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Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a potent human carcinogen implicated in the etiology of hepatocellular carcinoma. Upon metabolic activation to the reactive epoxide, AFB1 forms DNA adducts primarily at the N7 position of guanines. To elucidate more fully the molecular mechanism of AFB1-induced mutagenesis, an intercalation inhibitor was designed to probe the effects of intercalation by AFB1 epoxide on its reaction with DNA. DNA duplexes were prepared consisting of a target strand containing multiple potentially reactive guanines and a nontarget strand containing a cis-syn thymidine-benzofuran photoproduct. Because the covalently linked benzofuran moiety physically occupies an intercalation site, we reasoned that such a site would be rendered inaccessible to AFB1 epoxide. By strategic positioning of this intercalation inhibitor in the intercalation site 5′ to a specific guanine, the adduct yield at that site was greatly diminished, indicating that intercalation by AFB1 epoxide contributes favorably to adduct formation. Using this approach it has been possible to simplify the production of site-specifically modified oligonucleotides containing AFB1 adducts in the sequence context of a p53 mutational hotspot. Moreover, we report herein isolation of site-specifically AFB1-modified oligonucleotides in sequences containing multiple guanines. Use of intercalation inhibitors will facilitate both investigation of the ability of other carcinogens to intercalate into DNA and the synthesis of specific carcinogen-DNA adducts.


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The human transcription factor B-TFIID is comprised of TATA-binding protein (TBP) in complex with one TBP-associated factor (TAF) of 170 kDa. We report the isolation of the cDNA for TAFII170. By cofractionation and coprecipitation experiments, we show that the protein encoded by the cDNA encodes the TAF subunit of B-TFIID. Recombinant TAFII170 has (d)ATPase activity. Inspection of its primary structure reveals a striking homology with genes of other organisms, yeast MOT1, and Drosophila moira, which belongs to the Trithorax group. Both homologs were isolated in genetic screens as global regulators of pol II transcription. This supports our classification of B-TFIID as a pol II transcription factor and suggests that specific TBP–TAF complexes perform distinct functions during development.


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SREBP cleavage activating protein (SCAP), a membrane-bound glycoprotein, regulates the proteolytic activation of sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs), which are membrane-bound transcription factors that control lipid synthesis in animal cells. SCAP-stimulated proteolysis releases active fragments of SREBPs from membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and allows them to enter the nucleus where they activate transcription. Sterols such as 25-hydroxycholesterol inactivate SCAP, suppressing SREBP proteolysis and turning off cholesterol synthesis. We here report the isolation of Chinese hamster ovary cells with a point mutation in SCAP (Y298C) that renders the protein resistant to inhibition by 25-hydroxycholesterol. Like the previously described D443N mutation, the Y298C mutation occurs within the putative sterol-sensing domain, which is part of the polytopic membrane attachment region of SCAP. Cells that express SCAP(Y298C) continued to process SREBPs in the presence of 25-hydroxycholesterol and hence they resisted killing by this sterol. In wild-type Chinese hamster ovary cells the N-linked carbohydrate chains of SCAP were mostly in the endoglycosidase H-sensitive form when cells were grown in medium containing 25-hydroxycholesterol. In contrast, when cells were grown in sterol-depleted medium, these chains were converted to an endoglycosidase H-resistant form. 25-Hydroxycholesterol had virtually no effect in cells expressing SCAP(D443N) or SCAP(Y298C). The relation between this regulated carbohydrate processing to the SCAP-regulated proteolysis of SREBP remains to be explored.


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Temperature lability of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP; glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase; ADP: α-d-glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase, EC, a key starch biosynthetic enzyme, may play a significant role in the heat-induced loss in maize seed weight and yield. Here we report the isolation and characterization of heat-stable variants of maize endosperm AGP. Escherichia coli cells expressing wild type (WT) Shrunken2 (Sh2), and Brittle2 (Bt2) exhibit a reduced capacity to produce glycogen when grown at 42°C. Mutagenesis of Sh2 and coexpression with WT Bt2 led to the isolation of multiple mutants capable of synthesizing copious amounts of glycogen at this temperature. An increase in AGP stability was found in each of four mutants examined. Initial characterization revealed that the BT2 protein was elevated in two of these mutants. Yeast two-hybrid studies were conducted to determine whether the mutant SH2 proteins more efficiently recruit the BT2 subunit into tetramer assembly. These experiments showed that replacement of WT SH2 with the heat-stable SH2HS33 enhanced interaction between the SH2 and BT2 subunits. In agreement, density gradient centrifugation of heated and nonheated extracts from WT and one of the mutants, Sh2hs33, identified a greater propensity for heterotetramer dissociation in WT AGP. Sequencing of Sh2hs33 and several other mutants identified a His-to-Tyr mutation at amino acid position 333. Hence, a single point mutation in Sh2 can increase the stability of maize endosperm AGP through enhanced subunit interactions.


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Oxidative DNA damage is generated by reactive oxygen species. The mutagenic base, 8-oxoguanine, formed by this process, is removed from oxidatively damaged DNA by base excision repair. Genes coding for DNA repair enzymes that recognize 8-oxoguanine have been reported in bacteria and yeast. We have identified and characterized mouse and human cDNAs encoding homologs of the 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (ogg1) gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Escherichia coli doubly mutant for mutM and mutY have a mutator phenotype and are deficient in 8-oxoguanine repair. The recombinant mouse gene (mOgg1) suppresses the mutator phenotype of mutY/mutM E. coli. Extracts prepared from mutY/mutM E. coli expressing mOgg1 contain an activity that excises 8-oxoguanine from DNA and a β-lyase activity that nicks DNA 3′ to the lesion. The mouse ogg1 gene product acts efficiently on DNA duplexes in which 7,8-dihydroxy-8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) is paired with dC, acts weakly on duplexes in which 8-oxodG is paired with dT or dG, and is inactive against duplexes in which 8-oxodG is paired with dA. Mouse and human ogg1 genes contain a helix–hairpin–helix structural motif with conserved residues characteristic of a recently defined family of DNA glycosylases. Ogg1 mRNA is expressed in several mouse tissues; highest levels were detected in testes. Isolation of the mouse ogg1 gene makes it possible to modulate its expression in mice and to explore the involvement of oxidative DNA damage and associated repair processes in aging and cancer.


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Small molecules that bind their biological receptors with high affinity and selectivity can be isolated from randomized pools of combinatorial libraries. RNA-protein interactions are important in many cellular functions, including transcription, RNA splicing, and translation. One example of such interactions is the mechanism of trans-activation of HIV-1 gene expression that requires the interaction of Tat protein with the trans-activation responsive region (TAR) RNA, a 59-base stem-loop structure located at the 5′ end of all nascent HIV-1 transcripts. Here we demonstrate the isolation of small TAR RNA-binding molecules from an encoded combinatorial library. We have made an encoded combinatorial tripeptide library of 24,389 possible members from d-and l-alpha amino acids on TentaGel resin. Using on-bead screening we have identified a small family of mostly heterochiral tripeptides capable of structure-specific binding to the bulge loop of TAR RNA. In vitro binding studies reveal stereospecific discrimination when the best tripeptide ligand is compared with diastereomeric peptide sequences. In addition, the most strongly binding tripeptide was shown to suppress transcriptional activation by Tat protein in human cells with an IC50 of ≈50 nM. Our results indicate that tripeptide RNA ligands are cell permeable, nontoxic to cells, and capable of inhibiting expression of specific genes by interfering with RNA-protein interactions.


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The study of development has relied primarily on the isolation of mutations in genes with specific functions in development and on the comparison of their expression patterns in normal and mutant phenotypes. Comparative evolutionary analyses can complement these approaches. Phylogenetic analyses of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Hoxd-10 genes from 18 cyprinid fish species closely related to the zebrafish provide novel insights into the functional constraints acting on Shh. Our results confirm and extend those gained from expression and crystalline structure analyses of this gene. Unexpectedly, exon 1 of Shh is found to be almost invariant even in third codon positions among these morphologically divergent species suggesting that this exon encodes for a functionally important domain of the hedgehog protein. This is surprising because the main functional domain of Shh had been thought to be that encoded by exon 2. Comparisons of Shh and Hoxd-10 gene sequences and of resulting gene trees document higher evolutionary constraints on the former than on the latter. This might be indicative of more general evolutionary patterns in networks of developmental regulatory genes interacting in a hierarchical fashion. The presence of four members of the hedgehog gene family in cyprinid fishes was documented and their homologies to known hedgehog genes in other vertebrates were established.


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Previous studies have identified an ATP-dependent DNA helicase activity intrinsic to the human minichromosome maintenance (MCM) complex, composed of MCM subunits 4, 6, and 7 [Ishimi, Y. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 24508–24513]. In contrast to the presence of multiple MCM genes (at least six) in eukaryotes, the archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum ΔH (mth) genome contains a single open reading frame coding for an MCM protein. In this study we report the isolation of the mthMCM protein overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The purified recombinant protein was found to exist in both multimeric (≈103 kDa) and monomeric (76 kDa) forms. Both forms of the protein bind to single-stranded DNA, hydrolyze ATP in the presence of DNA, and possess 3′-to-5′ ATP-dependent DNA helicase activities. Thus, a single mthMCM protein contains biochemical properties identical to those associated with the eukaryotic MCM4, -6, and -7 complex. These results suggest that the characterization of the mthMCM protein and its multiple forms may contribute to our understanding of the role of MCM helicase activity in eukaryotic chromosomal DNA replication.


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The Cdc7p protein kinase is essential for the G1/S transition and initiation of DNA replication during the cell division cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cdc7p appears to be an evolutionarily conserved protein, since a homolog Hsk1 has been isolated from Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here, we report the isolation of a human cDNA, HsCdc7, whose product is closely related in sequence to Cdc7p and Hsk1. The HsCdc7 cDNA encodes a protein of 574 amino acids with predicted size of 64 kDa. HsCdc7 contains the conserved subdomains common to all protein-serine/threonine kinases and three “kinase inserts” that are characteristic of Cdc7p and Hsk1. Immune complexes of HsCdc7 from cell lysates were able to phosphorylate histone H1 in vitro. Indirect immunofluorescence staining demonstrated that HsCdc7 protein was predominantly localized in the nucleus. Although the expression levels of HsCdc7 appeared to be constant throughout the cell cycle, the protein kinase activity of HsCdc7 increased during S phase of the cell cycle at approximately the same time as that of Cdk2. These results, together with the functions of Cdc7p in yeast, suggest that HsCdc7 may phosphorylate critical substrate(s) that regulate the G1/S phase transition and/or DNA replication in mammalian cells.


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Tissue factor (TF) is the cellular receptor for an activated form of clotting factor VII (VIIa) and the binding of factor VII(a) to TF initiates the coagulation cascade. Sequence and structural patterns extracted from a global alignment of TF confers homology with interferon receptors of the cytokine receptor super family. Several recent studies suggested that TF could function as a genuine signal transducing receptor. However, it is unknown which biological function(s) of cells are altered upon the ligand, VIIa, binding to TF. In the present study, we examined the effect of VIIa binding to cell surface TF on cellular gene expression in fibroblasts. Differential mRNA display PCR technique was used to identify transcriptional changes in fibroblasts upon VIIa binding to TF. The display showed that VIIa binding to TF either up or down-regulated several mRNA species. The differential expression of one such transcript, VIIa-induced up-regulation, was confirmed by Northern blot analysis. Isolation of a full-length cDNA corresponding to the differentially expressed transcript revealed that VIIa-up-regulated gene was poly(A) polymerase. Northern blot analysis of various carcinomas and normal human tissues revealed an over expression of PAP in cancer tissues. Enhanced expression of PAP upon VIIa binding to tumor cell TF may potentially play an important role in tumor metastasis.


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Whether the cell nucleus is organized by an underlying architecture analagous to the cytoskeleton has been a highly contentious issue since the original isolation of a nuclease and salt-resistant nuclear matrix. Despite electron microscopy studies that show that a nuclear architecture can be visualized after fractionation, the necessity to elute chromatin to visualize this structure has hindered general acceptance of a karyoskeleton. Using an analytical electron microscopy method capable of quantitative elemental analysis, electron spectroscopic imaging, we show that the majority of the fine structure within interchromatin regions of the cell nucleus in fixed whole cells is not nucleoprotein. Rather, this fine structure is compositionally similar to known protein-based cellular structures of the cytoplasm. This study is the first demonstration of a protein network in unfractionated and uninfected cells and provides a method for the ultrastructural characterization of the interaction of this protein architecture with chromatin and ribonucleoprotein elements of the cell nucleus.


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We describe the isolation of fission yeast homologues of tubulin-folding cofactors B (Alp11) and E (Alp21), which are essential for cell viability and the maintenance of microtubules. Alp11B contains the glycine-rich motif (the CLIP-170 domain) involved in microtubular functions, whereas, unlike mammalian cofactor E, Alp21E does not. Both mammalian and yeast cofactor E, however, do contain leucine-rich repeats. Immunoprecipitation analysis shows that Alp11B interacts with both α-tubulin and Alp21E, but not with the cofactor D homologue Alp1, whereas Alp21E also interacts with Alp1D. The cellular amount of α-tubulin is decreased in both alp1 and alp11 mutants. Overproduction of Alp11B results in cell lethality and the disappearance of microtubules, which is rescued by co-overproduction of α-tubulin. Both full-length Alp11B and the C-terminal third containing the CLIP-170 domain localize in the cytoplasm, and this domain is required for efficient binding to α-tubulin. Deletion of alp11 is suppressed by multicopy plasmids containing either alp21+ or alp1+, whereas alp21 deletion is rescued by overexpression of alp1+ but not alp11+. Finally, the alp1 mutant is not complemented by either alp11+ or alp21+. The results suggest that cofactors operate in a linear pathway (Alp11B-Alp21E-Alp1D), each with distinct roles.


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To characterize endogenous molecules and activities of the Golgi complex, proteins in transit were >99% cleared from rat hepatocytes by using cycloheximide (CHX) treatment. The loss of proteins in transit resulted in condensation of the Golgi cisternae and stacks. Isolation of a stacked Golgi fraction is equally efficient with or without proteins in transit [control (CTL SGF1) and cycloheximide (CHX SGF1)]. Electron microscopy and morphometric analysis showed that >90% of the elements could be positively identified as Golgi stacks or cisternae. Biochemical analysis showed that the cis-, medial-, trans-, and TGN Golgi markers were enriched over the postnuclear supernatant 200- to 400-fold with and 400- to 700-fold without proteins in transit. To provide information on a mechanism for import of calcium required at the later stages of the secretory pathway, calcium uptake into CTL SGF1 and CHX SGF1 was examined. All calcium uptake into CTL SGF1 was dependent on a thapsigargin-resistant pump not resident to the Golgi complex and a thapsigargin-sensitive pump resident to the Golgi. Experiments using CHX SGF1 showed that the thapsigargin-resistant activity was a plasma membrane calcium ATPase isoform in transit to the plasma membrane and the thapsigargin-sensitive pump was a sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase isoform. In vivo both of these calcium ATPases function to maintain millimolar levels of calcium within the Golgi lumen.


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The Krüppel-associated box A (KRAB-A) domain is an evolutionarily conserved transcriptional repressor domain present in approximately one-third of zinc finger proteins of the Cys2-His2 type. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we report the isolation of a cDNA encoding a novel murine protein, KRAB-A interacting protein 1 (KRIP-1) that physically interacts with the KRAB-A region. KRIP-1 is a member of the RBCC subfamily of the RING finger, or Cys3HisCys4, family of zinc binding proteins whose other members are known to play important roles in differentiation, oncogenesis, and signal transduction. The KRIP-1 protein has high homology to TIF1, a putative modulator of ligand-dependent activation function of nuclear receptors. A 3.5-kb mRNA for KRIP-1 is ubiquitously expressed among all adult mouse tissues studied. When a GAL4–KRIP-1 fusion protein is expressed in COS cells with a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter construct with five GAL4 binding sites, there is dose-dependent repression of transcription. Thus, KRIP-1 interacts with the KRAB-A region of C2H2 zinc finger proteins and may mediate or modulate KRAB-A transcriptional repressor activity.


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We describe a method for cloning nucleic acid molecules onto the surfaces of 5-μm microbeads rather than in biological hosts. A unique tag sequence is attached to each molecule, and the tagged library is amplified. Unique tagging of the molecules is achieved by sampling a small fraction (1%) of a very large repertoire of tag sequences. The resulting library is hybridized to microbeads that each carry ≈106 strands complementary to one of the tags. About 105 copies of each molecule are collected on each microbead. Because such clones are segregated on microbeads, they can be operated on simultaneously and then assayed separately. To demonstrate the utility of this approach, we show how to label and extract microbeads bearing clones differentially expressed between two libraries by using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Because no prior information about the cloned molecules is required, this process is obviously useful where sequence databases are incomplete or nonexistent. More importantly, the process also permits the isolation of clones that are expressed only in given tissues or that are differentially expressed between normal and diseased states. Such clones then may be spotted on much more cost-effective, tissue- or disease-directed, low-density planar microarrays.