834 resultados para Kvarken Archipelago


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Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important legume crop in the world, providing low-cost, high quality protein, minerals and dietary fiber for human nutrition. The crop was originated from diversity centers in America and exhibits adaptation abilities to different environmental conditions, including soil with low pH. Acid soils occupy 30% of the agro ecosystem areas in the world. In Madeira, acid Andosols and unsatured Cambisols are the dominant groups of soils. Generally, under acidic and infertile conditions, besides of H+ toxicity, soluble aluminium (Al) is the most important abiotic factor limiting plant development and crop productivity. In the field, the hidden roots are also affected and the reduction of root growth under Al stress can be clearly observed in early stages. Seedlings of fifty bean accessions from the Archipelago of Madeira were tested under controlled conditions in the presence of 50 mM Al at pH 4.4. In general, the tested germplasm appeared to be sensitive or very sensitive to Al toxicity. However, fifteen traditional cultivars clearly exhibited elevated Al-tolerance, with an average root relative elongation (RRE) exceeding 50%, while top six accessions surpassed the 60% RRE mark. The Madeira bean germplasm is a valuable resource for sustainable crop production in acid soils and it could be used as parental lines in breeding programs aimed for Al tolerance in common beans.


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Poussée par une croissance économique rapide ces trente dernières années, la demande chinoise en matières premières a considérablement augmenté au cours de cette période. Premier importateur mondial de nombreux minerais depuis le début du XXIe siècle, la Chine, qui n’est pas un État côtier de l’Arctique, semble attentive au potentiel économique de la région, et notamment en ce qui a trait à l’exploitation des gisements miniers. Avec l’ouverture relative des accès maritimes à travers les passages arctiques, les entreprises chinoises seraient en mesure d’effectuer des économies sur les coûts de transport et pourraient plus aisément accéder aux gisements miniers du Groenland et de l’Arctique canadien. La montée en puissance de l’économie chinoise, qui s’est concrétisée depuis le début du siècle, son affirmation politique sur la scène mondiale, et sa diplomatie des ressources perçue comme agressive a contribué à développer une perception négative de la Chine au sein des opinions publiques canadiennes, danoises, groenlandaises, et islandaises. Dans un contexte de débats et d’inquiétudes sur les questions de souveraineté dans l’Arctique, les presses canadiennes, groenlandaises et danoises ont contribué à construire, dans leurs opinions publiques respectives ces dernières années, une certaine sinophobie face aux investissements directs à l’étranger chinois, qui débutent réellement en 2005. Par exemple, un sondage mené en 2015 par l’Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada faisait ressortir que près de 76% de la population canadienne était hostile à l’acquisition d’entreprises canadiennes par des entreprises chinoises, tous secteurs confondus. Au Groenland, la perspective d’opérations minières dirigées par des entreprises chinoises a provoqué l’ire des médias danois et groenlandais. Alors que certains dénoncent une stratégie géopolitique chinoise plus large dans cette région du monde, d’autres mettent l’accent sur les implications de la venue de nombreux travailleurs chinois, de même que sur les questions d’une Chine cherchant à assurer un accès à long terme aux ressources de la région, prétextant que le Groenland serait une région d’investissement majeur pour les entreprises chinoises. La Chine, par l’entremise de ses entreprises, chercherait-elle à faire main basse sur les ressources minières de l’Arctique ? L’Arctique canadien, le Groenland et le Grand Nord québécois sont-ils des territoires d’investissements majeurs pour les entreprises chinoises ? Comment les facteurs qui déterminent les choix des entreprises chinoises se sont-ils traduits dans l’Arctique ? Dans le cadre de cette recherche, trente-six entreprises et organes du gouvernement ont été consultés. Les résultats de l’enquête soulignent que ces territoires ne sont pas des régions où les entreprises chinoises investissent d’importantes sommes, mais demeurent attractifs en raison de la stabilité politique et du climat compétitif des affaires qui y règnent, ainsi que pour la qualité des ressources physiques qu’on y retrouve. Cependant, les acteurs chinois soulignent d’importants défis tels que le déficit en matière d’infrastructures maritimes et de communication dans l’Arctique, le manque d’informations sur les opportunités d’affaires, c’est le cas des projets disponibles au Groenland notamment, et les acteurs chinois soulignent également leur manque d’expérience à l’international, de même que le coût et la disponibilité de la main-d’oeuvre comme des défis importants pour les entreprises chinoises. En somme, les investissements des entreprises chinoises dans des projets miniers dans l’Arctique canadien et au Groenland s’insèrent, certes, dans les stratégies globales des entreprises chinoises qui visent à diversifier et sécuriser leurs sources d’approvisionnements. En revanche, s’il apparaît que les territoires arctiques ne sont pas des régions d’investissements majeurs pour les entreprises chinoises dans le secteur extractif, les acteurs chinois sondés raisonnent, de manière générale, selon une logique de marché et recherchent donc, pour la plupart, à assurer la rentabilité de leur entreprise par la réalisation de gains. Outre les fluctuations des prix des matières premières sur les marchés mondiaux qui affectent grandement les opérations minières globales, de nombreux facteurs dans l’Arctique tels que l’éloignement, les conditions météorologiques extrêmes, et le manque d’infrastructures augmentent considérablement le coût de faire des affaires dans le secteur minier dans l’Arctique, qui demeure un marché niche.


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1. Sawfishes currently are among the most threatened elasmobranchs in the world. Only two species inhabit Atlantic waters: the largetooth sawfish (Pristis pristis) and the smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata), both having suffered dramatic declines in their ranges. 2. The goal of this study was to evaluate the status of P. pristis in the Atlantic, and estimate local extinction risk based on historical and recent occurrence records. In order to accomplish these goals, a thorough search for historical and recent records of P. pristis in the Atlantic was conducted, by reviewing scientific and popular literature, museum specimens, and contacting regional scientists from the species’ historical range. 3. In total, 801 P. pristis records (1830–2009) document its occurrence in four major regions in the Atlantic: USA (n =41), Mexico and Central America (n =535), South America (n=162), and West Africa (n =48). Locality data were not available for 15 records. 4. Historical abundance centres were the Colorado-San Juan River system in Nicaragua and Costa Rica (and secondarily Lake Izabal of Guatemala), the Amazon estuary, and coastal Guinea-Bissau. 5. Currently, the species faces drastic depletion throughout its entire former range and centres of abundance. It appears to have been extirpated from several areas. The probability of extinction was highest in the USA, northern South America (Colombia to Guyane), and southern West Africa (Cameroon to Namibia). 6. Currently, the Amazon estuary appears to have the highest remaining abundance of P. pristis in the Atlantic, followed by the Colorado–San Juan River system in Nicaragua and Costa Rica and the Bissagos Archipelago in Guinea Bissau. Therefore the protection of these populations is crucial for the preservation and recovery of the species.


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Okadaic acid and its analogues are potent phosphatase inhibitors that cause Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) through the ingestion of contaminated shellfish by humans. This group of toxins is transmitted worldwide but the number of poisoning incidents has declined over the last 20 years due to legislation and monitoring programs that were implemented for bivalves. In the summer of 2012 and 2013, we collected a total of 101 samples of 22 different species that were made up of benthic and subtidal organisms such echinoderms, crustaceans, bivalves and gastropods from Madeira, São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago) and the northwestern coast of Morocco. The samples were analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS. Our main objective was to detect new vectors for these biotoxins. We can report nine new vectors for these toxins in the North Atlantic: Astropecten aranciacus, Arbacia lixula, Echinaster sepositus, Holothuria sanctori, Ophidiaster ophidianus, Onchidella celtica, Aplysia depilans, Patella spp., and Stramonita haemostoma. Differences in toxin contents among the species were found. Even though low concentrations were detected, the levels of toxins that were present, especially in edible species, indicate the importance of these types of studies. Routine monitoring should be extended to comprise a wider number of vectors other than for bivalves of okadaic acid and its analogues.


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Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important legume crop in the world, providing low-cost, high quality protein, minerals and dietary fiber for human nutrition. The crop was originated from diversity centers in America and exhibits adaptation abilities to different environmental conditions, including soil with low pH. Acid soils occupy 30% of the agro ecosystem areas in the world. In Madeira, acid Andosols and unsatured Cambisols are the dominant groups of soils. Generally, under acidic and infertile conditions, besides of H+ toxicity, soluble aluminium (Al) is the most important abiotic factor limiting plant development and crop productivity. In the field, the hidden roots are also affected and the reduction of root growth under Al stress can be clearly observed in early stages. Seedlings of fifty bean accessions from the Archipelago of Madeira were tested under controlled conditions in the presence of 50 mM Al at pH 4.4. In general, the tested germplasm appeared to be sensitive or very sensitive to Al toxicity. However, fifteen traditional cultivars clearly exhibited elevated Al-tolerance, with an average root relative elongation (RRE) exceeding 50%, while top six accessions surpassed the 60% RRE mark. The Madeira bean germplasm is a valuable resource for sustainable crop production in acid soils and it could be used as parental lines in breeding programs aimed for Al tolerance in common beans.


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Six hundred twenty-one samples from Portugal, the Cabo Verde archipelago, and Guinea-Bissau were typed for HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLADRB1usingthepolymerasechainreaction–sequence-specificoligonucleotide probe (PCR-SSOP) method and the sequence-based typing (SBT) method to characterizeandcomparediscrepanciesbetweenthetwomethods.Fifty-three alleles (4.27% of 1,242 chromosomes typed) identified by the PCR-SSOP method were not concordant with the results obtained using the SBT method. Thirty-four (2.74% of total chromosomes typed) PCR-SSOP mistyping results were discrepancies inside the same allele group and 19 others (1.53% of total chromosomes typed) were relative to nonconcordant results between different groups. PCR-SSOP allele mistyping is the result of interpretation difficulties resulting from less intense, absent, or dubious hybridization patterns. Noncommercial PCR-SSOP procedures are highly exigent on the technicians’ experience and the availability of properly calibrated high-precision equipment.


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A atenção à saúde mental (SM) das pessoas idosas é prioritária. Os problemas de SM neste grupo populacional têm aumentado sendo importante investir na prevenção e rastreio dos mesmos. Este estudo teve como objetivos caraterizar do ponto de vista da SM a população idosa da Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM); determinar as prevalências das situações de SM positiva e negativa e avaliar a influência positiva (protetora) ou negativa (de risco) de certos fatores pessoais e do meio na SM. Foi um estudo transversal no qual participaram 342 pessoas com 65 e mais anos, dos dois géneros, residentes na comunidade. Destes 67,0 % apresentaram SM positiva. A probabilidade da SM ser mais positiva era 2,5 vezes superior quando possuíam 1 a 11 anos de escolaridade (OR = 2,5 IC 95% 1,3 – 4,8); 0,3 vezes inferior nas mulheres (OR = 0,3 IC 95% 0,1 - 0,6), nos idosos com redes sociais muito limitadas (OR = 0,3 IC 95% 0,1 - 0,9) e nos que percecionavam a saúde como razoável ou pior (OR = 0,3 IC 95% 0,1 - 0,9). Era menor 0,5 vezes quando percecionavam a saúde como pior comparativamente aos pares (OR = 0,5 IC 95% 0,3 - 0,9), e 0,3 vezes comparativamente à detida um ano antes (OR = 0,3 IC 95% 0,2 - 0,6). Era 0,1 vez inferior (OR = 0,1 IC 95% 0,1-0,7) nos idosos com limitações físicas para satisfazerem necessidades próprias. Estes fatores devem considerar-se na promoção da SM e na prevenção de perturbações da mesma.


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One condition to perform seismic hazard analysis is knowledge about seismogenic zones that is an invaluable source of information and play an important role because it is fundamental know the processes and properties that control the seismogenic zone. The aim of this work is distinguishing seismogenic zones in the Azores region applying different parameters such as the earthquake density, b-values, focal mechanism, historical seismicity and all of these conjugated within the geodynamic framework of the Azores. We identified 10 seismogenic zones plus the well known Mid Atlantic Ridge. The 10 zones we identified are over the major tectonic structures of the Archipelago, namely Terceira Rift and Linear Volcanic Ridges.


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Global population growth reflects how humans increasingly exploited Earth's resources. Urbanization develops along with anthropization. It is estimated that nearly 60% of the world's population lives in urban areas, which symbolize the denaturalized dimension of current modernity. Cities are artificial ecosystems that suffer most from environmental issues and climate change. The Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect is a common microclimatic phenomenon affecting cities, which causes considerable differences between urban and rural areas temperatures. Among the driving factors, the lack of vegetation in urban settlements can damage both humans and the environment (health diseases, heat waves caused deaths, biodiversity loss, and so on). As the world continues to urbanize, sustainable development increasingly depends on successful management of urban areas. To enhance cities’ resilience, Nature-based Solutions (NbSs), are defined as an umbrella concept that encompasses a wide range of ecosystem-based approaches and actions to climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR). This paper analyzes a 15-days study on air temperature trends carried out in Isla, a small locality in the Maltese archipelago, and proposes Nature-based Solutions-characterized scenarios to mitigate the Urban Heat Island effect the Mediterranean city is affected by. The results demonstrates how in some areas where vegetation is present, lower temperatures are recorded than in areas where vegetation is absent or scarce. It also appeared that in one location, the specific type of vegetation does not contribute to high temperature mitigation, whereas in another one, different environmental parameters can influence the measurements. Among the case-specific Nature-based Solutions proposed there are vertical greening (green wall, façades, ground based greening, etc.), tree lines, green canopy, and green roofs.