840 resultados para Housing surveys
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, in collaboration with the World Bank, conducted a week-long Regional Workshop on Microdata Documentation and Dissemination. The workshop, which was funded by the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the Twenty-First Century (PARIS21) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), was held at the Hilton Hotel and Conference Centre in Port of Spain, Trinidad, from 26 to 30 April 2010. The main objective of the workshop was to provide training to member States on the Microdata Management Toolkit. This toolkit was developed by International Household Surveys Networks (IHSN) to assist in the documentation, dissemination and preservation of household survey, census and microdata in accordance with international standards and best practices. The training was organized in response to numerous requests by directors of statistics in the region for the development of capacity in that area. It was specifically timed to meet the training needs of those offices ahead of the 2010 round of Population and Housing Censuses.
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) with support from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Central Statistical Office in Saint Lucia convened a two-day Regional Workshop on Informal Sector Surveys for the Caribbean Subregion from 12 – 13 October 2009 in Castries, Saint Lucia. This workshop was one of the culminating activities of the United Nations Statistical Division-commissioned project Measurement of the Informal Sector and Informal Employment being conducted in the subregion since 2007. It was aimed primarily at disseminating the results of a 1-2 survey of the informal sector which was carried out in Saint Lucia over the period April 2008 to January 2009.
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, with support from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Central Statistics Office in Saint Lucia, convened a two-day Data Dissemination Workshop on the Informal Sector and Informal Employment on 12 -13 October 2009 in Castries, Saint Lucia. This workshop was one of the culminating activities of the Interregional Project on the Measurement of the Informal Sector and Informal Employment being conducted in the Caribbean subregion. The workshop served as a forum for presenting the findings of the survey of the informal sector which was carried out in Saint Lucia over the period April 2008 to January 2009.
La edición número 101 de Notas de Población contiene nueve artículos sobre temas de gran actualidad y relevancia futura en el campo de la investigación sociodemográfica en América Latina y el Caribe. La variada gama de asuntos que se abordan en la presente edición empieza con la aplicación del modelo de transición logística y las proyecciones de población, pasando por el análisis de la transición epidemiológica de la mortalidad infantil en América Latina y los determinantes de la fecundidad adolescente y su relación con la distribución territorial. Continúa con el envejecimiento, su relación con las condiciones de la vivienda, la migración calificada y el análisis del ciclo vital de las personas en relación con una esperanza de vida sana. Concluye con la percepción de la alteridad en la declaración del color y la raza en la encuesta de empleo del Brasil.
Las crecientes demandas de participación en la vida social, política y económica de los pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas del Ecuador durante los últimos veinte años han incidido directamente en la visibilización de estos actores como parte constitutiva del país. Existen varias cifras sobre el número de habitantes indígenas en el Ecuador, lo que ha impulsado un debate sobre la validez de las diferentes metodologías de recolección de información que permita tener datos desagregados por condición étnica, y lo que es más importante sobre las condiciones de vida de los pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas y las brechas de equidad que se observan en cuanto a indicadores de desarrollo entre los distintos grupos de población. El presente documento es una síntesis de la revisión de los instrumentos de recolección de información que incluyen la variable “etnia” y las diferentes formas de capturar el dato. Revisión que involucró el análisis crítico de cada uno de los procesos por parte de los responsables técnicos de la producción de las estadísticas y también con los representantes de las nacionalidades y pueblos indígenas del Ecuador con la finalidad de identificar las limitaciones de los instrumentos y/o las dificultades del proceso que hace que los pueblos indígenas se sientan sub representados en las estadísticas oficiales.
The construction and ownership of homes is fundamental to economic development, the generation of wealth and the formation of the middle class. Although a number of studies have been conducted and programmes implemented in recent decades, there remains a significant housing deficit in Paraguay and Latin America, indicating that such programmes have been unsuccessful. For families unable to document a steady income, the main obstacle to homeownership is often financing. This paper aims to demonstrate the economic and financial feasibility —provided there is sufficient political will and coordination between public and private entities— of a project to build 75,000 homes for 300,000 people (4.5% of the Paraguayan population) with middle to low incomes. The median household income in this segment, for which there is a significant shortage of decent housing, is US$ 396.50. A maximum of US$ 63.44 per month may be set aside for housing costs.
Este artigo analisa a estrutura social dos entrevistados que apontam o item não resposta em um survey sobre assuntos políticos. Para isso foi realizado um survey com 2.110 jovens eleitores da rede pública de ensino em Belém (PA). Os dados indicam que a quota da não resposta aumenta com a mudança de um ciclo de vida para outro ou com a própria experiência obtida pelos efeitos das políticas públicas, o que deixa o entrevistado em dúvida em relação aos valores e opiniões estabelecidos.