934 resultados para Health Consequences


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In response to the increasing use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), governments are exploring ways to ensure patients' safety and respond to complaints. One solution is to establish registration boards and procedures based on the model of existing health practitioner Acts. Registration will require defined minimum standards for competence, which will have to be based on scientific evidence. As scientific evidence accumulates, these modalities are likely to lose their identities as alternative and become assimilated into Western medicine.


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Translabial ultrasound is increasingly being used for the assessment of women presenting with pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence (1,2). However, there is little information on normal values for bladder neck descent, with the two available studies disagreeing widely (3,4). No data has so far been published on mobility of the central and posterior compartment which can now also be assessed by ultrasound (5). This study presents normal values for urethral, bladder, cervical and rectal mobility in a cohort of young, stress continent, nulliparous nonpregnant women. Methods 118 nonpregnant nulliparous Caucasian women between 18 and 23 years of age were recruited for an ongoing twin study of pelvic floor function. Translabial ultrasound assessment of pelvic organ mobility was undertaken supine and after bladder emptying (6,7). The best of at least three effective Valsalva manoeuvres was used for evaluation, with no attempts at standardization of Valsalva pressure. Parameters of anterior compartment mobility were obtained by the use of on-screen calipers; cervical and rectal descent were evaluated on printouts. All examinations were carried out under direct supervision of the first author or by personnel trained by him for at least 100 consecutive assessments. Results The median age of participants in this study was 20 (range 18- 23). Mean body mass index was 23 (range 16.9- 36.7). Of 118 women, 2 were completely unable to perform a Valsalva manoeuvre despite repeated efforts at teaching and were excluded from analysis, as were ten women who complained of urinary stress incontinence, leaving 106 datasets. Average measurements for the parameters ‘retrovesical angle at rest’ (RVA-R) and on Valsalva (RVA-S), urethral rotation, bladder neck mobility, cysto-cele descent, cervical descent and descent of the rectal ampulla are given in Table 1.


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Arsenic is a carcinogen to both humans and animals. Arsenicals have been associated with cancers of the skin, lung, and bladder. Clinical manifestations of chronic arsenic poisoning include non-cancer end point of hyper- and hypo-pigmentation, keratosis, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Epidemiological evidence indicates that arsenic concentration exceeding 50 mug l(-1) in the drinking water is not public health protective. The current WHO recommended guideline value for arsenic in drinking water is 10 mug l(-1), whereas many developing countries are still having a value of 50 mug 1(-1). It has been estimated that tens of millions of people are. at risk exposing to excessive levels of arsenic from both contaminated water and arsenic-bearing coal from natural sources. The global health implication and possible intervention strategies were also discussed in this review article. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to investigate current audiological outcomes of Cherbourg schoolchildren and compare these outcomes to those obtained in a 1972 study of hearing health in the same community. Seventy-eight primary school children of Cherbourg State School participated in the study. Their peripheral hearing and middle ear function were tested using pure-tone air conduction audiometry and tympanometry respectively. A significant improvement in the hearing status of this population was noted compared to that reported in 1972. The improvements in the hearing status of Indigenous schoolchildren at Cherbourg can be attributed to a number of factors, including increased awareness of both ear health and general health, as well as the introduction of hearing health care services, over the past three decades.


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To identify why reconceptualization of the problem is difficult in chronic pain, this study aimed to evaluate whether (1) health professionals and patients can understand currently accurate information about the neurophysiology of pain and (2) health professionals accurately estimate the ability of patients to understand the neurophysiology of pain. Knowledge tests were completed by 276 patients with chronic pain and 288 professionals either before (untrained) or after (trained) education about the neurophysiology of pain. Professionals estimated typical patient performance on the test. Untrained participants performed poorly (mean +/- standard deviation, 55% +/- 19% and 29% +/- 12% for professionals and patients, respectively), compared to their trained counterparts (78% +/- 21% and 61% +/- 19%, respectively). The estimated patient score (46% +/- 18%) was less than the actual patient score (P < .005). The results suggest that professionals and patients can understand the neurophysiology of pain but professionals underestimate patients' ability to understand. The implications are that (1) a poor knowledge of currently accurate information about pain and (2) the underestimation of patients' ability to understand currently accurate information about pain represent barriers to reconceptualization of the problem in chronic pain within the clinical and lay arenas. (C) 2003 by the American Pain Society.


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Over the past decade or so, there has been increasing demand for greater clarity about the major causes of disease and injury, how these differentially affect populations, and how they are changing. In part, this demand has been motivated by resource constraints and a realisation that better health is possible with more informed allocation of resources. At the same time, there has been a change in the way population health and its determinants are quantified, with a much closer integration of the quantitative population sciences (such as epidemiology, demography and health economics) to strengthen and broaden the evidence base for healthcare policy.


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Introdução: O parto pretermo (PPT) é um dos principais determinantes da morbimortalidade neonatal, acarretando consequências adversas para saúde. As causas são multifatoriais, sendo a infecção intrauterina a razão mais provável para explicar a maioria destes desfechos. Acredita-se que a infecção por Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) também esteja envolvida no PPT e rotura prematura de membranas (ROPREMA). Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de CT em parturientes e os possíveis fatores de risco relacionados com os casos de partos prematuros atendidos no Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antonio Moraes. Métodos: Estudo de corte transversal, realizado entre parturientes que apresentaram PPT em um Hospital Universitário em Vitória - ES, entre junho de 2012 e agosto de 2013. As participantes responderam a um questionário contendo dados sóciodemográficos, comportamentais e clínicos. Foi coletada uma amostra de urina para rastreio de CT usando reação em cadeia da polimerase. Resultados: A prevalência de PPT durante o período do estudo foi de 26%. Um total de 378 casos de PPT foram registrados, entre eles 323 mulheres foram testadas para o CT; quarenta e cinco (13,9%) tiveram um resultado positivo, sendo que 31,6% possuiam até 24 anos e as mulheres infectadas pela CT eram mais jovens do que as demais (p = 0,022). Um total de 76,2% eram casadas/em união estável, e CT foi mais frequente entre as solteiras (p = 0,018); 16,7% relataram primeira relação sexual com menos de 14 anos de idade. As causas de PPT foram materno-fetais em 40,9%, ROPREMA em 29,7% e trabalho de parto prematuro em 29,4%. Na análise multivariada, ser casada foi um fator de proteção [OR = 12:48 (IC 95%: 0,24-0,97)]. Nenhuma das demais características foram associadas com a infecção por CT. Conclusões: Este estudo evidencia uma alta prevalência de infecção por CT entre parturientes com PPT. Essa alta prevalência reforça a necessidade da definição de estratégias de rastreamento e assistência durante o pré-natal.


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The goal of the present study is mapping the nature of possible contributions of participatory online platforms in citizen actions that may contribute in the fight against cancer and its associated consequences. These platforms are usually associated with entertainment: in that sense, we intent to test their validity in other domains such as health, as well as contribute to an expanded perception of their potential by their users. The research is based on the analysis of online solidarity networks, namely the ones residing on Facebook, Orkut and the blogosphere, that citizens have been gradually resorting to. The research is also based on the development of newer and more efficient solutions that provide the individual (directly or indirectly affected by issues of oncology) with the means to overcome feelings of impotence and fatality. In this article, we aim at summarizing the processes of usage of these decentralized, freer participatory platforms by citizens and institutions, while attempting to unravel existing hype and stigma; we also provide a first survey of the importance and the role of institutions in this kind of endeavor; lastly, we present a prototype, developed in the context of the present study, that is specifically dedicated to addressing oncology through social media. This prototype is already available online at www.talkingaboutcancer.org, however, still under development and testing. The main objective of this platform is to allow every citizen to freely build their network of contacts and information, according to their own individual and/ or collective needs and desires.


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In the last decade, population ageing has been registered as a global phenomenon. A relation exists between falling and ageing, since falling frequency increases significantly with age. In fact, one in three older adult falls annually. Although ageing is generically associated with decrease and degeneration of psychological and physical functions, it is still not common for the correct identification of risk factors to lead to a clinical prognosis of the elder being in risk of falling. Therefore, the goal of this review article is to identify, categorise and analyse typical ageing and fall factors mentioned in the literature as well as to quantify the number of times they were referenced. The research considered hundreds of publications, but analysis was then restricted to the 87 most pertinent articles written in English and published in journals or scientific magazines between 1995 and 2010. We concluded that falls among older adults can be characterised by the following: anatomic characteristics and physiological consequences of ageing; the pathologies that induce falls, which can be neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and other diseases; causes and risk factors of falls that can be behavioural, biological, environmental or socio-economic; type of physical consequences of falls, including fractures, bruises, injuries or other physical consequences; and strategies to prevent, mitigate or rehabilitate, which can be of a physical, environmental or behavioural nature.


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In the last decade, population ageing has been registered as a global phenomenon. A relation exists between falling and ageing, since falling frequency increases significantly with age. In fact, one in three older adult falls annually. Although ageing is generically associated with decrease and degeneration of psychological and physical functions, it is still not common for the correct identification of risk factors to lead to a clinical prognosis of the elder being in risk of falling. Therefore, the goal of this review article is to identify, categorise and analyse typical ageing and fall factors mentioned in the literature as well as to quantify the number of times they were referenced. The research considered hundreds of publications, but analysis was then restricted to the 87 most pertinent articles written in English and published in journals or scientific magazines between 1995 and 2010. We concluded that falls among older adults can be characterised by the following: anatomic characteristics and physiological consequences of ageing; the pathologies that induce falls, which can be neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and other diseases; causes and risk factors of falls that can be behavioural, biological, environmental or socio-economic; type of physical consequences of falls, including fractures, bruises, injuries or other physical consequences; and strategies to prevent, mitigate or rehabilitate, which can be of a physical, environmental or behavioural nature.


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The relation between patient and physician in most modern Health Care Sys- tems is sparse, limited in time and very in exible. On the other hand, and in contradiction with several recent studies, most physicians do not rely their patient diagnostics evaluations on intertwined psychological and social nature factors. Facing these problems and trying to improve the patient/physician relation we present a mobile health care solution to im- prove the interaction between the physician and his patients. The solution serves not only as a privileged mean of communication between physicians and patients but also as an evolutionary intelligent platform delivering a mobile rule based system.


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The purpose of this study is to characterize how Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) view the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMSs) certification process, after receiving the Quality Management System (QMS) certification. References were based on the ISO 9001 standard for a QMS and OHSAS 18001 for OHSMS. The method used to evaluate the implemented systems, was by form of questionnaire. Those questioned had to have a certified quality management system, an implemented OHSMS and be a SME. The questionnaire was sent to 300 SMEs; 46 responses were received and validated. Of them, only 12 SMEs had the OHSMS certificate according to OHSAS 18001. Within those 12 companies that participated: 7 SMEs are from the industrial sector; 3 belong to the electricity/telecommunications sector and 2 SMEs are from the trade/services activity sector. The size of the sample was small, but corresponds to Portuguese reality. Moreover, 34 SMEs did not have the OHSMS certificate. The questionnaire requested the main reasons for SMEs to opt for non-certification and it was related with high costs, while the main reasons to certificate were, among others, needed to eliminate or minimize risks to workers. The main benefits that Portuguese SMEs have gained from the referred certifications have been, improved working conditions, ensuring compliance with legislation and better internal communication about risks and hazards. Also presented are the main difficulties in achieving an OHSMS certification including high certification costs, difficulties motivating personnel, difficulties in changing the company’s culture and increased bureaucracy.


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The relation between patient and physician in most modern Health Care Systems is sparse, limited in time and very inflexible. On the other hand, and in contradiction with several recent studies, most physicians do not rely their patient diagnostics evaluations on intertwined psychological and social nature factors. Facing these problems and trying to improve the patient/physician relation we present a mobile health care solution to improve the interaction between the physician and his patients. The solution serves not only as a privileged mean of communication between physicians and patients but also as an evolutionary intelligent platform delivering a mobile rule based system.


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The significant number of publications describing unsuccessful cases in the introduction of health information systems makes it advisable to analyze the factors that may be contributing to such failures. However, the very notion of success is not equally assumed in all publications. Based in a literature review, the authors argue that the introduction of systems must be based in an eclectic combination of knowledge fields, adopting methodologies that strengthen the role of organizational culture and human resources in this project, as a whole. On the other hand, the authors argue that the introduction of systems should be oriented by a previously defined matrix of factors, against which the success can be measured.