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Various types of "nuages" and "lamellae anulata" can be found during Dermatobia hominis spermatogenesis. In spermatogonia, the "nuages" occur as granules juxtaposed to the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear envelope or as cytoplasmic granules similar to glycogen granules. In spermatocytes, in addition to the "nuages", dense spherical bodies of approximately 1.0 µm in diameter are also observed. In the spermatids the "nuages" can be of the following types: perinuclear granules, spherical granules with diameters varying in length from 0.5 to 1.0 µm, granules similar to glycogen granules, granules with variable diameters which accumulate at the flagellum base forming the centriole adjunct, or remain in the cytoplasm. "Nuages" can also be observed in these cellular types as dense masses, without a definite outline and are common to animal germinal cells in general. The "lamellae anulata" on the other hand, are observed only in spermatocytes I and in early spermatids, being always immersed in electron-dense material of indefinite outline. In spermatids, the "lamellae anulata" are close to the nuclear envelope suggesting, in spite of opposing opinions, that these cells are envolved in the synthesis and transport of material from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
Primary cell cultures were obtained from eggs of Anopheles albimanus and Aedes taeniorhynchus mosquitoes, vectors of human malaria and of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, respectively. The cellular growth of the An. albimanus cells began four weeks after explanting the embryonic tissues in MK/VP12 medium, supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum. The culture showed heterogeneous cellular morphology. With regard to the Ae. taeniorhynchus culture, growth occurred three weeks after initiating the culture in MM/VP12 medium. The majority of cells were small and round. Karyotypes were examined in the latter species.
A morphological study was made of a population of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) rondoni (Neiva and Pinto) from northern Mato Grosso, Brazil. This population usually lacked the primary key character of a dark basal band on hindtarsomere 3, i.e., hindtarsomere 3 was all white as in most other members of the subgenus. It was determined that this species can be recognized instead by the presence of a dark spot on the thorax made up of a large dark prescutellar space that is contiguous with a concolorous central area on the scutellum. A secondary character of a dark area on the costa created by the fusion of the humeral dark, presector dark and sector dark proximal spots is also usually reliable. Regression analyses comparing the lengths and ratios of the dark bands on hindtarsomeres 2 to those on 3 describe a straight line relationship. This suggests that the "atypical" population is at one end of a character gradient. We propose that in the subgenus Nyssorhynchus individuals that have a long basal band on hindtarsomere 2 are more likely to also have a basal band on hindtarsomere 3. The pupal stage of this species has not been previously described. Reared-associated specimens from this study show that the pupa can be easily differentiated from all other Nyssorhynchus by the relatively stout, usually 2 or 3 branched (1-5), setae 1 and 5 on segments IV-VII.
The adults and male genitalia of two new species of Sabethes subgenus Peytonulus are described from Colombia. The male genitalia are illustrated and the species are distinguished from one another and other members of the subgenus.
Peckia chrysostoma obtained mean viability of 97.0±2.4% for larvae and of 96.9±2.5% for pupae (total viability of 94.0±3.7%). Adiscochaeta ingens obtained mean viability of 93.0±7.5% for larvae and of 92.8±7.6% for pupae (total viability of 86.0±7.3%). P. chrysostoma obtained mean larval period of 185±4 hr at 18ºC, of 94±2 hr at 27ºC and of 88±2 hr at room temperature (range of 23ºC and 29ºC). A. ingens obtained mean larval period of 169±1 hr at 18ºC, of 77±1 hr at 27ºC and of 84±2hr at room temperature. P. chrysostoma obtained mean pupal period of 23.5±1.3 days at 18ºC, of 12.5±0.7 days at 27ºC and of 15.5±0.7 days at room temperature. A. ingens obtained mean pupal period of 33.0±2.2 days at 18ºC, of 16.0±1.0 days at 27ºC and of 19.0±1.0 days at room temperature.
Species-specific Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Polymerase chain Reaction (RAPD-PCR) markers were used to identify four species related to Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis Lynch-Arribàlzaga from 12 sites in Brazil and 4 in Venezuela. In a previous study (Wilkerson et al. 1995), which included sites in Paraguay and Argentina, these four species were designated "A", "B", "C" and "D". It was hypothesized that species A is An. (Nys.) albitarsis, species B is undescribed, species C is An. (Nys) marajoara Galvão and Damasceno and species D is An. (Nys.) deaneorum Rosa-Freitas. Species D, previously characterized by RAPD-PCR from a small sample from northern Argentina and southern Brazil, is reported here from the type locality of An. (Nys.) deaneorum, Guajará-Mirim, state of Rondônia, Brazil. Species C and D were found by RAPD-PCR to be sympatric at Costa Marques, state of Rondônia, Brazil. Species A and C have yet to be encountered at the same locality. The RAPD markers for species C were found to be conserved over 4,620 km; from Iguape, state of São Paulo, Brazil to rio Socuavo, state of Zulia, Venezuela. RAPD-PCR was determined to be an effective means for the identification of unknown species within this species complex.
Schneider's Drosophila medium, a complex amino acid rich medium was tested alone and with seven different sugars for some aspects of the biology of Lutzomyia longipalpis. Statistically significant results were obtained when sucrose was used alone, indicating that among the sugars tested, this is still the most suitable and practical one for the maintenance of L. longipalpis colonies. However, the addition of Schneider's medium to a pool of different sugars, was suggested to be related with the acceptance of the first and second blood meals and to longevity, these being, obviously, quite relevant aspects when tansmission experiments are contemplated.
In order to classify mosquito immature stage habitats, samples were taken in 42 localities of Córdoba Province, Argentina, representing the phytogeographic regions of Chaco, Espinal and Pampa. Immature stage habitats were described and classified according to the following criteria: natural or artificial; size; location related to light and neighboring houses; vegetation; water: permanence, movement, turbidity and pH. Four groups of species were associated based on the habitat similarity by means of cluster analysis: Aedes albifasciatus, Culex saltanensis, Cx. mollis, Cx. brethesi, Psorophora ciliata, Anopheles albitarsis, and Uranotaenia lowii (Group A); Cx. acharistus, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. bidens, Cx. dolosus, Cx. maxi and Cx. apicinus (Group B); Cx. coronator, Cx. chidesteri, Mansonia titillans and Ps. ferox (Group C); Ae. fluviatilis and Ae. milleri (Group D). The principal component analysis (ordination method) pointed out that the different types of habitats, their nature (natural or artificial), plant species, water movement and depth are the main characters explaining the observed variation among the mosquito species. The distribution of mosquito species by phytogeographic region did not affect the species groups, since species belonging to different groups were collected in the same region.
Larva and pupa of Myiotabanus barrettoi living between leaves of Pistia stratiotes in ponds of Formosa Province (Argentina) are described. As immature stages of Lepiselaga crassipes inhabit the same environment and have very a similar appearance, new information on ornamentation and morphology is added to differentiate both species. Larvae and pupae were maintained individually in moist vials at laboratory temperature until adults emerged.
Fifty-two species of Lutzomyia sand flies were identified in contemporaneous samples totalling only 1875 individuals, collected at the same site in tall primary terra-firme rainforest, near the south bank of the Solimões River. The most abundant species belonged to the subgenera Trichophoromyia and Nyssomyia. The subgenera Psathyromyia, Nyssomyia and Psychodopygus represented the greatest number of species. A new, aberrant species of the subgenus Psathyromyia (L. cultellata) and the female of Lu. souzacastroi are described. The Phlebotominae are proposed as a suitable indicator group for biogeographic and diversity studies.
Phylogenetic analysis of morphometric and biological characters indicated that there are two distinct forms of Lutzomyia whitmani in Brazil: one is present both north and south of the River Amazonas in the State of Pará while the other occurs in northeast Brazil, in the State of Ceará, and further south, including the type locality in State of Bahia. The Amazonian form is reportedly neither strongly anthropophilic nor synanthropic, and it is the vector of Leishmania shawi; whereas the southern form is often collected peridomestically, while biting man, and has been found infected with Le.(V.) braziliensis. The ratio of the length of the genital filaments to that the genital pump was found to be consistently smaller in males of the Amazonian populations. A middle repetitive DNA element was isolated by differentially screening a genomic library made using Amazonian material, and the sequence was diagnostic for this form of Lu. whitmani (being absent or occurring in low copy number in the southern form). The total evidence suggests there are at least two, geographically-isolated forms of Lu. whitmani, which may represent different cryptic species.
The municipality of Ilhéus, State of Bahia, has a focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis where entomological studies were carried out to determine the sand fly species and their habits. Lutzomyia migonei, L. sallesi, L. tupynambai, L. schreiberi, L. intermedia, L. whitmani, L. yuilli yuilli, L. fischeri, L. pessoai, L. shannoni and L. misionensis were identified. Lutzomyia whitmani was the predominant species. Specimens were collected indoors, at peridomestic sites, in the cocoa plantations and in other types of collections. Females fed readily on humans and were attracted to domestic animals. Our evidence suggests that L. whitmani is a probable vector.
The daily man-biting activity of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albimanus and An. (Kerteszia) neivai was determined in four ecologically distinct settlements of the Naya River, Department of Valle, Colombia. Differences were found among the settlements with respect to the mosquito species present, intradomiciliary and extradomiciliary biting activity and population densities.