979 resultados para Hazel Crest
We present an analysis of the space-time dynamics of oceanic sea states exploiting stereo imaging techniques. In particular, a novel Wave Acquisition Stereo System (WASS) has been developed and deployed at the oceanographic tower Acqua Alta in the Northern Adriatic Sea, off the Venice coast in Italy. The analysis of WASS video measurements yields accurate estimates of the oceanic sea state dynamics, the associated directional spectra and wave surface statistics that agree well with theoretical models. Finally, we show that a space-time extreme, defined as the expected largest surface wave height over an area, is considerably larger than the maximum crest observed in time at a point, in agreement with theoretical predictions.
Esta tesis doctoral es el fruto de un trabajo de investigación cuyo objetivo principal es definir criterios de diseño de protecciones en forma de repié en presas de materiales sueltos cuyo espaldón de aguas abajo esté formado por escollera. La protección propuesta consiste en un relleno de material granular situado sobre el pie de aguas abajo de la presa y formado a su vez por una escollera con características diferenciadas respecto de la escollera que integra el espaldón de la presa. La función de esta protección es evitar que se produzcan deslizamientos en masa cuando una cantidad de agua anormalmente elevada circula accidentalmente por el espaldón de aguas abajo de la presa por distintos motivos como pueden ser el vertido por coronación de la presa o la pérdida de estanqueidad del elemento impermeable o del cimiento. Según los datos de la International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD 1995) el 70% de las causas de rotura o avería grave en presas de materiales sueltos en el mundo están dentro de las que se han indicado con anterioridad. Esta circulación accidental de agua a través del espaldón de escollera, típicamente turbulenta, se ha denominado en esta tesis percolación (“through flow”, en inglés) para diferenciarla del término filtración, habitualmente utilizada para el flujo laminar a través de un material fino. El fenómeno físico que origina la rotura de presas de materiales sueltos sometidas a percolación accidental es complejo, entrando en juego diversidad de parámetros, muchas veces no deterministas, y con acoplamiento entre procesos, tanto de filtración como de arrastre y deslizamiento. En esta tesis se han realizado diferentes estudios experimentales y numéricos con objeto de analizar el efecto sobre el nivel de protección frente al deslizamiento en masa que producen los principales parámetros geométricos que definen el repié: la anchura de la berma, el talud exterior y su altura máxima desde la base. También se han realizado estudios sobre factores con gran influencia en el fenómeno de la percolación como son la anisotropía del material y el incremento de los caudales unitarios en el pie de presa debidos a la forma de la cerrada. A partir de los resultados obtenidos en las distintas campañas de modelación física y numérica se han obtenido conclusiones respecto a la efectividad de este tipo de protección para evitar parcial o totalmente los daños provocados por percolación accidental en presas de escollera. El resultado final de la tesis es un procedimiento de diseño para este tipo de protecciones. Con objeto de completar los criterios de dimensionamiento, teniendo en cuenta los mecanismos de rotura por erosión interna y arrastre, se han incluido dentro del procedimiento recomendaciones adicionales basadas en investigaciones existentes en la bibliografía técnica. Finalmente, se han sugerido posibles líneas de investigación futuras para ampliar el conocimiento de fenómenos complejos que influyen en el comportamiento de este tipo de protección como son el efecto de escala, la anisotropía de la escollera, las leyes de resistencia que rigen la filtración turbulenta a través de medios granulares, los efectos de cimentaciones poco competentes o la propia caracterización de las propiedades de la escollera de presas. This thesis is the result of a research project that had the main objective of defining criteria to design rockfill toe protections for dams with a highly‐permeable downstream shoulder. The proposed protection consists of a rockfill toe berm situated downstream from the dam with specific characteristics with respect to the rockfill that integrates the shoulder of the main dam. The function of these protections is to prevent mass slides due to an abnormally high water flow circulation through the dam shoulder. This accidental seepage flow may be caused by such reasons as overtopping or the loss of sealing at the impervious element of the dam or its foundation. According to data from the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD 1995), 70% of the causes of failure or serious damage in embankment dams in the world are within that described previously. This accidental seepage of water through the rockfill shoulder, typically turbulent, is usually called through‐flow. The physical phenomenon which causes the breakage of the rockfill shoulder during such through‐flow processes is complex, involving diversity of parameters (often not deterministic) and coupling among processes, not only seepage but also internal erosion, drag or mass slide. In this thesis, numerical and experimental research is conducted in order to analyze the effects of the main parameters that define the toe protection, i.e. the toe crest length, its slope and maximum height. Additional studies on significant factors which influence the seepage, such as the anisotropy of the material and the increase of the unit flows at the dam toe due to the valley shape are also performed. In addition, conclusions regarding the effectiveness of this type of protection are obtained based on the results of physical and numerical models. The main result of the thesis is a design procedure for this type of protection to avoid mass sliding. In order to complete the design criteria, additional recommendations about internal and external erosion based on the state of the art are included. Finally, new lines of research are suggested for the future to expand the level of knowledge of the complex phenomena that influence the behavior of this type of protection, such as the effects of scale, rockfill anisotropy, non‐linear seepage laws in turbulent seepage through granular media, effects of erodible foundations, or new procedures to characterize the properties of dam rockfill as a construction material.
Stereo video techniques are effective for estimating the space–time wave dynamics over an area of the ocean. Indeed, a stereo camera view allows retrieval of both spatial and temporal data whose statistical content is richer than that of time series data retrieved from point wave probes. We present an application of the Wave Acquisition Stereo System (WASS) for the analysis of offshore video measurements of gravity waves in the Northern Adriatic Sea and near the southern seashore of the Crimean peninsula, in the Black Sea. We use classical epipolar techniques to reconstruct the sea surface from the stereo pairs sequentially in time, viz. a sequence of spatial snapshots. We also present a variational approach that exploits the entire data image set providing a global space–time imaging of the sea surface, viz. simultaneous reconstruction of several spatial snapshots of the surface in order to guarantee continuity of the sea surface both in space and time. Analysis of the WASS measurements show that the sea surface can be accurately estimated in space and time together, yielding associated directional spectra and wave statistics at a point in time that agrees well with probabilistic models. In particular, WASS stereo imaging is able to capture typical features of the wave surface, especially the crest-to-trough asymmetry due to second order nonlinearities, and the observed shape of large waves are fairly described by theoretical models based on the theory of quasi-determinism (Boccotti, 2000). Further, we investigate space–time extremes of the observed stationary sea states, viz. the largest surface wave heights expected over a given area during the sea state duration. The WASS analysis provides the first experimental proof that a space–time extreme is generally larger than that observed in time via point measurements, in agreement with the predictions based on stochastic theories for global maxima of Gaussian fields.
Of the south of Spain, near the province of Cordova, in a tributary of the Guadalquivir River it has been constructed during the years 2004 to 2007 the reservoir called El Arenoso. El Arenoso reservoir that belongs to Environment Ministry is destined to downstream Guadalquivir’s water supply and the general regulation of the river. The dam is located on the same name river and it is next to the Montoro’s municipal district, 41 km northeast of Cordova. The main work consists on an embankment dam, with central clay core, and slates and greywacke shoulders. The core is covered downstream with a filter material and upstream with a transition material. The dimensions of the dam are 80 m high, 1.480 m long at its crest, and it has been needed more than 3 million m3 of materials, creating a waterproof barrier able to keep 160 hm3 as a useful reservoir. In the zone of the core is located the chamber of valves with a horizontal clearance of 10 m and a vertical clearance of 14,517 m. The present article exposes the most important characteristics of project and construction, of valves chamber of the Arenoso reservoir.
A multivariate analysis on flood variables is needed to design some hydraulic structures like dams, as the complexity of the routing process in a reservoir requires a representation of the full hydrograph. In this work, a bivariate copula model was used to obtain the bivariate joint distribution of flood peak and volume, in order to know the probability of occurrence of a given inflow hydrograph. However, the risk of dam overtopping is given by the maximum water elevation reached during the routing process, which depends on the hydrograph variables, the reservoir volume and the spillway crest length. Consequently, an additional bivariate return period, the so-called routed return period, was defined in terms of risk of dam overtopping based on this maximum water elevation obtained after routing the inflow hydrographs. The theoretical return periods, which give the probability of occurrence of a hydrograph prior to accounting for the reservoir routing, were compared with the routed return period, as in both cases hydrographs with the same probability will draw a curve in the peak-volume space. The procedure was applied to the case study of the Santillana reservoir in Spain. Different reservoir volumes and spillway lengths were considered to investigate the influence of the dam and reservoir characteristics on the results. The methodology improves the estimation of the Design Flood Hydrograph and can be applied to assess the risk of dam overtopping
Este proyecto tiene por objeto el análisis de las diferentes frecuencias y tipos de onda presentes en los registros de vibraciones de las voladuras. Se han utilizado 108 registros de 4 barrenos sencillos disparados individualmente y una voladura de producción. Se estudian así mismo la evolución de las frecuencias (en relación a la distancia y a la geología particular de cresta y plaza) y la ley de atenuación del terreno que relaciona la evolución velocidad de partícula en función de la distancia escalada. Para la voladura de producción se analiza si las vibraciones cumplen la normativa vigente según la norma UNE 22.381.93 “Control de Vibraciones Producidas por Voladuras”. Abstract The main objective of this project is to analyze the different types and frequencies of seismic waves found in blasting logs. 108 logs from 4 single shots and a standard production blasting have been used. The evolution of frequencies (regarding distance and different geologies of crest and toe) and the attenuation law which allows us to obtain peak particle velocity regarding distance are also studied. For the production blasting, data is compared to the limits set by current regulations following the standard UNE 22.381.93 “Control de Vibraciones Producidas por Voladuras”.
Placed on the crest of a north-facing hill with views of the mountains near Madrid, the house is, more than anything else, a response to its location.
El rebase se define como el transporte de una cantidad importante de agua sobre la coronación de una estructura. Por tanto, es el fenómeno que, en general, determina la cota de coronación del dique dependiendo de la cantidad aceptable del mismo, a la vista de condicionantes funcionales y estructurales del dique. En general, la cantidad de rebase que puede tolerar un dique de abrigo desde el punto de vista de su integridad estructural es muy superior a la cantidad permisible desde el punto de vista de su funcionalidad. Por otro lado, el diseño de un dique con una probabilidad de rebase demasiado baja o nula conduciría a diseños incompatibles con consideraciones de otro tipo, como son las estéticas o las económicas. Existen distintas formas de estudiar el rebase producido por el oleaje sobre los espaldones de las obras marítimas. Las más habituales son los ensayos en modelo físico y las formulaciones empíricas o semi-empíricas. Las menos habituales son la instrumentación en prototipo, las redes neuronales y los modelos numéricos. Los ensayos en modelo físico son la herramienta más precisa y fiable para el estudio específico de cada caso, debido a la complejidad del proceso de rebase, con multitud de fenómenos físicos y parámetros involucrados. Los modelos físicos permiten conocer el comportamiento hidráulico y estructural del dique, identificando posibles fallos en el proyecto antes de su ejecución, evaluando diversas alternativas y todo esto con el consiguiente ahorro en costes de construcción mediante la aportación de mejoras al diseño inicial de la estructura. Sin embargo, presentan algunos inconvenientes derivados de los márgenes de error asociados a los ”efectos de escala y de modelo”. Las formulaciones empíricas o semi-empíricas presentan el inconveniente de que su uso está limitado por la aplicabilidad de las fórmulas, ya que éstas sólo son válidas para una casuística de condiciones ambientales y tipologías estructurales limitadas al rango de lo reproducido en los ensayos. El objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral es el contrate de las formulaciones desarrolladas por diferentes autores en materia de rebase en distintas tipologías de diques de abrigo. Para ello, se ha realizado en primer lugar la recopilación y el análisis de las formulaciones existentes para estimar la tasa de rebase sobre diques en talud y verticales. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo el contraste de dichas formulaciones con los resultados obtenidos en una serie de ensayos realizados en el Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas. Para finalizar, se aplicó a los ensayos de diques en talud seleccionados la herramienta neuronal NN-OVERTOPPING2, desarrollada en el proyecto europeo de rebases CLASH (“Crest Level Assessment of Coastal Structures by Full Scale Monitoring, Neural Network Prediction and Hazard Analysis on Permissible Wave Overtopping”), contrastando de este modo la tasa de rebase obtenida en los ensayos con este otro método basado en la teoría de las redes neuronales. Posteriormente, se analizó la influencia del viento en el rebase. Para ello se han realizado una serie de ensayos en modelo físico a escala reducida, generando oleaje con y sin viento, sobre la sección vertical del Dique de Levante de Málaga. Finalmente, se presenta el análisis crítico del contraste de cada una de las formulaciones aplicadas a los ensayos seleccionados, que conduce a las conclusiones obtenidas en la presente Tesis Doctoral. Overtopping is defined as the volume of water surpassing the crest of a breakwater and reaching the sheltered area. This phenomenon determines the breakwater’s crest level, depending on the volume of water admissible at the rear because of the sheltered area’s functional and structural conditioning factors. The ways to assess overtopping processes range from those deemed to be most traditional, such as semi-empirical or empirical type equations and physical, reduced scale model tests, to others less usual such as the instrumentation of actual breakwaters (prototypes), artificial neural networks and numerical models. Determining overtopping in reduced scale physical model tests is simple but the values obtained are affected to a greater or lesser degree by the effects of a scale model-prototype such that it can only be considered as an approximation to what actually happens. Nevertheless, physical models are considered to be highly useful for estimating damage that may occur in the area sheltered by the breakwater. Therefore, although physical models present certain problems fundamentally deriving from scale effects, they are still the most accurate, reliable tool for the specific study of each case, especially when large sized models are adopted and wind is generated Empirical expressions obtained from laboratory tests have been developed for calculating the overtopping rate and, therefore, the formulas obtained obviously depend not only on environmental conditions – wave height, wave period and water level – but also on the model’s characteristics and are only applicable in a range of validity of the tests performed in each case. The purpose of this Thesis is to make a comparative analysis of methods for calculating overtopping rates developed by different authors for harbour breakwater overtopping. First, existing equations were compiled and analysed in order to estimate the overtopping rate on sloping and vertical breakwaters. These equations were then compared with the results obtained in a number of tests performed in the Centre for Port and Coastal Studies of the CEDEX. In addition, a neural network model developed in the European CLASH Project (“Crest Level Assessment of Coastal Structures by Full Scale Monitoring, Neural Network Prediction and Hazard Analysis on Permissible Wave Overtopping“) was also tested. Finally, the wind effects on overtopping are evaluated using tests performed with and without wind in the physical model of the Levante Breakwater (Málaga).
Las playas sustentadas por medio de un pie sumergido son una atractiva alternativa de diseño de regeneración de playas especialmente cuando las condiciones física del emplazamiento o las características de la arena nativa y de préstamo producen perfiles de alimentación que no se intersectan. La observación y propuesta de este tipo de solución data de los años 1960’s, así como la experiencia internacional en la construcción de este tipo de playas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su utilización y los estudios en campo y laboratorio, no se dispone de criterios ingenieriles que apoyen el diseño de las mismas. Esta tesis consiste en un análisis experimental del perfil de playas sustentadas en un pie sumergido (o colgadas) que se concreta en una propuesta de directrices de diseño general que permiten estimar la ubicación y características geométricas del pie sumergido frente a un oleaje y material que constituye la playa determinados. En la tesis se describe el experimento bidimensional realizado en el modelo físico de fondo móvil, donde se combinan cinco tipos de oleaje con tres configuraciones del pie sumergido (“Sin estructura”, configuración baja o “Estructura 1” y configuración alta o “Estructura 2”), se presentan los resultados obtenidos y se realiza una discusión detallada de las implicaciones de los resultados desde el punto de vista hidrodinámico utilizando monomios adimensionales. Se ha realizado un análisis detallado del estado del arte sobre playas colgadas, presentando el concepto y las experiencias de realizaciones en distintos países. Se ha realizado una cuidadosa revisión de la literatura publicada sobre estudios experimentales de playas colgadas, modelos teóricos y otras cuestiones auxiliares, necesarias para la formulación de la metodología de la tesis. El estudio realizado se ha estructurado en dos fases. En la primera fase se ha realizado una experimentación en un modelo físico de fondo móvil construido en las instalaciones del Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas (CEPYC) del Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX), consistente en un canal de 36 m de longitud, 3 m de anchura y 1.5 m de altura, provisto de un generador de oleaje de tipo pistón. Se ha diseñado una campaña de 15 ensayos, que se obtienen sometiendo a cinco tipos de oleaje tres configuraciones distintas de playa colgada. En los ensayos se ha medido el perfil de playa en distintos instantes hasta llegar al equilibrio, determinando a partir de esos datos el retroceso de la línea de costa y el volumen de sedimentos perdido. El tiempo total efectivo de ensayo asciende a casi 650 horas, y el número de perfiles de evolución de playa obtenidos totaliza 229. En la segunda fase se ha abordado el análisis de los resultados obtenidos con la finalidad de comprender el fenómeno, identificar las variables de las que depende y proponer unas directrices ingenieriles de diseño. Se ha estudiado el efecto de la altura de ola, del periodo del oleaje, del francobordo adimensional y del parámetro de Dean, constatándose la dificultad de comprensión del funcionamiento de estas obras ya que pueden ser beneficiosas, perjudiciales o inocuas según los casos. También se ha estudiado la respuesta del perfil de playa en función de otros monomios adimensionales, tales como el número de Reynolds o el de Froude. En el análisis se ha elegido el monomio “plunger” como el más significativo, encontrando relaciones de éste con el peralte de oleaje, la anchura de coronación adimensional, la altura del pie de playa adimensional y el parámetro de Dean. Finalmente, se propone un método de diseño de cuatro pasos que permite realizar un primer encaje del diseño funcional de la playa sustentada frente a un oleaje de características determinadas. Las contribuciones más significativas desde el punto de vista científico son: - La obtención del juego de resultados experimentales. - La caracterización del comportamiento de las playas sustentadas. - Las relaciones propuestas entre el monomio plunger y las distintas variables explicativas seleccionadas, que permiten predecir el comportamiento de la obra. - El método de diseño propuesto, en cuatro pasos, para este tipo de esquemas de defensa de costas. Perched beaches are an attractive beach nourishment design alternative especially when either the site conditions or the characteristics of both the native and the borrow sand lead to a non-intersecting profile The observation and suggestion of the use of this type of coastal defence scheme dates back to the 1960’s, as well as the international experience in the construction of this type of beaches. However, in spite of its use and the field and laboratory studies performed to-date, no design engineering guidance is available to support its design. This dissertation is based on the experimental work performed on a movable bed physical model and the use of dimensionless parameters in analyzing the results to provide general functional design guidance that allow the designer, at a particular stretch of coast - to estimate the location and geometric characteristics of the submerged sill as well as to estimate the suitable sand size to be used in the nourishment. This dissertation consists on an experimental analysis of perched beaches by means of a submerged sill, leading to the proposal of general design guidance that allows to estimate the location and geometric characteristics of the submerged sill when facing a wave condition and for a given beach material. The experimental work performed on a bi-dimensional movable bed physical model, where five types of wave conditions are combined with three configurations of the submerged sill (“No structure”, low structure or “Structure 1”, and high structure or “Structure 2”) is described, results are presented, and a detailed discussion of the results - from the hydrodynamic point of view – of the implications of the results by using dimensionless parameters is carried out. A detailed state of the art analysis about perched beaches has been performed, presenting the “perched beach concept” and the case studies of different countries. Besides, a careful revision of the literature about experimental studies on perched beaches, theoretical models, and other topics deemed necessary to formulate the methodology of this work has been completed. The study has been divided into two phases. Within the first phase, experiments on a movable-bed physical model have been developed. The physical model has been built in the Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas (CEPYC) facilities, Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX). The wave flume is 36 m long, 3 m wide and 1.5 m high, and has a piston-type regular wave generator available. The test plan consisted of 15 tests resulting from five wave conditions attacking three different configurations of the perched beach. During the development of the tests, the beach profile has been surveyed at different intervals until equilibrium has been reached according to these measurements. Retreat of the shoreline and relative loss of sediment in volume have been obtained from the measurements. The total effective test time reaches nearly 650 hours, whereas the total number of beach evolution profiles measured amounts to 229. On the second phase, attention is focused on the analysis of results with the aim of understanding the phenomenon, identifying the governing variables and proposing engineering design guidelines. The effect of the wave height, the wave period, the dimensionless freeboard and of the Dean parameter have been analyzed. It has been pointed out the difficulty in understanding the way perched beaches work since they turned out to be beneficial, neutral or harmful according to wave conditions and structure configuration. Besides, the beach profile response as a function of other dimensionless parameters, such as Reynolds number or Froude number, has been studied. In this analysis, the “plunger” parameter has been selected as the most representative, and relationships between the plunger parameter and the wave steepness, the dimensionless crest width, the dimensionless crest height, and the Dean parameter have been identified. Finally, an engineering 4-step design method has been proposed, that allows for the preliminary functional design of the perched beach for a given wave condition. The most relevant contributions from the scientific point of view have been: - The acquisition of a consistent set of experimental results. - The characterization of the behavior of perched beaches. - The proposed relationships between the plunger parameter and the different explanatory variables selected, that allow for the prediction of the beach behavior. - The proposed design method, four-step method, for this type of coastal defense schemes.
Este estudo investigou os efeitos do laser de baixa intensidade na velocidade da movimentação ortodôntica de caninos submetidos à retração inicial. A amostra constou de 26 caninos superiores e inferiores, submetidos à retração inicial realizada com mola Niti, com força de 150g. Um dos caninos foi irradiado com laser de diodo, seguindo o protocolo de aplicação: 780nm/20mW/5Jcm2/0,2J por ponto/Et=2J, nos dias 0, 3 e 7 pós-ativação, sendo que o contralateral foi considerado placebo. A retração durou em média 4 meses, num total de 9 aplicações de laser. Os modelos de cada mês foram escaneados com scanner 3D (3Shape) e as imagens tridimensionais foram analisadas por meio do Software Geomagic Studio 5, para a mensuração da quantidade de movimentação dos caninos retraídos. Foi empregada a Análise de Variância a três critérios, seguida pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Para verificação da integridade tecidual, foram efetuadas radiografias periapicais iniciais e finais dos caninos retraídos e dos molares, nas quais foram avaliados uma possível reabsorção na crista alveolar, por meio da distância da crista óssea alveolar até a junção cemento-esmalte e os níveis de reabsorção radicular, por meio do índice de Levander e Malmgreen, sendo este último avaliado somente nos caninos retraídos. Para isto, foi empregado o teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon (p<0,05). Os resultados indicaram que houve um aumento estatisticamente significante na velocidade da movimentação dos caninos irradiados comparados ao seu contralateral, em todos os tempos avaliados, como também a preservação da integridade tecidual. Com isso, concluiu-se que o laser de diodo pode acelerar a movimentação ortodôntica, podendo contribuir para a diminuição do tempo de tratamento.(AU)