991 resultados para Hecke symmetry


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We show that the third Goldstone mode, which emerges in binary condensates at phase separation, persists to higher interspecies interaction for density profiles where one component is surrounded on both sides by the other component. This is not the case with symmetry-broken density profiles where one species is entirely to the left and the other is entirely to the right. We, then, use Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory with Popov approximation to examine the mode evolution at T not equal 0 and demonstrate the existence of mode bifurcation near the critical temperature. The Kohn mode, however, exhibits deviation from the natural frequency at finite temperatures after the phase separation. This is due to the exclusion of the noncondensate atoms in the dynamics.


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BiEuO3 (BE) and BiGdO3 (BG) are synthesized by the solid-state reaction technique. Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffraction data shows that the samples are crystallized in cubic phase at room temperature having Fm3m symmetry with the lattice parameters of 5.4925(2) and 5.4712(2) A for BE and BG, respectively. Raman spectra of the samples are investigated to obtain the phonon modes of the samples. The dielectric properties of the samples are investigated in the frequency range from 42 Hz to 1.1 MHz and in the temperature range from 303 K to 673 K. An analysis of the real and imaginary parts of impedance is performed assuming a distribution of relaxation times as confirmed by the Cole-Cole plots. The frequency-dependent maxima in the loss tangent are found to obey an Arrhenius law with activation energy similar to 1 eV for both the samples. The frequency-dependent electrical data are also analyzed in the framework of conductivity formalism. Magnetization of the samples are measured under the field cooled (EC) and zero field cooled (ZFC) modes in the temperature range from 5 K to 300 K applying a magnetic Field of 500 Oe. The FC and ZFC susceptibilities show that BE is a Van Vleck paramagnetic material with antiferromagnetic coupling at low temperature whereas BG is an anti-ferromagnetic system. The results are substantiated by the M-11 loops of the materials taken at 5 K in the ZFC mode. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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The parent compound of iron chalcogenide superconductors, Fe1+yTe, with a range of excess Fe concentrations exhibits intriguing structural and magnetic properties. Here, the interplay of magnetic and structural properties of Fe1.12Te single crystals have been probed by low-temperature synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, magnetization, and specific heat measurements. Thermodynamic measurements reveal two distinct phase transitions, considered unique to samples possessing excess Fe content in the range of 0.11 <= y <= 0.13. On cooling, an antiferromagnetic transition, T-N approximate to 57K is observed. A closer examination of powder diffraction data suggests that the transition at TN is not purely magnetic, but accompanied by the commencement of a structural phase transition from tetragonal to orthorhombic symmetry. This is followed by a second prominent first-order structural transition at T-S with T-S < T-N, where an onset of monoclinic distortion is observed. The results point to a strong magneto-structural coupling in this material. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We consider minimal models of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking with an extra U(1) factor in addition to the Standard Model gauge group. A U(1) charged, Standard Model singlet is assumed to be present which allows for an additional NMSSM like coupling, lambda HuHdS. The U(1) is assumed to be flavour universal. Anomaly cancellation in the MSSM sector requires additional coloured degrees of freedom. The S field can get a large vacuum expectation value along with consistent electroweak symmetry breaking. It is shown that the lightest CP even Higgs boson can attain mass of the order of 125 GeV. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).


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We study the Feshbach resonance of spin-1/2 particles in a uniform synthetic non-Abelian gauge field that produces spin-orbit coupling and constant spin potentials. We develop a renormalizable quantum field theory including the closed-channel boson which engenders the resonance. We show that the gauge field shifts the Feshbach field where the low-energy scattering length diverges. In addition the Feshbach field is shown to depend on the center-of-mass momentum of the particles. For high-symmetry gauge fields which produce a Rashba spin coupling, we show that the system supports two bound states over a regime of magnetic fields when the background scattering length is negative and the resonance width is comparable to the energy scale of the spin-orbit coupling. We discuss interesting consequences useful for future theoretical and experimental studies, even while our predictions are in agreement with recent experiments.


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A green colored nano-pigment Y2BaCuO5 with impressive near infra-red (NIR) reflectance (61% at 1100 nm) was synthesized by a nano-emulsion method. The developed nano-crystalline powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and CIE-L*a*b* 1976 color scales. The XRD and Rietveld analyses of the designed pigment powders reveal the orthorhombic crystal structure for Y2BaCuO5, where yttrium is coordinated by seven oxygen atoms with the local symmetry of a distorted trigonal prism, barium is coordinated by eleven oxygen atoms, and the coordination polyhedron of copper is a distorted square pyramid CuO5]. The UV-vis spectrum of the nano-pigment exhibits an intense d-d transition associated with CuO5 chromophore between 2.1 and 2.5 eV in the visible domain. Therefore, a green color has been displayed by the developed nano-pigment. The potential utility of the nano-pigments as ``Cool Pigments'' was demonstrated by coating on to a building roofing material like cement slab and PVC coatings. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Infinite arrays of coupled two-state stochastic oscillators exhibit well-defined steady states. We study the fluctuations that occur when the number N of oscillators in the array is finite. We choose a particular form of global coupling that in the infinite array leads to a pitchfork bifurcation from a monostable to a bistable steady state, the latter with two equally probable stationary states. The control parameter for this bifurcation is the coupling strength. In finite arrays these states become metastable: The fluctuations lead to distributions around the most probable states, with one maximum in the monostable regime and two maxima in the bistable regime. In the latter regime, the fluctuations lead to transitions between the two peak regions of the distribution. Also, we find that the fluctuations break the symmetry in the bimodal regime, that is, one metastable state becomes more probable than the other, increasingly so with increasing array size. To arrive at these results, we start from microscopic dynamical evolution equations from which we derive a Langevin equation that exhibits an interesting multiplicative noise structure. We also present a master equation description of the dynamics. Both of these equations lead to the same Fokker-Planck equation, the master equation via a 1/N expansion and the Langevin equation via standard methods of Ito calculus for multiplicative noise. From the Fokker-Planck equation we obtain an effective potential that reflects the transition from the monomodal to the bimodal distribution as a function of a control parameter. We present a variety of numerical and analytic results that illustrate the strong effects of the fluctuations. We also show that the limits N -> infinity and t -> infinity(t is the time) do not commute. In fact, the two orders of implementation lead to drastically different results.


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Tetracene is an important conjugated molecule for device applications. We have used the diagrammatic valence bond method to obtain the desired states, in a Hilbert space of about 450 million singlets and 902 million triplets. We have also studied the donor/acceptor (D/A)-substituted tetracenes with D and A groups placed symmetrically about the long axis of the molecule. In these cases, by exploiting a new symmetry, which is a combination of C-2 symmetry and electron-hole symmetry, we are able to obtain their low-lying states. In the case of substituted tetracene, we find that optically allowed one-photon excitation gaps reduce with increasing D/A strength, while the lowest singlet triplet gap is only wealdy affected. In all the systems we have studied, the excited singlet state, S-i, is at more than twice the energy of the lowest triplet state and the second triplet is very close to the S-1 state. Thus, donor-acceptor-substituted tetracene could be a good candidate in photovoltaic device application as it satisfies energy criteria for singlet fission. We have also obtained the model exact second harmonic generation (SHG) coefficients using the correction vector method, and we find that the SHG responses increase with the increase in D/A strength.


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Using polarization-dependent x-ray photoemission electron microscopy, we have investigated the surface effects on antiferromagnetic (AFM) domain formation. Depth-resolved information obtained from our study indicates the presence of strain-induced surface AFM domains on some of the cleaved NiO(100) crystals, which are unusually thinner than bulk AFM domain wall widths (similar to 150 nm). Existence of such magnetic skin layer is substantiated by exchange-coupled ferromagnetic Fe domains in Fe/NiO(100), thereby evidencing the influence of this surface AFM domains on interfacial magnetic coupling. Our observations demonstrate a depth evolution of AFM structure in presence of induced surface strain, while the surface symmetry-breaking in absence of induced strain does not modify the bulk AFM domain structure. Realization of such thin surface AFM layer will provide better microscopic understanding of the exchange bias phenomena. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The authors prepared (1 - x) BiFeO3 - (x)Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O-3 for x <= 0.30 by sol-gel method and investigated the material's structures, magnetic and electrical properties. Detailed Rietveld analysis of X-ray diffraction data revealed that the system retains distorted rhombohedral R3c structure for x <= 0.10 but transforms to monoclinic (Cc) structure for x > 0.10. Disappearance of some Raman modes corresponding to A1 modes and the decrease in the intensities of the remaining A1 modes with increasing x in the Raman spectra, which is a clear indication of structural modification and symmetry changes brought about by PZT doping. Enhanced magnetization with PZT doping content may be attributed to the gradual change and destruction in the spin cycloid structure of BiFeO3. The leakage current density at 3.5 kV/cm was reduced by approximately three orders of magnitude by doping PZT (x = 0.30), compared with BFO ceramics. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Planck scale lepton number violation is an interesting and natural possibility to explain nonzero neutrino masses. We consider such operators in the context of Randall-Sundrum (RS1) scenarios. Implementation of this scenario with a single Higgs localized on the IR brane (standard RS1) is not phenomenologically viable as they lead to inconsistencies in the charged lepton mass fits. In this paper we propose a setup with two Higgs doublets. We present a detailed numerical analysis of the fits to fermion masses and mixing angles. This model solves the issues regarding the fermion mass fits but solutions with consistent electroweak symmetry breaking are highly fine-tuned. A simple resolution is to consider supersymmetry in the bulk and a detailed discussion of which is provided. Constraints from flavor are found to be strong and minimal flavor violation (MFV) is imposed to alleviate them.


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The stuffed fullerene-like nano clusters based on the approximately spherical B-84, (B-12@B-12@B-60, fragment of the beta-rhombohedral boron), are proposed using Wade's Rules and the criterion of overlap matching. Thus the fifty additional electrons required to make the B-84 skeleton electron sufficient, are provided by replacing 26 boron atoms by carbon atoms and 12 boron atoms by nitrogen atoms giving rise to C26B46N12. This particular combination has the added advantage of the fullerene surface made from C2B3N five-membered rings having less strain arising from the pyramidalization of the sp(2) hybridised trigonal planar carbon or nitrogen; the natural angle needed to have an optimum overlap is not far from the 31.7 degrees required for icosahedral symmetry. The advantage from overlap-matching can be further increased by capping the two pentagonal faces of the cluster by a Li atom each, keeping the electron count the same by replacing 12 carbon atoms with 12 boron atoms. DFT based computational results support these formulations.


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Rod like structures of hexagonal Y(OH)(3):Ni2+ and cubic Y2O3:Ni2+ phosphors have been successfully synthesized by solvothermal method. X-ray diffraction studies of as-formed product shows hexagonal phase, whereas the product heat treated at 700 degrees C shows pure cubic phase. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of Y(OH)(3):Ni2+ show hexagonal rods while Y2O3:Ni2+ rods were found to consist of many nanoparticles stacked together forming multi-particle-chains. EPR studies suggest that the site symmetry around Ni2+ ions is predominantly octahedral. PL spectra show emission in blue, green and red regions due to the T-3(1)(P-3)->(3)A(2)(F-3), T-1(2)(D-1)->(3)A(2)(F-3) and T-1(2)(D-1)-> T-3(2)(F-3) transitions of Ni2+ ions, respectively. TL studies were carried out for Y(OH)(3):Ni2+ and Y2O3:Ni2+ phosphor upon gamma-dose for 1-6 kGy. A single well resolved glow peaks at 195 and 230 degrees C were recorded for Y(OH)(3):Ni2+ and Y2O3:Ni2+, respectively. The glow peak intensity increases linearly up to 4 kGy and 5 kGy for Y(OH)(3):Ni2+ and Y2O3:Ni2+, respectively. The kinetic parameters such as activation energy (E), frequency factor (s) and order of kinetics (b) were estimated by different methods. The phosphor follows simple glow peak structure, linear response with gamma dose, low fading and simple trap distribution, suggesting that it is quite suitable for radiation dosimetry. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Motivated by observations of the mean state of tropical precipitable water (PW), a moist, first baroclinic mode, shallow-water system on an equatorial beta-plane with a background saturation profile that depends on latitude and longitude is studied. In the presence of a latitudinal moisture gradient, linear analysis of the non-rotating problem reveals large-scale, symmetric, eastward and westward propagating unstable modes. The introduction of a zonal moisture gradient breaks the east-west symmetry of the unstable modes. The effects of rotation are then included by numerically solving the resulting eigenvalue problem on an equatorial beta-plane. With a purely meridional moisture gradient, the system supports large-scale, low-frequency, eastward and westward moving neutral modes. Some of the similarities, and some of the discrepancies of these modes with intraseasonal tropical waves are pointed out. Finally, a zonal moisture gradient in the presence of rotation renders some of the aforementioned neutral modes unstable. In particular, according to observations of large-scale, low-frequency tropical variability, it is seen that regions where the background saturation profile increases (decreases) to the east favour eastward (westward) moving moist modes.


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Molecules in their liquid crystalline phase undergo rotational motion about the long axis of the molecule and the shape adopted by the rotating molecule plays an important role in influencing the mesophase morphology. In this context, obtaining the topology and the relative orientation of the different sub-units are important steps. For studying the liquid crystalline phase, C-13 NMR spectroscopy is a convenient method and for certain specifically designed nematogens, 2-dimensional separated local field (2D-SLF) NMR spectroscopy provides a particularly simple and straightforward means of arriving at the molecular topology. We demonstrate this approach on two three ring based nematogens designed with a phenyl or a thiophene ring at one of the termini. From the C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings of the terminal carbon obtained using the 2D-SLF NMR technique, the order parameter of the local symmetry axis of the terminal phenyl ring as well as of the long molecular axis could be easily estimated. For the thiophene nematogen, the lack of symmetry of the thiophene moiety necessitates some additional computational steps. The results indicate that the thiophene unit has its local ordering axis oriented away from the long molecular axis by a small angle, consistent with a bent structure expected in view of the thiophene geometry. The experiment also demonstrates the ability of 2D-SLF NMR to provide high resolution spectra by separation of several overlapped resonances in terms of their C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings. The results are consistent with a rod-like topology of the core of the investigated mesogens. The investigation demonstrates the potential of 2D-SLF NMR C-13 spectroscopy for obtaining atomistic level information and its utility for topological studies of different mesogens.