974 resultados para Gravitational segregation


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The surface morphology and crystallization behavior of a weakly segregated symmetric diblock copolymer, poly(styrene-b-6-caprolactone) (PS-b-PCL), in thin films were investigated by optical microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). When the samples were annealed in the molten state, surface-induced ordering, that is, relief structures with uniform thickness or droplets in the adsorbed monolayer, were observed depending on the annealing temperature. The polar PCL block preferred to wet the surface of a silicon wafer, while the PS block wet the air interface. This asymmetric wetting behavior led to the adsorbed monolayer with a PCL block layer having a thickness of around 4.0 nm. The crystallization of PCL blocks could overwhelm the microphase-separated structure because of the weak segregation. In situ observation of crystal growth indicated that the nucleation process preferred to occur at the edge of the thick parts of the film, that is, the relief structures or droplets. The crystal growth rate was presented by the time dependence of the distance between the tip of crystal clusters and the edge. At 22 and 17 degreesC, the average crystal growth rates were 55 +/- 10 and 18 +/- 4 nm/min, respectively.


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By addition of a small amount of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) into polystyrene (PS), we present a novel approach to inhibit the dewetting process of thin PS film through phase separation of the off-critical polymer mixture (PS/PMMA). Owing to the preferential segregation of PMMA to the solid SiOx substrate, a nanometer thick layer, rich in PMMA phase, is formed. It is this diffusive PMMA-rich phase layer near the substrate that alters the dewetting behavior of the PS film. The degree of inhibition of dewetting depends on the concentration and molecular weight of PMMA component. PMMA with low (15.9k) and intermediate (102.7k) molecular weight stabilizes the films more effectively than that with a higher molecular weight (387k).


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Metallocene, a newer generation of commercial polymerization catalysts for polyolefins, is best known for its "single sitednss", and the intermolecular structural homogeneity of metallocene polyethylene copolymer is a very interesting research issue. The molecular segregation effects on the crystallization, melting and crystal morphologies of metallocene SCBPE have been investigated with DSC and TEM. The multiple endothermic peaks were observed in the DSC thermograms during heating experiments. The heterogeneity increases as branching content increases, the lamellae becomes thinner, and lamellae distribution becomes broader. Both macroscopic segregation (between two crystal aggregates) and microscopic segreation (between two lamellae) have been observed when SCBPE crystallized from phase separated melt.


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Quantitative structure-retention relationship(QSRR) was studied for amines to gas-liquid chromatography on three stationary phases of different polarities with the topological indices A(m) (A(m1), A(m2), A(m3)) and gravitational index GI. The algorithm of "Leaps and Bounds" was performed for selection of the variables. And the multi-regression and the quasi-Newton neural networks were employed for the calculation with better results.


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The extended gravitational index G(Q) and quantum-chemical descriptors were calculated for the relationship analysis of aminoquinolines. An evolutionary algorithm was described for variable selection and building QSAR models. And the quasi-newton neural networks were employed with better results.


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The morphology and structure of the syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS)/atactic polystyrene (aPS) blends with various compositions have been studied by means of DSC, optical microscopy, SAXS, and WAXD. The results show that aPS is miscible with amorphous region of sPS. There is no macroscopic evidence that aPS forms separated domains in the blends. The decrease in crystallinity of sPS in the blends implies segregation of the aPS to the interfibrillar regions of the spherulites of sPS. The constancy of interlamellar distance and melting points indicates that the fibrillar structural units of sPS is unchanged on addition of aPS to sPS, and the unchanging parameters of the sPS unit cells mean that aPS does not enter the unit cells of sPS.


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Blends of chromophore-labeled LLDPE and chromophore-labeled PMMA compatibilized by block copolymer of hydrogenated polybutadiene and methyl methacrylate (PHB-b-PMMA) were studied by nonradiative energy transfer (NRET) technique. The ratio of fluorescence intensity of the donor at 336 nm and the acceptor at 408 nm (I-D/I-A) decreased with an increase in block copolymer content. At about 8 wt.-% block copolymer content I-D/I-A reached a minimum value, indicating the interdiffusion of LLDPE chains and PMMA chains in the interface is strongest. The influence of temperature on the interdiffusion of polymer chains in the interface was also examined. Samples quenched in liquid nitrogen from 140 degrees C showed lower energy transfer efficiencies than those annealed from 150 degrees C to room temperature.


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Blends of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with novel linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) samples in the whole range of compositions were investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD). The LLDPEs are ethylene/octene-1 copolymers prepared with a single-site catalyst, with a narrower distribution of branches compared to Ziegler-Natta type polymers. It was found that cocrystallization or separate crystallization in the blends profoundly depends on the content of branches in the LLDPE, while the critical branch content of the novel LLDPE for separate crystallization is much lower than that of commercial LLDPE (prepared with Ziegler-Natta catalysts). This implies that the miscibility of linear and branched polyethylene is also affected by the distribution of branches. The marked expansion of the unit cell in cocrystals, which are formed by HDPE with the novel LLDPE, indicates that the branches are included in the crystal lattice during the cocrystallization process. The result is very helpful to understand the phenomenon that the unit cell dimensions of commercial branched polyethylene are larger than those of linear polyethylene.


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Interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) have been synthesized from prepolymers that form miscible blends. All IPNs made from polyacrylate ((polyethylene glycol diacrylate), PEGDA) and epoxy (diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A, DGEBA) can be made in phase separated states by incorporating crosslinks. However, blends of these prepolymers, having a negative Flory-Huggins interaction parameter, are highly miscible. This indicates that formation of IPNs favours phase separation relative to blends. The microphase separation characteristics in the PEGDA/DGEBA IPNs were determined using smalt-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The Debye-Bueche and Guinier methods were used to calculate the correlation lengths of the segregated phases existing in the PEGDA/DGEBA IPNs. The results from SAXS showed that the size of the phase segregation zones changed with composition from about 50 to 100 Angstrom.


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Interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) based on polyacrylate (poly(polyethylene glycol diacrylate), PEGDA) and epoxy(diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A, DGEBA) were prepared simultaneously Dynamic mechanical properties of the SINs (simultaneous interpenetrating networks) with various compositions were studied. Enhanced mechanical properties were found in this case. From the point of view of pre-swollen networks, all of the PEGDA/DGEBA IPNs were composed of the individual pre-swollen networks. A micro-phase segregation system was produced in the SIN. Glass transition temperatures shifted inward, which was attributed to molecular packing effects or mutual-entanglements of molecular segments among the individual pre-swollen networks. In accordance with the additivity of properties, namely the parallel model, the entanglement density between the two polymer networks reached its maximum at 50/50 PEGDA/DGEBA IPN.


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The miscibility and crystallization behaviour of the blends of poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) with two thermoplastic polyimides (PI), PEI-E and YS-30, prepared by solution blending were studied by the use of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), differential scanning calorimetry (d.s.c.) and polarizing microscopy techniques. The results obtained show that PEEK/YS-30 is miscible, while PEEK/PEI-E is partially miscible only in the composition range with PEI-E content up to 20 wt%. The crystallization behaviour of PEEK in PEEK/PI blends depends on the crystallization condition of the blend sample as well as the chemical structure and the content of the PI added. Our SAXS results indicate that the segregation of PI molecular chains during crystallization of PEEK chains in the blends is interfibrillar for PEEK/PEI-E blends, but interlamellar for PEEK/YS-30 blends. The compatibility and the crystallization behaviour are discussed in terms of charge transfer interaction between PI and PI molecules and between PI and PEEK molecules.


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The structure and miscibility of polyimide PBPI-E/PTI-E blends were studied by wide- and small-angle X-ray scattering and dynamic mechanical analysis, where PBPI-E is a biphenyl-dianhydride-based polyimide, and PTI-E is a polyimide from 4,4'-thiodiphthalic anhydride and 4,4'-oxydianiline. The results obtained show that there exists a paracrystalline structure in the blends with high content of PBPI-E, but this does not affect the miscibility of the blends. The blends are miscible over the entire composition range, since only one T(g) was observed for each blend. Meanwhile, the segregation of PTI-E during crystallization of PBPI-E in the blends is interlamellar.


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Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri(Jones et Preston) is an economically important species in China. Understanding its immune system would be of great help in controlling diseases. In the present study, an important immunity-related gene, the Lipopolysaccharide and Beta-1,3-glucan Binding Protein (LGBP) gene, was located on C. farreri chromosomes by mapping several lgbp-containing BAC clones through fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Through the localization of various BAC clones, it was shown that only one locus of this gene existed in the genome of C. farreri, and that this was located on the long arm of a pair of homologous chromosomes. Molecular markers, consisting of eight single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) markers and one insertion-deletion (indel), were developed from the LGBP gene. Indel marker testing in an F1 family revealed slightly distorted segregation (p = 0.0472). These markers can be used to map the LGBP gene to the linkage map and assign the linkage group to the corresponding chromosome. Segregation distortion of the indel marker indicated genes with deleterious alleles might exist in the surrounding region of the LGBP gene.


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To establish a molecular-marker-assisted system of breeding and genetic study for Laminaria japonica Aresch., amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to construct a genetic linkage map of L. japonica featuring 230 progeny of F-2 cross population. Eighteen primer combinations produced 370 polymorphic loci and 215 polymorphic loci segregated in a 3:1 Mendelian segregation ratio (P <= 0.05). Of the 215 segregated loci, 142 were ordered into 27 linkage groups. The length of the linkage groups ranged from 6.7 to 90.3 centimorgans (cM) with an average length of 49.6 cM, and the total length was 1,085.8 cM, which covered 68.4% of the estimated 1,586.9 cM genome. The number of mapped markers on each linkage group ranged from 2 to 12, averaging 5.3 markers per group. The average density of the markers was 1 per 9.4 cM. Based on the marker density and the resolution of the map, the constructed linkage map can satisfy the need for quantitative trait locus (QTL) location and molecular-marker-assisted breeding for Laminaria.