1000 resultados para História, 1978-1984
D'ençà que l'autor d'aquest article era estudiant de Pedagogia ha sentit parlar a bastament (i ell mateix també ho ha fet) de la necessitat de reestructurar els estudis d'aquesta carrera universitària. Era una necessitat que es podia justificar tant des de perspectives científiques i epistemològiques, com socials i professionals. Calia que la universitat fes una oferta d'unes titulacions relacionades amb el camp educatiu que respongués coherentment a les demandes de la realitat social quant a nous camps de professionalització i que reflectís l'estat actual del desenvolupament de les ciències de l'educació.
A transcript of the Condition of the State of Iowa speech by Governor Branstad delivered at the State Capitol.
El treball està estructurat en tres blocs. El primer és una petita síntesi de la historia l’escola; el segon és un apartat on es descriuen els trets singulars del centre i que han forjat la seva idiosincràsia i el tercer bloc pretén fer un repàs sobre les mesures que es van aplicar o encara es duen a terme a l’escola per a la correcta integració dels nens nouvinguts. Al final d’aquest treball s’inclou un apartat on s’exposen els problemes i els reptes que té l’escola en un futur immediat i les conclusions que serveixen per a valorar l’assoliment o no dels objectius del treball així com la formulació d’algunes possibles propostes de millora
This final report establishes an evaluation system for the State of Iowa Merit Employment System classifications on the basis of comparable worth. Included in the report are summaries of the project's objectives, methods, analyses, findings, and recommendations.
This is the statistical supplement to the final report of the study to establish an evaluation system for State of Iowa Merit Employment System classifications on the basis of comparable worth.
En aquest article revisem la Historia de l'actual Escola Universitaria de Ciencies de la Salut (EUCS), de la Universitat de Vic. És a dir, repassem els seus 3 1 anys de vida institucional al servei de la formació professional de la Infermeria, primer i posteriorment, de les altres professions sanitaries: Nutrició Humana i Dietktica, Fisioterapia i Terapia Ocupacional. Després de fer una breu referencia a alguns antecedents instructius del segle XIX i XX, ens endinsem a la Histbria de I'EUCS prbpiament dita. Aquesta s'ha dividit en 4 etapes. La primera etapa és la de 1'Escola Femenina d'Ajudants Tecnics Sanitaris (ATS); la segona, 1'Escola Universitaria d'lnfermeria Osona (EUIO); la tercera, la dels Estudis Universitaris de Vic (EUIO-EUV); i, la quarta, la de la Universitat de Vic (EUCS-Wic). Hem procurat alternar-hi il-lustracions i experiencies viscudes per alguns testimonis, a fi de fer-ho més ame. Aixb ha estat possible gdcies a la col.laboració de les persones que es ressenyen al final (vegeu fonts consultades). 1, molt especialment, gracies al cornitl: organitzador d'aquesta Jornada. No obstant, cal advertir que aquesta nota és més aviat una pinzellada. La veritable reconstrucció de la vida de la nostra institució requeriria un treball molt rnés aprofundit, fet amb més temps, més testimonis, rnés estudi documental, ... En definitiva, més profunditat (currículum, professorat, estudiants, assignatures, llocs de practiques, metodologia docent, avaluació, inserció laboral, abandonaments, recursos, etc.). Deixo, doncs, la porta oberta per a qui s'anirni a continuar.
With inflation, there is no longer a completely adequate budget for highway construction and maintenance. Restricted budgets have generated development and implementation of pavement management programs. A need for management guidelines generated National Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis of Highway Practice 84, "Evaluation Criteria and Priority Setting for State Highway Programs". Traffic volumes and present conditions are two major factors in determining the priority of a proposed highway improvement. The Iowa DOT, Highway Division, Office of Materials has been conducting pavement condition inventory surveys on a three-year frequency since 1969 as input for pavement management. Development of substantial wheel rutting on paved roadways results in a potential hazard to highway safety. During periods of rain, these water-filled ruts may cause hydroplaning and loss of vehicle control. It is, therefore, imparitive that Iowa roadways be continually monitored for rut depths and further that this data be used in a pavement management program to determine priorities for rehabilitation or resurfacing.
More and more, integral abutment bridges are being used in place of the more traditional bridge designs with expansion releases. In this study, states which use integral abutment bridges were surveyed to determine their current practice in the design of these structures. To study piles in integral abutment bridges, a finite element program for the soil-pile system was developed (1) with materially and geometrically nonlinear, two and three dimensional beam elements and (2) with a nonlinear, Winkler soil model with vertical, horizontal, and pile tip springs. The model was verified by comparison to several analytical and experimental examples. A simplified design model for analyzing piles in integral abutment bridges is also presented. This model grew from previous analytical models and observations of pile behavior. The design model correctly describes the essential behavioral characteristics of the pile and conservatively predicts the vertical load-carrying capacity. Analytical examples are presented to illustrate the effects of lateral displacements on the ultimate load capacity of a pile. These examples include friction and end-bearing piles; steel, concrete, and timber piles; and bending about the weak, strong, and 45° axes for H piles. The effects of cyclic loading are shown for skewed and nonskewed bridges. The results show that the capacity of friction piles is not significantly affected by lateral displacements, but the capacity of end-bearing piles is reduced. Further results show that the longitudinal expansion of the bridge can introduce a vertical preload on the pile.
Iowa's first field application of synthetic engineering fabrics was on research project HR-158, "Prevention of Reflective Cracking in Asphalt Overlays". This research placed in September 1971 used three different engineering fabrics. A final report concluding generally favorable performance was distributed in May 1977. There have been a number of Iowa engineering fabric installations since that initial project.
Approximately 40,000 tons of deteriorated asphalt concrete has been removed from Interstate 80 in Cass County and stockpiled. Laboratory tests indicate that this material has considerable value when upgraded with new aggregate and asphalt cement. This report documents the procedures used and results obtained on an experimental recycling project. It was demonstrated that present drum mixing-recycling equipment and procedures can be used to utilize this material with satisfactory results. Laboratory analyses of material components and mixtures were performed; these analyses indicate mixture can be produced that is uniform, stable, and very closely resembles mixture produced with all virgin material. A 1700 foot long test section was constructed on US 169 in Kossuth County wherein salvaged asphalt concrete from I-80 in Cass County was utilized. The salvaged mix was blended with virgin aggregate and recycled through a modified drum mixing plant, the reprocessed mixture was satisfactorily placed 1 1/2 inches thick as a resurfacing course on an old PCC pavement. An inspection of the test section was made in December of 1978 to evaluate the performance after one full year of service. There was no evidence of rutting or shoving from traffic. The surface does, however, have a very dry and somewhat ravelled appearance. This can be related to a low asphalt content in the mix and some temperature control problems which were difficult to get fully corrected on such a short project and with a short supply of readily available materials.
The objective was to evaluate the usefulness, accuracy, precision, and reproducibility of the second generation CMD for PC concrete under production conditions.
The paper reviews methods, materials, equipment and results to date of sprinkle treatment within the state. The Iowa Department of Transportation formerly the Iowa State Highway Commission, made its first attempts at sprinkle treatment of fresh asphalt concrete in 1974. Increased emphasis in mix design of asphalt mixes and aggregate selection of durable non-polishing materials has generated costly restrictions on the use of local materials. During the summer of 1975, a dual spinner, tail-gate spreader was mounted on a standard departmental dump truck to attempt additional sprinkle treatment on a section of Iowa 7 west of Ft. Dodge. The dump truck equipment was marginally satisfactory, but results of increased surface skid texture and durability were well demonstrated. On 1976 a new, current order dump truck was modified with an auxiliary transmission and a set of slick surfaced tires, and dual spinner spreader was mounted to again attempt surface sprinkle treatment, which was conducted in 1977.
Seven asphaltic concrete resurfacing projects were tested for their frictional properties to determine the age-friction relationship of new paving. Projects studied included Type A asphaltic concrete which is generally used for higher traffic volume roads and Type B asphaltic concrete, a lower type material. Also included in the study were asphaltic concretes containing Type 3 and Type 4 coarse aggregate texture classifications. The classifications are based upon material type and grain size composition. Surfaces both with and without sprinkle treatment aggregates were also included. The data gathered suggests that properly designed and placed dense graded asphaltic concrete mixes are adequate to serve the traveling public at all ages tested.