851 resultados para Hotel Chain


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The present work analyzes the impact of negative social / environmental events on the market value of supply chain partners. The study offers a contextualized discussion around important concepts which are largely employed on the Operations Management and Management literature in general. Among them, the developments of the literature around supply chains, supply chain management, corporate social responsibility, sustainable development and sustainable supply chain management are particularly addressed, beyond the links they share with competitive advantage. As for the theoretical bases, the study rests on the Stakeholder Theory, on the discussion of the efficient-market hypothesis and on the discussion of the adjustment of stock prices to new information. In face of such literature review negative social / environmental events are then hypothesized as causing negative impact in the market value of supply chain partners. Through the documental analysis of publicly available information around 15 different cases (i.e. 15 events), 82 supply chain partners were identified. Event studies for seven different event windows were conducted on the variation of the stock price of each supply chain partner, valuing the market reaction to the stock price of a firm due to triggering events occurred in another. The results show that, in general, the market value of supply chain partners was not penalized in response to such announcements. In that sense, the hypothesis derived from the literature review is not confirmed. Beyond that, the study also provides a critical description of the 15 cases, identifying the companies that have originated such events and their supply chain partners involved.


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This article presents the application of a diagnosis method in a Brazilian company from the sugar and ethanol industry to identify the level of supply chain integration. The diagnosis method is based on Cooper, Lambert and Pagh reference model for SCM. The method involves nine referential axes established from the eighth key business processes of the reference model.


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Essa pesquisa corresponde à segunda fase de um processo iniciado em 2012, cujo objetivo é obter informações sobre o conjunto de competências (skills) necessárias aos profissionais no mercado de operações logísticas e gestão da cadeia de abastecimento, bem como identificar as faltas de competências existentes, na opinião das empresas. A pesquisa foi realizada através de um questionário dirigido às empresas, as quais informaram as competências gerenciais e operacionais necessárias, os níveis reais de competência dos profissionais atualmente contratados, e as competências faltantes


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A pesquisa teve por objetivo obter informações sobre o conjunto de competências (skills) necessárias aos profissionais no mercado de operações logísticas e gestão da cadeia de abastecimento, bem como identificar as faltas de competências existentes. A pesquisa foi realizada através de dois questionários, um dirigido ao profissionais e o outro dirigido às empresas. Dos profissionais, a pesquisa obteve informações sobre o nível de conhecimento dos mesmos sobre as diversas competências necessárias e as necessidades sentidas pelos mesmos em termos de formação e de acesso às empresas. As empresas informaram as competências gerenciais e operacionais necessárias, os níveis reais de competência dos profissionais atualmente contratados, e as competências faltantes. Foi possível também traçar o perfil médio das empresas e dos profissionais


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Centenas de milhões de pessoas são afetadas por desastres a cada ano. Para alguns países da Ásia, os desastres naturais se tornaram algo comum para os quais eles precisam estar preparados. A cadeia de fornecedores humanitária é um conceito logístico recente, que se refere a todo o processo de ajuda que acontece uma vez que ocorre um desastre, desde os doadores até os beneficiários finais. Por causa de tensões econômicas recentes, e por causa de uma maior cobertura da mídia sobre os desastres naturais mortais tal como o Typhoon Yolanda em 2013-2014; organizações humanitárias precisam mostrar transparência em suas ações e precisam provar a capacidade de resistência da cadeia de abastecimento para melhorar ainda mais os programas de doação. Resiliência tem sido estudada no contexto da cadeia de fornecedores de uma empresa comercial. No entanto olhar para essa noção dentro do sector humanitário que tem características diferentes, é um novo conceito raramente explorado antes. O objetivo desta tese será contribuir com novos insights e contributos, a fim de enriquecer ainda mais pesquisas sobre a capacidade de resiliência das cadeias de fornecedores humanitários. Vamos analisar as provas desses recursos para a resiliência através de uma pesquisa qualitativa sobre o caso Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), que já foi o tufão mais mortal das Filipinas.


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The purpose of this study is to understand how different members manage risk in the global supply chain. Through a multi-case study of the Brazilian mango exportation chain to the United States, four actors of this chain were investigated: supplier, exporter, importer and logistics operator. A research protocol was developed based on previous research conducted by Christopher, et al. (2011). Main results show that risk management is heterogeneous among members of the mango chain, the exporter is the most penalized by the results of the risk chain and collaboration is the main mitigation strategy observed


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The study presents the results and recommendations deriving from the application of two supply chain management analysis models as proposed by the Supply Chain Council (SCOR, version 10.0) and by Lambert (1997, Framework for Supply Chain Management) on the logistics of cash transfers in Brazil. Cash transfers consist of the transportation of notes to and from each node of the complex network formed by the bank branches, ATMs, armored transportation providers, the government custodian, Brazilian Central Bank and financial institutions. Although the logistic to sustain these operations is so wide-ranged (country-size), complex and subject to a lot of financial regulations and security procedures, it has been detected that it was probably not fully integrated. Through the use of a primary and a secondary data research and analysis, using the above mentioned models, the study ends up with propositions to strongly improve the operations efficiency


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“A Narratological Analysis of D. M. Thomas’s The White Hotel (1981)” originated within a seminar on British Postmodernist Literature during the first Master’s Degree in “British and North-American Culture and Literature” (2001-04) at the Universidade da Madeira set up by the Department of English and German Studies. This dissertation seeks to present a narratological analysis of Thomas’s novel. The White Hotel stands as a paradigmatic example of the kind of literature that has dominated the British literary scene in the past three decades, commonly referred to as postmodernist fiction, owing to its formal craftsmanship (multiplicity of narrative voices and perspectives, mixing of differing genres and text types, inclusion of embedded narratives) alongside the handling of what are deemed as postmodernist topoi (the distinction between truth and lies, history and fantasy, fact and fiction, the questioning of the nature of aesthetic representation, the role the author and the reader hold in the narrative process, the instability of the linguistic sign, the notion of originality and the moral responsibility the author has towards his/her work), The narratological approach carried out in this research reveals that Thomas’s text constitutes an aesthetic endeavour to challenge the teleological drive that is inherent in any narrative, i. e., the inevitable progression towards a reassuring end. Hence, the subversion of narrative telling, which is a recurrent feature in Thomas’s remaining literary output, mirrors the contemporary distrust in totalising, hierarchised and allencompassing narratives. In its handling of historical events, namely of the Holocaust, The White Hotel invites us to reassess the most profound beliefs we were taught to take for granted: progress, reality and truth. In their place the novel proposes a more flexible conception of both the world and art, especially of literary fiction. In other terms, the world appears as a brutal chaotic place the subject is forced to adjust to. Accordingly, the literary work is deemed hybrid, fragmented and open. So as to put forth the above-mentioned issues, this research work is structured in three main chapters. The initial chapter – “What is Postmodernism?” – advances a scrutiny not only of the seminal but also of more recent studies on postmodernist literary criticism. Following this, in Chapter II – “Postmodernist British Fiction” – a brief overview of postmodernist British fiction is carried out, focusing on the fictional works that, in my opinion, are fundamental for the periodising of British postmodernism. In addition, I felt the need to include a section – “D. M. Thomas as a Postmodernist Novelist” – in which the author’s remaining literary output is briefly examined. Finally, Chapter III – “A Narratological Analysis of The White Hotel” – proposes a narratological analysis of the novel according to the particular Genettian analytical model. To conclude, my dissertation constitutes an approach to D. M. Thomas’s The White Hotel as a text whose very existence is substantiated in the foregrounding of the contingency of all discourses, meeting the postmodernist precepts of openness and subversion of any narrative that claims to be true, globalising and all-inclusive.


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OBJECTIVES: To study the effect of short-chain fatty-acids on atrophy and inflammation of excluded colonic segments before and after the development of diversion colitis. INTRODUCTION: Diversion colitis is a chronic inflammatory process affecting the dysfunctional colon, possibly evolving with mucous and blood discharge. The most favored hypotheses to explain its development is short-chain fatty-acid deficiency in the colon lumen. METHODS: Wistar rats were submitted to colostomy with distal colon exclusion. Two control groups (A1 and B1) received rectally administered physiological saline, whereas two experimental groups (A2 and B2) received rectally administered short-chain fatty-acids. The A groups were prophylactically treated (5th to 40th days postoperatively), whereas the B groups were therapeutically treated (after post-operative day 40). The mucosal thickness of the excluded colon was measured histologically. The inflammatory reaction of the mucosal lamina propria and the lymphoid tissue response were quantified through established scores. RESULTS: There was a significant thickness recovery of the colonic mucosa in group B2 animals (p = 0.0001), which also exhibited a significant reduction in the number of eosinophilic polymorphonuclear cells in the lamina propria (p = 0.0126) and in the intestinal lumen (p = 0.0256). Group A2 showed no mucosal thickness recovery and significant increases in the numbers of lymphocytes (p = 0.0006) and eosinophilic polymorphonuclear cells in the lamina propria of the mucosa (p = 0.0022). CONCLUSION: Therapeutic use of short-chain fatty-acids significantly reduced eosinophilic polymorphonuclear cell numbers in the intestinal wall and in the colonic lumen; it also reversed the atrophy of the colonic mucosa. Prophylactic use did not impede the development of mucosal atrophy