921 resultados para Illinois Council on Vocational Education
Méthodologie: Modèle de régression quantile de variable instrumentale pour données de Panel utilisant la fonction de production partielle
The objective of this paper on peace education is to generate a reflection, through the metaphor of the butterfly effect, on the importance of educating for peace during the change process of human beings and society. It proposes education for peace as a human right, an experience and learning process that is put into practice by human beings. It aims at changing attitudes and actions to create harmonious relationships based on the respect and recognition of human rights, and the freedom and dignity of every person.
The integration of digital technology in school is a complex phenomenon that affects both teaching and peer relationships. Accordingly, the main aim of this dissertation was to investigate the implementation of distance education among Italian teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic and analyze peer relationships concerning cyberbullying and bullying. While the theoretical section provided an overview of the phenomena, four empirical studies were presented. The first one tested a moderated moderation model among 178 secondary teachers on the interactions among perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use of technology and online teaching self-efficacy. Findings showed that each variable significantly predicted the intention to use technology. In addition, a moderation effect of online teaching self-efficacy on perceived usefulness was found. The second study analyzed the differences in factors promoting the integration of digital technology among 357 teachers of different levels and subjects and their positive and negative experiences with distance education. Results revealed several differences in the function of the grade and subjects taught. Moreover, four main themes emerged from the content analysis. The third study investigated the dyadic perception of bullying and cyberbullying among 50 students using the eye-tracker. Findings showed that, despite differences among different kinds of bullying and cyberbullying, the victim and bully were the most observed roles. Finally, the last study tested two multiple mediation models among 563 students on the association between bullying, cyberbullying, and well-being, considering three different variables related to the school context (peer network, teacher support and school connectedness). The results highlighted the importance of peer networks and school connectedness in mediating the association between victimization, cybervictimzation and well-being. Taken together, the findings provided a rich overview of digital technology integration in schools, highlighting positive and negative aspects and its implications for future research and school policies.
Maamme teollistuminen sai alkunsa 1850-luvulla. Tämän jälkeen maassamme käynnistettiin ensimmäisiä ammatillisia kouluja. Niiden perustehtävä oli palvella senaikaista teollisuutta. Sotavuosien jälkeen teollistuminen suuntautui sotakorvauksien maksamiseen. Tämän myötä maahamme kasvoi vahva teollistunut yhteiskunta. 1960- ja 1970-luvun Suomessa koettiin epävarmuutta osaavasta ammattikunnasta. Näihin aikoihin hallituksemme ryhtyi kiinnittämään erityistä huomiota työvoimapolitiikkaan. Tämän tutkimuksen yhtenä tavoitteena on tarkastella keinoja, joilla hallituksemme on ohjaillut ammatillista koulutusta tarjoavia oppilaitoksia lähemmäksi elinkeinoelämän tarpeita. Toisena merkittävänä tutkimuksen kohteena on ollut hallituksen lain muutos (40/2005 työelämän kehittämis- ja palvelutehtävä) ja sen vaikutukset Hyvinkään–Riihimäen talousalueeseen. Tutkimuksen tuloksia arvioitaessa huomataan, että Opetushallituksen laatimien lakien ja asetuksien muutoksilla on ollut vaikutusta koulutuksien toteutumiseen sekä työvoimaviranomaisten väliseen yhteistyöhön. Matti Vanhasen hallituksen esittämän lain muutoksen (40/2005) myötä Hyvinkään–Riihimäen talousalueen verkostoituminen muiden elinkeinoelämän edustajien ja oppilaitosten kanssa on onnistunut erittäin hyvin. Sen tuloksista voidaan mainita talousalueelle syntynyt aikuisopisto.
"November 1919."
"Reprinted from the Journal of the American Medical Association January 18, 1913."
"Art schools and trade schools which include courses for designing and construction of one or more dress accessories": p. 25-26; "Colleges and universities offering instruction in designing of accessories": p. 27-29.
Includes bibliographies.
Cover title.
"Funded by: Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities, Chicago Association for Retarded Citizens, Rehabilitation Research Training Center on Aging and Developmental Disabilities (National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Grant #H133B980046) in the Department of Disability and Human Development at the University of Illinois at Chicago."
"This manual was funded through a grant from the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities"
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