965 resultados para Leizhou Peninsula


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With few exceptions, the bulk of the collection pertains to the work of the Agro-Joint. Records of the Agro-Joint Director General. Agreements of the American Relief Administration (ARA) and the Joint Distribution Committee with the Soviet government, 1922-1923. Agreements between the Agro-Joint and the Soviet government, 1924, 1927, 1928. Agreements of the Agro-Joint and the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements (ASJFS) with the Soviet government, 1929, 1930, 1933, 1938. Materials relating to relief work of the JDC within the framework of the American Relief Administration, 1922, including the appointment of J. Rosen as the JDC representative at the ARA. Statistics, reports, miscellaneous correspondence relating to JDC activities in Russia. Minutes, memos, reports, legal documents, certificate of incorporation, and general correspondence relating to the ASJFS, its formation, fund-raising activities, 1927-1939. Records of the Agro-Joint Main Office, Moscow. Annual and periodi c reports of the Agro-Joint including statistics, financial estimates, financial reports, analyses of expenditures, relating to Agro-Joint work, 1924-1937. General correspondence files: incoming and outgoing letters, reports, and memoranda. Materials relating to land surveys and allocations in the Crimea: statistics, surveys, memos, correspondence, relating to the Salsk district, Chernomor district, Changar peninsula, Azov, Kuban, Odessa district, Samara district, Povolzhe, Krivoy Rog, Kherson, The Far East, Siberia. Materials relating to contacts with KOMZET. Correspondence, minutes of KOMZET meetings, statistical information, reports. By-laws of the OZET (Obshchestvo po Zemleustroystvu Trudyachtchikhsya Evreev - Association For the Settlement of Toiling Jews On Land) and AGRO-KUSTBANK (Evreysky Agrarno-Kustarny Bank - Jewish Agricultural and House Workers Bank). Register of Agro-Joint assets transferred to KOMZET. Records of the Agro-Joint Agricultural Department. Materials


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Contains correspondence and newspaper clippings relating to the centennial birthday celebration of and memorial services for Sir Moses Montefiore; correspondence consists primarily of replies to a circular advocating the holding of memorial services issued by the Board of Delegates on Civil and Religious Rights from congregations in Buffalo, Charleston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Detroit. Contains also correspondence relating to the activities of the Alliance Israelite Universelle on behalf of Palestine and the Jews in the Balkan States and Morocco and to the establishment of United States committees for the Alliance and the raising of funds, including correspondence with H. Pereira Mendes, Henry S. Jacobs, John Hay, and Adolphe Cremieux as well as letters from Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Galveston, Minneapolis, Mobile, Rochester, St. Louis, and San Francisco. Also contains extensive correspondence concerning anti-semitism in Russia, aid to Jewish immigrants, and Jewish agricultural colonies in the United States, with letters from James G. Blaine, Manuel Augustus Kursheedt, Sabato Morais, Charles Nathan, Hirsch Leib Sabsovich, (Isaac N.?) Seligman and Judah Wechsler, among others. Also contains newspaper clippings and other items relating to Jewish life during the late 19th century and articles and memorabilia about various members of the Isaacs family.


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Bactrocera frauenfeldi (Schiner), the ‘mango fruit fly’, is a horticultural pest originating from the Papua New Guinea region. It was first detected in Australia on Cape York Peninsula in north Queensland in 1974 and had spread to Cairns by 1994 and Townsville by 1997. Bactrocera frauenfeldi has not been recorded further south since then despite its invasive potential, an absence of any controls and an abundance of hosts in southern areas. Analysis of cue-lure trapping data from 1997 to 2012 in relation to environmental variables shows that the distribution of B. frauenfeldi in Queensland correlates to locations with a minimum temperature for the coldest month >13.2°C, annual temperature range <19.3°C, mean temperature of the driest quarter >20.2°C, precipitation of the wettest month >268 mm, precipitation of the wettest quarter >697 mm, temperature seasonality <30.9°C (i.e. lower temperature variability) and areas with higher human population per square kilometre. Annual temperature range was the most important variable in predicting this species' distribution. Predictive distribution maps based on an uncorrelated subset of these variables reasonably reflected the current distribution of this species in northern Australia and predicted other areas in the world potentially at risk from invasion by this species. This analysis shows that the distribution of B. frauenfeldi in Australia is correlated to certain environmental variables that have most likely limited this species' spread southward in Queensland. This is of importance to Australian horticulture in demonstrating that B. frauenfeldi is unlikely to establish in horticultural production areas further south than Townsville.


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The project aimed to detect exotic C"11coides species recently established in northern Australia and to map the distribution of Cullcoid"' bi'e\, nth'sis and C. 1.1-, oddiill Western Australia and NT. Between February 1990 and June 1992, collections were Inade throughout Cape York Peninsula, Nortlierii Territory and northern and central Western Australia. Six previously unreported species were collected. These species an'e considered unlikely to be recent jininigrants and seein to pose little threat as potential arboviiT. Is vectors. C. woddi was restricted to coastal 1101tlierii Qld, the northernmost areas of NT and the northern Kiinberley region in WA. 111 NT C. bi'evitai'sis was collected as far soutli as Katlierine. In WA it was collected throughout the Kiinberley and in the Pilbara region ill all area bounded by Nullagine, KanTatha and 300km nortli of Carnalvon. C. bi'evilcii'sis reinains tlie only Guncoide. s species of known 11npoitance as a vector of livestock an'boviruses to extend into Inajor sheep-grazing areas. Generally, CUIicoides distributions in northern Australia between 1990 and 1992 were coinparable but not identical to those defined ill surveys conducted ill tlie 1970's and 1980's. Species distributions were not static and will continue to fluctuate witli variation ill rainfall. . .


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An overview of the problem of orographic effects on the southwest monsoon using the contributions of all the available analytical and numerical models is attempted. A quasi-geostrophic model is applied to deduce the effect of the topographic complex on the Indian peninsula. This model suggests that the southward bending of the low-level isobars on the peninsula can be ascribed to the topographically-induced southward velocity. This southward velocity triggers a Rossby wave to the east of the peninsula which is manifested as a trough on the southern Bay of Bengal.


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The goal of this thesis was to examine the ecophysiological responses of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), with an emphasis on the oxidative enzyme peroxidase and plant phenolics to environmental stresses like elevated levels of nickel (Ni) and copper (Cu), and herbivory. The effects of Ni and Cu were studied in a gradient survey at a sulphur dioxide contaminated site in the Kola Peninsula, and with experiments in which seedlings were exposed to Ni mist or to Ni and Cu amended into the soil. In addition, experimental Ni exposure was combined with disturbance of the natural lichen cover of the forest ground layer. Pine sawfly attack was simulated in the early season defoliation experiment, in which mature Scots pine were defoliated (100 %) during two successive years in a dry, nutrient-poor Scots pine stand. In addition, the effect of previous defoliation on the growth of sawfly (Diprion pini L.) larvae was studied. Apoplastic peroxidase activity was elevated in the needles of pine in a Ni- , Cu- and SO2- polluted environment, which indicated an increased oxidative stress. Increased foliar peroxidase activity due to Ni contamination was shown in the experiment, in which Ni was added as mist. No such response was found in peroxidase acitivity of the roots exposed to elevated Ni and/or Cu in the soil. Elevated Ni in the soil increased the concentration of foliar condensed tannins, which are able to bind heavy metals in the cells. Addition of low levels of Ni in the soil appeared to benefit pine seedlings, which was seen as promoted shoot growth and better condition of the roots. Wet Ni deposition of 2000 mg m-2 reduced growth and survival of pine seedlings, whereas deposition levels 200 mg m-2 or 20 mg m-2 caused no effects in a 2-y lasting experiment. The lichen mat on the forest floor did not act as an effective buffer against the adverse impacts of heavy metals on pine seedlings. However, some evidence was found indicating that soil microbes profited from the lichen mat. Artificial defoliation increased peroxidase activity in the Scots pine needles. In addition, defoliation decreased nitrogen, diamine putrescine and glucose concentrations in the needles and increased the concentrations of several phenolic compounds, starch and sucrose. Previous artificial defoliation led to poor growth of sawfly larvae reared on the pines, suggesting delayed induced resistance in Scots pine. However, there was no consistent relationship between inducibility (proportional increase in a compound following defoliation) and adverse effects on the growth of pine sawfly larvae. The observed inducible responses in needle phenolics due to previous defoliation thus appear to represent non-specific responses against sawflies.


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Genetic studies on phylogeography and adaptive divergence in Northern Hemisphere fish species such as three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) provide an excellent opportunity to investigate genetic mechanisms underlying population differentiation. According to the theory, the process of population differentiation results from a complex interplay between random and deterministic processes as well historical factors. The main scope in this thesis was to study how historical factors like the Pleistocene ice ages have shaped the patterns molecular diversity in three-spined stickleback populations in Europe and how this information could be utilized in the conservation genetic context. Furthermore, identifying footprints of natural selection at the DNA level might be used in identifying genes involved in evolutionary change. Overall, the results from phylogeographic studies indicate that the three-spined stickleback has colonized the Atlantic basin relatively recently but constitutes three major evolutionary lineages in Europe. In addition, the colonization of freshwater appears to result from multiple and independent invasions by the marine conspecifics. Molecular data together with morphology suggest that the most divergent freshwater populations are located in the Balkan Peninsula and these populations deserve a special conservation genetic status without warranting further taxonomical classification. In order to investigate the adaptive divergence in Fennoscandian three-spined stickleback populations several approaches were used. First, sequence variability in the Eda-gene, coding for the number of lateral plates, was concordant with the previously observed global pattern. Full plated allele is in high frequencies among marine populations whereas low plated allele dominates in the freshwater populations. Second, a microsatellite based genome scan identified both indications of balancing and directional selection in the three-spined stickleback genome, i.e. loci with unusually similar or unusually different allele frequencies over populations. The directionally selected loci were mainly associated with the adaptation to freshwater. A follow up study conducting a more detailed analysis in a chromosome region containing a putatively selected gene locus identified a fairly large genomic region affected by natural selection. However, this region contained several gene predictions, all of which might be the actual target of natural selection. All in all, the phylogeographic and adaptive divergence studies indicate that most of the genetic divergence has occurred in the freshwater populations whereas the marine populations have remained relatively uniform.


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One of the main aims of evolutionary biology is to explain why organisms vary phenotypically as they do. Proximately, this variation arises from genetic differences and from environmental influences, the latter of which is referred to as phenotypic plasticity. Phenotypic plasticity is thus a central concept in evolutionary biology, and understanding its relative importance in causing the phenotypic variation and differentiation is important, for instance in anticipating the consequences of human induced environmental changes. The aim of this thesis was to study geographic variation and local adaptation, as well as sex ratios and environmental sex reversal, in the common frog (Rana temporaria). These themes cover three different aspects of phenotypic plasticity, which emerges as the central concept for the thesis. The first two chapters address geographic variation and local adaptation in two potentially thermally adaptive traits, namely the degree of melanism and the relative leg length. The results show that although there is an increasing latitudinal trend in the degree of melanism in wild populations across Scandinavian Peninsula, this cline has no direct genetic basis and is thus environmentally induced. The second chapter demonstrates that although there is no linear, latitudinally ordered phenotypic trend in relative leg length that would be expected under Allen s rule an ecogeographical rule linking extremity length to climatic conditions there seems to be such a trend at the genetic level, hidden under environmental effects. The first two chapters thus view phenotypic plasticity through its ecological role and evolution, and demonstrate that it can both give rise to phenotypic variation and hide evolutionary patterns in studies that focus solely on phenotypes. The last three chapters relate to phenotypic plasticity through its ecological and evolutionary role in sex determination, and consequent effects on population sex ratio, genetic recombination and the evolution of sex chromosomes. The results show that while sex ratios are strongly female biased and there is evidence of environmental sex reversals, these reversals are unlikely to have caused the sex ratio skew, at least directly. The results demonstrate that environmental sex reversal can have an effect on the evolution of sex chromosomes, as the recombination patterns between them seem to be controlled by phenotypic, rather than genetic, sex. This potentially allows Y chromosomes to recombine, lending support for the recent hypothesis suggesting that sex-reversal may play an important role on the rejuvenation of Y chromosomes.


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The annual cycle of rainfall over the Korean Peninsula is marked by two peaks: one during July and the other during August. Since the mid-1970s, the maximum rainfall over the Korean Peninsula has shifted from July to August. This shift in rainfall peak was caused by a significant increase of August rainfall after the mid-1970s. The basic reason for this shift has been traced to a change in teleconnection between El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and August rainfall. The relationship between August rainfall over Korea and ENSO changed from 1954-1975 (PI) to 1976-2002 (PII). The variability of August rainfall was significantly associated with sea surface temperature (SST) variation over the eastern equatorial Pacific during PI, but this relationship is absent during the PII period. In El Nino years during PI, low-level westerly and southerly wind anomalies are dominant around the East China Sea, which relates to strong August rainfall. In La Nina years during PI, easterly and northerly wind anomalies are dominant. During the PII period, however, westerly and southerly wind anomalies around the East China Sea were responsible for the high August rainfall over the East Asian region, even though La Nina SST conditions were in effect over the eastern Pacific.


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This study presents a detailed description on crustal metamorphic signatures of garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz-rutile-bearing high P-T granulites, Samgot unit, Imajingang belt, northwestern Korean Peninsula that formed during Permo-Triassic regional metamorphism related to the amalgamation of East Asian continental fragments. Lenses and blocks of high P-T granulites and garnet-bearing leucosomes occur within mafic metamorphic rocks (mainly amphibolites). The mafic blocks comprise relicts of granoblastic garnet and clinopyroxene with medium-grained quartz and rutile. These relict mineral assemblages are confined to local micro-domains and constitute remnants of peak metamorphism. Plagioclase and amphibole form only as retrograde phases in medium ton coarse-grained moats that rim grain boundaries between relict peak mineral assemblages. This microstructure represents the reaction between garnet, clinopyroxene, quartz and rutile in the presence of melt to form amphibole, plagioclase and titanite with minor biotite. The leucosome domains consist of euhedral garnets within the quartz-K feldspar-plagioclase (granitic) matrix, probably representing peritectic garnet growth along with melting. The rare earth element (REE) composition of minerals also support the peritectic garnet growth with a positive Eu/Eu* (positive Eu anomaly), while the relict garnet shows a slight negative anomaly typical for high-grade granulites. The peak-metamorphic conditions calculated from thermodynamic modeling and compositional isopleths indicate a temperature around c. 900 degrees C at a pressure around c. 20 kbar. The present P-T path indicates a clear multi-stage decompression history with initial decompression and cooling followed by a stage of decompression during hydration possibly during Late Triassic exhumation. The results from this study together with the presence of eclogites from the Hongsung area suggest that the Imjingang area and the western Gyeonggi massif likely resided at crustal levels deeper than those of the eastern and southern part of the Gyeonggi massif. (C) 2009 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this thesis was to study the seismic tomography structure of the earth s crust together with earthquake distribution and mechanism beneath the central Fennoscandian Shield, mainly in southern and central Finland. The earthquake foci and some fault plane solutions are correlated with 3-D images of the velocity tomography. The results are discussed in relation to the stress field of the Shield and with other geophysical, e.g. geomagnetic, gravimetric, tectonic, and anisotropy studies of the Shield. The earthquake data of the Fennoscandian Shield has been extracted from the Nordic earthquake parameter data base which was founded at the time of inception of the earthquake catalogue for northern Europe. Eight earlier earthquake source mechanisms are included in a pilot study on creating a novel technique for calculating an earthquake fault plane solution. Altogether, eleven source mechanisms of shallow, weak earthquakes are related in the 3-D tomography model to trace stresses of the crust in southern and central Finland. The earthquakes in the eastern part of the Fennoscandian Shield represent low-active, intraplate seismicity. Earthquake mechanisms with NW-SE oriented horizontal compression confirm that the dominant stress field originates from the ridge-push force in the North Atlantic Ocean. Earthquakes accumulate in coastal areas, in intersections of tectonic lineaments, in main fault zones or are bordered by fault lines. The majority of Fennoscandian earthquakes concentrate on the south-western Shield in southern Norway and Sweden. Onwards, epicentres spread via the ridge of the Shield along the west-coast of the Gulf of Bothnia northwards along the Tornio River - Finnmark fault system to the Barents Sea, and branch out north-eastwards via the Kuusamo region to the White Sea Kola Peninsula faults. The local seismic tomographic method was applied to find the terrane distribution within the central parts of the Shield the Svecofennian Orogen. From 300 local explosions a total of 19765 crustal Pg- and Sg-wave arrival times were inverted to create independent 3-D Vp and Vs tomographic models, from which the Vp/Vs ratio was calculated. The 3-D structure of the crust is presented as a P-wave and for the first time as an S-wave velocity model, and also as a Vp/Vs-ratio model of the SVEKALAPKO area that covers 700x800 km2 in southern and central Finland. Also, some P-wave Moho-reflection data was interpolated to image the relief of the crust-mantle boundary (i.e. Moho). In the tomography model, the seismic velocities vary smoothly. The lateral variations are larger for Vp (dVp =0.7 km/s) than for Vs (dVs =0.4 km/s). The Vp/Vs ratio varies spatially more distinctly than P- and S-wave velocities, usually from 1.70 to 1.74 in the upper crust and from 1.72 to 1.78 in the lower crust. Schist belts and their continuations at depth are associated with lower velocities and lower Vp/Vs ratios than in the granitoid areas. The tomography modelling suggests that the Svecofennian Orogen was accreted from crustal blocks ranging in size from 100x100 km2 to 200x200 km2 in cross-sectional area. The intervening sedimentary belts have ca. 0.2 km/s lower P- and S-wave velocities and ca. 0.04 lower Vp/Vs ratios. Thus, the tomographic model supports the concept that the thick Svecofennian crust was accreted from several crustal terranes, some hidden, and that the crust was later modified by intra- and underplating. In conclusion, as a novel approach the earthquake focal mechanism and focal depth distribution is discussed in relation to the 3-D tomography model. The schist belts and the transformation zones between the high- and low-velocity anomaly blocks are characterized by deeper earthquakes than the granitoid areas where shallow events dominate. Although only a few focal mechanisms were solved for southern Finland, there is a trend towards strike-slip and oblique strike-slip movements inside schist areas. The normal dip-slip type earthquakes are typical in the seismically active Kuusamo district in the NE edge of the SVEKALAPKO area, where the Archean crust is ca. 15-20 km thinner than the Proterozoic Svecofennian crust. Two near vertical dip-slip mechanism earthquakes occurred in the NE-SW junction between the Central Finland Granitoid Complex and the Vyborg rapakivi batholith, where high Vp/Vs-ratio deep-set intrusion splits the southern Finland schist belt into two parts in the tomography model.


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During the second phase of the Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX-II), extensive measurements of spectral aerosol optical depth, mass concentration, and mass size distribution of ambient aerosols as well as mass concentration of aerosol black carbon (BC) were made onboard a research vessel during the intermonsoon period (i.e., when the monsoon winds are in transition from northeasterlies to westerlies/ southwesterlies) over the Arabian Sea (AS) adjoining the Indian Peninsula. Simultaneous measurements of spectral aerosol optical depths (AODs) were made at different regions over the adjoining Indian landmass. Mean AODs (at 500-nm wavelength) over the ocean (similar to0.44) were comparable to those over the coastal land (similar to0.47), but were lower than the values observed over the plateau regions of central Indian Peninsula (similar to0.61). The aerosol properties were found to respond distinctly with respect to change in the trajectories, with higher optical depths and flatter AOD spectra associated with trajectories indicating advection from west Asia, and northwest and west-coastal India. On average, BC constituted only similar to2.2% to total aerosol mass compared to the climatological values of similar to6% over the coastal land during the same season. These data are used to characterize the physical properties of aerosols and to assess the resulting short-wave direct aerosol forcing. The mean values were similar to27 W m(-2) at the surface and -12 W m(-2) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), resulting in a net atmospheric forcing of +15 W m(-2). The forcing also depended on the region from where the advection predominates. The surface and atmospheric forcing were in the range -40 to -57 W m(-2) and +27 to +39 W m(-2), respectively, corresponding to advection from the west Asian and western coastal India where they were as low as -19 and +10 W m(-2), respectively, when the advection was mainly from the Bay of Bengal and from central/peninsular India. In all these cases, the net atmospheric forcing (heating) efficiency was lower than the values reported for northern Indian Ocean during northern winter, which is attributed to the reduced BC mass fraction.