960 resultados para Insects as biological pest control agents


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This multiple case-based study investigates the relationship between recruiting agents and the UK universities who act as their principals. The current extensive use of agents in UK higher education may be seen as an indicator of the financial impact made by international students. The study analyses the practice of agent management and explores the manner in which power and control interact. The study employed semi-structured interviews and group discussions involving up to 6 respondents from each of the 20 UK case institutions. The qualitative data reveal a considerable variation in the manner in which the universities manage their agency relationships. Through the joint consideration of control measures and use of power, five distinctive approaches have been identified. The study also reveals that over-dependence on agents reduces the power of the principal, and consequently, the principal’s ability to exercise control, particularly in highly competitive global and national markets.


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To develop targeted methods for treating bacterial infections, the feasibility of using glycoside derivatives of the antibacterial compound L-R-aminoethylphosphonic acid (L-AEP) has been investigated. These derivatives are hypothesized to be taken up by bacterial cells via carbohydrate uptake mechanisms, and then hydrolysed in situ by bacterial borne glycosidase enzymes, to selectively afford L-AEP. Therefore the synthesis and analysis of ten glycoside derivatives of L-AEP, for selective targeting of specific bacteria, is reported. The ability of these derivatives to inhibit the growth of a panel of Gram-negative bacteria in two different media is discussed. β-Glycosides (12a) and (12b) that contained L-AEP linked to glucose or galactose via a carbamate linkage inhibited growth of a range of organisms with the best MICs being <0.75 mg/ml; for most species the inhibition was closely related to the hydrolysis of the equivalent chromogenic glycosides. This suggests that for (12a) and (12b), release of L-AEP was indeed dependent upon the presence of the respective glycosidase enzyme.


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The primary objective of this research study is to determine which form of testing, the PEST algorithm or an operator-controlled condition is most accurate and time efficient for administration of the gaze stabilization test


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In the course of our research program to discover novel antileishmanial agents, a biological screening of natural products against Leishmania major promastigotes allowed the identification of a furoquinoline alkaloid (1) and a furanocoumarin (2) as new hits. Subsequently, an integrated ligand-based virtual screening approach was employed to search for new antileishmanial compounds using these naturally occurring molecules as templates. Fourteen out of 40 compounds selected from a database of about 800,000 compounds (extracted from ZINC, a free database for virtual screening) were experimentally confirmed to possess significant in vitro antileishmanial properties. The application of ligand-based virtual screening as a complementary approach to experimental natural product screening was a useful strategy to facilitate the identification of new promising lead candidates.


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In this paper we study the Lyapunov stability and Hopf bifurcation in a biological system which models the biological control of parasites of orange plantations. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the study was to investigate the anti-trypanocidal activities of natural chromene and chromene derivatives. Five chromenes were isolated from Piper gaudichaudianum and P. aduncum, and a further seven derivatives were prepared using standard reduction, methylation and acetylation procedures. These compounds were assayed in vitro against epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease. The results showed that the most of the compounds, especially those possessing electron-donating groups as substituents on the aromatic ring, showed potent trypanocidal activity. The most active compound, [(2S)-methyl-2-methyl-8-(3 ``-methylbut-2 ``-enyl)-2-(4`-methylpent-3`-enyl)-2H-chromene-6-carboxylate], was almost four times more potent than benznidazole (the positive control) and showed an IC50 of 2.82 mu M. The results reveal that chromenes exhibit significant anti-trypanocidal activities and indicate that this class of natural product should be considered further in the development of new and more potent drugs for use in the treatment of Chagas disease.


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The control of the spread of dengue fever by introduction of the intracellular parasitic bacterium Wolbachia in populations of the vector Aedes aegypti, is presently one of the most promising tools for eliminating dengue, in the absence of an efficient vaccine. The success of this operation requires locally careful planning to determine the adequate number of mosquitoes carrying the Wolbachia parasite that need to be introduced into the natural population. The latter are expected to eventually replace the Wolbachia-free population and guarantee permanent protection against the transmission of dengue to human. In this paper, we propose and analyze a model describing the fundamental aspects of the competition between mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia and mosquitoes free of the parasite. We then introduce a simple feedback control law to synthesize an introduction protocol, and prove that the population is guaranteed to converge to a stable equilibrium where the totality of mosquitoes carry Wolbachia. The techniques are based on the theory of monotone control systems, as developed after Angeli and Sontag. Due to bistability, the considered input-output system has multivalued static characteristics, but the existing results are unable to prove almost-global stabilization, and ad hoc analysis has to be conducted.


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As vespas sociais são predadoras de muitas espécies de insetos e o estudo de suas presas pode revelar seu potencial para programas de controle biológico de pragas. Foram realizadas 240h de coleta de presas em 32 colônias de Polistes versicolor (Olivier) no município de Juiz de Fora, MG, de março de 2000 a fevereiro de 2001. As presas capturadas por P. versicolor foram, principalmente, das ordens Lepidoptera (95,4%) e Coleoptera (1,1%) além de 3,4% de indivíduos não identificados. A espécie mais coletada foi Chlosyne lacinia saundersii Doubleday & Hewitson (13,5%) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) e o número total estimado de presas capturadas por colônia de P. versicolor foi de 4.015 indivíduos por ano. Isso mostra que a espécie pode ser utilizada em programas de manejo integrado de pragas de insetos herbívoros, principalmente lagartas desfolhadoras.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi comparar diferentes cultivares de brassicáceas em relação à capacidade reprodutiva e preferência para alimentação e oviposição da traça-das-crucíferas. Os experimentos foram realizados utilizando-se as cultivares de repolho Midori, Chato-de-Quintal, híbridos da Top Seed® - Agristar (TPC 308, TPC 681 e TPC 668), couve-flor Bola de Neve, couve brócolis Ramoso Piracicaba Precoce e couve Manteiga da Geórgia, sendo esta última utilizada como padrão de suscetibilidade. Por meio dos dados biológicos de P. xylostella foram estimados os parâmetros necessários para a construção de tabela de vida de fertilidade, para comparação das cultivares testadas em relação à capacidade reprodutiva da praga. em gaiolas de criação da traça-das-crucíferas foram colocados quatro quartos de folha, dois a dois, que justapostos formavam um círculo de 8 cm de diâmetro, confrontando-se os materiais dois a dois. As partes foram dispostas equidistantemente, para realização do teste de dupla chance de escolha (preferência para alimentação e oviposição) e de múltipla chance de escolha, confrontando todos os substratos (preferência para alimentação). As cultivares que proporcionaram melhor desenvolvimento e reprodução para a traça-das-crucíferas foram couve Manteiga da Geórgia e couve brócolis. Para preferência alimentar constatou-se alta suscetibilidade em couve Manteiga e TPC 681 e para preferência de oviposição alta preferência para couve-flor Bola de Neve. Com isso, sugere-se a divisão das cultivares estudadas em quatro classes distintas: repolho Midori como moderadamente resistente (MR); couve-flor Bola de Neve e repolho Chato-de-Quintal como suscetíveis (S); couve brócolis, TPC308, TPC681 e TPC668 como moderadamente suscetíveis (MS); e couve Manteiga como altamente suscetível (AS).


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Understanding how and why insect numbers fluctuate through time and space has been a central theme in ecological research for more than a century. Life tables have been used to understand temporal and spatial patterns in insect numbers. In this study, we estimated cause-of-death probabilities for phytophagous insects using multiple decrement life tables and the irreplaceable mortality analytic technique. Multiple decrement life tables were created from 73 insect life tables published from 1954 to 2004. Irreplaceable mortality (the portion of mortality that cannot be replaced by another cause) from pathogens, predators, and parasitoids was 8.6 +/- 7.2, 7.8 +/- 4.9, and 6.2 +/- 1.6%, respectively. In contrast, the mean irreplaceable mortality from all non-natural enemy mortality factors (mortality from factors other than natural enemies) was 35.1 +/- 4.4%. Irreplaceable mortality from natural enemies was significantly lower compared with non-natural enemy factors. Our results may partially explain cases of unsuccessful efficacy in classical biological control, after successful establishment, by showing low irreplaceable mortality for natural enemies, including 5.2 +/- 1.6% for introduced natural enemies. We suggest that the environment (i.e., the degree of environmental stability) influences the magnitude of the irreplaceable mortality from natural enemies. Our results lead to several testable hypotheses and emphasize that it is not possible to estimate the effect of any mortality factor without considering its interaction with competing mortality factors, which has far-reaching consequences for population biology and applied ecology.


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O efeito de diversas tecnologias de aplicação foi avaliado sobre a concentração, viabilidade e eficácia dos juvenis infectantes dos nematóides Heterorhabditis indica Poinar, Karunakar & David (IBCB-n5) e Steinernema sp. (IBCB-n6) no controle da lagarta-do-cartucho Spodoptera frugiperda Smith na cultura do milho. Para o controle da lagarta-do-cartucho no terceiro estádio em placas de Petri foram necessários 280 juvenis infectantes de Steinernema sp., enquanto que 400 juvenis infectantes de H. indica controlaram apenas 75% das lagartas. Podem-se pulverizar os entomopatógenos, sem que haja perda significativa na sua concentração e viabilidade, com equipamentos que forneçam carga elétrica à calda, ponta centrífuga e pontas hidráulicas. Entretanto, o emprego de pulverizadores com pontas que requerem elementos filtrantes com malha igual a 100 resultou em decréscimo na concentração de juvenis infectantes de H. indica e Steinernema sp., de 28% e 53%, respectivamente. Os tensoativos organosiliconado e etoxilados não afetaram a viabilidade dos juvenis infectantes de Steinernema sp. Nos experimentos de pulverização em plantas de milho (V6) com Steinernema sp., doses equivalentes a até 288 milhões de juvenis infectantes por hectare, diluídos em volume de calda de até 800 L ha-1 com 0,01 % do tensoativo etoxilado, ou nesse volume seguido de exposição a chuva artificial (lâmina de água de 6 mm), não foram suficientes para o controle de S. frugiperda em casa-de-vegetação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Biological control of Diatraea saccharalis is regarded as one of the best examples of successful classical biological control in Brazil. Since the introduction of the exotic parasitoid Cotesia flavipes, the decrease of D. saccharalis infestation in sugarcane fields has been attributed to the effectiveness of this agent. Recently, the native tachinid fly parasitoids (Lydella minense and Paratheresia claripalpis) have also been implicated in the success. Here, we investigated the spatial and temporal population interactions between C. flavipes and the tachinid flies, and provide a critical analysis of the biological control practice, focusing on the undesirable effects of introductions of exotic natural enemies. To investigate these questions, a large data set comprising information from two sugarcane mills located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil (Barra and Sao Joao Mills), was analysed. Analysis of the correlation between C. flavipes and tachinid fly population densities through time revealed that such populations were inversely correlated in the Sao Joao Mill and not correlated in the Barra Mill. Logistic regressions were computed to investigate the proportion of sites occupied by the parasitoid species at both mills as a function of time. An increasing trend in the proportion of sites occupied by C. flavipes was observed, with a concomitant decrease of the sites occupied by tachinid flies. This effect was more intense in the Sao Joao Mill. Thus, there is a convincing possibility that constant releases of C. flavipes decreased the tachinid fly populations, resulting in an undesirable effect of biological control practice.