999 resultados para Little, George


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Enemy release is frequently posed as a main driver of invasiveness of alien species. However, an experimental multi-species test examining performance and herbivory of invasive alien, non-invasive alien and native plant species in the presence and absence of natural enemies is lacking. In a common garden experiment in Switzerland, we manipulated exposure of seven alien invasive, eight alien non-invasive and fourteen native species from six taxonomic groups to natural enemies (invertebrate herbivores), by applying a pesticide treatment under two different nutrient levels. We assessed biomass production, herbivore damage and the major herbivore taxa on plants. Across all species, plants gained significantly greater biomass under pesticide treatment. However, invasive, non-invasive and native species did not differ in their biomass response to pesticide treatment at either nutrient level. The proportion of leaves damaged on invasive species was significantly lower compared to native species, but not when compared to non-invasive species. However, the difference was lost when plant size was accounted for. There were no differences between invasive, non-invasive and native species in herbivore abundance. Our study offers little support for invertebrate herbivore release as a driver of plant invasiveness, but suggests that future enemy release studies should account for differences in plant size among species.


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Colostrum formation and lactogenesis in the mammary gland and the timing of parturition are regulated by endocrine signals. Changes in progesterone (P4) and prolactin (PRL) are considered key events that inhibit colostrum formation, trigger parturition, and signal the onset of lactation. The goal of our study was to determine if colostrum yield and composition and immunoglobulin transfer are affected by prepartum milking relative to the decrease in P4, peak of PRL, or occurrence of parturition. Twenty-three multiparous cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: (1) control with first milking at 4h postcalving (CON, n=11), and (2) treatment group with first milking approximately 1d before calving and second milking at 4h after parturition (APM, n=12). Colostrum yields were recorded and proportional samples were analyzed for immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration. Blood plasma samples for the analyses of P4 and PRL were collected 3 times daily at 8-h intervals for 4d prepartum and again taken at 4h after parturition. Total colostrum mass of APM cows was higher than that of CON cows. Immunoglobulin G concentration and protein content did not differ between antepartum milking in APM cows and postpartum milking in CON cows. Colostrum IgG concentration and protein content in APM cows at the postpartum milking were lower compared with the IgG concentration established at the prepartum (APM) and postpartum milkings of CON cows. Immunoglobulin G mass did not differ in first and second colostrum collection in APM cows but was lower compared with that of CON cows. The sum of IgG mass in APM cows (prepartum + postpartum collections) did not differ from that of CON cows. Lactose and fat in milk (concentration and mass) increased from first to second milking in APM cows. Total mass of lactose and fat in APM cows (prepartum + postpartum collections) was greater compared with that of CON cows. The finding that the time of milking relative to parturition, P4 decrease, and PRL peak slightly affected yield and quality of colostrum emphasizes the complex interactions of numerous endocrine and morphological changes occurring during colostrogenesis and lactogenesis in dairy cows. The considerably rapid transfer of immunoglobulins into colostrum of prepartum-milked cows within a few hours leads to the hypothesis that the transfer of IgG can be very fast and-contrary to earlier findings-persist at least until parturition.


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Contrary to the position taken by Kelly and Ó Gráda, a rich body of regional- to large-scale temperature reconstructions that span from the last millennium to almost the entire Holocene confirms the existence of several temperature depressions that occurred at different intensities and spatial ranges between c. 1350 and 1900, thus supporting the conception of a Little Ice Age. Nonetheless, the genuine uncertainties that continue to surround paleoclimatic study suggest that methodologies and findings are subject to further refinement.


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Several (pre-) clinical trials are currently investigating the benefit of HER2-targeted therapy in urothelial bladder cancer (UBC). Patients with HER2 amplified UBC could potentially profit from these therapies. However, little is known about histomorphology, HER2 protein expression patterns and occurrence of alterations in the HER2 gene in their tumors. Among 150 metastasizing primary UBC, 13 HER2 amplified tumors were identified. Their histopathological features were compared with 13 matched, non-amplified UBC. HER2 protein expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. The 26 tumors were screened for mutations in exons 19 and 20 of the HER2 gene. UBC with HER2 amplification presented with a broad variety of histological variants (median 2 vs. 1), frequently featured micropapillary tumor components (77 % vs. 8 %) and demonstrated a high amount of tumor associated inflammation. Immunohistochemically, 10 of 13 (77 %) HER2 amplified tumors were strongly HER2 protein positive. Three tumors (23 %) were scored as HER2 negative. One of the HER2 amplified tumors harbored a D769N mutation in exon 19 of the HER2 gene; all other tested tumors were wild type. In conclusion, HER2 amplified UBC feature specific morphological characteristics. They frequently express the HER2 protein diffusely and are, therefore, promising candidates for HER2 targeted therapies. The detection of mutations at the HER2 locus might add new aspects to molecular testing of UBC.


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Therapeutic antibodies targeting programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) activate tumor-specific immunity and have shown remarkable efficacy in the treatment of melanoma. Yet, little is known about tumor cell-intrinsic PD-1 pathway effects. Here, we show that murine and human melanomas contain PD-1-expressing cancer subpopulations and demonstrate that melanoma cell-intrinsic PD-1 promotes tumorigenesis, even in mice lacking adaptive immunity. PD-1 inhibition on melanoma cells by RNAi, blocking antibodies, or mutagenesis of melanoma-PD-1 signaling motifs suppresses tumor growth in immunocompetent, immunocompromised, and PD-1-deficient tumor graft recipient mice. Conversely, melanoma-specific PD-1 overexpression enhances tumorigenicity, as does engagement of melanoma-PD-1 by its ligand, PD-L1, whereas melanoma-PD-L1 inhibition or knockout of host-PD-L1 attenuate growth of PD-1-positive melanomas. Mechanistically, the melanoma-PD-1 receptor modulates downstream effectors of mTOR signaling. Our results identify melanoma cell-intrinsic functions of the PD-1:PD-L1 axis in tumor growth and suggest that blocking melanoma-PD-1 might contribute to the striking clinical efficacy of anti-PD-1 therapy.


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Si les hommes bénéficient d’emblée de mythes (Pygmalion, Orphée) qui légitiment et motivent leur créativité, il faut attendre Corinne (1807) de Mme Staël et Consuelo (1842) de George Sand pour que le mythe de la femme créatrice trouve enfin, dans la littérature européenne, à se concrétiser et à se développer sous la forme de Künstlerromane féminins. Corinne la poétesse et Consuelo la cantatrice sont devenues des exemples littéraires non seulement pour les femmes victoriennes, comme le montre par exemple le livre de Linda Lewis intitulé Germaine de Staël, George Sand and the Victorian Woman Artist, mais également pour les femmes polonaises issues des classes favorisées - qui lisaient d’ailleurs couramment en français. En effet, même si elles ont été officiellement décriées par la critique conservatrice polonaise pour leur « immoralité », George Sand et Mme de Staël ont été lues, bien lues et même beaucoup lues par leurs contemporaines polonaises - comme le témoigne la correspondance de ces dernières, dans laquelle elles ont moins de peine à se livrer. Le thème de la femme artiste déchirée entre la carrière publique et la vie privée, tel qu’il est représenté dans Corinne et dans Consuelo, a en particulier attiré toute leur attention et suscité chez les femmes écrivains le désir d’apporter de nouvelles manières de résoudre ce conflit. Dans cet article, le Künstlerinroman polonais Książka Pamiątek (Livre des souvenirs, 1846) de Narcyza Żmichowska fait l’objet d’une analyse comparative détaillée avec les deux Künstlerinromane français dont par ailleurs il se réclame.


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In the strongly seasonal, but annually very wet, parts of the tropics, low-water availability in the short dry season leads to a semi-deciduous forest, one which is also highly susceptible to nutrient loss from leaching in the long wet season. Patterns in litterfall were compared between forest with low (LEM) and high (HEM) abundances of ectomycorrhizal trees in Korup National Park, Cameroon, over 26 months in 1990–92. Leaf litter was sorted into 26 abundant species which included six ectomycorrhizal species, and of these three were the large grove-forming trees Microberlinia bisulcata, Tetraberlinia bifoliolata and Tetraberlinia moreliana. Larger-tree species shed their leaves with pronounced peaks in the dry season, whereas other species had either weaker dependence, showed several peaks per year, or were wet-season shedders. Although total annual litterfall differed little between forest types, in the HEM forest (dominated by M. bisulcata) the dry-season peak was more pronounced and earlier than that in the LEMforest. Species differed greatly in their mean leaf litterfall nutrient concentrations, with an approx. twofold range for nitrogen and phosphorus, and 2.5–3.5-fold for potassium, magnesium and calcium. In the dry season, LEM and HEM litter showed similar declines in P and N concentration, and increases in K and Mg; some species, especially M. bisculcata, showed strong dry-wet season differences. The concentration of P (but not N) was higher in the leaf litter of ectomycorrhizal than nonectomycorrhizal species. Retranslocation of N and P was lower among the ectomycorrhizal than nonectomycorrhizal species by approx. twofold. It is suggested that, within ectomycorrhizal groves on this soil low in P, a fast decomposition rate with minimal loss of mineralized P is possible due to the relatively high litter P not limiting the cycle at this stage, combined with an efficient recapture of released P by the surface organic layer of ectomycorrhizas and fine roots. This points to a feedback between two essential controlling steps (retranslocation and mineralization) in a tropical rain forest ecosystem dominated by ectomycorrhizal trees.


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