962 resultados para Leaf Litter
[EN]The methanol extracts of leaf skins and flowers of Aloe vera from the Canary Islands were analyzed for their phenolic profiles and screened for their antioxidant and antimycoplasmic activities. The use of reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) allowed the identification of 18 phenolic constituents. Leaf skin extracts were characterized by the abundance of catechin, sinapic acid and quercitrin. Gentisic acid, epicatechin and quercitrin were the most prominent phenolic compounds of the flowers. The in vitro antioxidant activities determined by using the 1,1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric antioxidant reducing power (FRAP) assays revealed that both extracts exhibited antioxidant activity, being the leaf skin extract the most active fraction. The leaf skin extract was also found to be active against the microbial strains tested. Therefore, A. vera extracts from leaf skin and flowers can be considered as good natural antioxidant sources.
Carbon fluxes and allocation pattern, and their relationship with the main environmental and physiological parameters, were studied in an apple orchard for one year (2010). I combined three widely used methods: eddy covariance, soil respiration and biometric measurements, and I applied a measurement protocol allowing a cross-check between C fluxes estimated using different methods. I attributed NPP components to standing biomass increment, detritus cycle and lateral export. The influence of environmental and physiological parameters on NEE, GPP and Reco was analyzed with a multiple regression model approach. I found that both NEP and GPP of the apple orchard were of similar magnitude to those of forests growing in similar climate conditions, while large differences occurred in the allocation pattern and in the fate of produced biomass. Apple production accounted for 49% of annual NPP, organic material (leaves, fine root litter, pruned wood and early fruit drop) contributing to detritus cycle was 46%, and only 5% went to standing biomass increment. The carbon use efficiency (CUE), with an annual average of 0.68 ± 0.10, was higher than the previously suggested constant values of 0.47-0.50. Light and leaf area index had the strongest influence on both NEE and GPP. On a diurnal basis, NEE and GPP reached their peak approximately at noon, while they appeared to be limited by high values of VPD and air temperature in the afternoon. The proposed models can be used to explain and simulate current relations between carbon fluxes and environmental parameters at daily and yearly time scale. On average, the annual NEP balanced the carbon annually exported with the harvested apples. These data support the hypothesis of a minimal or null impact of the apple orchard ecosystem on net C emission to the atmosphere.
Atmospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) depositions are expected to increase in the tropicsrnas a consequence of increasing human activities in the next decades. Furthermore, a possiblernshortened El Niño Southern Oscillation cycle might come along with more frequent calcium (Ca)rndepositions on the eastern slope of the Ecuadorian Andes originating from Saharan dust. It isrncrucial to understand the response of the old-growth montane forest in Ecuador to increasedrnnutrient deposition to predict the further development of this megadiverse ecosystem.rnI studied experimental additions of N, P, N+P and Ca to the forest and an untreatedrncontrol, all in a fourfold replicated randomized block design. These experiments were conductedrnin the framework of a collaborative research effort, the NUtrient Manipulation EXperimentrn(NUMEX). I collected litter leachate, mineral soil solution (0.15 and 0.30 m depths), throughfallrnand fine litterfall samples and determined N, P and Ca concentrations and fluxes. This approachrnalso allowed me to assess whether N, P and/or Ca are limiting nutrients for forest growth.rnFurthermore, I evaluated the response of fine root biomass, leaf area index, leaf area and specificrnleaf area, tree diameter growth and basal area increment contributed from a cooperating group inrnthe Ca applied and control treatments.rnDuring the observation period of 16 months after the first fertilizer application, less thanrn10, 1 and 5% of the applied N, P and Ca, respectively, leached below the organic layer whichrncontained almost all roots but no significant leaching losses occurred to the deeper mineral soil.rnDeposited N, P and Ca from the atmosphere in dry and wet form were, on balance, retained in therncanopy in the control treatment. Retention of N, P and Ca in the canopy in their respectiverntreatments was reduced resulting in higher concentrations and fluxes of N, P and Ca inrnthroughfall and litterfall. Up to 2.5% of the applied N and 2% of the applied P and Ca werernrecycled to the soil with throughfall. Fluxes of N, P and Ca in throughfall+litterfall were higher inrnthe fertilized treatments than in the control; up to 20, 5 and 25% of the applied N, P and Ca,rnrespectively, were recycled to the soil with throughfall+litterfall.rnIn the Ca-applied plots, fine root biomass decreased significantly. Also the leaf area of thernfour most common tree species tended to decrease and the specific leaf area increasedrnsignificantly in Graffenrieda emarginata Triana, the most common tree species in the study area.rnThese changes are known plant responses to reduced nutrient stress. Reduced aluminium (Al)rntoxicity as an explanation of the Ca effect was unlikely, because of almost complete organocomplexationrnof Al and molar Ca:Al concentration ratios in solution above the toxicity threshold.rnThe results suggest that N, P and Ca co-limit the forest ecosystem functioning in thernnorthern Andean montane forests in line with recent assumptions in which different ecosystemrncompartments and even different phenological stages may show different nutrient limitationsrn(Kaspari et al. 2008). I conclude that (1) the expected elevated N and P deposition will bernretained in the ecosystem, at least in the short term and hence, quality of river water will not bernendangered and (2) increased Ca input will reduce nutrient stress of the forest.
Die Vegetation ist die wichtigste Quelle von organischen flüchtigen Verbindungen (auf Englisch volatile organic compounds,VOCs), die einen bemerkenswerten Einfluss auf der Chemie und Physik der Atmosphäre haben. VOCs beeinflussen die oxidative Kapazität der Atmosphäre und tragen zu der Bildung und zum Wachstum von sekundären organischen Aerosolen bei, welche einerseits eine Streuung und Reflektierung der Energie verursachen und andererseits sich an der Bildung und Entwicklung von Wolken beteiligen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Beschreibung und der Vergleich von VOC Emissionen aus Pflanzen aus zwei verschiedenen Ökosystemen: Mediterranes Ökosystem und Tropisches Ökosystem. Für diese Aufgabe wurden gewöhnliche Pflanzen von beiden Ökosystemen untersucht. Siebzehn Pflanzenspezies aus der Mittelmeergebiet, welches bekannt ist für seine Vielfalt an VOC emittierenden Pflanzen, wurden in die Untersuchungen einbezogen. Im Gegensatz zum mediterranen Ökosystem sind nur wenig Information verfügbar über VOC Emissionen aus Blättern tropischer Baumspezies. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden sechsundzwanzig Baumspezies aus verschiedenen Ökotypen des Amazonasbeckens (Terra firme, Várzea und Igapó) wurden auf VOC Emissionen auf Blattebene mit einem Küvetten-System untersucht. Analysen von flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen wurden online mit PTR-MS und offline mittels Sammlung auf entsprechenden Adsorbern (Kartuschen) und nachfolgender GC-FID Analyse untersucht. Die höchsten Emissionen wurden für Isoprene beobachtete, gefolgt durch Monoterpene, Methanol und Aceton. Die meisten Mittelmeer Spezies emittierten eine hohe Vielfalt an Monoterpenspezies, hingegen zeigten nur fünf tropische Pflanzenspezies eine Monoterpene mit einen sehr konservativen Emissionsprofil (α-Pinen>Limonen>Sabinen >ß-Pinen). Mittelmeerpflanzen zeigten zusätzlich Emissionen von Sesquiterpenen, während bei der Pflanzen des Amazonas Beckens keine Sesquiterpenemissionen gefunden wurden. Dieser letzte Befund könnte aber auch durch eine niedrigere Sensitivität des Messsystems während der Arbeiten im Amazonasgebiet erklärt werden. Zusätzlich zu den Isoprenoidemissionen waren Methanolemissionen als Indikator für Wachtumsvorgänge sehr verbreitet in den meisten Pflanzenspezies aus tropischen und mediterranen Gebieten. Einige Pflanzenspezies beider Ökosystemen zeigten Acetonemissionen. rnrnVOC Emissionen werde durch eine große Vielfalt an biotischen und abiotischen Faktoren wie Lichtintensität, Temperatur, CO2 und Trockenheit beeinflusst. Ein anderer, öfter übersehener Faktor, der aber sehr wichtig ist für das Amazonas Becken, ist die regelmäßige Überflutung. In dieser Untersuchung wir fanden heraus, dass am Anfang einer Wurzelanoxie, die durch die Überflutung verursacht wurde, Ethanol und Acetaldehyd emittiert werden können, vor allem in Pflanzenspezies, die schlechter an eine unzureichende Sauerstoffversorgung bei Flutung adaptiert sind, wie z.B. Vatairea guianensis. Die Spezies Hevea spruceana, welche besser an Überflutung adaptiert ist, könnte möglicherweise der gebildete Ethanol sofort remetabolisieren ohne es zu emittieren. Nach einer langen Periode einer Überflutung konnte allerdings keine Emission mehr beobachtet werden, was auf eine vollständige Adaptation mit zunehmender Dauer schließen lässt. Als Reaktion auf den ausgelösten Stress können Isoprenoidemissionen ebenfalls kurzfristig nach einigen Tage an Überflutung zunehmen, fallen dann aber dann nach einer langen Periode zusammen mit der Photosynthese, Transpiration und stomatäre Leitfähigkeit deutlich ab.rnrnPflanzen Ontogenese ist anscheinend von Bedeutung für die Qualität und Quantität von VOC Emissionen. Aus diesem Grund wurden junge und erwachsene Blätter einiger gut charakterisierten Pflanzen Spezies aus dem Mittelmeerraum auf VOC Emissionen untersucht. Standard Emissionsfaktoren von Isopren waren niedriger in jungen Blättern als in erwachsene Blätter. Hingegen wurden höhere Monoterpen- und Sesquiterpenemissionen in jungen Blätter einiger Pflanzenspezies gefunden. Dieser Befund deutet auf eine potentielle Rolle dieser VOCs als Abwehrkomponenten gegen Pflanzenfresser oder Pathogene bei jungen Blätter hin. In einigen Fällen variierte auch die Zusammensetzung der Monoterpen- und Sesquiterpenspezies bei jungen und erwachsenen Blättern. Methanolemissionen waren, wie erwartet, höher in jungen Blättern als in ausgewachsenen Blättern, was mit der Demethylierung von Pectin bei der Zellwandreifung erklärt werden kann. Diese Befunde zu Änderungen der Emissionskapazität der Vegetation können für zukünftige Modellierungen herangezogen werden. rn
Due to its environmental, safety, health and socio-economic impacts, marine litter has been recognized as a 21st century global challenge, so that it has been included in Descriptor 10 of the EU MSFD. For its morphological features and anthropogenic pressures, the Adriatic Sea is very sensitive to the accumulation of debris, but data are inconsistent and fragmented. This thesis, in the framework of DeFishGear project, intents to assess marine litter on beaches and on seafloor in the Western Adriatic sea, and test if debris ingestion by fish occurs. Three beaches were sampled during two surveys in 2015. Benthic litter monitoring was carried out in the FAO GSA17 during fall 2014, using a rapido trawl. Litter ingestion was investigated through gut contents analysis of 260 fish belonging to 8 commercial species collected in Western Gulf of Venice. Average litter density on beaches was 1.5 items/m2 during spring, and decreased to 0.8 items/m2 in summer. Litter composition was heterogeneous and varied among sites, even if no significant differences were found. Most of debris consisted of plastic sheets, fragments, polystyrene pieces, mussels nets and cottons bud sticks, showing that sources are many and include aquaculture, land-based activities and local users of beaches. Average density of benthic litter was 913 items/Km2 (82 Kg/Km2). Plastic dominated in terms of numbers and weight, and consisted mainly of bags, sheets and mussel nets. The highest density was found close to the coast, and sources driving the major differences in litter distribution were mussel farms and shipping lanes. Litter ingestion occurred in 47% of examined fish, mainly consisting of fibers. Among species, S. pilchardus swallowed almost all debris categories. Findinds may provide a baseline to set the necessary measures to manage and minimize marine litter in the Western Adriatic region and to protect aquatic life from plastic pollution, even accounting the possible implications on human health.
In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the blue light photoreceptor phototropins (phot1 and phot2) fine-tune the photosynthetic status of the plant by controlling several important adaptive processes in response to environmental light variations. These processes include stem and petiole phototropism (leaf positioning), leaf flattening, stomatal opening, and chloroplast movements. The PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE (PKS) protein family comprises four members in Arabidopsis (PKS1-PKS4). PKS1 is a novel phot1 signaling element during phototropism, as it interacts with phot1 and the important signaling element NONPHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL3 (NPH3) and is required for normal phot1-mediated phototropism. In this study, we have analyzed more globally the role of three PKS members (PKS1, PKS2, and PKS4). Systematic analysis of mutants reveals that PKS2 (and to a lesser extent PKS1) act in the same subset of phototropin-controlled responses as NPH3, namely leaf flattening and positioning. PKS1, PKS2, and NPH3 coimmunoprecipitate with both phot1-green fluorescent protein and phot2-green fluorescent protein in leaf extracts. Genetic experiments position PKS2 within phot1 and phot2 pathways controlling leaf positioning and leaf flattening, respectively. NPH3 can act in both phot1 and phot2 pathways, and synergistic interactions observed between pks2 and nph3 mutants suggest complementary roles of PKS2 and NPH3 during phototropin signaling. Finally, several observations further suggest that PKS2 may regulate leaf flattening and positioning by controlling auxin homeostasis. Together with previous findings, our results indicate that the PKS proteins represent an important family of phototropin signaling proteins.
Current climate change models predict significant changes in rainfall patterns across Europe. To explore the effect of drought on soil CO2 efflux (FSoil) and on the contribution of litter to FSoil we used rain shelters to simulate a summer drought (May to July 2007) in an intensively managed grassland in Switzerland by reducing annual precipitation by around 30% similar to the hot and dry year 2003 in Central Europe. We added 13C-depleted as well as unlabelled grass/clover litter to quantify the litter-derived CO2 efflux (FLitter). Soil CO2 efflux and the 13C/12C isotope ratio (δ13C) of the respired CO2 after litter addition were measured during the growing season 2007. Drought significantly decreased FSoil in our litter addition experiment by 59% and FLitter by 81% during the drought period itself (May to July), indicating that drought had a stronger effect on the CO2 release from litter than on the belowground-derived CO2 efflux (FBG, i.e. soil organic matter (SOM) and root respiration). Despite large bursts in respired CO2 induced by the rewetting after prolonged drought, drought also reduced FSoil and FLitter during the entire 13C measurement period (April to October) by 26% and 37%, respectively. Overall, our findings show that drought decreased FSoil and altered its seasonality and its sources. Thus, the C balance of temperate grassland soils respond sensitively to changes in precipitation, a factor that needs to be considered in regional models predicting the impact of climate change on ecosystems C balance.
Recently, the new high definition multileaf collimator (HD120 MLC) was commercialized by Varian Medical Systems providing high resolution in the center section of the treatment field. The aim of this work is to investigate the characteristics of the HD120 MLC using Monte Carlo (MC) methods.
The use of preparations from Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lamarck) Oken (Kalanchoe pinnata (Lamarck) Persoon) in tocolysis is supported by clinical evidence. We studied here the effect of B. pinnatum leaf press juice and its chemical fractions on the response of human myometrial strips. No data are available if the influence on myometrial strips of the juice differs from that of its components in the chemical fractions, in order to increase the pharmacological effect.
In a majority of species, leaf development is thought to proceed in a bilaterally symmetric fashion without systematic asymmetries. This is despite the left and right sides of an initiating primordium occupying niches that differ in their distance from sinks and sources of auxin. Here, we revisit an existing model of auxin transport sufficient to recreate spiral phyllotactic patterns and find previously overlooked asymmetries between auxin distribution and the centers of leaf primordia. We show that it is the direction of the phyllotactic spiral that determines the side of the leaf these asymmetries fall on. We empirically confirm the presence of an asymmetric auxin response using a DR5 reporter and observe morphological asymmetries in young leaf primordia. Notably, these morphological asymmetries persist in mature leaves, and we observe left-right asymmetries in the superficially bilaterally symmetric leaves of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and Arabidopsis thaliana that are consistent with modeled predictions. We further demonstrate that auxin application to a single side of a leaf primordium is sufficient to recapitulate the asymmetries we observe. Our results provide a framework to study a previously overlooked developmental axis and provide insights into the developmental constraints imposed upon leaf morphology by auxin-dependent phyllotactic patterning.
Phyllotaxis, the regular arrangement of leaves and flowers around the stem, is a key feature of plant architecture. Current models propose that the spatiotemporal regulation of organ initiation is controlled by a positive feedback loop between the plant hormone auxin and its efflux carrier PIN-FORMED1 (PIN1). Consequently, pin1 mutants give rise to naked inflorescence stalks with few or no flowers, indicating that PIN1 plays a crucial role in organ initiation. However, pin1 mutants do produce leaves. In order to understand the regulatory mechanisms controlling leaf initiation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) rosettes, we have characterized the vegetative pin1 phenotype in detail. We show that although the timing of leaf initiation in vegetative pin1 mutants is variable and divergence angles clearly deviate from the canonical 137° value, leaves are not positioned at random during early developmental stages. Our data further indicate that other PIN proteins are unlikely to explain the persistence of leaf initiation and positioning during pin1 vegetative development. Thus, phyllotaxis appears to be more complex than suggested by current mechanistic models.