961 resultados para Heterogeneity


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In heterogeneous brittle media, the evolution of damage is strongly influenced by the multiscale coupling effect. To better understand this effect, we perform a detailed investigation of the damage evolution, with particular attention focused on the catastrophe transition. We use an adaptive multiscale finite-element model (MFEM) to simulate the damage evolution and the catastrophic failure of heterogeneous brittle media. Both plane stress and plane strain cases are investigated for a heterogeneous medium whose initial shear strength follows the Weibull distribution. Damage is induced through the application of the Coulomb failure criterion to each element, and the element mesh is refined where the failure criterion is met. We found that as damage accumulates, there is a stronger and stronger nonlinear increase in stress and the stress redistribution distance. The coupling of the dynamic stress redistribution and the heterogeneity at different scales result in an inverse cascade of damage cluster size, which represents rapid coalescence of damage at the catastrophe transition.


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By sample specificity it is meant that specimens with the same nominal material parameters and tested under the same environmental conditions may exhibit different behavior with diversified strength. Such an effect has been widely observed in the testing of material failure and is usually attributed to the heterogeneity of material at the mesoscopic level. The degree with which mesoscopic heterogeneity affects macroscopic failure is still not clear. Recently, the problem has been examined by making use of statistical ensemble evolution of dynamical system and the mesoscopic stress re-distribution model (SRD). Sample specificity was observed for non-global mean stress field models, such as the duster mean field model, stress concentration at tip of microdamage, etc. Certain heterogeneity of microdamage could be sensitive to particular SRD leading to domino type of coalescence. Such an effect could start from the microdamage heterogeneity and then be magnified to other scale levels. This trans-scale sensitivity is the origin of sample specificity. The sample specificity leads to a failure probability Phi (N) with a transitional region 0 < (N) < 1, so that globally stable and catastrophic modes could co-exist. It is found that the scatter in strength can fit the Weibull distribution very well. Hence, the Weibull modulus is indicative of sample specificity. Numerical results obtained from the SRD for different non-global mean stress fields show that Weibull modulus increases with increasing sample span and influence region of microdamage.


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Until quite recently our understanding of the basic mechanical process responsible for earthquakes and faulting was not well known. It can be argued that this was partly a consequence of the complex nature of fracture in crust and in part because evidence of brittle phenomena in the natural laboratory of the earth is often obliterated or obscured by other geological processes. While it is well understood that the spatial and temporal complexity of earthquakes and the fault structures emerge from geometrical and material built-in heterogeneities, one important open question is how the shearing becomes localized into a band of intense fractures. Here the authors address these questions through a numerical approach of a tectonic plate by considering rockmass heterogeneity both in microscopic scale and in mesoscopic scale. Numerical simulations of the progressive failure leading to collapse under long-range slow driving forces in the far-field show earthquake-like rupture behavior. $En Echelon$ crack-arrays are reproduced in the numerical simulation. It is demonstrated that the underlying fracturing induced acoustic emissions (or seismic events) display self-organized criticality------from disorder to order. The seismic cycles and the geometric structures of the fracture faces, which are found greatly depending on the material heterogeneity (especially on the macroscopic scale), agree with that observed experimentally in real brittle materials. It is concluded that in order to predict a main shock, one must have extremely detailed knowledge on very minor features of the earth's crust far from the place where the earthquake originated. If correct, the model proposed here seemingly provides an explanation as to why earthquakes to date are not predicted so successfully. The reason is not that the authors do not understand earthquake mechanisms very well but that they still know little about our earth's crust.


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A material model for whisker-reinforced metal-matrix composites is constructed that consists of three kinds of essential elements: elastic medium, equivalent slip system, and fiber-bundle. The heterogeneity of material constituents in position is averaged, while the orientation distribution of whiskers and slip systems is considered in the structure of the material model. Crystal and interface sliding criteria are addressed. Based on the stress-strain response of the model material, an elasto-plastic constitutive relation is derived to discuss the initial and deformation induced anisotropy as well as other fundamental features. Predictions of the present theory for unidirectional-fiber-reinforced aluminum matrix composites are favorably compared with FEM results.


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Spallation in heterogeneous media is a complex, dynamic process. Generally speaking, the spallation process is relevant to multiple scales and the diversity and coupling of physics at different scales present two fundamental difficulties for spallation modeling and simulation. More importantly, these difficulties can be greatly enhanced by the disordered heterogeneity on multi-scales. In this paper, a driven nonlinear threshold model for damage evolution in heterogeneous materials is presented and a trans-scale formulation of damage evolution is obtained. The damage evolution in spallation is analyzed with the formulation. Scaling of the formulation reveals that some dimensionless numbers govern the whole process of deformation and damage evolution. The effects of heterogeneity in terms of Weibull modulus on damage evolution in spallation process are also investigated.


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With a newly developed Material Failure Process Analysis code (MFPA(2D)), influence of hetero geneity on fracture processes and strength characterization of brittle disorder materials such as rock or concrete is numerically studied under uniaxial compression and tension conditions. It is found th at, due to the heterogeneity of the disordered material, relatively more diffused micro-fractures appear in the early stage of loading. Different from homogeneous materials such as glass, macro-crack nucleation starts well before the peak stress is reached and the crack propagation and coalescence can be traced, which can be taken as a precursory to predict the macro-fracture of the material. The presence of residual strength in the post-peak region and the resemblance in the stress-strain curves between tension and compression are significant results and are found to be dependent on the heterogeneity of the specimens. Examples showing the tentative applications of MFPA(2D) in modeling failure of composite materials and rock or civil engineering problem are also given in this paper.


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This research aims to develop a conceptual framework in order to enquire into the dynamic growth process of University Spin-outs (hereafter referred to as USOs) in China, attempting to understand the capabilities configuration that are necessary for the dynamic growth. Based on the extant literature and empirical cases, this study attempts to address the question how do USOs in China build and configure the innovative capabilities to cope with the dynamic growth. This paper aims to contribute to the existing literature by providing a theoretical discussion of the USOs' dynamic entrepreneurial process, by investigating the interconnections between innovation problem-solving and the required configuration of innovative capabilities in four growth phases. Further, it presents a particular interest on the impact to the USOs' entrepreneurial innovation process by the integrative capabilities, in terms of knowledge integration, alliance, venture finance and venture governance. To date, studies that have investigated the dynamic development process of USOs in China and have recognized the heterogeneity of USOs in terms of capabilities that are required for rapid growth still remain sparse. Addressing this research gap will be of great interest to entrepreneurs, policy makers, and venture investors. ©2009 IEEE.


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Rupture in the heterogeneous crust appears to be a catastrophe transition. Catastrophic rupture sensitively depends on the details of heterogeneity and stress transfer on multiple scales. These are difficult to identify and deal with. As a result, the threshold of earthquake-like rupture presents uncertainty. This may be the root of the difficulty of earthquake prediction. Based on a coupled pattern mapping model, we represent critical sensitivity and trans-scale fluctuations associated with catastrophic rupture. Critical sensitivity means that a system may become significantly sensitive near catastrophe transition. Trans-scale fluctuations mean that the level of stress fluctuations increases strongly and the spatial scale of stress and damage fluctuations evolves from the mesoscopic heterogeneity scale to the macroscopic scale as the catastrophe regime is approached. The underlying mechanism behind critical sensitivity and trans-scale fluctuations is the coupling effect between heterogeneity and dynamical nonlinearity. Such features may provide clues for prediction of catastrophic rupture, like material failure and great earthquakes. Critical sensitivity may be the physical mechanism underlying a promising earthquake forecasting method, the load-unload response ratio (LURR).


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Lattice-type model can simulate in a straightforward manner heterogeneous brittle media. Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion has recently been involved into the generalized beam (GB) lattice model, and as a result, numerical experiments on concrete under various loading conditions can be conducted. The GB lattice model is further used to investigate the reinforced fiber/particle composites instead of only particle composites as the model did before. Numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of the modeling procedure, and influences of inclusions (particle, fiber and rebar) on the fracture processes are also discussed. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Concrete is heterogeneous and usually described as a three-phase material, where matrix, aggregate and interface are distinguished. To take this heterogeneity into consideration, the Generalized Beam (GB) lattice model is adopted. The GB lattice model is much more computationally efficient than the beam lattice model. Numerical procedures of both quasi-static method and dynamic method are developed to simulate fracture processes in uniaxial tensile tests conducted on a concrete panel. Cases of different loading rates are compared with the quasi-static case. It is found that the inertia effect due to load increasing becomes less important and can be ignored with the loading rate decreasing, but the inertia effect due to unstable crack propagation remains considerable no matter how low the loading rate is. Therefore, an unrealistic result will be obtained if a fracture process including unstable cracking is simulated by the quasi-static procedure.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII : Actas de las X Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2011, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario del Cancionero General de Hernando del Castillo.


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Contaminant behaviour in soils and fractured rock is very complex, not least because of the heterogeneity of the subsurface environment. For non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs), a liquid density contrast and interfacial tension between the contaminant and interstitial fluid adds to the complexity of behaviour, increasing the difficulty of predicting NAPL behaviour in the subsurface. This paper outlines the need for physical model tests that can improve fundamental understanding of NAPL behaviour in the subsurface, enhance risk assessments of NAPL contaminated sites, reduce uncertainty associated with NAPL source remediation and improve current technologies for NAPL plume remediation. Four case histories are presented to illustrate physical modelling approaches that have addressed problems associated with NAPL transport, remediation and source zone characterization. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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In this paper we study the effect of population age distribution upon private consumption expenditure in Spain from 1964 to 1997 using aggregate data. We obtain four main results. First, changes in the population pyramid have substantial effects upon the behaviour of private consumption. Second, the pattern of the coefficients of the demographic variables is not consistent with the simplest version of the life cycle hypothesis. Third, we estimate the impact of the demographic transition upon consumption and find positive values associated with episodes in which the shares of groups of individuals with expenditure levels higher (lower) than the mean increased (decreased). Fourth, the results are robust to alternative specifications for the population age distribution.


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[ES] El creciente fenómeno de la globalización está generando un nuevo y más complejo entorno económico y empresarial. Es éste, por tanto, un fenómeno absolutamente influyente en la gestión de las empresas, que no sólo ha introducido nuevas variables de gestión, sino que está impulsando la necesidad de regenerar algunos términos y conceptos, que parecían estar suficientemente consolidados en la ciencia de la economía de la empresa y que, sin embargo, actualmente no siempre resuelven la delimitación conceptual que parecen requerir algunos elementos constituyentes de la compleja gestión de las empresas internacionales. Desde esta perspectiva, definiremos sendos conceptos actualizados de internacionalización de empresa y de empresa multinacional a partir de sus respectivas evoluciones. Ambos son fenómenos complejos y, en ocasiones, ambiguos con un alto grado de heterogeneidad que dificulta su definición. Para resolver dicho problema, propondremos, adicionalmente, una nueva terminología para enumerar la variedad de implantaciones o filiales exteriores existentes.


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[ES] Los determinantes y los resultados de la estrategia de diversificación se han abordado frecuentemente en la literatura. Son sin embargo pocos los estudios que analizan la diversificación en sectores concretos donde el impulso para diversificar no es estrictamente económico, sino político o social. La diversificación de la actividad agrícola hacia el turismo en Galicia es un claro ejemplo de este fenómeno. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar cuales son los factores que motivan a titulares de explotaciones agrarias gallegas a iniciar una estrategia de diversificación hacia el turismo, así como las dimensiones de los resultados empresariales relevantes para dichos propietarios. Los resultados del análisis sobre una muestra representativa de los establecimientos de turismo rural de Galicia indican la multidimensionalidad y heterogeneidad de los constructos analizados. Las motivaciones sociales adquieren gran protagonismo, del mismo modo que las medidas subjetivas de resultado empresarial relacionadas con la mejora del entorno y la orientación al cliente.