942 resultados para Left wing


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Objectives: To determine whether blood natriuretic peptide concentrations are helpful in identifying or excluding left ventricular systolic dysfunction in stable survivors of acute myocardial infarction.


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Objectives: To assess the relation between white coat hypertension and alterations of left ventricular structure and function.


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Mutations in Tg737 cause a wide spectrum of phenotypes, including random left-right axis specification, polycystic kidney disease, liver and pancreatic defects, hydrocephalus, and skeletal patterning abnormalities. To further assess the biological function of Tg737 and its role in the mutant pathology, we identified the cell population expressing Tg737 and determined the subcellular localization of its protein product called Polaris. Tg737 expression is associated with cells possessing either motile or immotile cilia and sperm. Similarly, Polaris concentrated just below the apical membrane in the region of the basal bodies and within the cilia or flagellar axoneme. The data suggest that Polaris functions in a ciliogenic pathway or in cilia maintenance, a role supported by the loss of cilia on the ependymal cell layer in ventricles of Tg737orpk brains and by the lack of node cilia in Tg737Δ2-3βGal mutants.


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The yeast heat shock transcription factor (HSF) belongs to the winged helix family of proteins. HSF binds DNA as a trimer, and additional trimers can bind DNA co-operatively. Unlike other winged helix–turn–helix proteins, HSF’s wing does not appear to contact DNA, as based on a previously solved crystal structure. Instead, the structure implies that the wing is involved in protein–protein interactions, possibly within a trimer or between adjacent trimers. To understand the function of the wing in the HSF DNA-binding domain, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain was created that expresses a wingless HSF protein. This strain grows normally at 30°C, but shows a decrease in reporter gene expression during constitutive and heat-shocked conditions. Removal of the wing does not affect the stability or trimeric nature of a protein fragment containing the DNA-binding and trimerization domains. Removal of the wing does result in a decrease in DNA-binding affinity. This defect was mainly observed in the ability to form the first trimer-bound complex, as the formation of larger complexes is unaffected by the deletion. Our results suggest that the wing is not involved in the highly co-operative nature of HSF binding, but may be important in stabilizing the first trimer bound to DNA.


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This article reviews attempts to characterize the mental operations mediated by left inferior prefrontal cortex, especially the anterior and inferior portion of the gyrus, with the functional neuroimaging techniques of positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Activations in this region occur during semantic, relative to nonsemantic, tasks for the generation of words to semantic cues or the classification of words or pictures into semantic categories. This activation appears in the right prefrontal cortex of people known to be atypically right-hemisphere dominant for language. In this region, activations are associated with meaningful encoding that leads to superior explicit memory for stimuli and deactivations with implicit semantic memory (repetition priming) for words and pictures. New findings are reported showing that patients with global amnesia show deactivations in the same region associated with repetition priming, that activation in this region reflects selection of a response from among numerous relative to few alternatives, and that activations in a portion of this region are associated specifically with semantic relative to phonological processing. It is hypothesized that activations in left inferior prefrontal cortex reflect a domain-specific semantic working memory capacity that is invoked more for semantic than nonsemantic analyses regardless of stimulus modality, more for initial than for repeated semantic analysis of a word or picture, more when a response must be selected from among many than few legitimate alternatives, and that yields superior later explicit memory for experiences.


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In metamorphosing wing discs, progression through the cell cycle takes place, as in larval discs, in nonclonally derived clusters of cells synchronized in the same cell cycle stage. Contrary to early discs, there are temporal and spatial heterogeneities in cell proliferation associated with wing margin, vein, intervein, and middle intervein territories. Within these territories, there are no indications of a wave progression of the cell cycle. Mitotic orientations are, as in early discs, at random but there is a preferential allocation of postmitotic cells along the proximodistal axis, thus explaining the elongated shape of the resulting clones along this axis. Shapes of clones in mature discs and in evaginated wings are similar, thus excluding major morphogenetic movements during evagination. After the proliferative period, all the cells are arrested in G1 phase. The final number of cells of the wing is fixed independently of experimental perturbations that alter the cell division schedule. These results are discussed in the context of a model of wing morphogenesis.


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We have studied the ability of the histone (H3-H4)2 tetramer, the central part of the nucleosome of eukaryotic chromatin, to form particles on DNA minicircles of negative and positive superhelicities, and the effect of relaxing these particles with topoisomerase I. The results show that even modest positive torsional stress from the DNA, and in particular that generated by DNA thermal fluctuations, can trigger a major, reversible change in the conformation of the particle. Neither a large excess of naked DNA, nor a crosslink between the two H3s prevented the transition from one form to the other. This suggested that during the transition, the histones neither dissociated from the DNA nor were even significantly reshuffled. Moreover, the particles reconstituted on negatively and positively supercoiled minicircles look similar under electron microscopy. These data agree best with a transition involving a switch of the wrapped DNA from a left- to a right-handed superhelix. It is further proposed, based on the left-handed overall superhelical conformation of the tetramer within the octamer [Arents, G., Burlingame, R. W., Wang, B. C., Love, W. E. & Moudrianakis, E. N. (1991) Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA 88, 10148-10152] that this change in DNA topology is mediated by a similar change in the topology of the tetramer itself, which may occur through a rotation (or a localized deformation) of the two H3-H4 dimers about their H3-H3 interface. Potential implications of this model for nucleosome dynamics in vivo are discussed.


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We present evidence that the JAK-STAT signal transduction pathway regulates multiple developmental processes in Drosophila. We screened for second-site mutations that suppress the phenotype of the hyperactive hopTum-1 Jak kinase, and recovered a mutation that meiotically maps to the known chromosomal position of D-Stat, a Drosophila stat gene. This hypomorphic mutation, termed statHJ contains a nucleotide substitution in the first D-Stat intron, resulting in a reduction in the number of correctly processed transcripts. Further, the abnormally processed mRNA encodes a truncated protein that has a dominant negative effect on transcriptional activation by the wild-type cDNA in cell culture. statHJ mutants exhibit patterning defects that include the formation of ectopic wing veins, similar to those seen in mutants of the epidermal growth factor/receptor pathway. Abnormalities in embryonic and adult segmentation and in tracheal development were also observed. The hopTum-1 and statHJ mutations can partially compensate for each other genetically, and Hop overexpression can increase D-Stat transcriptional activity in vitro, indicating that the gene products interact in a common regulatory pathway.


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A tetramer of the Mu transposase (MuA) pairs the recombination sites, cleaves the donor DNA, and joins these ends to a target DNA by strand transfer. Juxtaposition of the recombination sites is accomplished by the assembly of a stable synaptic complex of MuA protein and Mu DNA. This initial critical step is facilitated by the transient binding of the N-terminal domain of MuA to an enhancer DNA element within the Mu genome (called the internal activation sequence, IAS). Recently we solved the three-dimensional solution structure of the enhancer-binding domain of Mu phage transposase (residues 1-76, MuA76) and proposed a model for its interaction with the IAS element. Site-directed mutagenesis coupled with an in vitro transposition assay has been used to assess the validity of the model. We have identified five residues on the surface of MuA that are crucial for stable synaptic complex formation but dispensable for subsequent events in transposition. These mutations are located in the loop (wing) structure and recognition helix of the MuA76 domain of the transposase and do not seriously perturb the structure of the domain. Furthermore, in order to understand the dynamic behavior of the MuA76 domain prior to stable synaptic complex formation, we have measured heteronuclear 15N relaxation rates for the unbound MuA76 domain. In the DNA free state the backbone atoms of the helix-turn-helix motif are generally immobilized whereas the residues in the wing are highly flexible on the pico- to nanosecond time scale. Together these studies define the surface of MuA required for enhancement of transposition in vitro and suggest that a flexible loop in the MuA protein required for DNA recognition may become structurally ordered only upon DNA binding.


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The pattern of cell proliferation in the Drosophila imaginal wing primordium is spatially and temporally heterogeneous. Direct visualization of cells in S, G2, and mitosis phases of the cell cycle reveals several features invariant throughout development. The fraction of cells in the disc in the different cell cycle stages is constant, the majority remaining in G1. Cells in the different phases of the cell cycle mainly appear in small synchronic clusters that are nonclonally derived but result from changing local cell-cell interactions. Cluster synchronization occurs before S and in the G2/M phases. Rates of cell division are neither constant nor clonal features. Cell cycle progression is linear rather than concentric. Clusters appear throughout the disc but with symmetries related to presumptive wing patterns, compartment boundaries, and vein clonal restrictions.


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We report on a procedure to improve the resolution of far-field imaging by using a neighboring high-index medium that is coated with a left-handed metamaterial. The resulting plot can also exhibit an enhanced transmission by considering proper conditions to retract backscattering. Based on negative refraction, geometrical aberrations are considered in detail since they may cause a great impact in this sort of diffraction-unlimited imaging by reducing its resolution power. We employ a standard aberration analysis to refine the asymmetric configuration of metamaterial superlenses. We demonstrate that low-order centrosymmetric aberrations can be fully corrected for a given object plane. For subwavelength-resolution imaging, however, high-order aberrations become of relevance, which may be balanced with defocus. Not only the point spread function but also numerical simulations based on the finite-element method support our theoretical analysis, and subwavelength resolution is verified in the image plane.


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The wide range of morphological variations in the “loxurina group” makes taxa identification difficult, and despite several reviews, serious taxonomical confusion remains. We make use of DNA data in conjunction with morphological appearance and available information on species distribution to delimit the boundaries of the “loxurina” group species previously established based on morphology. A fragment of 635 base pairs within the mtDNA gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI) was analysed for seven species of the “loxurina group”. Phylogenetic relationships among the included taxa were inferred using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods. Penaincisalia sigsiga (Bálint et al), P. cillutincarae (Draudt), P. atymna (Hewitson) and P. loxurina (C. Felder & R. Felder) were easily delimited as the morphological, geographic and molecular data were congruent. Penaincisalia ludovica (Bálint & Wojtusiak) and P. loxurina astillero (Johnson) represent the same entity and constitute a sub-species of P. loxurina. However, incongruence among morphological, genetic, and geographic data is shown in P. chachapoya (Bálint & Wojtusiak) and P. tegulina (Bálint et al). Our results highlight that an integrative approach is needed to clarify the taxonomy of these neotropical taxa, but more genetic and geographical studies are still required.


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This paper studies stability properties of linear optimization problems with finitely many variables and an arbitrary number of constraints, when only left hand side coefficients can be perturbed. The coefficients of the constraints are assumed to be continuous functions with respect to an index which ranges on certain compact Hausdorff topological space, and these properties are preserved by the admissible perturbations. More in detail, the paper analyzes the continuity properties of the feasible set, the optimal set and the optimal value, as well as the preservation of desirable properties (boundedness, uniqueness) of the feasible and of the optimal sets, under sufficiently small perturbations.