935 resultados para Illinois. School Problems Commission


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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For those of us who shared many years of friendship and professional collaboration with Pedro Vuskovic, the news of his recent death in Mexico has been the cause of great sorrow, not only because of the circumstances of his death, following a cruel disease that gradually sapped his physical -but not intellectual- strength, but also because it signifies the loss of a great Latin American, of a teacher who helped shape so many generations of young people in our region, and of a companion during so many days of intellectual strivings and political struggle. Pedro joined the Commission in 1950, shortly after its birth as an institution. For nearly 20 years he served it brilliantly in a professional capacity, with his career in ECLAC culminating in the position of Director of the Development Division. He played a crucial role in structuring and disseminating the thinking of ECLAC during a time when the very air teemed with the ideas and concerns of a pleiad of gifted economists and social scientists. These were the post-war years, the 1950s and 1960s, when we all had to "construct" Latin America. Pedro Vuskovic laid many of the bricks in that collective theoretical and political edifice which has been of such importance to the countries of the region. Concurrently, he served as a professor in ECLAC and ILPES training programmes while at the same time teaching classes at the schools of economics and sociology at the University of Chile and the School of Economics at the University of Concepción. When he left ECLAC, Pedro plunged wholeheartedly into the academic world, serving as the Director of the Institute of Economics of the University of Chile, and then went on to claim a position at the forefront of Chilean politics. In November 1970 he was named Minister of Economic Affairs by President Salvador Allende and in June 1972, took over the cabinet-level position of Executive Vice President of the Production Development Corporation (CORFO);, where he served until September 1973. When political events carried him into exile in Mexico, which generously welcomed him as it did so many other Latin Americans who faced similar problems, Pedro carried on his valuable academic work, first at the Economic Research and Teaching Centre (CIDE);, where he directed the Institute of Economic Studies of Latin America, and later at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Humanities at the National University of Mexico (UNAM);, where he was named to the position of Coordinator for a programme on poverty and development options in various countries of Latin America. Although he will be remembered for his important political role, Pedro's work as a scholar and as an economist deserve special mention. He was a brilliant speaker, at the same time both methodical and incisive, who mastered his subjects with great wisdom and intellectual breadth, and he derived a special joy from being with young people, from providing them with intellectual stimulation and receiving it from them in turn. The many generations of Latin American students who were fortunate enough to have him as a teacher can attest to this. Pedro Vuskovic brought to his work as a researcher and teacher a deep sense of political and social responsibility which moved him to espouse the cause of Latin America 's poor and dispossessed, whose position he had come to understand very early on in his life through the many studies he carried out in this area while at ECLAC. He was tenacious in upholding his ideas and principles, he lived in accordance with them, and he championed them in all the forums open to him, in both the political and academic worlds, to the end of his days. His friends and colleagues also remember his geniality, his sense of humour and great personal warmth -traits which were coupled with an unshakable loyalty to his principles and values. Our farewell is deeply felt; Pedro Vuskovic has left us a legacy of memories and lessons that we will always hold close to our hearts. On behalf of his friends and colleagues, Jacobo Schatan, former Director of the Joint ECLAC/FAO, Agriculture Division


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Includes bibliography


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The two main forces affecting economic development are the ongoing technological revolution and the challenge of sustainability. Technological change is altering patterns of production, consumption and behaviour in societies; at the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure the sustainability of these new patterns because of the constraints resulting from the negative externalities generated by economic growth and, in many cases, by technical progress itself. Reorienting innovation towards reducing or, if possible, reversing the effects of these externalities could create the conditions for synergies between the two processes. Views on the subject vary widely: while some maintain that these synergies can easily be created if growth follows an environmentally friendly model, summarized in the concept of green growth, others argue that production and consumption patterns are changing too slowly and that any technological fix will come too late. These considerations apply to hard technologies, essentially those used in production. The present document explores the opportunities being opened up by new ones, basically information and communication technologies, in terms of increasing the effectiveness (outcomes) and efficiency (relative costs) of soft technologies that can improve the way environmental issues are handled in business management and in public policy formulation and implementation.


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Esta pesquisa analisou a eleição direta para diretores escolares via estudo de caso da Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Brigadeiro Fontenele em Belém do Pará, na perspectiva da democratização da gestão, cujas questões norteadoras foram: De que modo as eleições diretas podem contribuir para a construção da gestão democrática na escola? Como se deu o processo de implantação das eleições diretas para provimento do cargo de diretor da Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Brigadeiro Fontenele, do ponto de vista do Sistema e da comunidade escolar? Para tanto, desenvolvemos este estudo utilizando abordagem qualitativa com pesquisa de campo, e coletamos os dados por intermédio de documentos e entrevistas semiestruturadas destinadas a 17 sujeitos, assim distribuídos: ex-secretária adjunta de ensino, representantes do Conselho Escolar, comissão eleitoral, grêmio estudantil, professores, alunos do ensino fundamental, ensino médio, da educação de jovens e adultos, comunidade e equipe gestora. A democratização da gestão da educação e da escola foi analisada em sua concretude na Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Pará e na escola selecionada, a partir dos seguintes elementos: Conselho Escolar atuante, Projeto Político Pedagógico construído coletivamente e em funcionamento e Autonomia escolar. As análises indicam que o processo eletivo para o provimento do cargo de diretor escolar enfrentou problemas comuns nas relações políticas no Brasil, e no Pará em particular, como o clientelismo, e a inexistência de um projeto político de mudança, discussões de campanhas centradas em pessoas e não em ideias, dentre outros. Podemos afirmar que a experiência estudada não foi um caso isolado, porque o exemplo se manifestou em diversas instituições da rede estadual; que a direção eleita finalizou seu mandato sem rever o Projeto Político Pedagógico, mesmo sendo um instrumento que não garante a democratização das relações de poder, mas é essencial, e se for produto de trabalho coletivo poderá concorrer para a construção de novas relações de poder e para nortear a organização política, administrativa e pedagógica da instituição. A construção da gestão democrática encontrou diferentes barreiras, pois os órgãos colegiados não conseguiram realizar seu papel enquanto órgão permanente de educação política, pois fica quase restrito a problemas burocráticos, como prestação de contas de recursos recebidos. A estrutura hierárquica tradicional presente na E. E. E. F. M. Brigadeiro Fontenele não permitiu uma significativa mudança nas relações de poder e a própria organização pedagógica possui barreiras quase intransponíveis, como a execução dos programas de disciplinas estanques, sem os professores discutirem ou se articularem. Por fim, consideramos que a forma autoritária de conduzir a escola pode reforçar a sociedade excludente e avaliamos que para a democratização da gestão, necessitamos de novos referenciais de formação para os gestores escolares, pois o cenário político e econômico e social impõe novas práticas gestoras.


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A Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment Rapid Assessment (SCOPE-RAP) workshop was held on 18-22 March 2013. This workshop was hosted by the European Commission, JRC Centre at Ispra, Italy, and brought together 40 leading experts from Africa, Asia, Europe and North and South America to create four synthesis chapters aimed at identifying knowledge gaps, research requirements, and policy innovations. Given the forthcoming publication by CABI of a book volume of the outcomes of the SCOPE-RAP in 2014, this workshop report provides an update on the global societal challenge of soil carbon management and some of the main issues and solutions that were identified in the four working sessions.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade algebra, I investigated students’ discussion of mathematics and how it relates to interest in the subject. Discussion is a powerful tool in the classroom. By relying too heavily on drill and practice, a teacher may lose any individual student insight into the learning process. However, in order for the discussion to be effective, students must be provided with structure and purpose. It is unrealistic to expect middle school age students to provide their own structure and purpose; a packet was constructed that would allow the students to both show their thoughts and work as a small group toward a common goal. The students showed more interest in the subject in question as they related to the algebra topics being studied. The students appreciated the packets as a way to facilitate discussion rather than as a vehicle for practicing concepts. Students still had a need for practice problems as part of their homework. As a result of this research, it is clear that discussion packets are very useful as a part of daily instruction. While there are modifications that must be made to the original packets to more clearly express the expectations in question, discussion packets will continue to be an effective tool in the classroom.


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The aim of this study was to compare behavioral profile and school performance of school-age children living with a mother who presents clinical history of recurrent depression, diagnosed according to CID-10 criteria in order to verify the influences of such adversity. Thirty-eight mother-child dyads were evaluated using tests, interviews and questionnaires. Approximately two-thirds of the children presented behavioral and school performance difficulties with predominance of emotional and relationship problems, and impairment in the three areas of school performance which were assessed (writing, arithmetic and reading). Such difficulties may be associated with the negative impact of maternal depression. One-third of the children did not present difficulties, which suggests the use of protective mechanisms. The study highlights the importance of considering differences in children's profiles for the planning of mental health practices.


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Parents may feel guilty about their children's oral problems, which can affect their quality of life. The aim of this study was to assess the presence of parental guilt and its association with early childhood caries (EGG), traumatic dental injuries (TDI) and malocclusion (AMT) in preschool children. All 2 to 5 year-old children (N = 305), and their parents, seeking dental care at the University of Sao Paulo Dental School one-week Screening Programme, were asked to participate in the study, and 260 agreed. Children were examined by two calibrated dentists, and their parents answered a socioeconomic and ECOHIS questionnaire; the question on guilt was used as the dependent variable. Regression analyses examined the association between parental guilt and EGG, TDI, AMT and socioeconomic factors. A total of 35.8% of parents felt guilty. This was only associated with caries severity. No association was found between guilt and TDI, AMT or socioeconomic factors. EGG was present in 63.8% of the children; the mean (+/-sd) dmf-t score was 7.29 (+/-2.78). Thus, the number of parents feeling guilty increases with the increase of their children's dental caries severity. Parental guilt is related to caries but is not associated with TDI or AMT.


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BECTS represents the vast majority of childhood focal epilepsy. Owing to the age peculiarity of children who suffer from this disease, i.e., school-going age of between 6 and 9 years, the condition is often referred to as a school disorder by parents and teachers. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the academic performance of children with BED'S, according to the clinical and electroencephalographic ILAE criteria, and compare the results of neuropsychological tests of language and attention to the frequency of epileptic discharges. Methods: The performances of 40 school children with BED'S were evaluated by applying a school performance test (SBT), neuropsychological tests (WISC and Trail-Making), and language tests (Illinois Test Psycholinguistic Abilities - ITPA - and Staggered Spondaic Word - SSW). The same tests were applied in the control group. Results: Children with BED'S, when compared to those in the control group, showed lower scores in academic performance (SPT), digits and similarities subtests of WISC, auditory processing subtest of SSW, and ITPA - representational and automatic level. The study showed that epileptic discharges did not influence the results. Conclusion: Children with BED'S scored significantly lower scores in tests on academic performance, when compared with those in the control group probably due to executive dysfunction. (C) 2011 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Physical attributes of the places in which people live, as well as their perceptions of them, may be important health determinants. The perception of place in which people dwell may impact on individual health and may be a more telling indicator for individual health than objective neighborhood characteristics. This paper aims to evaluate psychometric and ecometric properties of a scale on the perceptions of neighborhood problems in adults from Florianopolis, Southern Brazil. Methods Individual, census tract level (per capita monthly familiar income) and neighborhood problems perception (physical and social disorders) variables were investigated. Multilevel models (items nested within persons, persons nested within neighborhoods) were run to assess ecometric properties of variables assessing neighborhood problems. Results The response rate was 85.3%, (1,720 adults). Participants were distributed in 63 census tracts. Two scales were identified using 16 items: Physical Problems and Social Disorder. The ecometric properties of the scales satisfactory: 0.24 to 0.28 for the intra-class correlation and 0.94 to 0.96 for reliability. Higher values on the scales of problems in the physical and social domains were associated with younger age, more length of time residing in the same neighborhood and lower census tract income level. Conclusions The findings support the usefulness of these scales to measure physical and social disorder problems in neighborhoods.