848 resultados para Historians


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Cuadernos para el Diálogo (1963-1978) played a key-role in nurturing the intellectual soil for the Spanish Transition to democracy and it has spawned an extensive amount of literature among historians. This work links for the first time the course of this emblematic monthly journal with the short-lived period of methodological and historiographical innovation of Revista Española de Derecho Internacional under the direction of the international jurist Mariano Aguilar Navarro.


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La fotografía histórica como herramienta visual testimonial ha sido considerada como un elemento secundario dentro de temas históricos. Los arquitectos, historiadores he investigadores entre otros la han utilizado en un plano provisional con la función de uso para ilustración o complementación de documentos literarios, que han hecho que pierdan su protagonismo. Por esta razón esta investigación pretende corroborar que las imágenes históricas son una herramienta indispensable para la reconstrucción de valores patrimoniales y de la memoria histórica de una comunidad, siendo testigos visuales de las realidades pasadas. Funciona como herramienta de valoración patrimonial pues a través de ella se pueden reconocer los distintos valores para recuperar, conservar o mantener un bien, ayuda a complementar la información histórica de manera más ágil con la que se puede construir parte de la historia, aprehender valores patrimoniales y destacar el poder testimonial que tienen las imágenes. Este documento abordará sobre el potencial de las fotografías a través teorías contemporáneas de la valoración patrimonial, la elaboración de un catálogo razonado para una re- valoración patrimonial de edificaciones y tramos urbanos del sector El Barranco en la ciudad de Cuenca.


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The post of Australian High Commissioner in London has always been one of the most important and prestigious of Australia’s diplomatic posts. Indeed, as The High Commissioners demonstrates, for much of the one hundred years for which the post has existed it was an influential link between two parts of the British Empire, rather than a diplomatic mission in a foreign nation. It was for a long time a diplomatic post, but of a hybrid nature; an evolving child of empire. This handsomely produced book is a scholarly study of the position and of the many high commissioners. The chapters, which examine all the high commissioners and a range of related subjects, have been authored by many of Australia’s leading historians of empire and of foreign policy, with the most recent high commissioners covered by former government officials. While the book is designed as a celebration of the centenary of the Australian High Commission in London it is not a work of hagiography. Important analyses are presented of the strengths and weaknesses of many of the key high commissioners, such as George Reid, Andrew Fisher, S.M. Bruce, Alexander Downer senior and John Armstrong. Indeed, the book leaves the strong impression that some of the high commissioners, especially after the Second World War, were often well behind the Australian people in appreciating how the relationship between Australia and the United Kingdom was changing. The research and writing is of a uniformly high standard with each chapter providing many interesting insights into the history of Australian foreign policy.


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The scholarship of émigré architects that arrived in Australia in the period between 1930 and 1960 has focused on developing an understanding of individual architects and their particular contribution to the discipline and profession integral to a dominant architectural historiography. Examination of how architects together form movements, aesthetic affinities, and attitudes about architecture generates an understanding of the collective dimension of the discipline, and the complexities of architectural production. Significant to the capacity of the individual émigrés architects were the opportunities gained firstly, through the network of the architecture profession and institution, and secondly with one another. On arrival, except for migrants from Britain, many émigrés faced a difficult path of migration and struggled to gain registration and thus employment in the architectural profession. What were the relationships between émigré architects and architecture’s institutional infrastructure – the institute, the university, and the profession? And how did this affect their experience of migration and resettlement, as well as their capacity for architectural production?


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In the longer introduction of Radical History Review’s two thematic issues “Queering Archives,” we frame the archive as an evasive and dynamic space animated by the tensions of knowledge production, absence, and presence. As Jeffrey Weeks argued in RHR in 1979, “The evolution of sexual meanings and identities that we have traced over the past hundred years or so are by no means complete.”1 Fragments of information float unfixed — historically unraveled — and we form archives when we pull the fragments into the orbit of efforts to know. Yet the business of knowing is unsteady, as scholars of sexuality and gender have amply demonstrated. Between the fraught and necessary practices of historicization, anachronism, interpretation, bias, and partial readings that propel historical scholarship, archival fragments fall in and out of the frame of an easily perceptible knowledge. Queer historical knowledge thus is evasive — like a coin dropped in the ocean and for which one grasps, reaching it only for it to slip away again, rolling deeper into the beyond. To say that the knowledge work of animating queer historical fragments is marked by such slipperiness is to underline how the archive negotiates the decomposition and recomposition of knowledge’s materials. We pull and push at the fading paper, the fraying fabric, the photographs bleaching into their backgrounds, and manipulate technologies on their way to obsolescence, all as part of some suturing effort of one kind or another.


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Book review: Organizations in Time, edited by R Daniel Wadhwani and Marcelo Bucheli, Oxford University Press, 2014. The title of this edited volume is slightly misleading, as its various contributions explore the potential for more historical analysis in organization studies rather than addressing issues associated with time and organizing. Hopefully this will not distract from the important achievement of this volume—important especially for business historians—in further expanding and integrating business history into management and organization studies. The various contributions, elegantly tied together by R. Daniel Wadhwani and Marcelo Bucheli in their substantial introduction (which, by the way, presents a significant contribution in its own right), opens up new sets of questions, especially in terms of future methodological and theoretical developments in the field. This book also reflects the changing institutional location of business historians, who increasingly make their careers in business schools rather than history departments, especially in Europe, reopening old questions of history as a social science. There have been several calls to teach more history in business education, such as the Carnegie Foundation report (2011) that found undergraduate business education too narrow in focus and highlighted the need to integrate more liberal arts teaching into the curriculum. However, in the contemporary research-driven environment of business and management schools, historical understanding is unlikely to permeate the curriculum if historical analysis cannot first deliver significant theoretical contributions. This is the central theme around which this edited volume revolves, and it marks a milestone in this ongoing debate. (In the spirit of full disclosure, I should add that even though I did not contribute to this volume, I have coauthored with several of its contributors and view this book as central to my current research practice.)


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Little is known about Ancient Arabia before the arrival of Islam as it was an area with few inhabited settlements and it was mostly a passageway for traders. In those inhabited settlements we could find some settled Arabs, but the prevailing life style was that of the rest of the population, nomadic Bedouin Arabs who travelled from place to place looking for water and pasture for their cattle, which they lived off. The desert was their natural habitat, a hostile environment full of danger where life was not easy. Camel taming made it possible for them to live that nomadic lifestyle, and the Bedouins became inseparable from their camels and from their horses and cattle. In order to make a living they worked as hunters, transported caravans, and plundered too. In the pre-Islamic era, knowledge was transmitted by oral communication, so very little written information about that time and place remains. One thing that has been handed down are proverbs, which after the 8th Century started to be collected by several writers in various written works. Given the characteristics of those proverbs, which are conserved almost intact from their origins, we can learn much about the lifestyle in Ancient Arabia. What is to be investigated within this thesis is whether through Paremiology it is possible to learn more about this area at this historic moment that precedes the arrival of Islam, and the first years of this religion. To learn about history, we usually rely on historians and palaeontologists, but this work will demonstrate that through Paremiology it is possible to know other aspects of culture, their knowledge, the way of life, thinking, society, etc...


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This paper will propose that, rather than sitting on silos of data, historians that utilise quantitative methods should endeavour to make their data accessible through databases, and treat this as a new form of bibliographic entry. Of course in many instances historical data does not lend itself easily to the creation of such data sets. With this in mind some of the issues regarding normalising raw historical data will be looked at with reference to current work on nineteenth century Irish trade. These issues encompass (but are not limited to) measurement systems, geographic locations, and potential problems that may arise in attempting to unify disaggregated sources. It will discuss the need for a concerted effort by historians to define what is required from digital resources for them to be considered accurate, and to what extent the normalisation requirements for database systems may conflict with the desire for accuracy. Many of the issues that the historian may encounter engaging with databases will be common to all historians, and there would be merit in having defined standards for referencing items, such as people, places, locations, and measurements.


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Since the publication of Leila J. Rupp’s Worlds of Women: The Making of an International Women’s Movement in 1997, historians have begun to investigate the myriad ways in which women, largely excluded from formal, government-based international relations, nonetheless forged significant personal and institutional relationships across national and cultural boundaries. As a result, women’s international activism has become an increasingly popular field of scholarly enquiry.


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Anzac and Empire is the remarkable story of George Foster Pearce – a carpenter who became one Australia's most influential politicians, and the man central to how Australia planned for, and fought in, World War I. The nation's longest-serving defence minister – holding the portfolio before, during and after the Great War – Pearce saw no contradiction in being both a fierce Australian nationalist, and also a loyal subject of the British Empire.Anzac and Empire is the first full-length biography of this extraordinary Australian. Written by one of Australia's leading military historians, this book shows that to understand Australia in the Great War, you must understand the man behind it.


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Several photos of Aboriginal people outside their cottages exist in the New Norcia Archives. These images could be read in different ways but have commonly been viewed as powerfully symbolic stories of successful mission life and converted Aboriginal people. While historians of colonial photography have persuasively linked the photographs of ‘settled’ Aboriginal residents with evidence of missionary success, we might add that they could also be compelling proof of Aboriginal families’ own success in adapting their land use and way of life in the context of dispossession. Reading this photograph of Aboriginal houses alongside Aboriginal voices in New Norcia’s archive it is possible to suggest Aboriginal people’s own desires for houses and settlement aligned with their ideas about respectability, as well as Aboriginal families’ own complicity in mission propaganda through such images.


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Contention and disquiet never seem too far away when the subjects of Van Diemen’s Land and colonial warfare are raised. These recent books demonstrate that while the campaign by Keith Windschuttle to undermine the reputations of “revisionist” historians continues, the task of questioning both entrenched and emerging narratives in Australia’s account of its treatment of Indigenous people has not been diminished. Murray Johnson and Ian McFarlane’s Van Diemen’s Land: An Aboriginal History follows Henry Reynolds’s most recent volume, Forgotten War; while different in scope, the two books remind us that the details and consequences of colonial conflict with Australia’s First Peoples remain vitally important. This is no better evidenced than by the contestation that occurs over factual, source and narrative validity in recent historical literature.


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The end of World War II brought little relief to the lands it ravaged most. Mass wartime violence continued in the Soviet space beyond the ‘false peace’ of 1945. Historians have sought to explain this violence in terms of the ‘wartime brutalisation’ of state and citizens alike, though this approach is limited in explaining how and why violence continued after 1945. This article shifts focus from psychology to social history to argue that the disintegration of Soviet state control is central to explaining the enduring violence after 1945 and understanding its emergence as much ‘from below’ as ‘from above’.


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Imaging Identity presents potent reflections on the human condition through the prism of portraiture. Taking digital imaging technologies and the dynamic and precarious dimensions of contemporary identity as critical reference points, these essays consider why portraits continue to have such galvanising appeal and perform fundamental work across so many social settings. This multidisciplinary enquiry brings together artists, art historians, art theorists and anthropologists working with a variety of media. Authors look beyond conventional ideas of the portrait to the wider cultural contexts, governmental practices and intimate experiences that shape relationships between persons and pictures. Their shared purpose centres on a commitment to understanding the power of images to draw people into their worlds. Imaging Identity tracks a fundamental symbiosis — to grapple with the workings of images is to understand something vital of what it is to be human.