931 resultados para Low dielectric loss


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BACKGROUND In resource-limited settings, clinical parameters, including body weight changes, are used to monitor clinical response. Therefore, we studied body weight changes in patients on antiretroviral treatment (ART) in different regions of the world. METHODS Data were extracted from the "International Epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS," a network of ART programmes that prospectively collects routine clinical data. Adults on ART from the Southern, East, West, and Central African and the Asia-Pacific regions were selected from the database if baseline data on body weight, gender, ART regimen, and CD4 count were available. Body weight change over the first 2 years and the probability of body weight loss in the second year were modeled using linear mixed models and logistic regression, respectively. RESULTS Data from 205,571 patients were analyzed. Mean adjusted body weight change in the first 12 months was higher in patients started on tenofovir and/or efavirenz; in patients from Central, West, and East Africa, in men, and in patients with a poorer clinical status. In the second year of ART, it was greater in patients initiated on tenofovir and/or nevirapine, and for patients not on stavudine, in women, in Southern Africa and in patients with a better clinical status at initiation. Stavudine in the initial regimen was associated with a lower mean adjusted body weight change and with weight loss in the second treatment year. CONCLUSIONS Different ART regimens have different effects on body weight change. Body weight loss after 1 year of treatment in patients on stavudine might be associated with lipoatrophy.


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Increasing evidence demonstrates that the thrombin receptor (protease activated receptor-1, PAR-1) plays a major role in tumor invasion and contributes to the metastatic phenotype of human melanoma. We demonstrate that the metastatic potential of human melanoma cells correlates with overexpression of PAR-1. The promoter of the PAR-1 gene contains multiple putative AP-2 and Sp1 consensus elements. We provide evidence that an inverse correlation exists between the expression of AP-2 and the expression of PAR-1 in human melanoma cells. Re-expression of AP-2 in WM266-4 melanoma cells (AP-2 negative) resulted in decreased mRNA and protein expression of PAR-1 and significantly reduced the tumor potential in nude mice. ChIP analysis of the PAR-1 promoter regions bp −365 to −329 (complex 1) and bp −206 to −180 (complex 2) demonstrates that in metastatic cells Sp1 is predominantly binding to the PAR-1 promoter, while in nonmetastatic cells AP-2 is bound. In vitro analysis of complex 1 demonstrates that AP-2 and Sp1 bind to this region in a mutually exclusive manner. Transfection experiments with full-length and progressive deletions of the PAR-1 promoter luciferase constructs demonstrated that metastatic cells had increased promoter activity compared to low and nonmetastatic melanoma cells. Our data shows that exogenous AP-2 expression decreased promoter activity, while transient expression of Sp1 further activated expression of the reporter gene. Mutational analysis of complex 1 within PAR-1 luciferase constructs further demonstrates that the regulation of PAR-1 is mediated through interactions with AP-2 and Sp1. Moreover, loss of AP-2 in metastatic cells alters the AP-2 to Sp1 ratio and DNA-binding activity resulting in overexpression of PAR-1. In addition, we evaluated the expression of AP-2 and PAR-1 utilizing a tissue microarray of 93 melanocytic lesions spanning from benign nevi to melanoma metastasis. We report loss of AP-2 expression in malignant tumors compared to benign tissue while PAR-1 was expressed more often in metastatic melanoma cells than in benign melanocytes. We propose that loss of AP-2 results in increased expression of PAR-1, which in turn results in upregulation of gene products that contribute to the metastatic phenotype of melanoma. ^


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This study was designed to investigate the effect of calcium and fluoride intake, and parity and lactation on the risk of spinal osteoporosis. Height loss was used as a surrogate measure for spinal fractures by taking advantage of documented changes in height found during the 25-year follow-up of the Charleston Heart Study cohort. Women who had lost 2-4" in height or who had no change in height during the follow-up period were defined as case and comparison subjects respectively. Calcium intake when the subjects were "about 25" and in the recent past, average intake of fluoride over 25 years, and parity and history of breastfeeding were ascertained by questionnaire from 54 case and 77 comparison subjects. Low calcium intake in the past decreased the risk of height loss (age-adjusted OR = 0.3, 95%CI: 0.1-0.96) although several potentially important confounding variables could not be adjusted for. There was no association between risk of height loss and present calcium intake (OR = 0.8, 95%CI: 0.3-2.6 for low versus high intake) after adjustment for past calcium intake. High fluoride intake decreased the risk of height loss (adjusted OR = 0.4, 95%CI: 0.1-1.2). The effect of fluoride or calcium intake in the present was modified by the level of the other nutrient. Compared to a low intake of both calcium and fluoride, a high intake of one increased the risk of height loss (crude OR = 3.3 for high fluoride/low calcium, crude OR = 6.0 for high calcium/low fluoride) although a high intake of both was slightly protective (crude OR = 0.7). It is estimated that a "high" nutrient intake in this population was greater than 850mg/day for calcium and 2mg/day for fluoride. After adjustment for age, increasing parity decreased the risk of height loss in women who had never breastfed (OR = 0.2, 95%CI: 0.01-1.7 for 4 or more children). Women who had breastfed were also at lower risk of height loss than nulliparous women (OR = 0.3, 95%CI: 0.1-1.2 for 4 or more children) although at any level of parity, breastfeeding women had a greater risk of height loss than did non-breastfeeding women. ^


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The mineralogy and chemistry of altered basalts and the stable isotopic compositions of secondary vein carbonates were studied in cores from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 843B, located in 95-Ma crust of the Hawaiian Arch. Millimeter- to centimeter-sized dark alteration halos around veins are 5%-15% altered to celadonite and Fe-oxyhydroxides, plus minor saponite and calcite. Adjacent gray host rocks are about 15% altered to saponite and calcite. The dark halos are enriched in H2O+, CO2, FeT, K2O, MnO, and Fe3+/FeT and depleted in SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, and TiO2 relative to gray host rocks. Brown alteration halos occur around veins where veins are more abundant, and are similar to dark halos, but contain more Fe-oxyhydroxides and exhibit greater Fe2O3T contents and higher Fe3+/FeT. Stable isotopic compositions of vein carbonates are consistent with their precipitation from seawater at temperatures of 5°-40°C. Crosscutting relationships of veins and zoned vein and vesicle fillings reveal a sequence of secondary mineral formation and alteration conditions. Celadonite and Fe-oxyhydroxides formed and dark alteration halos developed relatively early, under oxidizing conditions at low temperatures (<50°C). Saponite formed later at lower seawater/rock ratios and under more reducing conditions. Calcite and pyrite formed last in veins and vesicles from more evolved, seawaterderived fluids at temperatures of 5°-40°C. A second stage of celadonite, with compositions distinct from the early celadonite, also occurred relatively late (within the "calcite stage"), and may be related to refracturing of the crust and introduction of less-evolved seawater solutions into the rocks. Trends to higher K2O contents are attributed to alteration, but high K/Ti, Ba, and Zr contents indicate the presence of enriched or transitional MORB. CO2 contents of Pacific ODP cores exhibit a general increase with age suggesting progressive fixation of CO2 as calcite in the crust, but this could be complicated by local heterogeneities in fracturing and calcite formation in the crust.


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Low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of basement from Site 801 was studied through analyses of the mineralogy, chemistry, and oxygen isotopic compositions of the rocks. The more than 100-m section of 170-Ma basement consists of 60 m of tholeiitic basalt separated from the overlying 60 m of alkalic basalts by a >3-m-thick Fe-Si hydrothermal deposit. Four alteration types were distinguished in the basalts: (1) saponite-type (Mg-smectite) rocks are generally slightly altered, exhibiting small increases in H2O, d18O, and oxidation; (2) celadonite-type rocks are also slightly altered, but exhibit uptake of alkalis in addition to hydration and oxidation, reflecting somewhat greater seawater/rock ratios than the saponite type; (3) Al-saponite-type alteration resulted in oxidation, hydration, and alkali and 18O uptake and losses of Ca and Na due to the breakdown of plagioclase and clinopyroxene; and (4) blue-green rocks exhibit the greatest chemical changes, including oxidation, hydration, alkali uptake, and loss of Ca, Na, and Mg due to the complete breakdown of plagioclase and olivine to K-feldspar and phyllosilicates. Saponite- and celadonite-type alteration of the tholeiite section occurred at a normal mid-ocean ridge basalt spreading center at temperatures <20°C. Near- or off-axis intrusion of an alkali basalt magma at depth reinitiated hydrothermal circulation, and the Fe-Si hydrothermal deposit formed from cool (<60°C) distal hydrothermal fluids. Focusing of fluid flow in the rocks immediately underlying the deposit resulted in the extensive alteration of the blue-green rocks at similar temperatures. Al-saponite alteration of the subsequent alkali basalts overlying the deposit occurred at relatively high water/rock ratios as part of the same low-temperature circulation system that formed the hydrothermal deposit. Abundant calcite formed in the rocks during progressive "aging" of the crust during its long history away from the spreading center.


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Devoted to studies of phosphatized rocks from the Kammu Seamount.


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With various low-temperature experiments performed on magnetic mineral extracts of marine sedimentary deposits from the Argentine continental slope near the Rio de la Plata estuary, a so far unreported style of partial magnetic self-reversal has been detected. In these sediments the sulphate-methane transition (SMT) zone is situated at depths between 4 and 8 m, where reductive diagenesis severely alters the magnetic mineral assemblage. Throughout the sediment column magnetite and ilmenite are present together with titanomagnetite and titanohematite of varying compositions. In the SMT zone (titano-)magnetite only occurs as inclusions in a siliceous matrix and as intergrowths with lamellar ilmenite and titanium-rich titanohematite, originating from high temperature deuteric oxidation within the volcanic host rocks. These abundant structures were visualized by scanning electron microscopy and analysed by energy dispersive spectroscopy. Warming of field-cooled and zero-field-cooled low-temperature saturation remanence displays magnetic phase transitions of titanium-rich titanohematite below 50 K and the Verwey transition of magnetite. A prominent irreversible decline characterizes zero-field cooling of room temperature saturation remanence. It typically sets out at ~210 K and is most clearly developed in the lower part of the SMT zone, where low-temperature hysteresis measurements identified ~210 K as the blocking temperature range of a titanohematite phase with a Curie temperature of around 240 K. The mechanism responsible for the marked loss of remanence is, therefore, sought in partial magnetic self-reversal by magnetostatic interaction of (titano-)magnetite and titanohematite. When titanohematite becomes ferrimagnetic upon cooling, its spontaneous magnetic moments order antiparallel to the (titano-)magnetite remanence causing an drastic initial decrease of global magnetization. The loss of remanence during subsequent further cooling appears to result from two combined effects (1) magnetic interaction between the two phases by which the (titano-)magnetite domain structure is substantially modified and (2) low-temperature demagnetization of (titano-)magnetite due to decreasing magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The depletion of titanomagnetite and superior preservation of titanohematite is characteristic for strongly reducing sedimentary environments. Typical residuals of magnetic mineral assemblages derived from basaltic volcanics will be intergrowths of titanohematite lamellae with titanomagnetite relics. Low-temperature remanence cycling is, therefore, proposed as a diagnostic method to magnetically characterize such alteration (palaeo-)environments.


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One-atmosphere melting experiments, controlled to approximately the fayalite-magnetite-quartz oxygen buffer, performed on a basalt from Hole 797C crystallized olivine and plagioclase nearly simultaneously from about 1235°C and augite from about 1175°C. The liquid compositions indicate systematic trends of increasing FeO and TiO2 and decreasing Al2O3 with decreasing MgO. Experimental olivine compositions vary from Fo90 to Fo78, plagioclase from An79 to An67, and augite from En49 to En46. The KD value for the Fe2+ and Mg distribution between olivine and liquid is 0.31. The KD value for the distribution of Fetotal and Mg between augite and liquid averages 0.24. These KD values suggest experimental equilibrium. The KD values for Na and Ca distribution between plagioclase and liquid range between 0.55 and 0.99 and are dependent on crystallization temperature. Projected on pseudoternary basaltic phase diagrams, the liquid line of descent moves toward increasing quartz normative compositions, revealing a typical tholeiitic crystallization trend with marked Fe and Ti enrichments. Such enrichments are a reflection of the dominance of plagioclase in the crystallizing assemblage. The experimental results can explain the marked Fe- and Ti-enrichment trends observed for the sills of the lower part of Hole 797C, but have no direct bearing on the origin of the relatively evolved high-Al basalts of Hole 794C.


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Compositions, structures, and microstructures of different types of phosphorites and poorly phosphatized rocks from low atolls in the near-equatorial part of the Western Indian Ocean are described. The rocks were examined under optical and scanning microscopes using microprobe techniques and etching of selected samples with weak solvents as well as with the help of chemical analyses. It is proved that phosphorites have been formed owing to the uneven phosphatization of primary carbonate rocks; degree of their phosphatization ranges from traces to 40% P2O5. In the phosphorites numerous organic remains were encountered; they included fragments of plankton, debris of tortoise shells, and coccoidal and filamentous bacteria-like formations. It is suggested that the phosphorites formed due to high local biological productivity over the outer edges of coral reefs and are not related to guano accumulation or to endoupwelling.


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A planar antenna is introduced that works as a portable system for X-band satellite communications. This antenna is low-profile and modular with dimensions of 40 × 40 × 2.5 × cm. It is composed of a square array of 144 printed circuit elements that cover a wide bandwidth (14.7%) for transmission and reception along with dual and interchangeable circular polarization. A radiation efficiency above 50% is achieved by a low-loss stripline feeding network. This printed antenna has a 3 dB beamwidth of 5°, a maximum gain of 26 dBi and an axial ratio under 1.9 dB over the entire frequency band. The complete design of the antenna is shown, and the measurements are compared with simulations to reveal very good agreement.


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A time division multiplexing (TDM) array for passive multiplexing of identical fibre, optic intensity sensors has been demonstrated. Microbending loss sensors are introduced in fibre optic rings and pressure information is directly detected, demultiplexed and demodulated from the relative amplitude of the first two pulses produced on each ring. Several dynamic ranges from 6 dB to 14 dB are shown. A comparison between both fibre optic ring and Mach-Zehnder structure impulse responses is carried out and the consequences derived from second- and higher-order recirculating ring pulses are also evaluated. This technique can be applied to those TDM intensity sensing schemes which require low cost, high number of identical sensors, and suffer high element loss and undersirable intensity fluctuations at low frequencies.


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This paper includes the experimental study, analysis, redesign and subsequent test of the parts of a closed circuit, low speed wind tunnel which are relevant in terms of total pressure loss. The objective is to lower the energy consumption of this system for given conditions in test chamber, so as to reduce the operational costs. In order to achieve this objective, several tasks were performed as the text shows in its different parts. For these tasks, the ETSIAE wind tunnel was used, although the results of this work can be extrapolated to any wind tunnel with the same characteristics. Part II presents a theoretical previous study of the general running of a closed circuit, low speed wind tunnel, as well as the followed procedure to conduct experimental tests for obtaining the total pressure loss in its parts. Results from these tests and their analysis are included in this part. In part III, the analysis of the influence of corner 1 on the pressure loss takes place. As it is said in this part, corner 1 has great importance in the total pressure loss of the wind tunnel. Therefore, it is the first part that should be modified in order to improve the performances of the wind tunnel. During part IV, an optimised guide vane is designed in order to reduce the pressure loss in corner 1 of the wind tunnel. Software MISES is used to achieve this goal by means of selecting the optimum guide vane. In order to introduce the new guide vane in wind tunnels with affordable costs, the easily constructable criterion is kept during design. For this reason, the guide vane will consist of simple aerodynamic contours. Part V includes some possible improvements for the proposed guide vane, in order to evaluate if there is room for improvement in its design. Finally, part VI includes the tests that were conducted in the wind tunnel with the new guide vane cascade and the analysis of their results, in order to asses whether the proposed design fulfills the requirement of lowering the total pressure loss in the wind tunnel. Part VII gathers the main ideas resulting from the whole work.


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GaN based high electron mobility transistors have draw great attention due to its potential in high temperature, high power and high frequency applications [1, 2]. However, significant gate leakage current is still one of the issues which need to be solved to improve the performance and reliability of the devices [3]. Several research groups have contributed to solve this problem by using metal–oxide–semiconductor HEMTs (MOSHEMTs), with a thin dielectric layer, such as SiO2 [4], Al2O3 [5], HfO2 [6] and Gd2O3 [7] between the gate and the barrier layer on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. Gd2O3 has shown low interfacial density of states(Dit) with GaN and a high dielectric constant and low electrical leakage currents [8], thus is considered as a promising candidate for the gate dielectrics on GaN. MOS-HEMTs using Gd2O3 grown by electron-beam heating [7] or molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) [8] on GaN or AlGan/GaN structure have been investigated, but further research is still needed in Gd2O3 based AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMTs.


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Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are thought to contribute to the abnormal lipoprotein profiles and increased risk of cardiovascular disease of patients with diabetes and renal failure, in part by preventing apolipoprotein B (apoB)-mediated cellular uptake of low density lipoproteins (LDL) by LDL receptors (LDLr). It has been proposed that AGE modification at one site in apoB, almost 1,800 residues from the putative apoB LDLr-binding domain, may be sufficient to induce an apoB conformational change that prevents binding to the LDLr. To further explore this hypothesis, we used 29 anti-human apoB mAbs to identify other potential sites on apoB that may be modified by in vitro advanced glycation of LDL. Glycation of LDL caused a time-dependent decrease in its ability to bind to the LDLr and in the immunoreactivity of six distinct apoB epitopes, including two that flank the apoB LDLr-binding domain. ApoB appears to be modified at multiple sites by these criteria, as the loss of glycation-sensitive epitopes was detected on both native glycated LDL and denatured, delipidated glycated apoB. Moreover, residues directly within the putative apoB LDLr-binding site are not apparently modified in glycated LDL. We propose that the inability of LDL modified by AGEs to bind to the LDLr is caused by modification of residues adjacent to the putative LDLr-binding site that were undetected by previous immunochemical studies. AGE modification either eliminates the direct participation of the residues in LDLr binding or indirectly alters the conformation of the apoB LDLr-binding site.


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Social behaviors are often targets of natural selection among higher organisms, but quantifying the effects of such selection is difficult. We have used the bacterium Myxococcus xanthus as a model system for studying the evolution of social interactions. Changes in the social behaviors of 12 M. xanthus populations were quantified after 1,000 generations of evolution in a liquid habitat, in which interactions among individuals were continually hindered by shaking and low cell densities. Derived lineages were compared with their ancestors with respect to maximum growth rate, motility rates on hard and soft agar, fruiting body formation ability, and sporulation frequency during starvation. Improved performance in the liquid selective regime among evolved lines was usually associated with significant reductions in all of the major social behaviors of M. xanthus. Maintenance of functional social behaviors is apparently detrimental to fitness under asocial growth conditions.