951 resultados para Henze, Charlotte
Ocean Drilling Program Legs 127 and 128 in the Japan Sea have revealed the existence of numerous dark-light rhythms of remarkable consistency in sediments of late Miocene, latest Pliocene, and especially Pleistocene age. Light-colored units within these rhythms are massive or bioturbated, consist of diatomaceous clays, silty clays, or nannofossil-rich clays, and are generally poor in organic matter. Dark-colored units are homogeneous, laminated, or thinly bedded and include substantial amounts of biogenic material such as well-preserved diatoms, planktonic foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils, and organic matter (maximum 7.4 wt%). The dark-light rhythms show a similar geometrical pattern on three different scales: First-order rhythms consist of a cluster dominated by dark-colored units followed by a cluster dominated by light-colored units (3-5 m). Spectral analysis of a gray-value time series suggests that the frequencies of the first-order rhythms in sediments of latest Pliocene and Pleistocene age correlate to the obliquity and the eccentricity cycles. The second-order dark-light rhythms include a light and a dark-colored unit (10-160 cm). They were formed in time spans of several hundred to several ten thousand years, with variance centering around 10,500 yr. This frequency may correspond to half the precessional cycle. Third-order rhythms appear as laminated or thinly bedded dark-light couplets (2-15 mm) within the dark-colored units of the second-order rhythms and may represent annual frequencies. In interpreting the rhythms, we have to take into account that (1) the occurrence of the first- and second-order rhythms is not necessarily restricted to glacial or interglacial periods as is shown by preliminary stable-isotope analysis and comparison with the published d18O record; (2) they appear to be Milankovitch-controlled; and (3) a significant number of the rhythms are sharply bounded. The origin of the dark-light rhythms is probably related to variations in monsoonal activity in the Japan Sea, which show annual frequencies, but also operates in phase with the orbital cycles.
Daily sea level from coastal tide gauge station Charlotte_Amalie in 1982 (Research quality database)
Daily sea level from coastal tide gauge station Charlotte_Amalie in 1995 (Research quality database)
Daily sea level from coastal tide gauge station Charlotte_Amalie in 1989 (Research quality database)
Daily sea level from coastal tide gauge station Charlotte_Amalie in 1980 (Research quality database)
Planktonic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 182, Holes 1126B and 1126C, 1128B and 1128C, 1130A and 1130B, 1132B, and 1134A and 1134B confirm the neritic record that during the early Miocene the Great Australian Bight region was in a cool-temperate regime with abundant Globoturborotalita woodi. Warm marine environments started to develop in the later part of the early Miocene, and the region became warm temperate to subtropical in the early middle Miocene with abundant Globigerinoides, Orbulina, and Globorotalia, corresponding to global warming at the Miocene climatic optimum. Fluctuations between cool- and warm-temperate conditions prevailed during the late Miocene, as indicated by abundant Globoconella conoidea and Menardella spp. A major change in planktonic foraminiferal assemblages close to the Miocene/Pliocene boundary not only drove many Miocene species into extinction but also brought about such new species as Globorotalia crassaformis and Globoconella puncticulata. Warm-temperate environments continued into the early and mid-Pliocene before being replaced by cooler conditions, supporting numerous Globoconella inflata and Globigerina quinqueloba. Based on data from this study and published results from the Australia-New Zealand region, we established a local planktonic foraminifer zonation scheme for separating the southern Australian Neogene (SAN) into Zones SAN1 to SAN19 characterizing the Miocene and Zones SAN20 to SAN25 characterizing the Pliocene. The Neogene sections from the Great Australian Bight are bounded by hiatuses of ~0.5 to >3 m.y. in duration, although poor core recovery in some holes obscured a proper biostratigraphic resolution. A total of 15 hiatuses, numbered 1 to 15, were identified as synchronous events from the base of the Miocene to the lower part of the Pleistocene. We believe that these are local manifestations of major third-order boundaries at about (1) 23.8, (2) 22.3, (3) 20.5, (4) 18.7, (5) 16.4, (6) 14.8, (7) 13.5, (8) 11.5, (9) 9.3, (10) 7.0, (11) 6.0, (12) 4.5, (13) 3.5, (14) 2.5, and (15) 1.5 Ma, respectively. This hiatus-bounded Neogene succession samples regional transgressions and stages of southern Australia and reveals its stepwise evolutionary history.