952 resultados para Inbred Strains


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During the spring of 1987, 1,215 samples of spring oats (Avena sativa L.) were collected in Madison, Champaign, Woodford, Warren, and DeKalb counties, Illinois. At each site on each of three sampling dates, 45 samples were collected (regardless of symptoms) in a W pattern in I ha and tested for the PAY, MAV, RPV, and RMV serotypes of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) by direct doubleantibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RMV was not detected at any location. PAY and RPV were detected at all locations, as early as 17 April in Champaign County. The incidences of P A V and RPV from all plants sampled ranged from 2 to 64% and from 2 to 88%, respectively. Highest incidences of both strains were in May samples [rom Woodford County. MAV was detected in lower incidences (2-16%) only in samples from the central region of the state (Champaign, Woodford, and Warren counties). The presence of MA V serotypes was confirmed in triple-antibody sandwich ELISA with the MA V -specific MAFF2 monoclonal antibody from L. Torrance. In the last previous survey for BYDV in Illinois during 1967-1968 (1), about 75% of the isolates were PAY and about 20% were RPV; single isolates of RMV and MAV were found. Twenty years later, 55% were PAY, 39% were RPV, and 6% were MAV.


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In a randomized, double-blind study, 202 healthy adults were randomized to receive a live, attenuated Japanese encephalitis chimeric virus vaccine (JE-CV) and placebo 28 days apart in a cross-over design. A subgroup of 98 volunteers received a JE-CV booster at month 6. Safety, immunogenicity, and persistence of antibodies to month 60 were evaluated. There were no unexpected adverse events (AEs) and the incidence of AEs between JE-CV and placebo were similar. There were three serious adverse events (SAE) and no deaths. A moderately severe case of acute viral illness commencing 39 days after placebo administration was the only SAE considered possibly related to immunization. 99% of vaccine recipients achieved a seroprotective antibody titer ≥ 10 to JE-CV 28 days following the single dose of JE-CV, and 97% were seroprotected at month 6. Kaplan Meier analysis showed that after a single dose of JE-CV, 87% of the participants who were seroprotected at month 6 were still protected at month 60. This rate was 96% among those who received a booster immunization at month 6. 95% of subjects developed a neutralizing titer ≥ 10 against at least three of the four strains of a panel of wild-type Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) strains on day 28 after immunization. At month 60, that proportion was 65% for participants who received a single dose of JE-CV and 75% for the booster group. These results suggest that JE-CV is safe, well tolerated and that a single dose provides long-lasting immunity to wild-type strains


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A randomized, double-blind, study was conducted to evaluate the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of a live attenuated Japanese encephalitis chimeric virus vaccine (JE-CV) co-administered with live attenuated yellow fever (YF) vaccine (YF-17D strain; Stamaril(®), Sanofi Pasteur) or administered successively. Participants (n = 108) were randomized to receive: YF followed by JE-CV 30 days later, JE followed by YF 30 days later, or the co-administration of JE and YF followed or preceded by placebo 30 days later or earlier. Placebo was used in a double-dummy fashion to ensure masking. Neutralizing antibody titers against JE-CV, YF-17D and selected wild-type JE virus strains was determined using a 50% serum-dilution plaque reduction neutralization test. Seroconversion was defined as the appearance of a neutralizing antibody titer above the assay cut-off post-immunization when not present pre-injection at day 0, or a least a four-fold rise in neutralizing antibody titer measured before the pre-injection day 0 and later post vaccination samples. There were no serious adverse events. Most adverse events (AEs) after JE vaccination were mild to moderate in intensity, and similar to those reported following YF vaccination. Seroconversion to JE-CV was 100% and 91% in the JE/YF and YF/JE sequential vaccination groups, respectively, compared with 96% in the co-administration group. All participants seroconverted to YF vaccine and retained neutralizing titers above the assay cut-off at month six. Neutralizing antibodies against JE vaccine were detected in 82-100% of participants at month six. These results suggest that both vaccines may be successfully co-administered simultaneously or 30 days apart.


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Since 2000-2001, dengue virus type 1 has circulated in the Pacific region. However, in 2007, type 4 reemerged and has almost completely displaced the strains of type 1. If only 1 serotype circulates at any time and is replaced approximately every 5 years, DENV-3 may reappear in 2012.


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Mycobacterium lentiflavum, a slow-growing nontuberculous mycobacterium, is a rare cause of human disease. It has been isolated from environmental samples worldwide. To assess the clinical significance of M. lentiflavum isolates reported to the Queensland Tuberculosis Control Centre, Australia, during 2001-2008, we explored the genotypic similarity and geographic relationship between isolates from humans and potable water in the Brisbane metropolitan area. A total of 47 isolates from 36 patients were reported; 4 patients had clinically significant disease. M. lentiflavum was cultured from 13 of 206 drinking water sites. These sites overlapped geographically with home addresses of the patients who had clinically significant disease. Automated repetitive sequence-based PCR genotyping showed a dominant environmental clone closely related to clinical strains. This finding suggests potable water as a possible source of M. lentiflavum infection in humans.


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In total, 782 Escherichia coli strains originating from various host sources have been analyzed in this study by using a highly discriminatory single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) approach. A set of eight SNPs, with a discrimination value (Simpson's index of diversity [D]) of 0.96, was determined using the Minimum SNPs software, based on sequences of housekeeping genes from the E. coli multilocus sequence typing (MLST) database. Allele-specific real-time PCR was used to screen 114 E. coli isolates from various fecal sources in Southeast Queensland (SEQ). The combined analysis of both the MLST database and SEQ E. coli isolates using eight high-D SNPs resolved the isolates into 74 SNP profiles. The data obtained suggest that SNP typing is a promising approach for the discrimination of host-specific groups and allows for the identification of human-specific E. coli in environmental samples. However, a more diverse E. coli collection is required to determine animal- and environment-specific E. coli SNP profiles due to the abundance of human E. coli strains (56%) in the MLST database.


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Background: Bone healing is sensitive to the initial mechanical conditions with tissue differentiation being determined within days of trauma. Whilst axial compression is regarded as stimulatory, the role of interfragmentary shear is controversial. The purpose of this study was to determine how the initial mechanical conditions produced by interfragmentary shear and torsion differ from those produced by axial compressive movements. ----- ----- Methods: The finite element method was used to estimate the strain, pressure and fluid flow in the early callus tissue produced by the different modes of interfragmentary movement found in vivo. Additionally, tissue formation was predicted according to three principally different mechanobiological theories. ----- ----- Findings: Large interfragmentary shear movements produced comparable strains and less fluid flow and pressure than moderate axial interfragmentary movements. Additionally, combined axial and shear movements did not result in overall increases in the strains and the strain magnitudes were similar to those produced by axial movements alone. Only when axial movements where applied did the non-distortional component of the pressure–deformation theory influence the initial tissue predictions. ----- ----- Interpretation: This study found that the mechanical stimuli generated by interfragmentary shear and torsion differed from those produced by axial interfragmentary movements. The initial tissue formation as predicted by the mechanobiological theories was dominated by the deformation stimulus.


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To analyse mechanotransduction resulting from tensile loading under defined conditions, various devices for in vitro cell stimulation have been developed. This work aimed to determine the strain distribution on the membrane of a commercially available device and its consistency with rising cycle numbers, as well as the amount of strain transferred to adherent cells. The strains and their behaviour within the stimulation device were determined using digital image correlation (DIC). The strain transferred to cells was measured on eGFP-transfected bone marrow-derived cells imaged with a fluorescence microscope. The analysis was performed by determining the coordinates of prominent positions on the cells, calculating vectors between the coordinates and their length changes with increasing applied tensile strain. The stimulation device was found to apply homogeneous (mean of standard deviations approx. 2% of mean strain) and reproducible strains in the central well area. However, on average, only half of the applied strain was transferred to the bone marrow-derived cells. Furthermore, the strain measured within the device increased significantly with an increasing number of cycles while the membrane's Young's modulus decreased, indicating permanent changes in the material during extended use. Thus, strain magnitudes do not match the system readout and results require careful interpretation, especially at high cycle numbers.


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Emergence and dissemination of community acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) strains are being reported with increasing frequency in Australia and worldwide. These strains of CA-MRSA are genetically diverse and distinct in Australia. Genotyping of CA-MRSA using eight highly-discriminatory single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is a rapid and robust method for monitoring the dissemination of these strains in the community. In this study, a SNP genotyping method was used to investigate the molecular epidemiology of 249 community acquired non-multiresistant MRSA (nm-MRSA) isolates over a 12-month period from routine diagnostic specimens. A real-time PCR for the presence of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) was also performed on these isolates. The CA-MRSA isolates were sourced from a large private laboratory in Brisbane, Australia that serves a wide geographic region encompassing Queensland and Northern New South Wales. This study identified 16 different STs and 98% of the CA-MRSA isolates were positive for the PVL gene. The most common ST was ST93 with 41% of isolates testing positive for this clone.


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Adult articular cartilage has depth-dependent mechanical and biochemical properties which contribute to zone-specific functions. The compressive moduli of immature cartilage and tissue-engineered cartilage are known to be lower than those of adult cartilage. The objective of this study was to determine if such tissues exhibit depth-dependent compressive properties, and how these depth-varying properties were correlated with cell and matrix composition of the tissue. The compressive moduli of fetal and newborn bovine articular cartilage increased with depth (p < 0.05) by a factor of 4-5 from the top 0.1 mm (28 +/- 13 kPa, 141 +/- 10 kPa, respectively) to 1 mm deep into the tissue. Likewise, the glycosaminoglycan and collagen content increased with depth (both p < 0.001), and correlated with the modulus (both p < 0.01). In contrast, tissue-engineered cartilage formed by either layering or mixing cells from the superficial and middle zone of articular cartilage exhibited similarly soft regions at both construct surfaces, as exemplified by large equilibrium strains. The properties of immature cartilage may provide a template for developing tissue-engineered cartilage which aims to repair cartilage defects by recapitulating the natural development and growth processes. These results suggest that while depth-dependent properties may be important to engineer into cartilage constructs, issues other than cell heterogeneity must be addressed to generate such tissues. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background Phylogeographic reconstruction of some bacterial populations is hindered by low diversity coupled with high levels of lateral gene transfer. A comparison of recombination levels and diversity at seven housekeeping genes for eleven bacterial species, most of which are commonly cited as having high levels of lateral gene transfer shows that the relative contributions of homologous recombination versus mutation for Burkholderia pseudomallei is over two times higher than for Streptococcus pneumoniae and is thus the highest value yet reported in bacteria. Despite the potential for homologous recombination to increase diversity, B. pseudomallei exhibits a relative lack of diversity at these loci. In these situations, whole genome genotyping of orthologous shared single nucleotide polymorphism loci, discovered using next generation sequencing technologies, can provide very large data sets capable of estimating core phylogenetic relationships. We compared and searched 43 whole genome sequences of B. pseudomallei and its closest relatives for single nucleotide polymorphisms in orthologous shared regions to use in phylogenetic reconstruction. Results Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of >14,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms yielded completely resolved trees for these 43 strains with high levels of statistical support. These results enable a better understanding of a separate analysis of population differentiation among >1,700 B. pseudomallei isolates as defined by sequence data from seven housekeeping genes. We analyzed this larger data set for population structure and allele sharing that can be attributed to lateral gene transfer. Our results suggest that despite an almost panmictic population, we can detect two distinct populations of B. pseudomallei that conform to biogeographic patterns found in many plant and animal species. That is, separation along Wallace's Line, a biogeographic boundary between Southeast Asia and Australia. Conclusion We describe an Australian origin for B. pseudomallei, characterized by a single introduction event into Southeast Asia during a recent glacial period, and variable levels of lateral gene transfer within populations. These patterns provide insights into mechanisms of genetic diversification in B. pseudomallei and its closest relatives, and provide a framework for integrating the traditionally separate fields of population genetics and phylogenetics for other bacterial species with high levels of lateral gene transfer.


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Background Total hip arthroplasty carried out using cemented modular-neck implants provides the surgeon with greater intra-operative flexibility and allows more controlled stem positioning. Methods In this study, finite element models of a whole femur implanted with either the Exeter or with a new cemented modular-neck total hip arthroplasty (separate, neck and stem components) were developed. The changes in bone and cement mantle stress/strain were assessed for varying amounts of neck offset and version angle for the modular-neck device for two simulated physiological load cases: walking and stair climbing. Since the Exeter is the gold standard for polished cemented total hip arthroplasty stem design, bone and cement mantle stresses/strains in the modular-neck finite element models were compared with finite element results for the Exeter. Findings For the two physiological load cases, stresses and strains in the bone and cement mantle were similar for all modular-neck geometries. These results were comparable to the bone and cement mechanics surrounding the Exeter. These findings suggest that the Exeter and the modular neck device distribute stress to the surrounding bone and cement in a similar manner. Interpretation It is anticipated that the modular-neck device will have a similar short-term clinical performance to that of the Exeter, with the additional advantages of increased modularity.


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Insulated rail joints (IRJs) possess lower bending stiffness across the gap containing insulating endpost and hence are subjected to wheel impact. IRJs are either square cut or inclined cut to the longitudinal axis of the rails in a vertical plane. It is generally claimed that the inclined cut IRJs outperformed the square cut IRJs; however, there is a paucity of literature with regard to the relative structural merits of these two designs. This article presents comparative studies of the structural response of these two IRJs to the passage of wheels based on continuously acquired field data from joints strain-gauged closer to the source of impact. Strain signatures are presented in time, frequency, and avelet domains and the peak vertical and shear strains are systematically employed to examine the relative structural merits of the two IRJs subjected to similar real-life loading. It is shown that the inclined IRJs resist the wheel load with higher peak shear strains and lower peak vertical strains than that of the square IRJs.


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Understanding the complex mechanisms underlying bone remodeling is crucial to the development of novel therapeutics. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) localised to the extracellular matrix (ECM) of bone are thought to play a key role in mediating aspects of bone development. The influence of isolated GAGs was studied by utilising in vitro murine calvarial monolayer and organ culture model systems. Addition of GAG preparations extracted from the cell surface of human osteoblasts at high concentrations (5 microg/ml) resulted in decreased proliferation of cells and decreased suture width and number of bone lining cells in calvarial sections. When we investigated potential interactions between the growth factors fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2), bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP2) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGFbeta1) and the isolated cell surface GAGs, differences between the two model systems emerged. The cell culture system demonstrated a potentiating role for the isolated GAGs in the inhibition of FGF2 and TGFbeta1 actions. In contrast, the organ culture system demonstrated an enhanced stimulation of TFGbeta1 effects. These results emphasise the role of the ECM in mediating the interactions between GAGs and growth factors during bone development and suggest the GAG preparations contain potent inhibitory or stimulatory components able to mediate growth factor activity.


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An experimental laboratory investigation was carried out to assess the structural adequacy of a disused PHO Class Flat Bottom Rail Wagon (FRW) for a single lane low volume road bridge application as per the design provisions of the Australian Bridge Design Standard AS 5100(2004). The investigation also encompassed a review into the risk associated with the pre-existing damage in wagons incurred during their service life on rail. The main objective of the laboratory testing of the FRW was to physically measure its performance under the same applied traffic loading it would be required to resist as a road bridge deck. In order to achieve this a full width (5.2m) single lane, single span (approximately 10m), simply supported bridge would be required to be constructed and tested in a structural laboratory. However, the available clear spacing between the columns of the loading portal frame encountered within the laboratory was insufficient to accommodate the 5.2m wide bridge deck excluding clearance normally considered necessary in structural testing. Therefore, only half of the full scale bridge deck (single FRW of width 2.6m) was able to be accommodated and tested; with the continuity of the bridge deck in the lateral direction applied as boundary constraints along the full length of the FRW at six selected locations. This represents a novel approach not yet reported in the literature for bridge deck testing to the best of the knowledge of the author. The test was carried out under two loadings provided in AS 5100 (2004) – one stationary W80 wheel load and the second a moving axle load M1600. As the bridge investigated in the study is a single lane single span low volume road bridge, the risk of pre-existing damage and the expected high cycle fatigue failure potential was assessed as being minimal and hence the bridge deck was not tested structurally for fatigue/ fracture. The high axle load requirements have instead been focussed upon the investigation into the serviceability and ultimate limit state requirements. The testing regime adopted however involved extensive recording of strains and deflections at several critical locations of the FRW. Three locations of W80 point load and two locations of the M1600 Axle load were considered for the serviceability testing; the FRW was also tested under the ultimate load dictated by the M1600. The outcomes of the experimental investigation have demonstrated that the FRW is structurally adequate to resist the prescribed traffic loadings outlaid in AS 5100 (2004). As the loading was directly applied on to the FRW, the laboratory testing is assessed as being significantly conservative. The FRW bridge deck in the field would only resist the load transferred by the running platform, where, depending on the design, composite action might exist – thereby the share of the loading which needs to be resisted by the FRW would be smaller than the system tested in the lab. On this basis, a demonstration bridge is under construction at the time of writing this thesis and future research will involve field testing in order to assess its performance.