999 resultados para LT MQWs


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Introduction : DTI has proven to be an exquisite biomarker of tissue microstructure integrity. This technique has been successfully applied to schizophrenia in showing that fractional anisotropy (FA, a marker of white matter integrity) is diminished in several areas of the brain (Kyriakopoulos M et al (2008)). New ways of representing diffusion data emerged recently and achieved to create structural connectivity maps in healthy brains (Hagmann P et al. (2008)). These maps have the capacity to study alterations over the entire brain at the connection and network level. This is of high interest in complex disconnection diseases like schizophrenia. We report on the specific network alterations of schizophrenic patients. Methods : 13 patients with chronic schizophrenia were recruited from in-patient, day treatment, out-patient clinics. Comparison subjects were recruited and group-matched to patients on age, sex, handedness, and parental social economic-status. This study was approved by the local IRB and subjects had to give informed written consent. They were scanned with a 3T clinical MRI scanner. DTI and high-resolution anatomical T1w imaging were performed during the same session. The path from diffusion MRI to a multi-resolution structural connection matrices of the entire brain is a five steps process that was performed in a similar way as described in Hagmann P et al. (2008). (1) DTI and T1w MRI of the brain, (2) segmentation of white and gray matter, (3) white matter tractography, (4) segmentation of the cortex into 242 ROIs of equal surface area covering the entire cortex (Fig 1), (5) the connection network was constructed by measuring for each ROI to ROI connection the related average FA along the corresponding tract. Results : For every connection between 2 ROIs of the network we tested the hypothesis H0: "average FA along fiber pathway is larger or equal in patients than in controls". H0 was rejected for connections where average FA in a connection was significantly lower in patients than in controls. Threshold p-value was 0.01 corrected for multiple comparisons with false discovery rate. We identified consistently that temporal, occipito-temporal, precuneo-temporal as well as frontal inferior and precuneo-cingulate connections were altered (Fig 2: significant connections in yellow). This is in agreement with the known literature, which showed across several studies that FA is diminished in several areas of the brain. More precisely, abnormalities were reported in the prefrontal and temporal white matter and to some extent also in the parietal and occipital regions. The alterations reported in the literature specifically included the corpus callosum, the arcuate fasciculus and the cingulum bundle, which was the case here as well. In addition small world indexes are significantly reduced in patients (p<0.01) (Fig. 3). Conclusions : Using connectome mapping to characterize differences in structural connectivity between healthy and diseased subjects we were able to show widespread connectional alterations in schizophrenia patients and systematic small worldness decrease, which is a marker of network desorganization. More generally, we described a method that has the capacity to sensitively identify structure alterations in complex disconnection syndromes where lesions are widespread throughout the connectional network.


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Background: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) has emerged as a leading cause of dysphagia in adults. Characteristic esophageal features on endoscopy include structural/fibrostenotic (rings, narrow caliber, strictures) and inflammatory manifestations (longitudinal furrows, exudates, edema). Aim: The purpose of this study was to correlate the clinical, endoscopic and histopathologic features in adult EoE patients. Methods: A total of 106 encounters of 81 patients with EoE were analyzed. Data included an EoE-directed symptom-severity patient questionnaire evaluating symptoms of dysphagia (frequency, intensity, duration), meal duration, chest pain, and overall symptom severity. Video recordings of endoscopies were reviewed in a blinded manner using a classification and grading scheme for the esophageal features of EoE. Histopathology was reviewed for peak eosinophil count/high power field by pathologists blinded to the patients' clinical status. Associations between endoscopic features, histology and symptoms were evaluated using the Spearman rank correlation analysis. Results: The endoscopic severity of both structural and inflammatory esophageal features of EoE, including rings, exudates, longitudinal furrows, and edema, correlated significantly with peak eosinophil counts (see Table 1). Presence of "crepe paper mucosa" did not demonstrate significant association with peak eosinophil counts. Both structural (rings, narrow-caliber esophagus and strictures) and inflammatory (furrows, exudates and edema) composite endoscopic scores demonstrated a strong correlation with peak eosinophil counts. The strongest association with the degree of esophageal eosinophilia was found with a combination of both structural and inflammatory findings (p < 0.0001). The esophageal diameter (in mm) was negatively correlated with overall symptom severity (Spearman's rho = -0.4883, P = 0.0339). None of the individual or combined patient reported symptoms correlated significantly with either endoscopic or histopathologic findings. Conclusion: The severity of both structural and inflammatory endoscopic features associated with EoE is significantly associated with the degree of esophageal eosinophilia. Patient reported symptom severity was not associated with the degree of esophageal eosinophilia. Esophageal stricture diameter was inversely correlated with EoE symptom severity. The prognostic and therapeutic implications of these observations need to be determined.


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PURPOSE: Both acute hypoxia and physical exercise are known to increase oxidative stress. This randomized prospective trial investigated whether the addition of moderate exercise can alter oxidative stress induced by continuous hypoxic exposure. METHODS: Fourteen male participants were confined to 10-d continuous normobaric hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.139 +/- 0.003, PIO2 = 88.2 +/- 0.6 mm Hg, approximately 4000-m simulated altitude) either with (HCE, n = 8, two training sessions per day at 50% of hypoxic maximal aerobic power) or without exercise (HCS, n = 6). Plasma levels of oxidative stress markers (advanced oxidation protein products [AOPP], nitrotyrosine, and malondialdehyde), antioxidant markers (ferric-reducing antioxidant power, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase), nitric oxide end-products, and erythropoietin were measured before the exposure (Pre), after the first 24 h of exposure (D1), after the exposure (Post) and after the 24-h reoxygenation (Post + 1). In addition, graded exercise test in hypoxia was performed before and after the protocol. RESULTS: Maximal aerobic power increased after the protocol in HCE only (+6.8%, P < 0.05). Compared with baseline, AOPP was higher at Post + 1 (+28%, P < 0.05) and nitrotyrosine at Post (+81%, P < 0.05) in HCS only. Superoxide dismutase (+30%, P < 0.05) and catalase (+53%, P < 0.05) increased at Post in HCE only. Higher levels of ferric-reducing antioxidant power (+41%, P < 0.05) at Post and lower levels of AOPP (-47%, P < 0.01) at Post + 1 were measured in HCE versus HCS. Glutathione peroxidase (+31%, P < 0.01) increased in both groups at Post + 1. Similar erythropoietin kinetics was noted in both groups with an increase at D1 (+143%, P < 0.01), a return to baseline at Post, and a decrease at Post + 1 (-56%, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These data provide evidence that 2 h of moderate daily exercise training can attenuate the oxidative stress induced by continuous hypoxic exposure.


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PURPOSE: In this study, the authors compared the cardiorespiratory responses between the 30-15 Intermittent Ice Test (30-15(IIT)) and the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15(IFT)) in semiprofessional hockey players. METHODS: Ten players (age 24 ± 6 y) from a Swiss League B team performed the 30-15(IIT) and 30-15(IFT) in random order (13 ± 4 d between trials). Cardiorespiratory variables were measured with a portable gas analyzer. Ventilatory threshold (VT), respiratory-compensation point (RCP), and maximal speeds were measured for both tests. Peak blood lactate ([La(peak)]) was measured at 1 min postexercise. RESULTS: Compared with 30-15(IFT), 30-15(IIT) peak heart rate (HR(peak); mean ± SD 185 ± 7 vs 189 ± 10 beats/min, P = .02) and peak oxygen consumption (VO(2peak)); 60 ± 7 vs 62.7 ± 4 mL/min/kg, P = .02) were lower, whereas [La(peak)] was higher (10.9 ± 1 vs 8.6 ± 2 mmol/L, P < .01) for the 30-15(IIT). VT and RCP values during the 30-15(IIT) and 30-15(IFT) were similar for %HR(peak) (76.3% ± 5% vs 75.5% ± 3%, P = .53, and 90.6% ± 3% vs. 89.8% ± 3%, P = .45) and % VO(2peak) (62.3% ± 5% vs 64.2% ± 6%, P = .46, and 85.9% ± 5% vs 84.0% ± 7%, P = .33). VO(2peak ))(r = .93, P < .001), HR(peak) (r = .86, P = .001), and final velocities (r = .69, P = .029) were all largely to almost perfectly correlated. CONCLUSIONS: Despite slightly lower maximal cardiorespiratory responses than in the field-running version of the test, the on-ice 30-15(IIT) is of practical interest since it is a specific maximal test with a higher anaerobic component.


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OBJECTIVES: Comparison of doxorubicin uptake, leakage and spatial regional blood flow, and drug distribution was made for antegrade, retrograde, combined antegrade and retrograde isolated lung perfusion, and pulmonary artery infusion by endovascular inflow occlusion (blood flow occlusion), as opposed to intravenous administration in a porcine model. METHODS: White pigs underwent single-pass lung perfusion with doxorubicin (320 mug/mL), labeled 99mTc-microspheres, and Indian ink. Visual assessment of the ink distribution and perfusion scintigraphy of the perfused lung was performed. 99mTc activity and doxorubicin levels were measured by gamma counting and high-performance liquid chromatography on 15 tissue samples from each perfused lung at predetermined localizations. RESULTS: Overall doxorubicin uptake in the perfused lung was significantly higher (P = .001) and the plasma concentration was significantly lower (P < .0001) after all isolated lung perfusion techniques, compared with intravenous administration, without differences between them. Pulmonary artery infusion (blood flow occlusion) showed an equally high doxorubicin uptake in the perfused lung but a higher systemic leakage than surgical isolated lung perfusion (P < .0001). The geometric coefficients of variation of the doxorubicin lung tissue levels were 175%, 279%, 226%, and 151% for antegrade, retrograde, combined antegrade and retrograde isolated lung perfusion, and pulmonary artery infusion by endovascular inflow occlusion (blood flow occlusion), respectively, compared with 51% for intravenous administration (P = .09). 99mTc activity measurements of the samples paralleled the doxorubicin level measurements, indicating a trend to a more heterogeneous spatial regional blood flow and drug distribution after isolated lung perfusion and blood flow occlusion compared with intravenous administration. CONCLUSIONS: Cytostatic lung perfusion results in a high overall doxorubicin uptake, which is, however, heterogeneously distributed within the perfused lung.


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Contexte Le plasmocytome isolé osseux est une tumeur maligne rare des cellules plasmocytaires. Les données issues de la littérature ne permettent pas de se déterminer sur la dose radiothérapeutique optimale. Dans cette perspective nous avons conduit une vaste étude rétrospective dans le but d'évaluer l'évolution, les facteurs pronostiques aunsi que la dose radiothérapeutique optimale chez les patients présentant un plasmocytome isolé. Méthodes Nous avons réunis les données de 206 patients présentant un plasmocytome isolé osseux sans évidence de myélome multiple. Chaque cas a été documenté histopathologiquement. La majorité des patients (n=169) ont été traités par radiothérapie seule, 32 par une combinaison radiothérapie-chimiothérapie, et 5 par chirurgie. La durée de suivi médiane fut de 54 mois (7-245) Résultats A 5 ans, la survie globale est de 70%, la survie sans maladie de 46% et le contrôle local de 88%. La durée médiane de développement vers une myélome multiple est de 21 mois (2-135) avec une probabilité à 5 ans de 51 %. Les analyses multivariées indiquent l'âge (<60 ans) et la taille de la tumeur (<5cm) comme facteur favorables pour survie. L'âge (<60ans) se dégage comme facteur favorable pour la survie sans maladie. La localisation de la tumeur (vertébrale vs autre) indique la probabilité de contrôle local. L'âge plus avancé (>60 ans) est le seul prédicteur de myélome multiple. Aucune relation dose-réponse n'est mise en évidence pour les doses supérieures à 30 Gy, même pour lés tumeurs les plus étendues. Conclusions Les patients les plus jeunes, principalement ceux présentant une localisation vertébrale, présentent la meilleure évolution sous traitement radiothérapeutique modéré. La progression vers le myélome multiple reste le problème thérapeutique principal. Les futures investigations devraient se focaliser sur les chimiothérapies adjuvantes ainsi que sur les nouveaux agents thérapeutiques.


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Total energy expenditure (TEE) and patterns of activity were measured by means of a heart rate (HR)-monitoring method in a group of 8-10-year-old children including 13 obese children (weight, 46 +/- 10 kg; fat mass: 32 +/- 9%) and 16 nonobese children (weight, 31 +/- 5 kg; fat mass, 18 +/- 5%). Time for sleeping was not statistically different in the two groups of children (596 +/- 33 vs. 582 +/- 43 min; p = NS). Obese children spent more time doing sedentary activities (400 +/- 129 vs. 295 +/- 127 min; p < 0.05) and less time in nonsedentary activities (449 +/- 126 vs. 563 +/- 135 min; p < 0.05) than nonobese children. Time spent in moderate or vigorous activity-i.e., time spent at a HR between 50% of the maximal O2 uptake (peak VO2) and 70% peak VO2 (moderate) and at a HR > or = 70% peak VO2 (vigorous)-was not statistically different in obese and nonobese children (88 +/- 69 vs. 52 +/- 35 min and 20 +/- 21 vs. 16 +/- 13 min, respectively; p = NS). TEE was significantly higher in the obese group than in the nonobese group (9.46 +/- 1.40 vs. 7.51 +/- 1.67 MJ/day; p < 0.01). The energy expenditure for physical activity (plus thermogenesis) was significantly higher in the obese children (3.98 +/- 1.30 vs. 2.94 +/- 1.39 MJ/day; p < 0.05). The proportion of TEE daily devoted to physical activity (plus thermogenesis) was not significantly different in the two groups, as shown by the ratio between TEE and the postabsorptive metabolic rate (PMR): 1.72 +/- 0.25 obese vs 1.61 +/- 0.28 non-obese. In conclusion, in free-living conditions obese children have a higher TEE than do nonobese children, despite the greater time devoted to sedentary activities. The higher energy cost to perform weight-bearing activities as well as the higher absolute PMR of obese children help explain this apparent paradox.


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Purpose: In primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD), it is accepted that the intensity of risk factor treatment should be guided by the magnitude of absolute risk. Risk factors tools like Framingham risk score (FHS) or noninvasive atherosclerosis imaging tests are available to detect high risk subjects. However, these methods are imperfect and may misclassify a large number of individuals. The purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate whether the prediction of future cardiovascular events (CVE) can be improved when subclinical imaging atherosclerosis (SCATS) is combined with the FRS in asymptomatic subjects. Methods: Overall, 1038 asymptomatic subjects (413 women, 625 men, mean age 49.1±12.8 years) were assessed for their cardiovascular risk using the FRS. B-mode ultrasonography on carotid and femoral arteries was performed by two investigators to detect atherosclerotic plaques (focal thickening of intima-media > 1.2 mm) and to measure carotid intima-media thickness (C-IMT). The severity of SCATS was expressed by an ATS-burden Score (ABS) reflecting the number of the arterial sites with >1 plaques (range 0-4). CVE were defined as fatal or non fatal acute coronary syndrome, stroke, or angioplasty for peripheral artery disease. Results: during a mean follow-up of 4.9±3.1 years, 61 CVE were recorded. Event rates the rate of CVE increased significantly from 2.7% to 39.1% according to the ABS (p<0.001) and from 4% to 24.6% according to the quartiles of C-IMT. Similarly, FRS predicted CVE (p<0.001). When computing the angiographic markers of SCATS in addition of FRS, we observed an improvement of net reclassification rate of 16.6% (p< 0.04) for ABS as compared to 5.5% (p = 0.26) for C-IMT. Conclusion: these results indicate that the detection of subjects requiring more attention to prevent CVE can be significantly improved when using both FRS and SCATS imaging.


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BACKGROUND: Combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) has been very successful, especially among selected patients in clinical trials. The aim of this study was to describe outcomes of cART on the population level in a large national cohort. METHODS: Characteristics of participants of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study on stable cART at two semiannual visits in 2007 were analyzed with respect to era of treatment initiation, number of previous virologically failed regimens and self reported adherence. Starting ART in the mono/dual era before HIV-1 RNA assays became available was counted as one failed regimen. Logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for virological failure between the two consecutive visits. RESULTS: Of 4541 patients 31.2% and 68.8% had initiated therapy in the mono/dual and cART era, respectively, and been on treatment for a median of 11.7 vs. 5.7 years. At visit 1 in 2007, the mean number of previous failed regimens was 3.2 vs. 0.5 and the viral load was undetectable (<50 copies/ml) in 84.6% vs. 89.1% of the participants, respectively. Adjusted odds ratios of a detectable viral load at visit 2 for participants from the mono/dual era with a history of 2 and 3, 4, >4 previous failures compared to 1 were 0.9 (95% CI 0.4-1.7), 0.8 (0.4-1.6), 1.6 (0.8-3.2), 3.3 (1.7-6.6) respectively, and 2.3 (1.1-4.8) for >2 missed cART doses during the last month, compared to perfect adherence. From the cART era, odds ratios with a history of 1, 2 and >2 previous failures compared to none were 1.8 (95% CI 1.3-2.5), 2.8 (1.7-4.5) and 7.8 (4.5-13.5), respectively, and 2.8 (1.6-4.8) for >2 missed cART doses during the last month, compared to perfect adherence. CONCLUSIONS: A higher number of previous virologically failed regimens, and imperfect adherence to therapy were independent predictors of imminent virological failure.


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Background: Few data is available on long-term secular trends in height and weight in children in countries in transition. We assessed the secular trends in height and weight among representative samples of children and adolescents from the Seychelles (African region). Methods: Weight and height data from all students of all schools in four selected school grades (kindergarten, 4th, 7th and 10th years) were collected by cross-sectional surveys for periods 1998-9 (3,676 boys, 3,715 girls) and 2005-6 (4,867 boys, 4,846 girls). Data from 1956-7 was extracted from a previously published report. Results: Height increased, in boys, by 1.6 cm/decade for the period 1956-7 to 1998- 9, and 1.1 cm/decade for the period 1998-8 to 2005-6; in girls, the corresponding figures were 0.9 cm/decade and 1.8 cm/decade. At age 15.5 years, boys/girls were taller by 10/13 cm in 2005-6 than in 1956-7. Weight increased, in boys, by 1.4 kg/decade for the period 1956-7 to 1998-9, and by 2.2 kg/decade for the subsequent period; the corresponding figures in girls were 1.1 kg/decade and 2.5 kg/decade. Conclusion: Marked upward secular trends in body height and weight were documented in children and adolescents aged <16 years in the Seychelles, consistent with large changes in socio-economic and nutritional indicators in the considered 50- year interval. However, indirect evidence suggests that the secular height gain reflects accelerated growth during childhood over time with less than commensurate impact on adult height. Conversely, the largely steeper secular increase in weight than height is consistent with a pediatric obesity epidemic.


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For patients with brain tumors identification of diagnostic and prognostic markers in easy accessible biological material, such as plasma or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), would greatly facilitate patient management. MIC-1/GDF15 (growth differentiation factor 15) is a secreted protein of the TGF-beta superfamily and emerged as a candidate marker exhibiting increasing mRNA expression during malignant progression of glioma. Determination of MIC-1/GDF15 protein levels by ELISA in the CSF of a cohort of 94 patients with intracranial tumors including gliomas, meningioma and metastasis revealed significantly increased concentrations in glioblastoma patients (median, 229 pg/ml) when compared with control cohort of patients treated for non-neoplastic diseases (median below limit of detection of 156 pg/ml, p < 0.0001, Mann-Whitney test). However, plasma MIC-1/GDF15 levels were not elevated in the matching plasma samples from these patients. Most interestingly, patients with glioblastoma and increased CSF MIC-1/GDF15 had a shorter survival (p = 0.007, log-rank test). In conclusion, MIC-1/GDF15 protein measured in the CSF may have diagnostic and prognostic value in patients with intracranial tumors.


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OBJECTIVE: We evaluated whether subjects with long-lived parents show lower levels of cardiovascular risk factors, including the metabolic syndrome. METHODS: We analyzed data from a Swiss population-based sample (1163 men and 1398 women) aged 55-75 years from Lausanne. Participants were stratified by number of parents (0, 1, 2) who survived to 85 years or more. The associations of parental longevity with cardiovascular risk factors and related metabolic variables were analyzed using multiple linear regressions. RESULTS: Age-adjusted metabolic syndrome prevalence varied from 24.8%, 20.5% to 13.8% in women (P<0.05) and from 28.8%, 32.1% to 27.6% in men (not significant) with 0, 1 and 2 long-lived parents. The association between parental longevity and metabolic syndrome prevalence was particularly strong in women who had never smoked. In this group, women with 2 long-lived parents had lower Body Mass Index and smaller waist circumference. In never-smokers of both genders, mean (95% CI) adjusted High Density Lipoprotein-cholesterol levels were 1.64(1.61-1.67), 1.67(1.65-1.70) and 1.71(1.65-1.76) mmol/L for 0, 1 and 2 long-lived parents (P<0.01), respectively. The trend was not significant in former and current smokers. CONCLUSIONS: In women, not in men, parental longevity is associated with a better metabolic profile. The metabolic benefits of having long-lived parents are offset by smoking.


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Abstract Pasquier, Mathieu, Noemi Zurron, Barbara Weith, Pierre Turini, Fabrice Dami, Pierre-Nicolas Carron, and Peter Paal. Deep accidental hypothermia with core temperature below 24°C presenting with vital signs. High Alt Med Biol. 15:58-63, 2014.-Background: According to the Swiss hypothermia clinical staging, patients with stage III are unconscious with preserved vital signs, with core temperature usually between 24° and 28°C. With stage IV, vital signs are absent with core temperature <24°C. Aims: To describe a patient presenting with HT stage III with vital signs but a core temperature of <24°C, and to search for similar patients in the medical literature. Materials and methods: MEDLINE was used to search for cases of deep accidental hypothermia (<24°C) and preserved vital signs. Results: We found 22 cases in addition to our case (n=23). Median age was 44 years (IQR 36; range 4-83) and median core temperature 22°C (IQR 1.7; 17-23.8). Vital signs were often minimal. Seven patients developed ventricular fibrillation (VF). Twenty patients survived with excellent neurological outcome. Conclusions: Vital signs can be present in hypothermic patients with core temperature <24°C. In deeply hypothermic patients, a careful check and prolonged check of vital functions should be made, as vital signs may be minimal. The clinical Swiss staging remains valuable in the prehospital evaluation of hypothermic patients; its correlation with core temperature should be better defined.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between reward sensitivity and self-reported apathy in stroke patients and to investigate the neuroanatomical correlates of both reward sensitivity and apathy. METHODS: In this prospective study, 55 chronic stroke patients were administered a questionnaire to assess apathy and a laboratory task to examine reward sensitivity by measuring motivationally driven behavior ("reinforcement-related speeding"). Fifteen participants without brain damage served as controls for the laboratory task. Negative mood, working memory, and global cognitive functioning were also measured to determine whether reward insensitivity and apathy were secondary to cognitive impairments or negative mood. Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping was used to explore the neuroanatomical substrates of reward sensitivity and apathy. RESULTS: Participants showed reinforcement-related speeding in the highly reinforced condition of the laboratory task. However, this effect was significant for the controls only. For patients, poorer reward sensitivity was associated with greater self-reported apathy (p < 0.05) beyond negative mood and after lesion size was controlled for. Neither apathy nor reward sensitivity was related to working memory or global cognitive functioning. Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping showed that damage to the ventral putamen and globus pallidus, dorsal thalamus, and left insula and prefrontal cortex was associated with poorer reward sensitivity. The putamen and thalamus were also involved in self-reported apathy. CONCLUSIONS: Poor reward sensitivity in stroke patients with damage to the ventral basal ganglia, dorsal thalamus, insula, or prefrontal cortex constitutes a core feature of apathy. These results provide valuable insight into the neural mechanisms and brain substrate underlying apathy.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE; To evaluate interactive effects of volemic status and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on the plasma levels of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in assist-controlled mechanical ventilation (MV). DESIGN: Three successive protocols applied in randomized order to each participant. SETTING: Clinical investigation laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-one young, healthy adults. INTERVENTIONS: The three protocols were as follows: (1) MV+PEEP, normovolemia; (2) MV+PEEP, hypervolemia; and (3) spontaneous breathing (SB), hypervolemia. In protocols 1 and 2, a preliminary period of SB lasting 2 h was followed by MV alone (0.5 h), MV+20 cm H2O PEEP (1 h), and a recovery period of SB (1.5 h). Hypervolemia was induced by the continuous i.v. infusion of 3 L of 0.9% NaCl in 5 h (protocols 2 and 3). MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Heart rate, BP, and the plasma levels of immunoreactive ANF and catecholamines were measured serially. During hypervolemia, ANF significantly decreased when PEEP was added to MV (protocol 2: from 31.1 +/- 2.7 to 20.7 +/- 1.5 fmol/mL; p < 0.01). This did not occur in normovolemia (protocol 1: from 20.0 +/- to 16.7 +/- 1.2 fmol/mL; p = NS). The different effects of MV+PEEP in normovolemia and hypervolemia were not related to differences in circulating catecholamine levels. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate for the first time (to our knowledge) that volemic status modulates the response of plasma ANF to PEEP in humans. The role of ANF in the water and salt retention induced by MV with PEEP might be limited to hypervolemic conditions.