998 resultados para Identidade potiguar
Cervídeo Mazama gouazoubira é a espécie de veado que possui maior distribuição dentre as espécies sul americanas. Aspectos da vegetação, predação, competição, caça e perda de habitat são fatores importantes para compreender a distribuição espacial de herbívoros na paisagem. Dessa forma, considerando a falta de estudos de mamíferos de médio e grande porte na Caatinga, objetivamos compreender quais os fatores ambientais e antrópicos que influenciam a ocupação do veado-catingueiro (M. gouazoubira) na região semiárida do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado em 10 áreas amostrais e utilizamos armadilhas fotográficas para amostragem e modelos de ocupação foram construídos representando nossas hipóteses biológicas. Os modelos foram ranqueados através dos valores obtidos do AIC. As variáveis cobertura vegetal de caatinga e densidade da vegetação mostraram maior efeito, já a caatinga arbórea mostrou um efeito menor, sugerindo que a espécie é altamente dependente da vegetação para ocorrer, possuindo menor dependência de caatinga arbórea. Esperamos que nossos resultados possam ser utilizados como suporte para planos de manejo e criação de novas unidades de conservação no estado.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The farm’s rural dwellings of creation from the Seridó Potiguar microregion, built in the nineteenth century, became a reference by its vernacular character, i.e. these buildings, besides having recognized relevance to the identity of the region, they are adapted to the conditions of the place in many aspects (economic, cultural, construction, physical, et.) and consist in protective spaces in relation to hostile characteristics of Seridó’s climate. Considering the above premise, the following question arises: What characteristics of the nineteenth century Seridó Potiguar’s cattle farms are crucial for them to be a protective space in relation to the semiarid climate? In order to answer the question, this research aim to identify which particularities of the Seridó’s farmhouses that contribute to adaptability in these buildings to semiarid climate, as protection environments; and contribute to the stock valuation of the architectural heritage concerned. Therefore, procedures were adopted divided into two stages. Were first identified the recurring characteristics in the studied buildings, through typological study performed from existing inventories (DINIZ, 2008; FEIJÓ, 2002; IPHAN, 2012). To define the type it worked up with the concept that merges Durand’s analytical typology that identifies the similarities and differences to classify buildings, having the character of historical survey and architectural documentation, with the definition proposed by Argan (1963) that the type is not defined a priory, but the deduction from a number of illustrative cases which have formal and functional similarity with each other. Then worked up in a sample of five different types with each other, defined by the possibility of access to the interior of the houses, proximity to other copies, good state of conservation and preservation. The contemplated farms were: Pitombeiras, Agenus e Garrotes in Acari’s town, and the municipality of Caicó, Palma and Penedo. The second stage consists of the architectural survey, photographic record, digital three-dimensional modeling (aiming to expand the existing documentation and registration) and thermal monitoring over approximately a representative day in five farmhouses, relating the thermal performance of the houses with their individual characteristics. The selected variables for analysis monitoring are based on the thermal comfort adaptive model (SPAGNOLO and DE DEAR, 2003 apud NEGREIROS, 2010). The characteristics of the houses were analyzed as meeting the passive thermal conditioning strategies recommended by NBR 15220 (ABNT, 2005), for the bioclimatic zone 7 where the municipalities of Caicó and Acari are located. The house’s analysis of the operating temperatures revealed that 90% of the times of day the environments are within the comfort range. The farmhouses, which had a higher degree of compliance with recommended bioclimatic strategies, had the best thermal performance. In environments (usually the kitchen and rooms with low ceiling heights, exposed to west radiation) which still had discomfort hours, the thermal comfort can be reached with air movement approximately 1,0 m/s.
The farm’s rural dwellings of creation from the Seridó Potiguar microregion, built in the nineteenth century, became a reference by its vernacular character, i.e. these buildings, besides having recognized relevance to the identity of the region, they are adapted to the conditions of the place in many aspects (economic, cultural, construction, physical, et.) and consist in protective spaces in relation to hostile characteristics of Seridó’s climate. Considering the above premise, the following question arises: What characteristics of the nineteenth century Seridó Potiguar’s cattle farms are crucial for them to be a protective space in relation to the semiarid climate? In order to answer the question, this research aim to identify which particularities of the Seridó’s farmhouses that contribute to adaptability in these buildings to semiarid climate, as protection environments; and contribute to the stock valuation of the architectural heritage concerned. Therefore, procedures were adopted divided into two stages. Were first identified the recurring characteristics in the studied buildings, through typological study performed from existing inventories (DINIZ, 2008; FEIJÓ, 2002; IPHAN, 2012). To define the type it worked up with the concept that merges Durand’s analytical typology that identifies the similarities and differences to classify buildings, having the character of historical survey and architectural documentation, with the definition proposed by Argan (1963) that the type is not defined a priory, but the deduction from a number of illustrative cases which have formal and functional similarity with each other. Then worked up in a sample of five different types with each other, defined by the possibility of access to the interior of the houses, proximity to other copies, good state of conservation and preservation. The contemplated farms were: Pitombeiras, Agenus e Garrotes in Acari’s town, and the municipality of Caicó, Palma and Penedo. The second stage consists of the architectural survey, photographic record, digital three-dimensional modeling (aiming to expand the existing documentation and registration) and thermal monitoring over approximately a representative day in five farmhouses, relating the thermal performance of the houses with their individual characteristics. The selected variables for analysis monitoring are based on the thermal comfort adaptive model (SPAGNOLO and DE DEAR, 2003 apud NEGREIROS, 2010). The characteristics of the houses were analyzed as meeting the passive thermal conditioning strategies recommended by NBR 15220 (ABNT, 2005), for the bioclimatic zone 7 where the municipalities of Caicó and Acari are located. The house’s analysis of the operating temperatures revealed that 90% of the times of day the environments are within the comfort range. The farmhouses, which had a higher degree of compliance with recommended bioclimatic strategies, had the best thermal performance. In environments (usually the kitchen and rooms with low ceiling heights, exposed to west radiation) which still had discomfort hours, the thermal comfort can be reached with air movement approximately 1,0 m/s.
The Potiguar Basin is located in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin and presents sedimentary rocks affected by Cenozoic basic igneous intrusions, known as Macau Magmatism. The most prominent effect related to these intrusions is the formation of buchites, pyrometamorphic rocks that occur at very high temperatures and very low pressures in the sanidinite metamorphic facies. Through literature review, field observations, petrographic and petrophysical data, accessing the database of previous studies and results from this research, it was possible to characterize and estimate the effects produced in the thermal aureole of some hypabyssal bodies in the basin. The most relevant features associated with the intrusions are: compactation, hydraulic fracturing, partial melting and recrystallization of country rocks. According to the observed mineral occurrences, temperature of 800 to 1200 °C and pressure below 0,5 kbar were estimated at the contacts of the igneous bodies. The thermal modeling of the São João plug indicates thermal effects extending up to 150 m away from the contact and cooling time of approximately 265,000 years. After the peak of temperature, followed a cooling phase registered by remobilization and precipitation of minerals at low-temperature in faults, fractures and geodes, interpreted as derived from reactions with sedimentary rocks and metasomatic / hydrothermal fluids with abundant carbonatization and silicification.
The Potiguar Basin is located in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin and presents sedimentary rocks affected by Cenozoic basic igneous intrusions, known as Macau Magmatism. The most prominent effect related to these intrusions is the formation of buchites, pyrometamorphic rocks that occur at very high temperatures and very low pressures in the sanidinite metamorphic facies. Through literature review, field observations, petrographic and petrophysical data, accessing the database of previous studies and results from this research, it was possible to characterize and estimate the effects produced in the thermal aureole of some hypabyssal bodies in the basin. The most relevant features associated with the intrusions are: compactation, hydraulic fracturing, partial melting and recrystallization of country rocks. According to the observed mineral occurrences, temperature of 800 to 1200 °C and pressure below 0,5 kbar were estimated at the contacts of the igneous bodies. The thermal modeling of the São João plug indicates thermal effects extending up to 150 m away from the contact and cooling time of approximately 265,000 years. After the peak of temperature, followed a cooling phase registered by remobilization and precipitation of minerals at low-temperature in faults, fractures and geodes, interpreted as derived from reactions with sedimentary rocks and metasomatic / hydrothermal fluids with abundant carbonatization and silicification.
The issue of this dissertation is the problem of personal identity. More specifically, the objective of this work is to investigate and compare how Hume and Kant construct, within their own philosophical systems, their theories of personal identity (of the self), so that these theories can set the grounds for the construction of theoretical knowledge. Hume’s theory of personal identity is closely connected to his empirical model of investigation, according to which no metaphysical conclusion can be accepted. This implies a very specific limitation to the humean description of personal identity. Because he can’t find a safe empirical reference for the self, Hume is obliged to describe it as a mere fiction, which the imagination creates to try to give unity to the set of perceptions that composes the mind. Kant, on the other hand, constructs his theory of the self with the aim of explaining the possibility of the a priori knowledge in Mathematics and in Physics. Kant tries to find which attributes must necessarily belong to the self so that this self can be, at the same time, the a priori transcendental condition of a subjectivity in general and the equally a priori transcendental condition for the construction of objective knowledge. Moreover, Kant shows the impossibility of objectively knowing, as intuition, the self, and limits himself to the description of the self as a mere subjective consciousness of the synthetic capacities of the understanding. Several disparities, thus, can be perceived between the theories of personal identity of these two authors. Based on these differences, the present work also examines the possibility of making an interpretation of the humean theory of the self by using elements of the kantian philosophy. The purpose of this kind of interpretation is to propose a solution to the difficulties faced by Hume in the description of his theory of personal identity.
Teacher identity is a subject of study and discussion in the academic world whichhas become an object of attention of researchaddressing teaching and teacher formation. Life history, initial and continuing formation, the meaning of teaching to the teacher, and also pedagogical practice are all contributing factors to teachers’ professional identity. The present study is a proposal developed in the research field of Educational Knowledge and Practice, and its main focus lies in university teaching. Higher education teaching in the context of a dance course, and the issues and challenges of constructing teachers’ professional identity are presented. Thus, my main questions were: what is the teaching path followed by newly hired dance teachers in the Federal University of Uberlândia? How is teaching identity developed in these new teachers’ professional socialization process? What kind of educational knowledge is (re)produced and mobilized by teachers when they join university teaching? In order to answer these questions, my objectives are: to analyze the teaching path of the newly hired dance teachers of the Federal University of Uberlândia; to investigate how their teaching identity is built within their professional socialization process; and identify the kinds of educational knowledge they (re)produce and mobilize as soon as they become university teachers. The present research comprises a qualitative data analysis from previous studies on the subject, having as starting point relevant bibliographic research, followed by an identification questionnaire and an interview conducted with the newly hired dance teachers. The construction of teaching identity is related to objective and subjective conditions involving a teaching job and how the teacher perceives this identity as constantly evolving. Hence I understand the importance of personal and institutional incentives to prepare studies which raise or problematize issues specific to this area, contributing to extend the debate over higher education professionals’ formation, in particular that of dance course teachers on national scope.
In a highly connected society, avid for information and technological innovations, constantly changing the consumption patterns, the brand management strategy occupies a growing place. Allied with the increased competition among companies, the brand that can differentiate in consumers’ minds becomes strong. This aspect is even more important in the service industry, where the consumer experience, the definition and support of the brand’s values are vital to the continued strength of both your identity and image. These aspects are seen as a process of communication in which the way the image is developed in the minds of consumers comes from how identity is constructed and transmitted to them (DE CHERNATONY; DRURY; SEGAL-HORN, 2004). Considering the dynamic and complex scenario, this study aims to identify and analyze the possible convergences or divergences between the identity built by the organization and the brand image perceived by consumers of a telecommunications services company. To achieve this objective, the model proposed by De Chernatony, Drury and Segal-Horn (2004) was used as a theoretical basis, which addresses the transformation of identity in brand image, specifically under the perspective of Pontes (2009). For him, customers are more motivated to buy and consume products that they believe that take a complementary image that they have of themselves, and proposes the existence of multiple selves: the perceived, which refers to the employees and the organization’s management opinions on the brand; the ideal, which deals with effective brand identity thought by its leaders, the vision of what it should be; social, which shows how managers think that consumers see it; the apparent, formed by the image of the brand by customers; and finally the real self, that would be an integrated composite of all of these visions. In this regard, a case study was made in a telecommunications company with regional actions, from a qualitative and quantitative approach. It was identified the company’s vision through semi-structured interviews with marketing managers and analysis of documents related to the brand strategy. The point of view of consumers was addressed for text mining techniques applied to internal unstructured data coming from the collection of posts made on Facebook and Twitter, related to the brand, and customer interaction with the company through these social networks. The results showed the importance of the concepts of identity and brand image, and how they are interrelated. Moreover, the qualitative analysis it was shown that the vision of marketing executives is quite close and in line with the Brand Book, showing that there is a cohesive and well disseminated speech internally in the organization. On the other hand, when evaluating the customer's point of view there was no specific comments on the brand, and it was not possible to identify the evaluation of Algar Telecom image by consumers. Nevertheless, other relevant aspects could be identified for the consolidation of the brand identity, as the occurrence of a number of complaints, especially regarding the internet as well as the concern of customers for the quality of the provision of services.
Identidade, cultura e tecnologia são os temas centrais desta dissertação. Quando esses três elementos se encontram, diversas oportunidades e possibilidades são oferecidas aos indivíduos. O site Omelete, objeto de pesquisa escolhido, é resultado de um projeto elaborado por amigos, fãs de histórias em quadrinhos e games, que não encontravam informações suficientes sobre seus temas favoritos e decidiram criar um blog para compartilhar conteúdos sobre cultura pop e satisfazer suas curiosidades e vontades. Hoje, o que nasceu como blog é considerado o maior veículo online sobre cultura pop do Brasil. O objetivo da dissertação foi verificar as características do objeto e do contexto em que se encontra e quais fatores o colocaram em sua posição atual. Para isso, primeiro fizemos uma revisão de literatura para estabelecer as bases teóricas da dissertação. Depois, categorizamos o conteúdo publicado no site sobre a Comic-Con International: San Diego durante um período determinado e analisamos os dados obtidos. Por último, descrevemos o evento Comic Con Experience, organizado pelo Omelete e pela Chiaroscuro, e averiguamos as informações colhidas desde a revisão de literatura até a experiência pessoal na convenção. A sociedade na qual vivemos permite o surgimento, o desenvolvimento e a manutenção de tribos e culturas variadas. É uma sociedade em que a tecnologia oferece ferramentas para as pessoas poderem se comunicar, compartilhar informações e interagir com internautas com interesses semelhantes, como o consumo dos mesmos produtos culturais. Essas ações são responsáveis pela formação da identidade dos indivíduos e dos grupos a que pertencem. De forma participativa, os grupos constroem conhecimento e fortalecem a inteligência coletiva.
A presente pesquisa se propõe a analisar o contexto histórico, político, social, econômico e ideológico em que surge a pedagogia crítica de Paulo Freire e posteriormente a Teologia da Libertação, visando encontrar influências deste peculiar contexto na gênese do pensamento freireano e nas concepções dos teólogos Rubem Alves e Gustavo Gutiérrez, que foram os primeiros publicar obras sobre Teologia da Libertação, corrente teológica considerada genuinamente latino-americana. Ainda procura observar em que medida as concepções pedagógicas de Freire podem ter sido acolhidas pelos teólogos Alves e Gutiérrez em suas obras aqui analisadas. Em ambos os pensamentos encontramos a visão de valorização do ser humano e de uma práxis que busca sua libertação de sistemas opressores. Tanto em Paulo Freire como nos fundamentos desta corrente teológica se apresentam princípios humanistas e elementos da tradição cristã. A partir da ferramenta metodológica de análise do materialismo histórico dialético marxista, procura identificar temas comuns que são abordados pelos autores em suas obras surgidas entre as décadas de 1950 a 1970, detendo-se ao estudo de alguns temas subjacentes a esse contexto histórico, a saber: práxis, história, humanismo e libertação.
No Quarto Evangelho Jesus se apresenta por meio de metáforas, sendo o objeto de nossa pesquisa a frase: “Eu sou o caminho, e a verdade, e a vida”, que será o ponto de partida condutor em busca da identidade do grupo joanino. No final do primeiro século, o grupo joanino se entende como fiéis herdeiros de Jesus, agora seguidores do discípulo João (filho de Zebedeu), o qual caminhou com Jesus. O grupo não se apresenta alheio à realidade da multiplicidade religiosa do período, mas está atento aos conflitos e aos caminhos divergentes para Deus. Isso nos aponta o quão identitário é o tema. A partir de uma leitura em João 13.33-14.31, nossa dissertação tem como objeto o modo como o grupo joanino recebe essa mensagem no imaginário, a exterioriza e reage no cotidiano, bem como os grupos posteriores do gnosticismo —como o Evangelho da Verdade da Biblioteca Copta de Nag Hammadi, elaborado a partir de leituras ulteriores que plasmam o mundo simbólico imaginário, cultivando diferentes características de pertença, gerando a identidade do grupo joanino.
Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia