885 resultados para Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in motion pictures


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This is a short essay included in the accompanying booklet for Arrow Video's Blu-ray collection titled "Edgar Allan Poe's Black Cats": The Black Cat (Lucio Fulci, 1981) & Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I have the Key (Sergio Martino, 1972)


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Studies on the drive for muscularity (DFM) have primarily been quantitative, focused on identifying correlates. Currently little is known about men’s experiences leading them to desire high levels of muscle and engage in behaviours to increase their masculine capital. Our purpose was to explore the stories of men with high DFM revealing the socio-cultural and personal factors leading to DFM and their search for masculine capital. In-depth life-history interviews and multiple in-the-field conversations were undertaken with twenty men (Mean age=28.45, SD=6.96, years) scoring ≥ 3 on the Drive for Muscularity Scale (Mean=4.30, SD=0.70). Men’s stories focused on a set of dysfunctional childhood and adolescent socio-cultural interactions, including forms of symbolic violence, between them and significant others. In these interactions men were exposed to dominant social narratives of masculinity, and through comparisons and reinforcement they identified discrepancies between themselves and these narratives. In late adolescence and early adulthood men came to believe that they lacked masculine capital. Men struggled to increase their masculine capital through engagement with other traditional masculine activities (e.g., sport) and driven by activating events, they compensated through DFM desires and behaviours. This study advances knowledge by revealing the socio-cultural and personal processes participants believed led to their high DFM. Findings disclose that men’s search for masculine capital may have led them to develop and maintain high levels of DFM.


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Mit [dem] Themenschwerpunkt versuch[t die Redaktion], nicht nur ein Bewußtsein der Bedeutung von Emigration und Remigration für die Disziplinentwicklung zu wecken, sondern auch einen weiteren Schritt in der Forschung zu tun, mit Fallstudien über lokale Entwicklungen, mit Analysen subdisziplinärer Kontinuitäts- und Diskontinuitätsmuster und mit personenbezogenen Studien über die Disziplinentwicklung nach 1945 in SBZ und DDR. Für die Pädagogik an der Frankfurter Universität (Feidel-Mertz/Lingelbach) wird eine paradigmatische Kontroverse zwischen eher gesellschaftskritischen und eher affirmativen Theorien sichtbar, die durch die politischen Ereignisse 1933 entschieden wird und einem gesellschaftskritischen Paradigma erst nach 1968/1970 wieder eine Chance einräumt (und eher nebenher werden auch die Differenzen zwischen nationalsozialistischer und nationalkonservativer Pädagogik am Exempel H. Weinstocks herausgearbeitet). An der Nachkriegsgeschichte von Besetzungsprozeduren an der Hamburger Universität kann Ch. Kersting nicht nur die unterschiedlichen Formen der Aufmerksamkeit für die Emigranten belegen (die man angesichts der Verdrängungs-These nicht erwartet hätte), sondern auch den Bedeutungswandel der Verdrängungsannahme selbst. […] Konzentriert auf eine Subdisziplin behandeln G. Miller-Kipp und M. Kipp - mit der Frage nach Theoriewandel bei Personenkontinuität […] die Theorie-Geschichte der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik […]. Die Beiträge von U. Wiegmann und G. Geissler erinnern schließlich daran, daß wir auch unsere bildungshistorischen Fragen an die Disziplin nicht mehr im Lichte der alten Ost-West-Trennung formulieren dürfen. Beide Beiträge zeigen aber, welche neuen Probleme und Schwierigkeiten sich damit stellen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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This chapter will examine participatory and collaborative production strategies that create opportunities for older women to participate in media production. It draws on practice-led research in participatory and community-based media in the Govan area of Glasgow, Scotland. In particular, it examines the production process of a participatory documentary I produced and directed with senior citizens who are members of the Govan Seniors Film Club, based at the Portal Arts Centre in Govan.You Play Your Part is a 20-minute documentary about campaigning women in and around Govan.


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This chapter examines community media projects in Scotland as social processes that nurture knowledge through participation in production. A visual and media anthropology framework (Ginsburg, 2005) with an emphasis on the social context of media production informs the analysis of community media. Drawing on community media projects in the Govan area of Glasgow and the Isle of Bute, the techniques of production foreground “the relational aspects of filmmaking” (Grimshaw and Ravetz, 2005: 7) and act as a catalyst for knowledge and networks of relations embedded in time and place. Community media is defined here as a creative social process, characterised by an approach to production that is multi-authored, collaborative and informed by the lives of participants, and which recognises the relevance of networks of relations to that practice (Caines, 2007: 2). As a networked process, community media production is recognised as existing in collaboration between a director or producer, such as myself, and organisations, institutions and participants, who are connected through a range of identities, practices and place. These relations born of the production process reflect a complex area of practice and participation that brings together “parallel and overlapping public spheres” (Meadows et al., 2002: 3). This relates to broader concerns with networks (Carpentier, Servaes and Lie, 2003; Rodríguez, 2001), both revealed during the process of production and enhanced by it, and how they can be described with reference to the knowledge practice of community media.


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Acompanha: Epidemias na escola? Só em filmes: possibilidades de contaminação na aprendizagem significativa


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A collaboration between dot.rural at the University of Aberdeen and the iSchool at Northumbria University, POWkist is a pilot-study exploring potential usages of currently available linked datasets within the cultural heritage domain. Many privately-held family history collections (shoebox archives) remain vulnerable unless a sustainable, affordable and accessible model of citizen-archivist digital preservation can be offered. Citizen-historians have used the web as a platform to preserve cultural heritage, however with no accessible or sustainable model these digital footprints have been ad hoc and rarely connected to broader historical research. Similarly, current approaches to connecting material on the web by exploiting linked datasets do not take into account the data characteristics of the cultural heritage domain. Funded by Semantic Media, the POWKist project is investigating how best to capture, curate, connect and present the contents of citizen-historians’ shoebox archives in an accessible and sustainable online collection. Using the Curios platform - an open-source digital archive - we have digitised a collection relating to a prisoner of war during WWII (1939-1945). Following a series of user group workshops, POWkist is now connecting these ‘made digital’ items with the broader web using a semantic technology model and identifying appropriate linked datasets of relevant content such as DBPedia (an archived linked dataset of Wikipedia) and Ordnance Survey Open Data. We are analysing the characteristics of cultural heritage linked datasets, so that these materials are better visualised, contextualised and presented in an attractive and comprehensive user interface. Our paper will consider the issues we have identified, the solutions we are developing and include a demonstration of our work-in-progress.


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In recent years, more and more Chinese films have been exported abroad. This thesis intends to explore the subtitling of Chinese cinema into English, with Zhang Yimou’s films as a case study. Zhang Yimou is arguably the most critically and internationally acclaimed Chinese filmmaker, who has experimented with a variety of genres of films. I argue that in the subtitling of his films, there is an obvious adoption of the domestication translation strategy that reduces or even omits Chinese cultural references. I try to discover what cultural categories or perspectives of China are prone to the domestication of translation and have formulated five categories: humour, politeness, dialect, history and songs and the Peking Opera. My methodology is that I compare the source Chinese dialogue lines with the existing English subtitles by providing literal translations of the source lines, and I will also give my alternative translations that tend to retain the source cultural references better. I also speculate that the domestication strategy is frequently employed by subtitlers possibly because the subtitlers assume the source cultural references are difficult for target language subtitle readers to comprehend, even if they are translated into a target language. However, subtitle readers are very likely to understand more than what the dialogue lines and the target language subtitles express, because films are multimodal entities and verbal information is not the only source of information for subtitle readers. The image and the sound are also significant sources of information for subtitle readers who are constantly involved in a dynamic film-watching experience. They are also expected to grasp visual and acoustic information. The complete omission or domestication of source cultural references might also affect their interpretation of the non-verbal cues. I also contemplate that the translation, which frequently domesticates the source culture carried out by a translator who is also a native speaker of the source language, is ‘submissive translation’.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado procura abordar a edificação e consolidação do regime do Estado Novo no concelho de Torres Vedras, alicerçando a sua estrutura de análise, numa abordagem aos aspectos políticos, sociais e económicos, mais relevantes, do arco cronológico balizado entre Maio de 1926 e Fevereiro de 1949. É nosso propósito analisar, inicialmente, as mutações locais ocorridas após o golpe militar do 28 de Maio de 1926, que inaugura a Ditadura Militar (1926-1932). A compreensão desta problemática é estruturada, numa análise ao impacto daquela intentona junto da imprensa local, à designação das novas elites políticas locais e à significativa actividade da oposição local, desenvolvida até ao final de 1932. Esta abordagem inicial, mas fulcral na concretização dos objectivos, antecederá a análise à implantação das estruturas do Estado Novo (1933-1938) no concelho de Torres Vedras. A resposta a esta questão será dada, desde logo, através de quatro cenários de análise distintos. Em primeiro lugar, procura-se acompanhar a actividade das elites políticas locais e o que representavam no âmbito político-ideológico. Num segundo momento centra-se a nossa análise, na edificação do modelo corporativo e na implantação das organizações salazaristas (Legião e Mocidade Portuguesa). Num terceiro foco de análise, procuramos sintetizar a actividade da oposição local. Por fim, introduzimos a abordagem aos principais actos eleitorais da década de 30. Após a compreensão, da evolução política e institucional, ocorrida desde Maio de 1926, o início da 2.ª Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), força-nos a inflectir a análise do panorama político e institucional, para as questões económicas, sociais e ideológicas deste período. A abordagem, ao contexto internacional de guerra, é fulcral, para se compreender, de que forma o espaço territorial em estudo sentiu os efeitos do conflito. Pretende-se por um lado, esclarecer as dificuldades vivenciadas pela população local, por outro, compreender o alinhamento ideológico assumido em favor das potências em confronto. Paralelamente dar-se-á continuidade, à análise sobre a evolução corporativa local, assim como às movimentações da oposição clandestina. O último foco de abordagem recai na organização da oposição local no período do pós-guerra (1945-1949). É nosso objectivo, indagar, os contornos associados ao alinhamento das forças democráticas após o termo do conflito. Num primeiro momento, foca-se a análise, na caracterização da composição da comissão concelhia do Movimento de Unidade Democrática, surgido em Outubro de 1945, num contexto pré-eleitoral despoletado por uma aparente abertura do regime. Numa segunda conjuntura, que coincide com as Eleições Presidenciais de 13 de Fevereiro de 1949, aborda-se a constituição da comissão concelhia de apoio ao general Norton de Matos e analisa-se, as principais movimentações locais, em redor da aludida eleição.


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La literatura y el cine se relacionan en cuatro aspectos básicos: la literatura determina, en sus orígenes, la naturaleza de los filmes, sus motivos y estrategias; la literatura y el cine son formas narrativas, por lo que comparten estructuras míticas, populares y de relato; ambos se vinculan mediante el problema de la adaptación; y el cine ejerce una influencia estética en las obras literarias y en el concepto tradicional de literatura. Este artículo examina estos vínculos desde una perspectiva conceptual e histórica.Literature and cinema are related in four main aspects: in its origins literature determines the nature of films; literature and motion pictures are narratives, and share mythical, popular and narrative structures; both are linked because of the issue of adaptation; and movies influence literary works and the traditional concept of literature. This article examines these relationships from a conceptual and historic perspective.


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The purpose of South Carolina motion picture incentives is to bring economic benefit to the State of South Carolina by using South Carolina as a site for film and television production, promoting the hiring of South Carolina residents as staff, cast, and crew, and promoting the purchase of supplies and services from South Carolina companies.


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El texto pretende realizar un análisis del concepto de la Zona Gris presentado por Primo Levi. Para ello, se analizan tres tensiones fundamentales de su obra; a saber: (1) Los hundidos y los salvados; (2) Los diversos sujetos de enunciación y (3) mundo animal vs mundo civilizado.


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Desde 1945, el inicio de la cuestión palestina, el país ha sufrido una serie de transformaciones e intervenciones en su soberanía y en legitimidad, las cuales siguen en discusión actualmente; y han dado como resultado el estudio del reconocimiento de Palestina como Estado. Es pertinente hacer un acercamiento a este tema desde la variable religiosa (Vaticano), teniendo en cuenta el gran número de lugares sagrados que hay en la región de Palestina y la variable religiosa del conflicto Palestino-israelí. Desde la mirada del Soft Power, concepto que ha venido tomando fuerza en la academia desde 1980, podemos acercarnos al objeto de estudio y dilucidar las injerencias de este actor. Mediante una aproximación cualitativa, que conlleva análisis del discurso, análisis histórico y análisis de política exterior, se logrará obtener el resultado esperado, que es entender de qué manera el Vaticano ejerce influencia (ideológica y cultural) en el Sistema Internacional, en el asunto del reconocimiento de Palestina como Estado.


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Many surveillance applications (object tracking, abandoned object detection) rely on detecting changes in a scene. Foreground segmentation is an effective way to extract the foreground from the scene, but these techniques cannot discriminate between objects that have temporarily stopped and those that are moving. We propose a series of modifications to an existing foreground segmentation system\cite{Butler2003} so that the foreground is further segmented into two or more layers. This yields an active layer of objects currently in motion and a passive layer of objects that have temporarily ceased motion which can itself be decomposed into multiple static layers. We also propose a variable threshold to cope with variable illumination, a feedback mechanism that allows an external process (i.e. surveillance system) to alter the motion detectors state, and a lighting compensation process and a shadow detector to reduce errors caused by lighting inconsistencies. The technique is demonstrated using outdoor surveillance footage, and is shown to be able to effectively deal with real world lighting conditions and overlapping objects.