976 resultados para John Carter Brown Library.
Two letters describing the social and cultural atmosphere in Amherst and Northampton, Massachusetts.
One letter regarding a stone chapel being built at Harvard, and one letter providing biographical information on James Otis.
Four letters written from Birmingham, England, in which Tudor suggests changes to Harvard’s grounds and facilities, hiring practices for tutors, and university publications. He also alludes to the War of 1812.
Four letters written from Boston regarding plans to establish a new literary periodical, the North American Review. Tudor asks Kirkland to contribute to the periodical and describes plans to establish a lecture series at the Boston Athenaum.
Six letters written from Boston mainly discussing Tudor’s efforts to obtain content for the North American Review and printing deadlines.
Five letters mainly regarding the status of the North American Review. Tudor asks Kirkland to submit content and also inquires whether the Review could be made an official publication of Harvard. Other topics include a project to unite the libraries of local literary institutions and create a classification scheme, and the defense of Harvard’s Unitarian principles.
Four letters regarding the North American Review, as well as Tudor’s request to be considered for a position as Smith Professor of French and Spanish Languages and Literature at Harvard.
Three letters, one in which Tudor suggests persuading the Episcopal Church to send a bishop to reside in Cambridge and establish a divinity professorship as a means to attract students from other states who are wary of Unitarianism. Tudor also makes inquiries regarding the title of Doctor for a Reverend Chaplin and asks about college records of James Otis.
One letter thanking Tudor for sending Brown a memoir of the late William Tudor.
One letter regarding the death of Tudor’s father and the acreage of his estate.
One letter regarding a report from Tudor’s brother, Frederic, on piracy, and Lowell’s thoughts on the North American Review and domestic politics.
One letter explaining his decision to decline membership in the Anthology Society, critiquing Rees’s Cyclopaedia, and discussing the North American Review.
Three letters regarding James Otis correspondence in the John Dickinson papers, and an American Philosophical Society publication Vaughan was sending to the Boston Athenaeum library.
One letter inviting Tudor to his wedding to Susan Powell Mason, daughter of their mutual friend, Jonathan Mason.
One letter in which Belknap declines Tudor’s offer to partner in business speculation.