978 resultados para José I, Emperador de Austria


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Reducing energy consumption is one of the main challenges in most countries. For example, European Member States agreed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% in 2020 compared to 1990 levels (EC 2008). Considering each sector separately, ICTs account nowadays for 2% of total carbon emissions. This percentage will increase as the demand of communication services and applications steps up. At the same time, the expected evolution of ICT-based developments - smart buildings, smart grids and smart transportation systems among others - could result in the creation of energy-saving opportunities leading to global emission reductions (Labouze et al. 2008), although the amount of these savings is under debate (Falch 2010). The main development required in telecommunication networks ?one of the three major blocks of energy consumption in ICTs together with data centers and consumer equipment (Sutherland 2009) ? is the evolution of existing infrastructures into ultra-broadband networks, the so-called Next Generation Networks (NGN). Fourth generation (4G) mobile communications are the technology of choice to complete -or supplement- the ubiquitous deployment of NGN. The risk and opportunities involved in NGN roll-out are currently in the forefront of the economic and policy debate. However, the issue of which is the role of energy consumption in 4G networks seems absent, despite the fact that the economic impact of energy consumption arises as a key element in the cost analysis of this type of networks. Precisely, the aim of this research is to provide deeper insight on the energy consumption involved in the usage of a 4G network, its relationship with network main design features, and the general economic impact this would have in the capital and operational expenditures related with network deployment and usage.


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Solar drying is one of the important processes used for extending the shelf life of agricultural products. Regarding consumer requirements, solar drying should be more suitable in terms of curtailing total drying time and preserving product quality. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a fuzzy logic-based control system, which performs a ?human-operator-like? control approach through using the previously developed low-cost model-based sensors. Fuzzy logic toolbox of MatLab and Borland C++ Builder tool were utilized to develop a required control system. An experimental solar dryer, constructed by CONA SOLAR (Austria) was used during the development of the control system. Sensirion sensors were used to characterize the drying air at different positions in the dryer, and also the smart sensor SMART-1 was applied to be able to include the rate of wood water extraction into the control system (the difference of absolute humidity of the air between the outlet and the inlet of solar dryer is considered by SMART-1 to be the extracted water). A comprehensive test over a 3 week period for different fuzzy control models has been performed, and data, obtained from these experiments, were analyzed. Findings from this study would suggest that the developed fuzzy logic-based control system is able to tackle difficulties, related to the control of solar dryer process.


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The tsunami deposits of the valley of Agaete (Pérez-Torrado et al., 2006), north-western Gran Canaria, attributed to the Guimar flank collapse in Tenerife, have been revisited and new data are presented here. Besides the occurrences reported by Pérez-Torrado et al. (2006) a new outcrop was found and named “La Ruina” (at 28º 05’ 47,41” N; 15º 41’ 52,04” W; 71 m asl). The above-mentioned authors suggested the possibility that more than one marine conglomerate deposit could be present in the outcrops of “Llanos de Turmán” and “Berrazales”. At “La Gasolinera” and “La Aldea 1” the conglomerates are formed by a single layer representing one depositional event; at “La Aldea 2”, the conglomerates are composed of two layers directly contacting with each other, but evidence of a time hiatus between them was not found. Although the hypothesis of stacking of two depositional units within the same episode versus deposition of two distinct layers in different time-moments is debatable at the present state of knowledge, the first possibility is favoured. The field evidence at “Llanos de Turman” and “Berrazales” unquestionably shows that terrestrial sediments (colluvia; paleosols) are present and separate two marine conglomerate deposits, indicating that at least two distinct tsunami inundations are needed to explain the stratigraphy. However, at the new “La Ruina” outcrop, besides the two deposits mentioned above, a third and older marine conglomerate was found, clearly separated in time from the ones cited above. The existence of marine conglomerates emplaced in different moments is evidenced by the occurrence of intercalated paleosols, colluvia and other subaerial materials, implying significant time intervals between the emplacement of marine conglomeratic layers. A number of gastropod operculae from the tsunamiites were sent for U-Th dating to try to further constrain the age span of these deposits. The field evidence presented above shows that the emplacement of the deposits is related to, at least, three tsunami events. The lateral correlation between different outcrops is difficult due to variable number of deposits in each outcrop, lateral discontinuity and variability, and to compositional and textural similarity between distinct tsunami sediments. The occurrence of three Pleistocene tsunami deposits in the same area points to a relatively high frequency of tsunamis (generated by landslides, surface rupturing earthquakes, fast entry of voluminous volcanic deposits into the sea or large submarine eruptions). It is possible that this recurrence of tsunami inundations may reflect multiple-phased landslides responsible for the mega-landslide scars prominent in the geomorphology of the neighbouring island of Tenerife. This is a contribution from project “Estabilidad de los edificios volcánicos en Canarias: análisis de los factores geológicos, geomecánicos y paleoclimáticos. Aplicación a los flancos N y S de la isla de Tenerife” financed by MCT, Spain.


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La evolución tecnológica surgida especialmente a partir de finales del siglo XX ha posibilitado la introducción de nuevos modelos de tarificación y sistemas de cobro de peaje en las redes de carreteras de distintos países. Algunos de los más representativos países de Europa (Alemania, Eslovaquia, República Checa, Portugal, Austria y Suiza entre otros), a diferencia de otros países en los continentes americano y asiático, han optado por introducir una tarificación global en sus redes de carreteras, bien mediante sistemas electrónicos de cobro de peajes free flow, o mediante la aplicación de viñetas, con el fin de financiar la inversión necesaria, tanto para la construcción de nuevas infraestructuras como para el mantenimiento de las ya existentes. Por otro lado, algunos países europeos no sólo han introducido la tarificación por razones económicas sino también lo han hecho con el fin de introducir políticas de road pricing, y por motivos ambientales, motivando con ello una mayor aceptabilidad social de la misma. Esta ponencia argumenta por qué la introducción de un nuevo modelo de tarificación en la red de carreteras de un país no tiene por qué suscitar un rechazo social, siempre que se haga de una manera ordenada, correcta, se expliquen sus ventajas y se introduzca dentro de un marco de interoperabilidad de estándares tecnológicos a nivel global.


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En este primer artículo, de una serie de tres,se presentan las principales clases de cristales líquidos existentes, así como las configuraciones más usuales de trabajo. Se presentan algunas formas de fabricación de células, y se dan las bases físicas de su comportamiento óptico, eléctrico y magnético. Finalmente se ofrece una panorámica global de sus principales aplicaciones.


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Se recogen los dos discursos pronunciados en la apertura del curso académico universitario de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (curso 1986-1987)


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Recoge la teoría de errores, aplicada a la electrónica, y ofrece una serie de problemas con soluciones.


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Discurso del Académico Martín Pereda en la sesión inaugural del año académico ante sus compañeros de la Real Academia de Ingeniería. En él, el autor esboza su interpretación de cómo nuestro cerebro interpreta algunas imágenes, y más en concreto las ilusiones visuales, cómo la Fotónica puede ayudarnos a interpretarlas y cómo su interpretación puede servirnos para entender algo de cómo funciona nuestro sistema visual. Quizás de todo ello podrán extraerse conceptos que ayuden a interpretar la realidad.


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Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: "Apuntes sobre el clero beneficial del Arzobispado de Valencia" (Carreres/4410)


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La rápida evolución de tecnologías que mejoran la interacción con los ordenadores ha cambiado la forma de pensar de la sociedad actual. Una de las últimas alternativas se centra en el reconocimiento facial y de gestos, el cual ha dado muy buenos resultados, acercando ordenadores y humanos. El objetivo de este proyecto era desarrollar un prototipo que permita el reconocimiento de gestos mediante el dispositivo Kinect, el cual usa una de las tecnologías mencionadas anteriormente. Para la realización de este prototipo, fue necesario el estudio del funcionamiento de Kinect. Una vez realizado, el siguiente paso consistió en la búsqueda de librerías que facilitaran el reconocimiento de gestos, para compararlas y finalmente escoger una de ellas. Al ser una tecnología reciente, no existen demasiadas aplicaciones que utilicen Kinect y por lo tanto, la búsqueda de la librería era una parte fundamental del proyecto. Tras elegir la librería, se analizaron las características que debía tener el prototipo para realizar el diseño del mismo. Este diseño se realizó de forma iterativa y con numerosos cambios para otorgar al prototipo la mayor abstracción posible y una mayor orientación a objetos, para de esta manera, favorecer los posibles cambios que sean necesarios al ser una tecnología nueva y muy cambiante. Finalmente, el paso final fue la implementación del prototipo bajo el diseño propuesto, consiguiendo un prototipo funcional capaz de reconocer, almacenar, mostrar y definir diferentes gestos. Los resultados ofrecidos por Kinect son muy satisfactorios, con una gran precisión y eficiencia, demostrando el potencial de las nuevas tecnologías de interacción sin contacto, cuyo único defecto se encuentra en ser una tecnología poco madura y en evolución. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fast development of technologies that enhance interaction with computers has changed the mindset of the society. One of the latest alternatives focuses on face and gesture recognition, which has been very successful, bringing closer computers and humans. The purpose of this project was to develop a gesture recognition prototype with the Kinect device, which uses one of the technologies mentioned above. For the realization of this prototype, it was necessary to study how Kinect works. Once done, the next step was to search for libraries to facilitate the gesture recognition, to compare them and finally choose one of them. Because it is a recent technology, there are not many applications that use Kinect and therefore, the library search was an essential part of the project. After selecting the library, the characteristics that the prototype should have were analyzed for the design. This design was performed iteratively with numerous changes to give the prototype abstraction and object orientation, because as a new technology, it changes fast. Therefore, with this design it would be easier to deal with possible changes. Finally, the final step was the implementation of the prototype under the proposed design, getting a functional prototype able to recognize, store, display and define different gestures. The results offered by Kinect are very satisfactory, with high accuracy and efficiency, demonstrating the potential of the new interaction technologies without contact, whose only fault is to be a little mature technology and evolving.


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In solid mechanics the weak formulation produces an integral equation ready for a discretization and with less restrictive requiremets than the standard field equations. Fundamentally the weak formulation is a expresion of a green formula. An alternative is to choose another green formula materializing a reciprocity relationship between the basis unknowns and an auxiliary family of functions. The degree of smoothness requiered to practice the discretization is then translated to the auxiliar functions. The subsequent discretization (constant, linear etc.)produces a set of equations on the boundary of the domain. For linear 3-D problems the BIEM appears then as a powerful alternative to FEM, because of the reduction to 2-D thanks to the features previously described.


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Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Hospitales de Valencia en el siglo XV : (NP36/3).