981 resultados para López Jordán, Ricardo, 1822-1889.
The objectives of this research were to investigate the agrotoxic most used in the Gramorezinho region in the green belt of Natal, and to evaluate the acute toxicity of these, based on the LC50-48h values estimated in tests for Danio rerio, internationally used as test organism. The acute toxicity tests were performed under laboratory conditions, according to standardized methods (ABNT/NBR/15088/04) for this species. The LC50-48h estimated to Tamaron BR was 352.89 mg.L-1, which characterizes that as practically non-toxic, according to toxicological classes cited by Zucker. For Decis 25EC, the LC50-48h estimated was 0.0004156 mg.L-1 (4.156 X 10-4 mg.L-1), which classifies it as highly toxic to this species
The objective of this experiments was evaluate the control of Bemisia tabaci and Thrips tabaci, through the use of plant oils associated or not to insecticide in bean plants, besides verifying the consequences on yield. The experiment was carried out in the period of rainy seasons, by utilizing Carioca variety. The statistical design was the randomized blocks, by employing a 6x2 factorial scheme ( plant oil versus insecticide), totalizing 12 treatments and four replications. It was concluded thet application of plant oils without insecticide can be utilized on the control of the B. tabaci biotipo B, since their population and the symptoms of golden mosaic was similar to the treatment plant oils plus insecticide; among the plant oils Agrex (R) plant oil promoted a higher control of white fly. For T. tabaci the application of plant oil associated to insecticide provide with a smaller population index when compared to the treatments without this association. The yield was not affected by the population of B. tabaci biotipo B and T. tabaci when plant oils were utilized, associated or not to the insecticide.
This article analyzes how Latin American history was interpreted by two eminent historians, the Argentine Ricardo Levene and the Spaniard Rafael Altamira. It discusses how their paths crossed in the advocacy of Hispano-Americanism as a political project and interpretive horizon of Iberian and American history.
Analyses the presence of new standards of habitation detected in the construction of the region called Cidade Nova, in the first s years of the XX century. Associates the presence of these new patterns with the historical moment lived by the capital, marked by the urban modernization and by the changes of local life. Map voices that, introduced by the republican groups since 1889, pronounced the overcome of the old city of the XIX century asseverated a new model of town. Make use, as fundamental fonts of research, of the urban chronicles produced by the local intellectuals and the newspapers, like A República. Dialog with chronics that includes since propositions about the colonial past until the preoccupations about the acting of the State on how to order the public space. Identifies on those texts the political motivations and the elements whose where inherent to capitalism that accelerated the changes occurred in the urban space. Demonstrates the gradual occupation of Cidade Nova as an important modification happened in the city from that time on. That neighborhood adopted a new model on how to construct the houses of their citizens and helped to promote the urban life as a whole. From now on, Natal has a space meant for the home of their richest families. Recognizes, from many ways, many discourses, manners of living that was legitimized by the changing of the XIX to the XX century and has his highest point in the 1920´s. And it was representative of the strong attachment about the habits of refinery and order in the essence of the private life of the local urban elites
In this work, we discuss the construction of Juazeiro in the state of Ceará -, as a sacred space from the analysis of the testimonies of nine religious women called beatas in an Episcopal process in the late nineteenth century. This process was initiated in 1891 to investigate the occurrence of an Eucharistic miracle with beata Maria Magdalena do Espírito Santo de Araújo. We show that the punitive strategies of the Diocese eventually caused a reordering of pilgrimages to Juazeiro which until 1894 worshipped the Precious Blood and that after the condemnation of the phenomena by the Holy See are rearranged around the figure of Father Cicero Romão Batista, under the pretext of worshipping the priest himself and also Nossa Senhora das Dores, currently the patron saint of the city of Juazeiro do Norte.
Cette dissertation a pour but d´analyser la ville de São Luís do Maranhão pendant la Première Republique, d´après le roman Vencidos e Degenerados, de José do Nascimento Moraes, publié en 1915. À partir des rapports entre l´Histoire et la Littérature, nous nous intéressons à la façon dont l´auteur écrit l´histoire d´une ville qui, après la fin de l´esclavage et l´installation de la Republique, conserve des anciens préjugés de race et reste plongée dans l´immobilité economique. Le roman fait partie d´un ensemble d´oeuvres scientifiques et littéraires d´une géneration connue sous le nom de Novos Atenienses (nouveaux athéniens), laquelle discutait la crise économique et culturelle vécue par le Maranhão au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles. Le discours formulé par les nouveaux-athéniens comprennait des eléments nostalgiques associés au culte des lettres envisageant la conquête de la réconaissance littéraire et le désir d´adapter la ville de São Luis aux modèles de progrès et modernisation de la période républicaine. Dans ce contexte, Moraes introduit les thèmes liés à la discrimination raciale qui demerait après la fin de l´esclavage, qu´il considérait un obstacle au progrès de la capitale de Maranhão, et aussi la cause des pérsecutions littéraires dont il était victime. On a analisé le roman en cherchant compreendre les rapports entre les individus et les rapports qui´ils entretienent avec les spaces de la ville, à partir de questions d´ordre littéraire, raciale et urbaine. En guise de conclusion, la narration de l´oeuvre est dévellopée de façon que la ville, peuplée de gens de couleurs, sert à legitimée l´oeuvre littéraire de Moraes, dont le nom a été oublié dans les principaux cercles littéraires de la capitale pendant la période examinée
The objective of this study is to discuss the process of building a family monumentalization Albuquerque Maranhão showed that both the traditional historiography of Rio Grande do Norte, represented by Tavares de Lyra, Rocha Pombo e Câmara Cascudo, as reflected in urban areas of Natal. To understand this process, we intend to analyze the production of the aforementioned authors as well as more recent studies, trying to discern or identify an attempt to link them to the family name to the history of Albuquerque Maranhão State, which ended up giving visibility to this group, making it the characters featured in the scenario of local history, investing them with a monumental character. In addition to historical analysis, we observe changes in the urban landscape of the city of Natal in the early twentieth century orchestrated by members of this family, which tied his line to public spaces for a new and modern city. Through this review, we will be able to realize that such practices turned out to be a stage of political disputes between Albuquerque Maranhão and opposition groups who were anxious to remove them both from the center of historical narratives on the Rio Grande do Norte, as well as the political space of the State environment exclusive domain of this group for nearly twenty years
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este texto apresenta algumas hipóteses e idéias sobre o comércio de abastecimento da cidade de São Paulo, entre os anos 1765-1822, através de dados quantitativos e qualitativos levantados em dois conjuntos documentais produzidos pelo Senado da Câmara: Atas e Papéis Avulsos. Este comércio é entendido como um dos circuitos do organismo colonial, conforme proposto por José Roberto do Amaral Lapa. Neste sentido, vem sendo constatado seu funcionamento autônomo, de acordo com os fluxos do mercado interno, as ações dos negociantes-arrematadores de contratos e as reações do Senado da Câmara de São Paulo para enfrentar seus contextos de crise e a radicalização de relações de poder em torno deste circuito mercantil, como fator desencadeador de disputas e hostilidades entre interesses políticos locais, negociantes-arrematadores e autoridades régias.
Discutem-se os primeiros resultados de uma pesquisa sobre o comércio costeiro e suas relações com o funcionamento do sistema colonial e com o contexto da Independência. A tese é de que em portos menores da costa da capitania de São Paulo, como em Santos, havia um grupo de comerciantes que atuava efetivamente no comércio costeiro e defendeu seus interesses de exclusividade de participação nesse setor contra a presença de comerciantes externos à vila. A discussão apoia-se em documentos da alfândega de Santos, como mapas de exportação-importação, mapas de embarcações, ofícios de governadores e juízes da alfândega e requerimentos de negociantes estrangeiros.
A partir do edifício teórico braudeliano investiga-se as modalidades de crédito praticadas na cafeicultura paulista, bem como as hierarquias que caracterizaram o seu funcionamento e organização. Lista-se neste artigo uma série de operações de crédito captadas por fontes documentais de diferentes naturezas, buscando subsidiar a discussão sobre a diversidade das formas de obtenção de crédito no espaço em questão. O ponto de nosso argumento é que o interior do estado, especializado na produção de café, joga papel fundamentalmente subordinado na hierarquia e na cadeia do crédito, dominada pelo grande capital cafeeiro, sendo que os mecanismos de concentração da riqueza e das oportunidades se situam mais destacadamente na capital paulista, que, por sua vez, também ocupa posição subordinada em relação aos principais centros capitalistas.
Ce texte analyse le cérémonial royal de la monarchie constitutionnelle brésilienne: le sacre et le couronnement de l'Empereur D. Pedro I. Notre examen de ce cérémonial a comme point de départ son caractère liturgique, pour comprendre pourquoi cet aspect a été considéré essentiel alors pour affirmer l'autonomie du nouveau royaume et, en même temps, a contribué pour définir le pouvoir politique de l'Empire du Brésil.
A network was established to acquire basic knowledge of Cryptococcus neoformans in IberoAmerican countries. To this effect, 340 clinical, veterinary, and environmental isolates from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Guatemala, and Spain were typed by using M13 polymerase chain reaction-fingerprinting and orotidine monophosphate pyrophosphorylase (URA5) gene restriction fragment length polymorphsm analysis with Hhal and Sau961 in a double digest. Both techniques grouped all isolates into eight previously established molecular types. The majority of the isolates, 68.2% (n=232), were VNI (var. grubii, serotype A), which accords with the fact that this variety causes most human cryptococcal infections worldwide. A smaller proportion, 5.6% (n=19), were VNII (var. grubii, serotype A); 4.1% (n=14), VNIII (AD hybrid), with 9 isolates having a polymorphism in the URA5 gene; 1.8% (n=6), VNIV (var. neoformans, serotype D); 3.5% (n=12), VGI; 6.2% (n=21), VGII; 9.1% (n=31), VGIII, and 1.5% (n=5) VGIV, with all four VG types containing var. gattii serotypes B and C isolates.
Hermit crabs depend on mollusc shells for housing. In this study, an unusual resource is reported for a hermit crab that usually inhabits marine gastropod shells. During a field study conducted from May 2001 to April 2003 in an estuarine area in São Vicente, state of São Paulo, Brazil, 21 individuals of Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802) were found inhabiting the shells of the terrestrial gastropod Achatina fullea Bowdich, 1822. A. fúlica occurs in nearshore grass patches, where occasional contact with sea water kills them, and their shells then become available to the hermit crabs.