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This investigation examined the impact of a 17-d training period (that included basketball-specific training, sprints, intermittent running exercises, and weight training, prior to an international championship competition) on salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA) levels in 10 subjects (athletes and staff members) from a national basketball team, as a biomarker for mucosal immune defence. Unstimulated saliva samples were collected at rest at the beginning of the preparation for the Pan American Games and 1 d before the first game. The recovery interval from the last bout of exercise was 4 h. The SIgA level was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and expressed as absolute concentrations, secretion rate, and SIgA level relative to total protein. The decrease in SIgA levels following training was greater in athletes than in support staff; however, no significant differences between the two groups were detected. A decrease in SIgA level, regardless of the method used to express IgA results, was verified for athletes. Only one episode of upper respiratory tract illness symptoms was reported, and it was not associated with changes in SIgA levels. In summary, a situation of combined stress for an important championship was found to decrease the level of SIgA-mediated immune protection at the mucosal surface in team members, with greater changes observed in the athletes.
Moreira, A, Arsati, F, de Oliveira Lima-Arsati, YB, de Freitas, CG, and de Araujo, VC. Salivary immunoglobulin a responses in professional top-level futsal players. J Strength Cond Res 25(7): 1932-1936, 2011-The purpose of this study was to investigate the responses of salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA) in 10 professional top-level Brazilian futsal players after 2 highly competitive games separated by 7 days. Unstimulated saliva was collected over a 5-minute period at PRE- and POST-match. The SIgA was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and expressed as the absolute concentration (SIgAabs) and secretion rate of IgA (SIgArate). Rate of perceived exertion and heart rate were used to monitor the exercise intensity. A 2-way analysis of variance with repeated measures showed nonsignificant differences between matches to SIgAabs, SIgArate, and saliva flow rate (p > 0.05). However, significant time differences were observed for all these parameters. In summary, we showed that a competitive training match induced a decrease in SIgA levels in top-level futsal players, which suggests an increment of the vulnerability to infections meditated by the training stimulus. This decrease suggests that the athletes were at an increased risk of developing an upper respiratory tract infection, and therefore, it could be necessary to take protective actions to minimize contact with cold viruses or even reduce the training load for athletes.
The aim of this article is to analyze the theoretical model proposed by [Jabbour CJC, Santos FCA. Relationships between human resource dimensions and environmental management in companies: proposal of a model. Journal of Cleaner Production 2008;16(1):5 1-8.] based on the data collected in four Brazilian companies. This model investigates how the phases of the environmental management system can be linked to human resource practices in order to attain continuous improvement of a company`s environmental performance. Our aim is to contribute to a field, which has little empirical evidence. Although the interaction between the phases of the environmental management system and human resource practices is recommended by the specialized literature [Daily BE Huang S. Achieving sustainability through attention to human resource factors in environmental management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2001:21(12):1539-52.], the results indicate that most of the theoretical assumptions could not be confirmed in these Brazilian companies. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of different microstructures on the polarization resistance (Rp) and the hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) of a micro-alloyed steel austenitized and submitted to different cooling rates was studied. Samples 19.1 x 6 x 2 mm, containing the whole thickness of the plate were extracted from a 20 mm plate and heat treated on a quenching dilatometer, were submitted to Rp and HIC corrosion tests. Both Rp and HIC tests followed as close as possible ASTM G59 and NACE standard TM0284-2003, in this case, modified only with regard to the size of the samples. Steel samples transformed from austenite by a slow cooling (cooling rate of 0.5 degrees C.s(-1)) showed higher susceptibility to hydrogen-induced cracking, with large cracks in the middle of the sample propagating along segregation bands, corresponding to the centerline of the plate thickness. For cooling rates of 10 degrees C.s(-1), only small cracks were found in the matrix and micro cracks nucleated at non-metallic inclusions. For higher cooling rates (40 degrees C.s(-1)) very few small cracks were detected, linked to non-metallic inclusions. This result suggests that structures formed by polygonal structures and segregation bands (were cutectoid microconstituents predominate) have higher susceptibility to HIC. Structures predominantly formed by acicular ferrite make it difficult to propagate the cracks among non-oriented and interlaced acicular ferrite crystals. Smaller segregation bands containing eutectoid products also help inhibit cracking and crack propagation; segregation bands can function as pipelines for hydrogen diffusion and offer a path of stress concentration for the propagation of cracks, frequently associated to non-metallic inclusions. Polarization resistance essays performed on the steel in theas received condition, prior to any heat treatment, showed larger differences between the regions of the plate, with a considerably lower Rp in the centerline. The austenitization heat treatments followed by cooling rates of 0.5 e 10 degrees C.s(-1) made more uniform the corrosion resistance along the thickness of the plate. The effects of heat treatments on the corrosion resistance are probably related to the microconstituent formed, allied to the chemical homogenization of the impurities concentrated on the centerline of the plate.
The knowledge of soil water storage (SWS) of soil profiles is crucial for the adoption of vegetation restoration practices. With the aim of identifying representative sites to obtain the mean SWS of a watershed, a time stability analysis of neutron probe evaluations of SWS was performed by the means of relative differences and Spearman rank correlation coefficients. At the same time, the effects of different neutron probe calibration procedures were explored on time stability analysis. mean SWS estimation. and preservation of the spatial variability of SWS. The selected watershed, with deep gullies and undulating slopes which cover an area of 20 ha, is characterized by an Ust-Sandiic Entisol and an Aeolian sandy soil. The dominant vegetation species are bunge needlegrass (Stipa bungeana Trim) and korshinsk peashrub (Carugano Korshinskii kom.). From June 11, 2007 to July 23,2008, SWS of the top1 m soil layer was evaluated for 20 dates, based on neutron probe data of 12 sampling sites. Three calibration procedures were employed: type 1, most complete, with each site having its own linear calibration equation (TrE); type II. with TrE equations extended over the whole field: and type III, with one single linear calibration curve for the whole field (UnE) and also correcting its intercept based on site specific relative difference analysis (RdE) and on linear fitting of data (RcE), both maintaining the same slope. A strong time stability of SWS estimated by TrE equations was identified. Soil particle size and soil organic matter content were recognized as the influencing factors for spatial variability of SWS. Land use influenced neither the spatial variability nor the time stability of SWS. Time stability analysis identified one site to represent the mean SWS of the whole watershed with mean absolute percentage errors of less than 10%, therefore. this site can be used as a predictor for the mean SWS of the watershed. Some equations of type II were found to be unsatisfactory to yield reliable mean SWS values or in preserving the associated soil spatial variability. Hence, it is recommended to be cautious in extending calibration equations to other sites since they might not consider the field variability. For the equations with corrected intercept (type III), which consider the spatial variability of calibration in a different way in relation to TrE, it was found that they can yield satisfactory means and standard deviation of SWS, except for the RdE equations, which largely leveled off the SWS values in the watershed. Correlation analysis showed that the neutron probe calibration was linked to soil bulk density and to organic matter content. Therefore, spatial variability of soil properties should be taken into account during the process of neutron probe calibration. This study provides useful information on the mean SWS observation with a time stable site and on distinct neutron probe calibration procedures, and it should be extended to soil water management studies with neutron probes, e.g., the process of vegetation restoration in wider area and soil types of the Loess Plateau in China. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We standardized serodiagnosis of dogs infected with Trypanosoma cruzi using TESA (trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigen)-blot developed for human Chagas disease. TESA-blot showed 100% sensitivity and specificity. In contrast, ELISA using TESA (TESA-ELISA) or epimastigotes (epi-ELISA) as antigen yielded 100% sensitivity but specificity of 94.1% and 49.4%, respectively. When used in field studies in an endemic region for Chagas disease, visceral leishmaniasis and Trypanosoma evansi (Mato Grosso do Sul state, Central Brazil), positivities were 9.3% for TESA-blot, 10.7% for TESA-ELISA and 32% for epi-ELISA. Dogs from a non-endemic region for these infections (Rondonia state, western Amazonia) where T cruzi is enzootic showed positivity of 4.5% for TESA-blot and epi-ELISA and 6.8% for TESA-ELISA. Sera from urban dogs from Santos, Sao Paulo, where these diseases are absent, yielded negative results. TESA-blot was the only method that distinguished dogs infected with T cruzi from those infected with Leishmania chagasi and/or Trypanosoma evansi. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Marker assisted selection depends on the identification of tightly linked association between marker and the trait of interest. In the present work, functional (EST-SSRs) and genomic (gSSRs) microsatellite markers were used to detect putative QTLs for sugarcane yield components (stalk number, diameter and height) and as well as for quality parameters (Brix, Pol and fibre) in plant cane. The mapping population (200 individuals) was derived from a bi-parental cross (IACSP95-3018 x IACSP93-3046) from the IAC Sugarcane Breeding Program. As the map is under construction, single marker trait association analysis based on the likelihood ratio test was undertaken to detect the QTLs. Of the 215 single dose markers evaluated (1:1 and 3:1), 90 (42%) were associated with putative QTLs involving 43 microsatellite primers (18 gSSRs and 25 EST-SSRs). For the yield components, 41 marker/trait associations were found: 20 for height, 6 for diameter and 15 for stalk number. An EST-SSRs marker with homology to non-phototropic hypocotyls 4 (NPH4) protein was associated with a putative QTL with positive effect for diameter as also with a negative effect for stalk number. In relation to the quality parameters, 18 marker trait associations were found for Brix, 19 for Pol, and 12 for fibre. For fibre, 58% of the QTLs detected showed a negative effect on this trait. Some makers associated with QTLs with a negative effect for fibre showed a positive effect for Pol, reflecting the negative correlation generally observed between these traits.
By applying a directed evolution methodology specific enzymatic characteristics can be enhanced, but to select mutants of interest from a large mutant bank, this approach requires high throughput screening and facile selection. To facilitate such primary screening of enhanced clones, an expression system was tested that uses a green fluorescent protein (GFP) tag from Aequorea victoria linked to the enzyme of interest. As GFP`s fluorescence is readily measured, and as there is a 1:1 molar correlation between the target protein and GFP, the concept proposed was to determine whether GFP could facilitate primary screening of error-prone PCR (EPP) clones. For this purpose a thermostable beta-glucosidase (BglA) from Fervidobacterium sp. was used as a model enzyme. A vector expressing the chimeric protein BglA-GFP-6XHis was constructed and the fusion protein purified and characterized. When compared to the native proteins, the components of the fusion displayed modified characteristics, such as enhanced GFP thermostability and a higher BglA optimum temperature. Clones carrying mutant BglA proteins obtained by EPP, were screened based on the BglA/GFP activity ratio. Purified tagged enzymes from selected clones resulted in modified substrate specificity.
Yield is closely linked to the plant yield components and depend directly of the genotype interaction with the environment. Essays were installed in the experimental field of the Bahia Foundation in the Maria Gabriela farm in the county of Sao Desiderio - BA in the year 2006-2007. The aim of this work was to evaluate yield components of five soybean cultivars with different maturation cycles indicated for the Western Region of Bahia in different sowing periods. The experimental design was in random blocks in 4 x 5 factorial scheme (four sowing periods: Ep1 first - 11/29/2006, Ep2 second - 12/14/2006, Ep3 third - 12/28/2007, Ep4 fourth - 01/12/2007 and five cultivars: M-SOY 8411, BRS Corisco, BRS 263 [Diferente], BRS Barreiras e M-SOY 9350) with four repetitions. The following characteristics were evaluated: total number of pods per plant, total number of beans per plant, mass of 1000 beans and yield. Plant yield components, total number of pods per plant, total number of beans per plant, mass of 1000 beans, reduced with sowing delay and showed compensation effect between cultivars and sowing periods. Late sowing Ep3 (28/12/2006) and Ep4 (12/01/2007) were not favourable to raise yield of soybean in the Western Region of Bahia.
During embryogenesis, one of the two X chromosomes is inactivated in embryos. The production of embryos in vitro may affect epigenetic mechanisms that could alter the expression of genes related to embryo development and X chromosome inactivation (XCI). The aim of this study was to understand XCI during in vitro, pre-implantation bovine embryo development by characterizing the allele-specific expression pattern of the X chromosome-linked gene, monoamine oxidase A (MAOA). Two pools of ten embryos, comprised of the 4-, 8- to 16-cell, morula, blastocyst, and expanded blastocyst stages, were collected. Total RNA from embryos was isolated, and the RT-PCR-RFLP technique was used to observe expression of the MAOA gene. The DNA amplicons were also sequenced using the dideoxy sequencing method. MAOA mRNA was detected, and allele-specific expression was identified in each pool of embryos. We showed the presence of both the maternal and paternal alleles in the 4-, 8-to 16-cell, blastocyst and expanded blastocyst embryos, but only the maternal allele was present in the morula stage. Therefore, we can affirm that the paternal X chromosome is totally inactivated at the morula stage and reactivated at the blastocyst stage. To our knowledge, this is the first report of allele-specific expression of an X-linked gene that is subject to XCI in in vitro bovine embryos from the 4-cell to expanded blastocyst stages. We have established a pattern of XCI in our in vitro embryo production system that can be useful as a marker to assist the development of new protocols for in vitro embryo production. Mol. Reprod. Dev. MoL Reprod. Dev. 77: 615-621, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This paper analyzes the production of apartment buildings for the middle-income segment in the city of So Paulo, Brazil, from a historical perspective. Tracing the response to the occupants` needs, the focus is on family profiles and their demands, the relationship between architectural design and marketing, and satisfaction levels of current users. The paper begins with a brief historical overview of how apartment buildings have evolved over the past eight decades, highlighting the consolidation of the tripartite model. Next, it analyzes family profiles and their current needs, which would call for a redesign of domestic space. From a different angle, it shows how the real-estate market reacts to this situation, namely by introducing minor changes in the domestic space that are closely linked to major investments in marketing. This leads to a discussion on the quality of recent architectural designs in light of Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) case studies, which corroborate the tendencies previously outlined. The conclusions drawn from the POEs suggest that the market should establish a closer and deeper relationship between the assessment of the human behavior in the domestic space and the architectural quality of homes as a means of increasing satisfaction levels and improving design performance.
The effects of different cooking conditions such as soaking, atmospheric (100 degrees C) or pressure boiling (121 degrees C), and draining of cooking water following thermal treatment on phenolic compounds and the DPPH radical scavenging capacity from two selected Brazilian bean cultivars (black and yellow-brown seed coat color) were investigated using a factorial design (2(3)). Factors that significantly reduced the total phenolic contents and antioxidant capacity in both cultivars were the soaking and draining stage. Independent of cooking temperature, total phenolics and antioxidant capacities were enhanced in treatments without soaking and where cooking water was not discarded, and this was likely linked to an increase of specific phenolic compounds detected by high performance liquid chromatography such as flavonols and free phenolic acids in both cultivars. Cooking of beans either at 100 or 121 degrees C, without a soaking stage and keeping the cooking water, would be recommendable for retaining antioxidant phenolic compounds.
In Brazil. the incidence of Bacillus cereus outbreaks is unknown, and there is little information about B. cereus occurrence in food. In addition, data on toxin production and genetic characterization of the B. cereus isolates cannot be found. This pathogen causes two distinct types of toxin-mediated foodborne illnesses known as diarrheal and emetic syndromes. Diarrheal syndrome has been linked to three different enterotoxins: two protein complexes, hemolysin BL (HBL) and nonhemolytic enterotoxin (NHE); and an enterotoxic protein, cytotoxin K (cytK). Emetic syndrome is related to cereulide, a toxin encoded by the ces gene. In this study, NHE and HBL production capacities of 155 strains of B. cereus isolated from Brazilian food products were evaluated with an immunoassay. Strains were also tested for the presence of the genes of the HBL and NHE complexes, cytK, cytK-1, cytK-2, and ces, using PCR. HBL was detected in 105 (67.7%) strains and NHE in 154 (99.4%) strains. All the strains harbored at least one gene of the NHE complex, while 96.1% of them were positive for at least one of those of the HBL complex. Genes cytK1 and ces were not detected. All strains showed toxigenic capacity and could represent a risk for consumers if good practices are not followed. This is the first report on toxigenic and genetic profiles of B. cereus strains isolated in Brazil.
Fruits represent a rich source of soluble and insoluble fibre, and the pectin is the most common and known soluble fraction from the cell wall solubilization occurring during fruit ripening. Banana fruit, for example, is one of the most consumed fruits in the world, but its non-starch polysaccharide composition is almost unknown. Despite few works have been carried out about the enzymes concerning cell wall loosening focusing banana ripening, there is no knowledge about the composition of the banana cell wall. Moreover, there is no information about the influence of the cultivar in that composition. Nanicao and Mysore cultivars were chosen for this work because of their differential accumulation of both starch during development and amounts of total fibre in the ripe fruit. Nanicao and Mysore had their fibres subfractioned and their composition analysed. Results showed that the cultivars are distinct not only in terms of starch and soluble sugars accumulation, but also in non-starch polysaccharides amounts and composition. Non-starch polysaccharides are similar in total amounts in both banana cultivars (similar to 3.5), but substantially different in the content of CDTA and NaOH-4M soluble fractions and also in the molecular mass distribution of WSP and CDTA. Nanicao has more calcium-linked pectin than Mysore, which in turn is richer in hemicellulose-like polysaccharides. Both cultivars likewise cereals polysaccharides seem to be composed of galacturonans and arabinoxylans.(c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients present high levels of electronegative LDL (LDL) that can modulate the expression of molecules involved in inflammation and it is closely linked to atherosclerosis. We investigated the association between LDL(-) and inflammatory markers in patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD). Methods: Forty-seven HD patients from a private clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil were studied and compared with 20 age matched healthy individuals. Serum LDL(-) and anti-LDL(-) autoantibody levels were measured by ELISA; TNF-alpha, IL-6, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 were determined by a multiplex assay kit. Results: HD patients presented higher IL-6 and TNF-alpha concentrations (4.1 +/- 1.6 and 5.5 +/- 2.1 pg/ml, respectively) than healthy subjects (2.6 +/- 0.2 and 2.4 +/- 1.1 pg/ml, respectively) (p = 0.0001). In addition, they presented higher VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 levels and, LDL(-) concentrations were also increased (0.18 +/- 0.12 U/I) when compared to healthy individuals (0.10 +/- 0.08 U/I) (p<0.02). In contrast, the anti-LDL(-) autoantibody levels were lower in HD patients (0.02 +/- 0.01 mg/l) than in healthy subjects (0.05 +/- 0.03 mg/l) (p<0.001). There was a positive correlation between LDL(-) and IL-6 (r = 0.25, p = 0.004) and ICAM-1 (r = 0.36; p = 0.003). There was also a negative correlation between anti-LDL(-) autoantibodies and TNF-alpha (r = -0.37; p = 0.003) and VCAM-1 (r = -0.50; p = 0.0001). Conclusions: The association between LDL(-) and inflammation and the lower levels of anti-LDL(-) autoantibodies are important risk factors related to atherosclerosis in CKD. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.