with post-infarction myocardial inflammation.


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Members of the genus Sphingomonas are important catalysts for removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil, but their activity can be affected by various stress factors. This study examines the physiological and genome-wide transcription response of the phenanthrene-degrading Sphingomonas sp. strain LH128 in biofilms to solute stress (invoked by 450 mM NaCl solution), either as an acute (4-h) or a chronic (3-day) exposure. The degree of membrane fatty acid saturation was increased as a response to chronic stress. Oxygen consumption in the biofilms and phenanthrene mineralization activities of biofilm cells were, however, not significantly affected after imposing either acute or chronic stress. This finding was in agreement with the transcriptomic data, since genes involved in PAH degradation were not differentially expressed in stressed conditions compared to nonstressed conditions. The transcriptomic data suggest that LH128 adapts to NaCl stress by (i) increasing the expression of genes coping with osmolytic and ionic stress such as biosynthesis of compatible solutes and regulation of ion homeostasis, (ii) increasing the expression of genes involved in general stress response, (iii) changing the expression of general and specific regulatory functions, and (iv) decreasing the expression of protein synthesis such as proteins involved in motility. Differences in gene expression between cells under acute and chronic stress suggest that LH128 goes through changes in genome-wide expression to fully adapt to NaCl stress, without significantly changing phenanthrene degrading activity.


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To control the selective adhesion of human endothelial cells and human serum proteins to bioceramics of different compositions, a multifunctional ligand containing a cyclic arginine-glycine-aspartate (RGD) peptide, a tetraethylene glycol spacer, and a gallate moiety was designed, synthesized, and characterized. The binding of this ligand to alumina-based, hydroxyapatite-based, and calcium phosphate-based bioceramics was demonstrated. The conjugation of this ligand to the bioceramics induced a decrease in the nonselective and integrin-selective binding of human serum proteins, whereas the binding and adhesion of human endothelial cells was enhanced, dependent on the particular bioceramics.


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ISU’s proposed research will (1) develop methods for designing clean and efficient burners for low‐Btu producer gas and medium‐Btu syngas, (2) develop catalysts and flow reactors to produce ethanol from medium‐Btu synthesis gas, and (3) upgrade the BECON gasifier system to enable medium‐Btu syngas production and greatly enhanced capabilities for detailed gas analysis needed by both (1) and (2). This project addresses core development needs to enable grain ethanol industry reduce its natural gas demand and ultimately transition to cellulosic ethanol production.


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The interrelation of curing time, curing temperature, strength, and reactions in lime-bentonite-water mixtures was examined. Samples were molded at constant density and moisture content and then cured for periods of from 1 to 56 days at constant temperatures that ranged from 5C to 60C. After the appropriate curing time the samples were tested for unconfined compressive strength. The broken samples were then analyzed by x-ray diffractometer and spectrophotometer to determine the identity of the reaction products present after each curing period. It was found that the strength gain of lime-clay mixtures cured at different temperatures is due to different phases of the complex reaction, lime & clay to CSH(gel) to CSH(II) to CSH(I) to tobermorite. The farther the reaction proceeds, the higher the strength. There was also evidence of lattice substitutions in the structure of the calcium silicate hydrates at curing temperatures of 50C and higher. No consistent relationship between time, temperature, strength, and the S/A ration of reaction products existed, but in order to achieve high strengths the apparent C/S ration had to be less than two. The curing temperature had an effect on the strength developed by a given amount of reacted silica in the cured lime-clay mixture, but at a given curing temperature the cured sample that had the largest amount of reacted silica gave the highest strength. Evidence was found to indicate that during the clay reaction some calcium is indeed adsorbed onto the clay structure rather than entering into a pozzolanic reaction. Finally, it was determined that it is possible to determine the amount of silica and alumina in lime-clay reaction products by spectrophotometric analysis with sufficient accuracy for comparison purposes. The spectrophotometric analysis techniques used during the investigation were simple and were not time consuming.


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The scope of this work is the systematic study of the silicidation process affecting tungsten filaments at high temperature (1900ºC) used for silane decomposition in the hot-wire chemical vapour deposition technique (HWCVD). The correlation between the electrical resistance evolution of the filaments, Rfil(t), and the different stages of the their silicidation process is exposed. Said stages correspond to: the rapid formation of two WSi2 fronts at the cold ends of the filaments and their further propagation towards the middle of the filaments; and, regarding the hot central portion of the filaments: a initial stage of silicon dissolution into the tungsten bulk, with a random duration for as-manufactured filaments, followed by the inhomogeneous nucleation of W5Si3 (which is later replaced by WSi2) and its further growth towards the filaments core. An electrical model is used to obtain real-time information about the current status of the filaments silicidation process by simply monitoring their Rfil(t) evolution during the HWCVD process. It is shown that implementing an annealing pre-treatment to the filaments leads to a clearly repetitive trend in the monitored Rfil(t) signatures. The influence of hydrogen dilution of silane on the filaments silicidation process is also discussed.