995 resultados para Iso-Britannia - Englanti - lehdist ö
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a generic computing language that provides an outstanding case study of commodification of service standards. The development of this language in the late 1990s marked a shift in computer science as its extensibility let store and share any kind of data. Many office suites software rely on it. The chapter highlights how the largest multinational firms pay special attention to gain a recognised international standard for such a major technological innovation. It argues that standardisation processes affects market structures and can lead to market capture. By examining how a strategic use of standardisation arenas can generate profits, it shows that Microsoft succeeded in making its own technical solution a recognised ISO standard in 2008, while the same arena already adopted two years earlier the open source standard set by IBM and Sun Microsystems. Yet XML standardisation also helped to establish a distinct model of information technology services at the expense of Microsoft monopoly on proprietary software
Els dies 10, 11 i 12 de maig de 2007 l'Associació d'Arxivers de Catalunya (AAC) ha celebrat a la Seu d'Urgell les jornades dels arxivers catalans. Enguany, però, no han estat les "onzenes jornades" sinó que l'organització les ha convertides en "congrés", l'onzè, tot i ser el primer que rep aquesta denominació. Amb el títol "Innovació i desenvolupament professional", l'organització ha plantejat la reunió professional amb un extens objectiu: "conèixer, debatre i intercanviar experiències i continguts entorn de: la implantació de les ISO, la formació professional de l'arxiu, el desenvolupament professional davant de les tecnologies de la informació, els estàndards internacionals per intercanviar informació i el paper del servei d'arxiu com a centre per a la difusió i recuperació de la memòria del país".
Es descriu el Projecte del Sistema de Gestió Documental de la Universitat de Barcelona (PSGD UB) destacant-ne la funció de creació, gestió, preservació i difusió del capital intel·lectual de la institució, alhora que s¿introdueixen els conceptes de recurs tangible, tot referint-se al patrimoni documental, i de patrimoni intangible per definir el conjuntdels recursos i activitats associats al coneixement. Per dur a terme aquest projecte es marquen tres grans línies estratègiques: la implantació del Sistema de Gestió Documental, la valorització del patrimoni documental i el foment de les aliances i de les relacions institucionals.
This paper presents a pilot project (INTERNORM) funded by the University of Lausanne (2010 - 2013) to support the involvement of civil society organisations (CSO) in international standard setting bodies such as the ISO. It analyses how a distinct participatory mechanism can influence the institutional environment of technical diplomacy in which standards are shaped. The project is an attempt to respond to the democratic deficit attested in the field of international standardisation, formally open to civil society participation, but still largely dominated by expert knowledge and market players. Many international standards have direct implications on society as a whole, but CSOs (consumers and environmental associations, trade unions) are largely under-represented in negotiation arenas. The paper draws upon international relations literature on new institutional forms in global governance and studies of participation in science and technology. It argues that there are significant limitations to the rise of civil society participation in such global governance mechanisms. The INTERNORM project has been designed as a platform of knowledge exchange between CSO and academic experts, with earmarked funding and official membership to a national standardisation body. But INTERNORM cannot substitute for a long- established lack of resources in time, money and expertise of CSOs. Despite high entry costs into technical diplomacy, participation thus appears as less a matter of upstream engagement, or of procedure only, than of dedicated means to shift the geometry of actors and the framing of socio-technical change.
Se analiza el uso de estadísticas e indicadores de rendimiento de productos y servicios electrónicos en los procesos de evaluación bibliotecaria. Se examinan los principales proyectos de definición de estadísticas e indicadores desarrollados durante los últimos años, prestando especial atención a tres de ellos: Counter, E-metrics e ISO, y se analizan las estadísticas que actualmente ofrecen cuatro grandes editores de revistas electrónicas (American Chemical Society, Emerald, Kluwer y Wiley) y un servicio (Scitation Usage Statistics) que aglutina datos de seis editores de revistas de física. Los resultados muestran un cierto grado de consenso en la determinación de un conjunto básico de estadísticas e indicadores a pesar de la diversidad de proyectos existentes y de la heterogeneidad de datos ofrecidos por los editores.
La construcción efectiva del Espacio europeo de educación superior se ha convertido en un dinamizador de muchas actividades relacionadas con la calidad y la adopción de sistemas de garantía de la calidad en el seno de las universidades y, por ende de sus bibliotecas; es una decisión inaplazable. Un tercio de las bibliotecas universitarias españolas dispone de algún tipo de reconocimiento público de la calidad de su gestión. Se presentan las diversas vías que han seguido las bibliotecas universitarias para disponer de este reconocimiento: certificaciones, diplomas y sellos de calidad y se constata la existencia de una cierta tendencia a la multicertificación.
Asbestos is an industrial term to describe some fibrous silicate minerals, which belong to the amphiboles or serpentines group. Six minerals are defined as asbestos including: chrysotile (white asbestos), amosite (grunerite, brown asbestos), crocidolite (riebeckite, blue asbestos), anthophyllite, tremolite and actonolite, but only in their fibrous form. In 1973, the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) classified the asbestos minerals as carcinogenic substances (IARC,1973). The Swiss threshold limit (VME) is 0.01 fibre/ml (SUVA, 2007). Asbestos in Switzerland has been prohibited since 1990, but this doesn't mean we are over asbestos. Up to 20'000 tonnes/year of asbestos was imported between the end of WWII and 1990. Today, all this asbestos is still present in buildings renovated or built during that period of time. During restorations, asbestos fibres can be emitted into the air. The quantification of the emission has to be evaluated accurately. To define the exact risk on workers or on the population is quite hard, as many factors must be considered. The methods to detect asbestos in the air or in materials are still being discussed today. Even though the EPA 600 method (EPA, 1993) has proved itself for the analysis of bulk materials, the method for air analysis is more problematic. In Switzerland, the recommended method is VDI 3492 using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM), but we have encountered many identifications problems with this method. For instance, overloaded filters or long-term exposed filters cannot be analysed. This is why the Institute for Work and Health (IST) has adapted the ISO10312 method: ambient air - determination of asbestos fibres - direct-transfer transmission electron microscopy (TEM) method (ISO, 1995). Quality controls have already be done at a French institute (INRS), which validate our practical experiences. The direct-transfer from MEC's filters on TEM's supports (grids) is a delicate part of the preparation for analysis and requires a lot of trials in the laboratory. IST managed to do proper grid preparations after about two years of development. In addition to the preparation of samples, the micro-analysis (EDX), the micro-diffraction and the morphologic analysis (figure 1.a-c) are also to be mastered. Theses are the three elements, which prove the different features of asbestos identification. The SEM isn't able to associate those three analyses. The TEM is also able to make the difference between artificial and natural fibres that have very similar chemical compositions as well as differentiate types of asbestos. Finally the experiments concluded by IST show that TEM is the best method to quantify and identify asbestos in the air.
Se describen los distintos hitos que han marcado la cultura y la implantación de la gestión de calidad total en el ámbito de las bibliotecas universitarias españolas durante la última década a través de la puesta en marcha de distintos planes de calidad: Plan Experimental para la Evaluación de la Calidad del Sistema Universitario; Proyectos Pilotos Europeos; Planes Nacionales de Evaluación de la Calidad de las Universidades; Evaluación de la Calidad de las Bibliotecas Universitarias Catalanas y Plan Andaluz de Calidad de las Universidades. Basados en el modelo de excelencia EFQM y en las normas ISO 9000, se abordan los sistemas de Certificación de Calidad así como la Planificación Estratégica y otros instrumentos de gestión y mejora. Para el futuro se apuesta por sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad que tengan como referencia tanto el nuevo paradigma pedagógico, centrado en los procesos de aprendizaje del estudiante, como el principio de disponibilidad de la biblioteca, basado en la mejora continua de la calidad de servicio que los usuarios reciben y perciben.
Purpose: To investigate the differences between Fundus Camera (Topcon TRC-50X) and Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (Heidelberg retina angiogram (HRA)) on the fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging (resolution and FAF characteristics). Methods: 105 eyes of 56 patients with various retinal diseases underwent FAF imaging with HRA (488nm exciter/500nm barrier filter) before fluorescein angiography (FFA) and Topcon Fundus Camera (580nm exciter/695nm barrier filter) before and after FFA. The quality of the FAF images was compared for their resolution and analysed for the influence of fixation stability and cataracts. Hypo-and hyper-FAF behaviour was analysed for the healthy disc, healthy fovea, and a variety of pathological features. Results: HRA images were found to be of superior resolution in 18, while Topcon images were estimated superior in 29 eyes. No difference was found in 58 eyes. Both poor fixation (p=0.009) and more advanced cataract (p=0.013) were found associated with better image quality by Topcon. Images acquired by Topcon before and after FFA were identical (100%). The healthy disc was usually dark on HRA (72%), but showed mild autofluorescence on Topcon (85%). The healthy fovea showed in 100% Hypo-FAF on HRA, while Topcon showed in 53% Iso-FAF, in 43% mild Hypo-FAF, and in 4% Hypo-FAF as on HRA. No difference of FAF was found for geographic atrophy, pigment changes, and drusen, although Topcon images were often more detailed. Hyper-FAF due to serous exudation showed better on HRA. Cystic edema was visible only on HRA in a petaloid hyper-FAF pattern in 83%, while only two eyes (17%) showed similar behavior in both HRA- and Topcon images. Hard exudates caused Hypo-FAF only on HRA, hardly visible on Topcon. Blockage phenomenon by blood however was identical. Conclusions: The filter set of Topcon and the single image acquisition appear to be an advantage for patients with cataract and poor fixation respectively. Preceding FFA does not alter the Topcon FAF image. Regarding the FAF behavior, there are differences between the 2 systems which need to be taken into account when interpreting the images.
L' évaluation quantitative des dangers et des expositions aux nanomatériaux se heurte à de nombreuses incertitudes qui ne seront levées qu'à mesure de la progression des connaissances scientifiques de leurs propriétés. L' une des conséquences de ces incertitudes est que les valeurs limites d'exposition professionnelle définies actuellement pour les poussières ne sont pas nécessairement pertinentes aux nanomatériaux. En l'absence de référentiel quantitatif et, à la demande de la DGS pour éclairer les réflexions de l' AFNOR et de l'ISO sur le sujet, une démarche de gestion graduée des risques (control banding) a été élaborée au sein de l' Anses. Ce développement a été réalisé à l'aide d'un groupe d'experts rapporteurs rattaché au Comité d'experts spécialisés évaluation des risques liés aux agents physiques, aux nouvelles technologies et aux grands aménagements. La mise en oeuvre de la démarche de gestion graduée des risques proposée repose sur quatre grandes étapes: 1. Le recueil des informations. Cette étape consiste à réunir les informations disponibles sur les dangers du nanomatériau manufacturé considéré ; ainsi que sur l'exposition potentielle des personnes aux postes de travail (observation sur le terrain, mesures, etc.). 2. L'attribution d'une bande de danger. Le danger potentiel du nanomatériau manufacturé présent, qu'il soit brut où incorporé dans une matrice (liquide ou solide) est évalué dans cette étape. La bande danger attribuée tient compte de la dangerosité du produit bulk ou de sa substance analogue à l'échelle non-nanométrique, de la bio-persistance du matériau (pour les matériaux fibreux), de sa solubilité et de son éventuelle réactivité. 3. Attribution d'une bande d'exposition. La bande d'exposition du nanomatériau manufacturé considéré ou du produit en contenant est définie par le niveau de potentiel d'émission du produit. Elle tient compte de sa forme physique (solide, liquide, poudre aérosol), de sa pulvérulence et de sa volatilité. Le nombre de travailleurs, la fréquence, la durée d'exposition ainsi que la quantité mise en oeuvre ne sont pas pris en compte, contrairement à une évaluation classique des risques chimiques. 4. Obtention d'une bande de maîtrise des risques. Le croisement des bandes de dangers et d'exposition préalablement attribuées permet de défi nir le niveau de maîtrise du risque. Il fait correspondre les moyens techniques et organisationnels à mettre en oeuvre pour maintenir le risque au niveau le plus faible possible. Un plan d'action est ensuite défi ni pour garantir l'effi cacité de la prévention recommandée par le niveau de maîtrise déterminé. Il tient compte des mesures de prévention déjà existantes et les renforce si nécessaire. Si les mesures indiquées par le niveau de maîtrise de risque ne sont pas réalisables, par exemple, pour des raisons techniques ou budgétaires, une évaluation de risque approfondie devra être réalisée par un expert. La gestion graduée des risques est une méthode alternative pour réaliser une évaluation qualitative de risques et mettre en place des moyens de prévention sans recourir à une évaluation quantitative des risques. Son utilisation semble particulièrement adaptée au contexte des nanomatériaux manufacturés, pour lequel les choix de valeurs de référence (Valeurs limites d'exposition en milieu professionnel) et des techniques de mesurage appropriées souffrent d'une grande incertitude. La démarche proposée repose sur des critères simples, accessibles dans la littérature scientifi que ou via les données techniques relatives aux produits utilisés. Pour autant, sa mise en oeuvre requiert des compétences minimales dans les domaines de la prévention des risques chimiques (chimie, toxicologie, etc.), des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies.
Em leguminosas tropicais, a cuidadosa seleção de estirpes de rizóbio, entre outros fatores, é fundamental para a eficiência da fixação biológica de N2 (FBN). Essa seleção deve ser feita para as leguminosas de interesse social e econômico, entre elas o feijão-fava (Phaseolus lunatus L.). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência simbiótica de rizóbios nativos de duas regiões do Piauí produtoras de feijão-fava. Foram avaliados 17 isolados e duas estirpes de referência (CIAT 899 e NGR 234), em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se vasos de Leonard autoclavados, no delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, com três repetições. O genótipo de feijão-fava utilizado foi o UFPI-468. A inoculação foi feita por ocasião do plantio. A coleta foi realizada aos 34 dias após o plantio, sendo avaliadas as seguintes características: matéria seca da parte aérea (MSPA), da raiz (MSR) e dos nódulos (MSN); relação MSPA/MSR; N acumulado (Nac) na MSPA e a eficiência da fixação de N2. Foi observada diferença significativa entre os isolados em todas as características, exceto em MSR. Em geral, os isolados ISO-18, ISO-23, ISO-24, ISO-25, ISO-30, ISO-32, ISO-35, ISO-36, ISO-43 e ISO-45 apresentaram os melhores índices de MSPA, MSR, MSPA/MSR, Nac e eficiência da fixação de N2, em relação aos isolados ISO-2, ISO-9, ISO-16, ISO-40 e testemunha absoluta. As características avaliadas foram suficientes para discriminar e selecionar isolados eficientes na nodulação em feijão-fava, contribuindo para a efetividade da FBN. Os melhores isolados apresentaram bom desempenho no fornecimento de N às plantas, podendo ser recomendados para testes de eficiência agronômica.