994 resultados para Leached Nitrate


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This paper discusses the relationship between the differentiation of ferruginous accumulations and the variable water saturation of footslope soil patterns. An analysis of the slope morphology of a typical hill in the forest zone of southern Cameroon and a seasonal survey of the levels of groundwaters, springs and rivers were considered in relation to the petrology of different soil patterns. The study site is a tabular hillock whose slopes present a progressive development from steep to gentle slopes. The variable residence time of water within the soil, creating an alternation of reducing and oxidizing conditions, affects oil chemistry, structure and lateral extension of the soil patterns. The ferruginous soil patterns, being formed on the footslopes, gradually increase in extent with decreasing slope angle and the relative rise of the groundwater level. The steep footslopes, where groundwater has a shorter residence time, show a soft mottled clay pattern, restricted to the bottom part of the slope. The moderate footslopes exhibit a deep permanent and a temporary perched groundwater table. The latter, with its regular capillary fringe, contributes to more reducing conditions within isolated domains in the soil patterns, and thus to the alternation with oxidizing conditions, generating a continuous hard soil pattern (massive carapace). The more gently dipping footslopes exhibit groundwater levels near the surface and also a significant amplitude of groundwater fluctuation. Iron, previously accumulated in moderate footslope patterns, is reduced, remobilized, and leached. The soil patterns formed develop into a variegated carapace, more extended along the slope, containing less iron, but nevertheless more hardened, due to the important fluctuations of the groundwater table. These patterns are limited to the zone of groundwater fluctuation and deteriorate as the water fluctuation zone recedes. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We formulate a new mixing model to explore hydrological and chemical conditions under which the interface between the stream and catchment interface (SCI) influences the release of reactive solutes into stream water during storms. Physically, the SCI corresponds to the hyporheic/riparian sediments. In the new model this interface is coupled through a bidirectional water exchange to the conventional two components mixing model. Simulations show that the influence of the SCI on stream solute dynamics during storms is detectable when the runoff event is dominated by the infiltrated groundwater component that flows through the SCI before entering the stream and when the flux of solutes released from SCI sediments is similar to, or higher than, the solute flux carried by the groundwater. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrate data from two small Mediterranean streams obtained during storms are compared to results from simulations using the new model to discern the circumstances under which the SCI is likely to control the dynamics of reactive solutes in streams. The simulations and the comparisons with empirical data suggest that the new mixing model may be especially appropriate for streams in which the periodic, or persistent, abrupt changes in the level of riparian groundwater exert hydrologic control on flux of biologically reactive fluxes between the riparian/hyporheic compartment and the stream water.


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Sediment-water exchanges of oxygen, ammonium, nitrate, total dissolved nitrogen, phosphate and total dissolved phosphorus were measured by means of an in situ incubator of 7 1 volume and 700 cm2 base area. The incubations lasted for three hours and were done over a whole season on different kinds of sediments in Alfaques Bay. We present some preliminary results on: i) methodological aspects, ii) spatial and temporal variability of fluxes, and iii) estimates of contribution of benthic nutrient regeneration relative to total nutrient loading of the Bay. Oxygen uptake averaged 1700 mmo1 m-2 h-1 (range 200-3500); no differences were found between sandy and muddy sediments. The release of ammonia from the sediment averaged 70 mmo1 m-2 h-1 and was higher in muddy sediments than in sandy ones. Very low to null nitrate and nitrite fluxes and only small fluxes of organic nitrogen were detected. We conclude that ammonium release from sediment is the major path of nitrogen regeneration. Some sediments removed dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) from the water and released dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP). Additional manipulative experiments revealed DRP release under particular conditions (turbulence, anoxia). From these data, we estimate that at least 50% of the nitrogen requirements of phytoplankton in the area may be supplied by benthic remineralization.


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An experiment was conducted to determine the fruit size, mineral composition and quality of trickle-irrigated tomatoes as affected by potassium fertilizer rates. Six potassium (K) rates were applied as KCl, corresponding to 0, 48.4, 118.6, 188.8, 259.0 and 399.4 kg ha-1, with four replicates, following a randomized block design. Quadratic responses to K rates were observed for double extra large (diameter > 60 mm), extra large (56 to 60 mm) and large (52 to 56 mm) fruit yields. Maximum yields of these classes were achieved with K rates of 116, 190 and 233 kg ha-1, respectively. Fruit dry matter, phosphorus, sulfur and magnesium contents were not affected by K rates, but nitrate and K contents showed significant increments as K rates were increased. Vitamin C, total soluble solids, lycopene and beta-carotene contents in the fruits were not affected by K rates. Increments in the K rate lowered the fruit pH and increased total acids content.


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A lysimeter experiment was carried out with sugarcane aiming to evaluate the leaching of nitrogen derived from either urea (15N) or the soil/sugarcane crop residues. The leaching of K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ was also evaluated. The experiment was a factorial 2x4. The influencing factors were: firstly, the differential addition of two kinds of sugarcane remains to the soil, simulating conditions of cane- plantation renewal after the cane crop harvest, with and without previous straw removal by burning; secondly, four doses of N: 0, 30, 60, and 90 kg ha-1. During the experimental period the total volume of water received by the sugarcane-soil system was 2,015 mm, with 1,255 mm as precipitation and 760 mm as irrigation. The loss of N by leaching from the fertilizer (15N) was not detected. In the first three weeks the largest losses of N by leaching occurred, originating from the soil/sugarcane remains-N. The mean of leached N during the experimental period of 11 months was of 4.5 kg ha-1. The mean losses of K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ were of 13, 320 and 80 kg ha-1, respectively.


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The North Fork Maquoketa River Headwaters (NFMRH) has been identified as impaired by nutrients, episodic slugs of ammonia and sediment. The NFMRH TMDL plan calls for a "phasing approach" to managing water quality when the origin is non-point source contaminants. This project will address phase 1 using a performance reward program for targeted cooperators to improve environmental index scores using cost-share, EQIP practices and flexible management alternatives. Pre-project assessments suggest that rewards should target refined management of erosion-prone fields and farms with livestock populations, which contribute to the P and N loads responsible for fertilizing filamentous algae blooms that depress dissolved oxygen concentrations in the NFMRH. The Phosphorus Index, Soil Conditioning Index and cornstalk nitrate test will be used by producers to determine effective alternatives, such as no-till planting, to reduce nutrient and sediment delivery. These evironmental indexes will be especially useful for livestock producers in the livestock dense watershed. This project will extend a NRCS-sponsored Conservation Innovation Grant currently offered to producers in the Coffee Creek sub-watershed to a three-year, watershed-wide effort that will be necessary to make significant improvements in environmental management.


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La comarca d’Osona ha disposat sempre d’aigua abundant i de bona qualitat, però en els darrers anys s’ha observat un increment del contingut de nitrats a les aigües subterrànies. Des de 1988 i fins a l’actualitat es mostreja puntualment l’aigua d’algunes fonts i se n’analitzen els nitrats. En aquest estudi s’analitza l’evolució del contingut de nitrats i com ha afectat a la mineralització de l’aigua d’aquestes fonts i en quin estat es troben actualment. La legislació actual (RD 140/2003) considera que valors de nitrats a l’aigua de consum superiors a 50 mg/l poden provocar problemes de salut pública.


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La contaminació per nitrats de les aigües subterrànies és un dels problemes mediambientals i de salut pública que més afecten els nostres aqüífers. És per això que un dels eixos del nostre estudi és fer la màxima difusió de l’estat de la qualitat de l’aigua dels aqüífers de diferents àrees de Catalunya. En el present estudi es tracta la contaminació per nitrats a les aigües de 945 punts de mostreig (sobretot d’aigua procedent de pous, d’algunes mines i d’algunes fonts) de Catalunya, situats en 12 comarques diferents, totes elles amb algun o una gran part dels seus municipis englobats en una zona vulnerable. D’aquests punts de mostreig s’ha fet un recull de dades de la concentració de nitrats des de l’any 2003 fins el 2012 per tal d’estudiar-ne l’evolució i la incidència de la pluviometria, així com conèixer en quines comarques les variables externes: superfície agrària útil (SAU), explotacions agràries i cabana porcina i bovina poden haver incidit directament en la contaminació. També s’estudia fins a quin punt, aquest deteriorament, ha afectat la mineralització de l’aigua o afecta a llocs d’aigües més mineralitzades. A partir dels resultats obtinguts s’ha arribat a les conclusions que la concentració mitjana de nitrats a les aigües subterrànies en la majoria de comarques estudiades és elevada, superior als 50 mg/l que estableix la normativa vigent; que ha tendit a l’estabilitat en els últims deu anys; que afecta llocs d’aigües molt mineralitzades i que la pluviometria incideix notablement en la concentració de nitrats. S’ha observat que les variables externes superfície agrària útil (SAU), explotacions agràries i cabana porcina i bovina incideixen directament en la contaminació, excepte al Maresme. Finalment es presenten diferents usos alternatius als de l’aigua de consum per aquestes aigües contaminades amb nitrats i que han posat en pràctica diferents municipis de les comarques estudiades.


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The role of nutrients, such as phosphorus (P), and their impact on primary productivity and the fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 over glacial-interglacial periods are intensely debated. Suggestions as to the importance of P evolved from an earlier proposal that P actively participated in changing productivity rates and therefore climate change, to most recent ones that changes in the glacial ocean inventory of phosphorus were important but not influential if compared to other macronutrients, such as nitrate. Using new data coming from a selection of ODP sites, we analyzed the distribution of oceanic P sedimentary phases and calculate reactive P burial fluxes, and we show how P burial fluxes changed over the last glacial-interglacial period at these sites. Concentrations of reactive P are generally lower during glacial times, while mass accumulation rates (MAR) of reactive P show higher variability. If we extrapolate for the analyzed sites, we may assume that in general glacial burial fluxes of reactive P are lower than those during interglacial periods by about 8%, because the lack of burial of reactive P on the glacial shelf reduced in size, was apparently not compensated by burial in other regions of the ocean. Using the calculated changes in P burial, we evaluate their possible impact on the phosphate inventory in the world oceans. Using a simple mathematical approach, we find that these changes alone could have increased the phosphate inventory of glacial ocean waters by 17-40% compared to interglacial stages. Variations in the distribution of sedimentary P phases at the investigated sites seem to indicate that at the onset of interglacial stages, shallower sites experienced an increase in reactive P concentrations, which seems to point to P-richer waters at glacial terminations. All these findings would support the Shelf-Nutrient Hypothesis, which assumes that during glacial low stands nutrients are transferred from shallow sites to deep sea with possible feedback on the carbon cycle.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of temperature (10, 20, 30, 20/10 and 30/10ºC) and period of storage on electrical conductivity (EC) in four seed lots of corn (Zea mays L.), as well as the mineral composition of the soaking solution. EC test determines indirectly the integrity of seed membrane systems, and is used for the assessment of seed vigor, because this test detects the seed deterioration process since its early phase. The research comprised determinations of water content, germination, accelerated aging (AA), cold (CT) and EC vigor tests, and determinations of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ release to the solution, after seed soaking of four corn seed lots. The evaluations were performed each four months during a period of 16 months. For statistical analysis, a completely randomized split plot design was used with eight replications. Except for seed lots stored at 10ºC, all vigor evaluations revealed a decline in vigor, but AA and CT showed more sensitiveness to declines of seed physiological quality than EC. Potassium was the main leached ion regardless of the storage temperature.


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Mountainous areas are often covered by little evolved soils from which deposited radionuclides can potentially leak into the vadose zone. In the Swiss Jura mountains, we observed unusual isotopic ratios of nuclear weapon test (NWTs) fallout with an apparent loss of NWTs plutonium relative to &supl;³⁷Cs of Chernobyl origin in thinner soils. Here, we studied the karstic watershed of a vauclusian spring to determine the residence times of plutonium, ²⁴&supl;Am, and ⁹⁰Sr deposited by global fallout and their respective mobility in carbonaceous soils. The results show that ⁹⁰Sr is washed most efficiently from the watershed with a residence time of several hundred years. The estimated plutonium residence time is more than 10 times higher (in the range of 5000-10,000 years), and the ²⁴&supl;Am residence time is double that of plutonium. The spring water ²⁴&supl;Am/²³⁹+²⁴⁰Pu isotopic ratio is lower (0.12 - 0.28) than found in watershed soils (0.382 ± 0.077). Similar differences are found in aquatic mosses (²⁴&supl;Am/²³⁹+²⁴⁰Pu isotopic ratio 0.05-0.12), which are permanently submerged in spring waters. In contrast to plutonium, ⁹⁰Sr is leached from these mosses with 0.5M HCl, demonstrating that strontium is probably associated with calcium carbonate precipitations on the mosses. The higher plutonium to americium isotopic ratio found in the samples of spring water and mosses at the outlet of the karst shows that plutonium mobility is enhanced.


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The anaerobic transcriptional regulator ANR induces the arginine deiminase and denitrification pathways in Pseudomonas aeruginosa during oxygen limitation. The homologous activator FNR of Escherichia coli, when introduced into an anr mutant of P. aeruginosa, could functionally replace ANR for anaerobic growth on nitrate but not for anaerobic induction of arginine deiminase. In an FNR-positive E. coli strain, the ANR-dependent promoter of the arcDABC operon, which encodes the enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway, was not expressed. To analyse systematically these distinct induction patterns, a lacZ promoter-probe, broad-host-range plasmid containing various -40 regions (the ANR/FNR recognition sequences) and -10 promoter sequences was constructed. These constructs were tested in P. aeruginosa and in E. coli expressing either ANR or FNR. In conjunction with the consensus -10 hexamer of E. coli sigma 70 RNA polymerase (TATAAT), the consensus FNR site (TTGAT ..... ATCAA) was recognized efficiently by ANR and FNR in both hosts. By contrast, when promoters contained the Arc box (TTGAC .... ATCAG), which is found in the arcDABC promoter, or a symmetrical mutant FNR site (CTGAT .... ATCAG), ANR was a more effective activator than was FNR. Conversely, an extended 22 bp, fully symmetrical FNR site allowed better activation with FNR than with ANR. Combination of the arc promoter -10 sequence (CCTAAT) with the Arc box or the consensus FNR site resulted in good ANR-dependent expression in P. aeruginosa but gave practically no expression in E. coli, suggesting that RNA polymerase of P. aeruginosa differs from the E. coli enzyme in -10 recognition specificity. In conclusion, ANR and FNR are able to activate the RNA polymerases of P. aeruginosa and E. coli when the -40 and -10 promoter elements ae identical or close to the E. coli consensus sequences.


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The primary goal of the Hewitt Creek watershed council is to have Hewitt-Hickory Creek removed from the Iowa impaired waters (303d) list. Hewitt Creek watershed, a livestock dense 23,005 acre sub-watershed of the Maquoketa River Basin, is 91.2% agricultural and 7.5% woodland. Since 2005, sixty-seven percent of 84 watershed farm operations participated in an organized watershed improvement effort using a performance­ based watershed management approach, reducing annual sediment delivery to the stream by 4,000 tons. Watershed residents realize that water quality improvement efforts require a long-term commitment in order to meet their watershed improvement goals and seek funding for an additional five years to continue their successful watershed improvement project. Cooperators will be provided incentives for improved environmental performance, along with incentives and technical support to address feedlot runoff issues and sub-surface nitrate-nitrogen loss. The Phosphorus Index, Soil Conditioning Index and cornstalk nitrate test will be used by producers as measures of performance to refine nutrient and soil loss management and to determine effective alternatives to reduce nutrient and sediment delivery. Twenty-five livestock operations will improve feedlot runoff control systems and five sub-surface bioreactors will be installed to reduce nitrate delivery from priority tile-drained fields. The Hewitt Creek council will seek additional cost-share funding for high-cost feedlot runoff control structures, sediment control basins and stream bank stabilization projects.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate whether terrestrial model ecosystems (TMEs) are a useful tool for the study of the effects of litter quality, soil invertebrates and mineral fertilizer on litter decomposition and plant growth under controlled conditions in the tropics. Forty-eight intact soil cores (17.5-cm diameter, 30-cm length) were taken out from an abandoned rubber plantation on Ferralsol soil (Latossolo Amarelo) in Central Amazonia, Brazil, and kept at 28ºC in the laboratory during four months. Leaf litter of either Hevea pauciflora (rubber tree), Flemingia macrophylla (a shrubby legume) or Brachiaria decumbens (a pasture grass) was put on top of each TME. Five specimens of either Pontoscolex corethrurus or Eisenia fetida (earthworms), Porcellionides pruinosus or Circoniscus ornatus (woodlice), and Trigoniulus corallinus (millipedes) were then added to the TMEs. Leaf litter type significantly affected litter consumption, soil microbial biomass and nitrate concentration in the leachate of all TMEs, but had no measurable effect on the shoot biomass of rice seedlings planted in top soil taken from the TMEs. Feeding rates measured with bait lamina were significantly higher in TMEs with the earthworm P. corethrurus and the woodlouse C. ornatus. TMEs are an appropriate tool to assess trophic interactions in tropical soil ecossistems under controlled laboratory conditions.


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The city of Elliott has had an increase in nitrate levels in their community water supply located in the Coe Creek Watershed. They have been working with the IDNR Source Water Protection (SWP) Programs to conduct site investigations and have formed a SWP Planning Team. This Team has been reviewing the investigation findings, formed an action plan and studied different Best Management Practices (BMPs). After considering the BMPs the SWP Team made a recommendation to the Elliott City Council which included native grass seeding and a shallow water wetland. The Team also held an informational meeting for the citizens of Elliott. The goal of this meeting was to inform and educate the public of the Team findings and BMPs. The Elliott City Council approved the restoration of a shallow wetland with a native grass buffer. This whole project is 27 acres and includes a shallow water wetland with native grass buffer. This would be a long term method to reduce nitrates in the city wells. Elliott is partnering with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Montgomery County Soil and Water Conservation District, Pheasants Forever, the Montgomery County Conservation Board, US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors in the restoration of the shallow water wetland and native grass buffer.