952 resultados para Imaging, three-dimensional


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BACKGROUND Arthroscopy is considered as "the gold standard" for the diagnosis of traumatic intraarticular knee lesions. However, recent developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) now offer good opportunities for the indirect assessment of the integrity and structural changes of the knee articular cartilage. The study was to investigate whether cartilage-specific sequences on a 3-Tesla MRI provide accurate assessment for the detection of cartilage defects. METHODS A 3-Tesla (3-T) MRI combined with three-dimensional double-echo steady-state (3D-DESS) cartilage specific sequences was performed on 210 patients with knee pain prior to knee arthroscopy. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of magnetic resonance imaging were calculated and correlated to the arthroscopic findings of cartilaginous lesions. Lesions were classified using the modified Outerbridge classification. RESULTS For the 210 patients (1260 cartilage surfaces: patella, trochlea, medial femoral condyle, medial tibia, lateral femoral condyle, lateral tibia) evaluated, the sensitivities, specificities, positive predictive values, and negative predictive values of 3-T MRI were 83.3, 99.8, 84.4, and 99.8 %, respectively, for the detection of grade IV lesions; 74.1, 99.6, 85.2, and 99.3 %, respectively, for grade III lesions; 67.9, 99.2, 76.6, and 98.2 %, respectively, for grade II lesions; and 8.8, 99.5, 80, and 92 %, respectively, for grade I lesions. CONCLUSIONS For grade III and IV lesions, 3-T MRI combined with 3D-DESS cartilage-specific sequences represents an accurate diagnostic tool. For grade II lesions, the technique demonstrates moderate sensitivity, while for grade I lesions, the sensitivity is limited to provide reliable diagnosis compared to knee arthroscopy.


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Hoy en día las técnicas de adquisición de imágenes tridimensionales son comunes en diversas áreas, pero cabe destacar la relevancia que han adquirido en el ámbito de la imagen biomédica, dentro del cual encontramos una amplia gama de técnicas como la microscopía confocal, microscopía de dos fotones, microscopía de fluorescencia mediante lámina de luz, resonancia magnética nuclear, tomografía por emisión de positrones, tomografía de coherencia óptica, ecografía 3D y un largo etcétera. Un denominador común de todas esas aplicaciones es la constante necesidad por aumentar la resolución y la calidad de las imágenes adquiridas. En algunas de dichas técnicas de imagen tridimensional se da una interesante situación: aunque que cada volumen adquirido no contiene información suficiente para representar el objeto bajo estudio dentro de los parámetros de calidad requeridos por algunas aplicaciones finales, el esquema de adquisición permite la obtención de varios volúmenes que representan diferentes vistas de dicho objeto, de tal forma que cada una de las vistas proporciona información complementaria acerca del mismo. En este tipo de situación es posible, mediante la combinación de varias de esas vistas, obtener una mejor comprensión del objeto que a partir de cada una de ellas por separado. En el contexto de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha propuesto, desarrollado y validado una nueva metodología de proceso de imágenes basada en la transformada wavelet disc¬reta para la combinación, o fusión, de varias vistas con información complementaria de un mismo objeto. El método de fusión propuesto aprovecha la capacidad de descom¬posición en escalas y orientaciones de la transformada wavelet discreta para integrar en un solo volumen toda la información distribuida entre el conjunto de vistas adquiridas. El trabajo se centra en dos modalidades diferentes de imagen biomédica que per¬miten obtener tales adquisiciones multi-vista. La primera es una variante de la micro¬scopía de fluorescencia, la microscopía de fluorescencia mediante lámina de luz, que se utiliza para el estudio del desarrollo temprano de embriones vivos en diferentes modelos animales, como el pez cebra o el erizo de mar. La segunda modalidad es la resonancia magnética nuclear con realce tardío, que constituye una valiosa herramienta para evaluar la viabilidad del tejido miocárdico en pacientes con diversas miocardiopatías. Como parte de este trabajo, el método propuesto ha sido aplicado y validado en am¬bas modalidades de imagen. En el caso de la aplicación a microscopía de fluorescencia, los resultados de la fusión muestran un mejor contraste y nivel de detalle en comparación con cualquiera de las vistas individuales y el método no requiere de conocimiento previo acerca la función de dispersión puntual del sistema de imagen. Además, los resultados se han comparado con otros métodos existentes. Con respecto a la aplicación a imagen de resonancia magnética con realce tardío, los volúmenes fusionados resultantes pre-sentan una mejora cuantitativa en la nitidez de las estructuras relevantes y permiten una interpretación más sencilla y completa de la compleja estructura tridimensional del tejido miocárdico en pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica. Para ambas aplicaciones los resultados de esta tesis se encuentran actualmente en uso en los centros clínicos y de investigación con los que el autor ha colaborado durante este trabajo. Además se ha puesto a libre disposición de la comunidad científica la implementación del método de fusión propuesto. Por último, se ha tramitado también una solicitud de patente internacional que cubre el método de visualización desarrollado para la aplicación de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear. Abstract Nowadays three dimensional imaging techniques are common in several fields, but es-pecially in biomedical imaging, where we can find a wide range of techniques including: Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy, Laser Scanning Two Photon Microscopy, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Positron Emission To-mography, Optical Coherence Tomography, 3D Ultrasound Imaging, etc. A common denominator of all those applications being the constant need for further increasing resolution and quality of the acquired images. Interestingly, in some of the mentioned three-dimensional imaging techniques a remarkable situation arises: while a single volume does not contain enough information to represent the object being imaged within the quality parameters required by the final application, the acquisition scheme allows recording several volumes which represent different views of a given object, with each of the views providing complementary information. In this kind of situation one can get a better understanding of the object by combining several views instead of looking at each of them separately. Within such context, in this PhD Thesis we propose, develop and test new image processing methodologies based on the discrete wavelet transform for the combination, or fusion, of several views containing complementary information of a given object. The proposed fusion method exploits the scale and orientation decomposition capabil¬ities of the discrete wavelet transform to integrate in a single volume all the available information distributed among the set of acquired views. The work focuses in two different biomedical imaging modalities which provide such multi-view datasets. The first one is a particular fluorescence microscopy technique, Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, used for imaging and gaining understanding of the early development of live embryos from different animal models (like zebrafish or sea urchin). The second is Delayed Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging, which is a valuable tool for assessing the viability of myocardial tissue on patients suffering from different cardiomyopathies. As part of this work, the proposed method was implemented and then validated on both imaging modalities. For the fluorescence microscopy application, the fusion results show improved contrast and detail discrimination when compared to any of the individual views and the method does not rely on prior knowledge of the system’s point spread function (PSF). Moreover, the results have shown improved performance with respect to previous PSF independent methods. With respect to its application to Delayed Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging, the resulting fused volumes show a quantitative sharpness improvement and enable an easier and more complete interpretation of complex three-dimensional scar and heterogeneous tissue information in ischemic cardiomyopathy patients. In both applications, the results of this thesis are currently in use in the clinical and research centers with which the author collaborated during his work. An imple¬mentation of the fusion method has also been made freely available to the scientific community. Finally, an international patent application has been filed covering the visualization method developed for the Magnetic Resonance Imaging application.


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Las aplicaciones de la teledetección al seguimiento de lo que ocurre en la superficie terrestre se han ido multiplicando y afinando con el lanzamiento de nuevos sensores por parte de las diferentes agencias espaciales. La necesidad de tener información actualizada cada poco tiempo y espacialmente homogénea, ha provocado el desarrollo de nuevos programas como el Earth Observing System (EOS) de la National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Uno de los sensores que incorpora el buque insignia de ese programa, el satélite TERRA, es el Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), diseñado para capturar información multiangular de la superficie terrestre. Ya desde los años 1970, se conocía que la reflectancia de las diversas ocupaciones y usos del suelo variaba en función del ángulo de observación y de iluminación, es decir, que eran anisotrópicas. Tal variación estaba además relacionada con la estructura tridimensional de tales ocupaciones, por lo que se podía aprovechar tal relación para obtener información de esa estructura, más allá de la que pudiera proporcionar la información meramente espectral. El sensor MISR incorpora 9 cámaras a diferentes ángulos para capturar 9 imágenes casi simultáneas del mismo punto, lo que permite estimar con relativa fiabilidad la respuesta anisotrópica de la superficie terrestre. Varios trabajos han demostrado que se pueden estimar variables relacionadas con la estructura de la vegetación con la información que proporciona MISR. En esta Tesis se ha realizado una primera aplicación a la Península Ibérica, para comprobar su utilidad a la hora de estimar variables de interés forestal. En un primer paso se ha analizado la variabilidad temporal que se produce en los datos, debido a los cambios en la geometría de captación, es decir, debido a la posición relativa de sensores y fuente de iluminación, que en este caso es el Sol. Se ha comprobado cómo la anisotropía es mayor desde finales de otoño hasta principios de primavera debido a que la posición del Sol es más cercana al plano de los sensores. También se ha comprobado que los valores máximo y mínimo se van desplazando temporalmente entre el centro y el extremo angular. En la caracterización multiangular de ocupaciones del suelo de CORINE Land Cover que se ha realizado, se puede observar cómo la forma predominante en las imágenes con el Sol más alto es convexa con un máximo en la cámara más cercana a la fuente de iluminación. Sin embargo, cuando el Sol se encuentra mucho más bajo, ese máximo es muy externo. Por otra parte, los datos obtenidos en verano son mucho más variables para cada ocupación que los de noviembre, posiblemente debido al aumento proporcional de las zonas en sombra. Para comprobar si la información multiangular tiene algún efecto en la obtención de imágenes clasificadas según ocupación y usos del suelo, se han realizado una serie de clasificaciones variando la información utilizada, desde sólo multiespectral, a multiangular y multiespectral. Los resultados muestran que, mientras para las clasificaciones más genéricas la información multiangular proporciona los peores resultados, a medida que se amplían el número de clases a obtener tal información mejora a lo obtenido únicamente con información multiespectral. Por otra parte, se ha realizado una estimación de variables cuantitativas como la fracción de cabida cubierta (Fcc) y la altura de la vegetación a partir de información proporcionada por MISR a diferentes resoluciones. En el valle de Alcudia (Ciudad Real) se ha estimado la fracción de cabida cubierta del arbolado para un píxel de 275 m utilizando redes neuronales. Los resultados muestran que utilizar información multiespectral y multiangular puede mejorar casi un 20% las estimaciones realizadas sólo con datos multiespectrales. Además, las relaciones obtenidas llegan al 0,7 de R con errores inferiores a un 10% en Fcc, siendo éstos mucho mejores que los obtenidos con el producto elaborado a partir de datos multiespectrales del sensor Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), también a bordo de Terra, para la misma variable. Por último, se ha estimado la fracción de cabida cubierta y la altura efectiva de la vegetación para 700.000 ha de la provincia de Murcia, con una resolución de 1.100 m. Los resultados muestran la relación existente entre los datos espectrales y los multiangulares, obteniéndose coeficientes de Spearman del orden de 0,8 en el caso de la fracción de cabida cubierta de la vegetación, y de 0,4 en el caso de la altura efectiva. Las estimaciones de ambas variables con redes neuronales y diversas combinaciones de datos, arrojan resultados con R superiores a 0,85 para el caso del grado de cubierta vegetal, y 0,6 para la altura efectiva. Los parámetros multiangulares proporcionados en los productos elaborados con MISR a 1.100 m, no obtienen buenos resultados por sí mismos pero producen cierta mejora al incorporarlos a la información espectral. Los errores cuadráticos medios obtenidos son inferiores a 0,016 para la Fcc de la vegetación en tanto por uno, y 0,7 m para la altura efectiva de la misma. Regresiones geográficamente ponderadas muestran además que localmente se pueden obtener mejores resultados aún mejores, especialmente cuando hay una mayor variabilidad espacial de las variables estimadas. En resumen, la utilización de los datos proporcionados por MISR ofrece una prometedora vía de mejora de resultados en la media-baja resolución, tanto para la clasificación de imágenes como para la obtención de variables cuantitativas de la estructura de la vegetación. ABSTRACT Applications of remote sensing for monitoring what is happening on the land surface have been multiplied and refined with the launch of new sensors by different Space Agencies. The need of having up to date and spatially homogeneous data, has led to the development of new programs such as the Earth Observing System (EOS) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). One of the sensors incorporating the flagship of that program, the TERRA satellite, is Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR), designed to capture the multi-angle information of the Earth's surface. Since the 1970s, it was known that the reflectance of various land covers and land uses varied depending on the viewing and ilumination angles, so they are anisotropic. Such variation was also related to the three dimensional structure of such covers, so that one could take advantage of such a relationship to obtain information from that structure, beyond which spectral information could provide. The MISR sensor incorporates 9 cameras at different angles to capture 9 almost simultaneous images of the same point, allowing relatively reliable estimates of the anisotropic response of the Earth's surface. Several studies have shown that we can estimate variables related to the vegetation structure with the information provided by this sensor, so this thesis has made an initial application to the Iberian Peninsula, to check their usefulness in estimating forest variables of interest. In a first step we analyzed the temporal variability that occurs in the data, due to the changes in the acquisition geometry, i.e. the relative position of sensor and light source, which in this case is the Sun. It has been found that the anisotropy is greater from late fall through early spring due to the Sun's position closer to the plane of the sensors. It was also found that the maximum and minimum values are displaced temporarily between the center and the ends. In characterizing CORINE Land Covers that has been done, one could see how the predominant form in the images with the highest sun is convex with a maximum in the camera closer to the light source. However, when the sun is much lower, the maximum is external. Moreover, the data obtained for each land cover are much more variable in summer that in November, possibly due to the proportional increase in shadow areas. To check whether the information has any effect on multi-angle imaging classification of land cover and land use, a series of classifications have been produced changing the data used, from only multispectrally, to multi-angle and multispectral. The results show that while for the most generic classifications multi-angle information is the worst, as there are extended the number of classes to obtain such information it improves the results. On the other hand, an estimate was made of quantitative variables such as canopy cover and vegetation height using information provided by MISR at different resolutions. In the valley of Alcudia (Ciudad Real), we estimated the canopy cover of trees for a pixel of 275 m by using neural networks. The results showed that using multispectral and multiangle information can improve by almost 20% the estimates that only used multispectral data. Furthermore, the relationships obtained reached an R coefficient of 0.7 with errors below 10% in canopy cover, which is much better result than the one obtained using data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), also onboard Terra, for the same variable. Finally we estimated the canopy cover and the effective height of the vegetation for 700,000 hectares in the province of Murcia, with a spatial resolution of 1,100 m. The results show a relationship between the spectral and the multi-angle data, and provide estimates of the canopy cover with a Spearman’s coefficient of 0.8 in the case of the vegetation canopy cover, and 0.4 in the case of the effective height. The estimates of both variables using neural networks and various combinations of data, yield results with an R coefficient greater than 0.85 for the case of the canopy cover, and 0.6 for the effective height. Multi-angle parameters provided in the products made from MISR at 1,100 m pixel size, did not produce good results from themselves but improved the results when included to the spectral information. The mean square errors were less than 0.016 for the canopy cover, and 0.7 m for the effective height. Geographically weighted regressions also showed that locally we can have even better results, especially when there is high spatial variability of estimated variables. In summary, the use of the data provided by MISR offers a promising way of improving remote sensing performance in the low-medium spatial resolution, both for image classification and for the estimation of quantitative variables of the vegetation structure.


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The two-dimensional analytic optics design method presented in a previous paper [Opt. Express 20, 5576–5585 (2012)] is extended in this work to the three-dimensional case, enabling the coupling of three ray sets with two free-form lens surfaces. Fermat’s principle is used to deduce additional sets of functional differential equations which make it possible to calculate the lens surfaces. Ray tracing simulations demonstrate the excellent imaging performance of the resulting free-form lenses described by more than 100 coefficients.


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A new three-dimensional analytic optics design method is presented that enables the coupling of three ray sets with only two free-form lens surfaces. Closely related to the Simultaneous Multiple Surface method in three dimensions (SMS3D), it is derived directly from Fermat?s principle, leading to multiple sets of functional differential equations. The general solution of these equations makes it possible to calculate more than 80 coefficients for each implicit surface function. Ray tracing simulations of these free-form lenses demonstrate superior imaging performance for applications with high aspect ratio, compared to conventional rotational symmetric systems.


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Due to the relative transparency of its embryos and larvae, the zebrafish is an ideal model organism for bioimaging approaches in vertebrates. Novel microscope technologies allow the imaging of developmental processes in unprecedented detail, and they enable the use of complex image-based read-outs for high-throughput/high-content screening. Such applications can easily generate Terabytes of image data, the handling and analysis of which becomes a major bottleneck in extracting the targeted information. Here, we describe the current state of the art in computational image analysis in the zebrafish system. We discuss the challenges encountered when handling high-content image data, especially with regard to data quality, annotation, and storage. We survey methods for preprocessing image data for further analysis, and describe selected examples of automated image analysis, including the tracking of cells during embryogenesis, heartbeat detection, identification of dead embryos, recognition of tissues and anatomical landmarks, and quantification of behavioral patterns of adult fish. We review recent examples for applications using such methods, such as the comprehensive analysis of cell lineages during early development, the generation of a three-dimensional brain atlas of zebrafish larvae, and high-throughput drug screens based on movement patterns. Finally, we identify future challenges for the zebrafish image analysis community, notably those concerning the compatibility of algorithms and data formats for the assembly of modular analysis pipelines.


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Cardiac muscle contraction is triggered by a small and brief Ca2+ entry across the t-tubular membranes, which is believed to be locally amplified by release of Ca2+ from the adjacent junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). As Ca2+ diffusion is thought to be markedly attenuated in cells, it has been predicted that significant intrasarcomeric [Ca2+] gradients should exist during activation. To directly test for this, we measured [Ca2+] distribution in single cardiac myocytes using fluorescent [Ca2+] indicators and high speed, three-dimensional digital imaging microscopy and image deconvolution techniques. Steep cytosolic [Ca2+] gradients from the t-tubule region to the center of the sarcomere developed during the first 15 ms of systole. The steepness of these [Ca2+] gradients varied with treatments that altered Ca2+ release from internal stores. Electron probe microanalysis revealed a loss of Ca2+ from the junctional SR and an accumulation, principally in the A-band during activation. We propose that the prolonged existence of [Ca2+] gradients within the sarcomere reflects the relatively long period of Ca2+ release from the SR, the localization of Ca2+ binding sites and Ca2+ sinks remote from sites of release, and diffusion limitations within the sarcomere. The large [Ca2+] transient near the t-tubular/ junctional SR membranes is postulated to explain numerous features of excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle.


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The stages of integration leading from local feature analysis to object recognition were explored in human visual cortex by using the technique of functional magnetic resonance imaging. Here we report evidence for object-related activation. Such activation was located at the lateral-posterior aspect of the occipital lobe, just abutting the posterior aspect of the motion-sensitive area MT/V5, in a region termed the lateral occipital complex (LO). LO showed preferential activation to images of objects, compared to a wide range of texture patterns. This activation was not caused by a global difference in the Fourier spatial frequency content of objects versus texture images, since object images produced enhanced LO activation compared to textures matched in power spectra but randomized in phase. The preferential activation to objects also could not be explained by different patterns of eye movements: similar levels of activation were observed when subjects fixated on the objects and when they scanned the objects with their eyes. Additional manipulations such as spatial frequency filtering and a 4-fold change in visual size did not affect LO activation. These results suggest that the enhanced responses to objects were not a manifestation of low-level visual processing. A striking demonstration that activity in LO is uniquely correlated to object detectability was produced by the "Lincoln" illusion, in which blurring of objects digitized into large blocks paradoxically increases their recognizability. Such blurring led to significant enhancement of LO activation. Despite the preferential activation to objects, LO did not seem to be involved in the final, "semantic," stages of the recognition process. Thus, objects varying widely in their recognizability (e.g., famous faces, common objects, and unfamiliar three-dimensional abstract sculptures) activated it to a similar degree. These results are thus evidence for an intermediate link in the chain of processing stages leading to object recognition in human visual cortex.


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The ingress of water into poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), PHEMA, loaded with either one of two model drugs, vitamin B-12 or aspirin, was studied at 37 degreesC using three-dimensional NMR imaging. PHEMA was loaded with 5 and 10 wt % of the drugs. From the imaging profiles, it was observed that incorporation of vitamin B-12 into PHEMA resulted in enhanced crack formation on sorption of water and the crack healing behind the diffusion front was slower than for PHEMA without added drug. This was accounted for by the anti-plasticization of PHEMA by vitamin B-12. Crack formation was inhibited in the P-HEMA-aspirin systems because of the plasticizing effect of the aspirin on the PHEMA matrix. All of the polymers were found to absorb water according to an underlying Fickian diffusion mechanism. For PHEMA loaded with 5 wt % of aspirin or vitamin B-12, the best values of the water diffusion coefficients were both found to be 1.3 +/- 0.1 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) at 37 degreesC, while the values for the polymer loaded with 10 wt % of the drugs were slightly higher, 1.5 +/- 0.1 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1).


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The ingress of water into copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate (THFMA) loaded with either one of two model drugs, ie vitamin B-12 or aspirin, was studied at 310 K using three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (3D NMR) imaging. The poly(HEMA) was loaded with 5 wt% of the drugs. From the imaging profiles it was observed that incorporation of vitamin B-12 into the polymers rich in HEMA resulted in crack formation at the interface between the rubbery region and the glassy core on sorption of water, although these cracks were 'healed' behind the diffusion front. However, for the copolymers with low HEMA contents and for those containing aspirin, no evidence for similar crack formation was found. For the copolymers loaded with 5 wt% of aspirin or vitamin B-12 the values of the water diffusion coefficients, determined by curve-fitting the relative water concentration profiles from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements, were found to be smaller than those obtained from a mass uptake study. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.


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In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the MR signal intensity can vary spatially and this spatial variation is usually referred to as MR intensity nonuniformity. Although the main source of intensity nonuniformity arises from B, inhomogeneity of the coil acting as a receiver and/or transmitter, geometric distortion also alters the MR signal intensity. It is useful on some occasions to have these two different sources be separately measured and analyzed. In this paper, we present a practical method for a detailed measurement of the MR intensity nonuniformity. This method is based on the same three-dimensional geometric phantom that was recently developed for a complete measurement of the geometric distortion in MR systems. In this paper, the contribution to the intensity nonuniformity from the geometric distortion can be estimated and thus, it provides a mechanism for estimation of the intensity nonuniformity that reflects solely the spatial characteristics arising from B-1. Additionally, a comprehensive scheme for characterization of the intensity nonuniformity based on the new measurement method is proposed. To demonstrate the method, the intensity nonuniformity in a 1.5 T Sonata MR system was measured and is used to illustrate the main features of the method. (c) 2005 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.


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Langerhans cells (LCs) can be targeted with DNA-coated gold micro-projectiles ("Gene Gun") to induce potent cellular and humoral immune responses. It is likely that the relative volumetric distribution of LCs and keratinocytes within the epidermis impacts on the efficacy of Gene Gun immunization protocols. This study quantified the three-dimensional (3D) distribution of LCs and keratinocytes in the mouse skin model with a near-infrared multiphoton laser-scanning microscope (NIR-MPLSM). Stratum corneum (SC) and viable epidermal thickness measured with MPLSM was found in close agreement with conventional histology. LCs were located in the vertical plane at a mean depth of 14.9 mum, less than 3 mum above the dermo-epidermal boundary and with a normal histogram distribution. This likely corresponds to the fact that LCs reside in the suprabasal layer (stratum germinativum). The nuclear volume of keratinocytes was found to be approximately 1.4 times larger than that of resident LCs (88.6 mum3). Importantly, the ratio of LCs to keratinocytes in mouse ear skin (1:15) is more than three times higher than that reported for human breast skin (1:53). Accordingly, cross-presentation may be more significant in clinical Gene Gun applications than in pre-clinical mouse studies. These interspecies differences should be considered in pre-clinical trials using mouse models.


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Spin coating polymer blend thin films provides a method to produce multiphase functional layers of high uniformity covering large surface areas. Applications for such layers include photovoltaics and light-emitting diodes where performance relies upon the nanoscale phase separation morphology of the spun film. Furthermore, at micrometer scales, phase separation provides a route to produce self-organized structures for templating applications. Understanding the factors that determine the final phase-separated morphology in these systems is consequently an important goal. However, it has to date proved problematic to fully test theoretical models for phase separation during spin coating, due to the high spin speeds, which has limited the spatial resolution of experimental data obtained during the coating process. Without this fundamental understanding, production of optimized micro- and nanoscale structures is hampered. Here, we have employed synchronized stroboscopic illumination together with the high light gathering sensitivity of an electron-multiplying charge-coupled device camera to optically observe structure evolution in such blends during spin coating. Furthermore the use of monochromatic illumination has allowed interference reconstruction of three-dimensional topographies of the spin-coated film as it dries and phase separates with nanometer precision. We have used this new method to directly observe the phase separation process during spinning for a polymer blend (PS-PI) for the first time, providing new insights into the spin-coating process and opening up a route to understand and control phase separation structures. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive three-dimensional interferometric imaging technique capable of achieving micrometer scale resolution. It is now a standard of care in ophthalmology, where it is used to improve the accuracy of early diagnosis, to better understand the source of pathophysiology, and to monitor disease progression and response to therapy. In particular, retinal imaging has been the most prevalent clinical application of OCT, but researchers and companies alike are developing OCT systems for cardiology, dermatology, dentistry, and many other medical and industrial applications.

Adaptive optics (AO) is a technique used to reduce monochromatic aberrations in optical instruments. It is used in astronomical telescopes, laser communications, high-power lasers, retinal imaging, optical fabrication and microscopy to improve system performance. Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) is a noninvasive confocal imaging technique that produces high contrast two-dimensional retinal images. AO is combined with SLO (AOSLO) to compensate for the wavefront distortions caused by the optics of the eye, providing the ability to visualize the living retina with cellular resolution. AOSLO has shown great promise to advance the understanding of the etiology of retinal diseases on a cellular level.

Broadly, we endeavor to enhance the vision outcome of ophthalmic patients through improved diagnostics and personalized therapy. Toward this end, the objective of the work presented herein was the development of advanced techniques for increasing the imaging speed, reducing the form factor, and broadening the versatility of OCT and AOSLO. Despite our focus on applications in ophthalmology, the techniques developed could be applied to other medical and industrial applications. In this dissertation, a technique to quadruple the imaging speed of OCT was developed. This technique was demonstrated by imaging the retinas of healthy human subjects. A handheld, dual depth OCT system was developed. This system enabled sequential imaging of the anterior segment and retina of human eyes. Finally, handheld SLO/OCT systems were developed, culminating in the design of a handheld AOSLO system. This system has the potential to provide cellular level imaging of the human retina, resolving even the most densely packed foveal cones.


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The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a long-baseline accelerator experiment designed to make a significant contribution to the study of neutrino oscillations with unprecedented sensitivity. The main goal of DUNE is the determination of the neutrino mass ordering and the leptonic CP violation phase, key parameters of the three-neutrino flavor mixing that have yet to be determined. An important component of the DUNE Near Detector complex is the System for on-Axis Neutrino Detection (SAND) apparatus, which will include GRAIN (GRanular Argon for Interactions of Neutrinos), a novel liquid Argon detector aimed at imaging neutrino interactions using only scintillation light. For this purpose, an innovative optical readout system based on Coded Aperture Masks is investigated. This dissertation aims to demonstrate the feasibility of reconstructing particle tracks and the topology of CCQE (Charged Current Quasi Elastic) neutrino events in GRAIN with such a technique. To this end, the development and implementation of a reconstruction algorithm based on Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization was carried out to directly obtain a three-dimensional distribution proportional to the energy deposited by charged particles crossing the LAr volume. This study includes the evaluation of the design of several camera configurations and the simulation of a multi-camera optical system in GRAIN.