994 resultados para Hamilton, Margaret , 1902-1985


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According to the Public National Security Plan, the security is "[ ] a right by democratic excellence legitimately desired by all sectors of society, which is the fundamental right of citizenship, obligation of the constitutional state and responsibility of each one of us." The 1988 Constitution recognized the rights of life, liberty and personal integrity, considered torture and racial discrimination as crimes. The prime directive of the National Security and Citizenship (Law No. 11,707 of June 19, 2008 - PRONASCI-Brazil) expresses the commitment of the Brazilian state with the promotion of human rights. But despite this formal recognition, official violence continues to be used as a means of maintaining social order, consolidating a police action violating human rights (Amnesty International report "They go in shooting" - AI Index: AMR 19/025/2005) . This thesis analyzes the police work combined with the extension of citizenship rights, the spaces of freedom and democracy as a measure for the degree of affirmation or denial of the Human Rights in Brazil, and proposes the construction of a human friendly Police Force (Post - Colonial, Post-Abyss, Intercultural and Democratic)


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This thesis analyzes the political and electoral trajectory of the PFL in Rio Grande do Norte from its beginning in 1985 until his last electoral dispute in 2006, before the process of rebuilding occurred in 2007. The central argument of the thesis is that the PFL occupied side by side with the PMDB the central position in the dynamic of the state partisan politics. This was due to its ability to control the process of disputes for majority positions in the state, especially for Senate vacancies. The hypothesis that support the central argument are related to the trajectory of the formation of the party still under the military regime, where the group that took over the leadership of the party enjoyed privileged conditions for the consolidation of political and electoral power. Another factor associated with their performance was the force that was developed in the second-largest electoral college in the state, Mossoró. To these hypotheses we add the role Jose Agripino Maia who, leading without competitors within the party, concentrated a large power in making decisions in face of adverse contexts to ensure (his) conditions for success in majoritarian disputes


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Due to lack of work on the history of Baptist schools in the Northeast region of Brazil, it is important to understand through a historical reconstruction of the Baptist Protestant education. We embarked on this venture as a chance to understand the presence of Protestant schools, and his ideas on Brazilian soil. Our goal is to promote a reflection which has the axial dimension of the Baptists Protestant education, in time, we will place the debate between 1902-1942. The temporal boundaries of 1902-1942 was because 1902 was when he started the American Baptist College of Recife in 1942 and that ends the cycle of managing directors of Americans. Understand the functionality of time a school is justified when we realize that the history of education is the story of a work of self and formation within a framework that has the school as the main support that can enable a reading of reality. We also intend to examine the school culture brought to Brazil by American missionaries and their applicability in the Brazilian cultural-historical context. And just to demonstrate the hypothesis that the educational contribution of Baptists added to the participation of other Protestants promoted advances in Brazilian society. Possibly taking for granted that the Baptists were in possession of the democratic ideals of religious freedom, taken by many representatives and religious version of the republican regime. In addition to promoting a model in Brazil to make different methodological schools, based on the ideals of new school and ethics of the Bible. Our proposed research aims at understanding how North American missionaries settled in Brazil and what were the purposes of adding to the efforts of evangelization to formal education, binomial that justified the establishment of schools. A vision of saving men for evangelization and education of the Devil attack victims over the ethics of Christ


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To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.


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Os cem anos do fim da gestão do Barão do Rio Branco no Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil coincidem com um momento politicamente propício para se revisitar o legado do patrono da diplomacia brasileira, em especial o referente aos Estados Unidos e ao Prata, os dois principais eixos das relações externas do País. Examinam-se o teor das relações com a potência hegemônica do hemisfério e o caráter oscilante daquelas com a Argentina. A partir de fontes primárias e bibliográficas, o autor procura demonstrar que Rio Branco, além do fechamento dos limites do território nacional, firmou tendências e procedimentos que se incorporaram à tradição da diplomacia brasileira, analisando, para isso, a função do alinhamento Rio de Janeiro-Washington no conjunto da política externa do chanceler e o padrão das relações com o governo argentino, fatores que influenciaram seus movimentos no entorno geográfico. A política de prestígio desenvolvida por Rio Branco decorreu da aspiração em diferenciar seu país do conjunto de nações do segmento sul do hemisfério, identificadas com convulsões políticas e insolvência financeira.


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Over the last decades, the digital inclusion public policies have significantly invested in the purchase of hardwares and softwares in order to offer technology to the Brazilian public teaching institutions, specifically computers and broadband Internet. However, the teachers education to handle these artefacts is put away, even though there is some demand from the information society. With that, this dissertation chooses as an object of study the digital literacy practices performed by 38 (thirty-eight) teachers in initial and continuous education by means of the extension course Literacies and technologies: portuguese language teaching and cyberculture demands. In this direction, we aim at investigating the digital literacy practices of developing teachers in three specific moments: before, while and after this extension action with the intent to (i) delineate the digital literacy practices performed by the collaborators before the formative action; (ii) to narrate the literacy events made possible by the extension course; (iii) to investigate the contributions of the education course to the collaborators teaching practice. We sought theoretical contributions in the literacy studies (BAYNHAM, 1995; KLEIMAN, 1995; HAMILTON; BARTON; IVANIC, 2000), specifically when it comes to digital literacy (COPE, KALANTZIS, 2000; BUZATO, 2001, 2007, 2009; SNYDER, 2002, 2008; LANKSHEAR & KNOBEL, 2002, 2008) and teacher education (PERRENOUD, 2000; SILVA, 2001). Methodologically, this virtual ethnography study (KOZINETS, 1997; HINE, 2000) is inserted into the field of Applied Linguistics and adopts a quali-quantitative research approach (NUNAN, 1992; DÖRNYEI, 2006). The data analysis permitted to evidentiate that (i) before the course, the digital literacy practices focused on the personal and academic dimensions of their realities at the expense of the professional dimension; (ii) during the extension action, the teachers collaboratively took part in the hybrid study sessions, which had a pedagogical focus on the use of ICTs, accomplishing the use of digital literacy practices - unknown before that; (iii) after the course, the attitude of the collaborator teachers concerning the use of ICTs on their regular professional basis had changed, once those teachers started to effectively make use of them, promoting social visibility to what was produced in the school. We also observed that teachers in initial education acted as more experienced peers in collaborative learning process, offering support scaffolding (VYGOTSKY, 1978; BRUNER, 1985) to teachers in continuous education. This occurred because of the undergraduates actualize digital literacy practices were more sophisticated, besides the fact being integrate generation Y (PRENSKY, 2001)


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Com o objetivo de avaliar as características do consumo de medicamentos na população urbana de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, foram coletados dados, por meio de entrevistas domiciliares, de uma amostra da população que consumiu pelo menos um medicamento nos quinze dias que antecederam a data da entrevista. O estudo foi realizado no período de agosto a setembro de 1985. Verificou-se que 42,1% dos medicamentos utilizados foram adquiridos sem prescrição médica. O consumo entre o sexo feminino foi maior que para o sexo masculino. Na automedicação o grupo que apresentou taxa mais elevada, segundo a faixa etária, foi o de 50 anos e mais, com 31,6%. Grande parte do consumo de medicamentos constituiu-se dos industrializados (97,6%). As prescrições médicas, feitas em consultas anteriores, e avalia das como bem sucedidas foram retomadas em situações diversas (12,0%), revelando o importante papel que o médico desempenha na formação dos critérios de escolha dos remédios utilizados nas práticas de automedicação. O farmacêutico e/ou balconista de farmácia contribui com 10,0% dos medicamentos usados que tiveram essa via de indicação. As orientações feitas por amigos, vizinhos e parentes (9,1%) revelaram intenso circuito de trocas de socializações quanto aos quadros móbidos e indicações terapêuticas.


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We present results of research aiming to identify and analyze the meanings of teacher education in papers published over 23 years of Bolema, from 1985 to 2007. Specifically, we analyzed what the authors of the articles understood as teacher education and how they approached it in their projects, research, and interventions. We found that teacher education is characterized: by means of the definition of teacher education, its objectives and functions; from what is expected of the teacher at the end of the education process; from the disciplinary and/or pedagogical contents proposed in courses; from the practical activities proposed; through suggestions of courses and their curricular structures; from reflections on its limitations and possibilities.


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We analyze the Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity (TEGR) from the point of view of Hamilton-Jacobi approach for singular systems.


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We intend to analyse the constraint structure of Teleparallelism employing the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for singular systems. This study is conducted without using an ADM 3+1 decomposition and without fixing time gauge condition. It can be verified that the field equations constitute an integrable system.


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We generalize the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation for higher-order singular systems and obtain the equations of motion as total differential equations. To do this we first study the constraints structure present in such systems.


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In this work we present a formal generalization of the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, recently developed For singular systems, to include the case of Lagrangians containing variables which are elements of Berezin algebra. We derive the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for such systems, analyzing the singular case in order to obtain the equations of motion as total differential equations and study the integrability conditions for such equations. An example is solved using both Hamilton-Jacobi and Dirac's Hamiltonian formalisms and the results are compared. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this work, we analyze systems described by Lagrangians with higher order derivatives in the context of the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for first order actions. Two different approaches are studied here: the first one is analogous to the description of theories with higher derivatives in the hamiltonian formalism according to [D.M. Gitman, S.L. Lyakhovich, I.V. Tyutin, Soviet Phys. J. 26 (1983) 730; D.M. Gitman, I.V. Tyutin, Quantization of Fields with Constraints, Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, 1990] the second treats the case where degenerate coordinate are present, in an analogy to reference [D.M. Gitman, I.V. Tyutin, Nucl. Phys. B 630 (2002) 509]. Several examples are analyzed where a comparison between both approaches is made. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.