998 resultados para Graphic Novel,Traduzione,Lavrenteva,fumetto russo


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Monalysin was recently described as a novel pore-forming toxin (PFT) secreted by the Drosophila pathogen Pseudomonas entomophila. Recombinant monalysin is multimeric in solution, whereas PFTs are supposed to be monomeric until target membrane association. Monalysin crystals were obtained by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method using PEG 8000 as precipitant. Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that monalysin crystals belonged to the monoclinic space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 162.4, b = 146.2, c = 144.4 Å, β = 122.8°, and diffracted to 2.85 Å resolution using synchrotron radiation. Patterson self-rotation analysis and Matthews coefficient calculation indicate that the asymmetric unit contains nine copies of monalysin. Heavy-atom derivative data were collected and a Ta6Br14 cluster derivative data set confirmed the presence of ninefold noncrystallographic symmetry.


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L'única novel·la publicada per la filòsofa Jeanne Hersch (Temps alternés, 1942) consisteix principalment en una reflexió sobre el temps i sobre la relació del subjecte amb l'Altre. Descriu dos tipus de temporalitat: un present etern, en què la narradora adolescent viu l'instant sense plantejar-se cap fita, i un present de maduresa fet de records i de projeccions cap al futur. Exposa també dues possibilitats de relació entre el subjecte i l'Altre: la separació total, marcada per l'hermetisme del propi cos, i la fusió, encarnada en el cos porós de la dona embarassada. Aquestes alternatives es resumeixen en l'oposició entre amor i desig.


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The aim of this work is to present a new concept, called on-line desorption of dried blood spots (on-line DBS), allowing the direct analysis of a dried blood spot coupled to liquid chromatography mass spectrometry device (LC/MS). The system is based on an inox cell which can receive a blood sample (10 microL) previously spotted on a filter paper. The cell is then integrated into LC/MS system where the analytes are desorbed out of the paper towards a column switching system ensuring the purification and separation of the compounds before their detection on a single quadrupole MS coupled to atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI) source. The described procedure implies that no pretreatment is necessary in spite the analysis is based on whole blood sample. To ensure the applicability of the concept, saquinavir, imipramine, and verapamil were chosen. Despite the use of a small sampling volume and a single quadrupole detector, on-line DBS allowed the analyses of these three compounds over their therapeutic concentrations from 50 to 500 ng/mL for imipramine and verapamil and from 100 to 1000 ng/mL for saquinavir. Moreover, the method showed good repeatability with relative standard deviation (RSD) lower than 15% based on two levels of concentration (low and high). Function responses were found to be linear over the therapeutic concentration for each compound and were used to determine the concentrations of real patient samples for saquinavir. Comparison of the founded values with those of a validated method used routinely in a reference laboratory showed a good correlation between the two methods. Moreover, good selectivity was observed ensuring that no endogenous or chemical components interfered with the quantitation of the analytes. This work demonstrates the feasibility and applicability of the on-line DBS procedure for bioanalysis.


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BACKGROUND: Trichoplax adhaerens is the best-known member of the phylum Placozoa, one of the earliest-diverging metazoan phyla. It is a small disk-shaped animal that glides on surfaces in warm oceans to feed on algae. Prior anatomical studies of Trichoplax revealed that it has a simple three-layered organization with four somatic cell types. RESULTS: We reinvestigate the cellular organization of Trichoplax using advanced freezing and microscopy techniques to identify localize and count cells. Six somatic cell types are deployed in stereotyped positions. A thick ventral plate, comprising the majority of the cells, includes ciliated epithelial cells, newly identified lipophil cells packed with large lipid granules, and gland cells. Lipophils project deep into the interior, where they alternate with regularly spaced fiber cells whose branches contact all other cell types, including cells of the dorsal and ventral epithelium. Crystal cells, each containing a birefringent crystal, are arrayed around the rim. Gland cells express several proteins typical of neurosecretory cells, and a subset of them, around the rim, also expresses an FMRFamide-like neuropeptide. CONCLUSIONS: Structural analysis of Trichoplax with significantly improved techniques provides an advance in understanding its cell types and their distributions. We find two previously undetected cell types, lipohil and crystal cells, and an organized body plan in which different cell types are arranged in distinct patterns. The composition of gland cells suggests that they are neurosecretory cells and could control locomotor and feeding behavior.


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Remorins form a superfamily of plant-specific plasma membrane/lipid-raft-associated proteins of unknown structure and function. Using specific antibodies, we localized tomato remorin 1 to apical tissues, leaf primordia and vascular traces. The deduced remorin protein sequence contains a predicted coiled coil-domain, suggesting its participation in protein-protein interactions. Circular dichroism revealed that recombinant potato remorin contains an alpha-helical region that forms a functional coiled-coil domain. Electron microscopy of purified preparations of four different recombinant remorins, one from potato, two divergent isologs from tomato, and one from Arabidopsis thaliana , demonstrated that the proteins form highly similar filamentous structures. The diameters of the negatively-stained filaments ranged from 4.6-7.4 nm for potato remorin 1, 4.3-6.2 nm for tomato remorin 1, 5.7-7.5 nm for tomato remorin 2, and 5.7-8.0 nm for Arabidopsis Dbp. Highly polymerized remorin 1 was detected in glutaraldehyde-crosslinked tomato plasma membrane preparations and a population of the protein was immunolocalized in tomato root tips to structures associated with discrete regions of the plasma membrane.


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Regulation of viral genome expression is the result of complex cooperation between viral proteins and host cell factors. We report here the characterization of a novel cellular factor sharing homology with the specific cysteine-rich C-terminal domain of the basic helix-loop-helix repressor protein I-mfa. The synthesis of this new factor, called HIC for Human I-mfa domain-Containing protein, is controlled at the translational level by two different codons, an ATG and an upstream non-ATG translational initiator, allowing the production of two protein isoforms, p32 and p40, respectively. We show that the HIC protein isoforms present different subcellular localizations, p32 being mainly distributed throughout the cytoplasm, whereas p40 is targeted to the nucleolus. Moreover, in trying to understand the function of HIC, we have found that both isoforms stimulate in T-cells the expression of a luciferase reporter gene driven by the human T-cell leukemia virus type I-long terminal repeat in the presence of the viral transactivator Tax. We demonstrate by mutagenesis that the I-mfa-like domain of HIC is involved in this regulation. Finally, we also show that HIC is able to down-regulate the luciferase expression from the human immunodeficiency virus type 1-long terminal repeat induced by the viral transactivator Tat. From these results, we propose that HIC and I-mfa represent two members of a new family of proteins regulating gene expression and characterized by a particular cysteine-rich C-terminal domain.


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Proteins are composed of a combination of discrete, well-defined, sequence domains, associated with specific functions that have arisen at different times during evolutionary history. The emergence of novel domains is related to protein functional diversification and adaptation. But currently little is known about how novel domains arise and how they subsequently evolve. To gain insights into the impact of recently emerged domains in protein evolution we have identified all human young protein domains that have emerged in approximately the past 550 million years. We have classified them into vertebrate-specific and mammalian-specific groups, and compared them to older domains. We have found 426 different annotated young domains, totalling 995 domain occurrences, which represent about 12.3% of all human domains. We have observed that 61.3% of them arose in newly formed genes, while the remaining 38.7% are found combined with older domains, and have very likely emerged in the context of a previously existing protein. Young domains are preferentially located at the N-terminus of the protein, indicating that, at least in vertebrates, novel functional sequences often emerge there. Furthermore, young domains show significantly higher non-synonymous to synonymous substitution rates than older domains using human and mouse orthologous sequence comparisons. This is also true when we compare young and old domains located in the same protein, suggesting that recently arisen domains tend to evolve in a less constrained manner than older domains. We conclude that proteins tend to gain domains over time, becoming progressively longer. We show that many proteins are made of domains of different age, and that the fastest evolving parts correspond to the domains that have been acquired more recently.


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Mutations in the FGD1 gene have been shown to cause Aarskog-Scott syndrome (AAS), or facio-digito-genital dysplasia (OMIM#305400), an X-linked disorder characterized by distinctive genital and skeletal developmental abnormalities with a broad spectrum of clinical phenotypes. To date, 20 distinct mutations have been reported, but little phenotypic data are available on patients with molecularly confirmed AAS. In the present study, we report on our experience of screening for mutations in the FGD1 gene in a cohort of 60 European patients with a clinically suspected diagnosis of AAS. We identified nine novel mutations in 11 patients (detection rate of 18.33%), including three missense mutations (p.R402Q; p.S558W; p.K748E), four truncating mutations (p.Y530X; p.R656X; c.806delC; c.1620delC), one in-frame deletion (c.2020_2022delGAG) and the first reported splice site mutation (c.1935+3A>C). A recurrent mutation (p.R656X) was detected in three independent families. We did not find any evidence for phenotype-genotype correlations between type and position of mutations and clinical features. In addition to the well-established phenotypic features of AAS, other clinical features are also reported and discussed.


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Gait analysis methods to estimate spatiotemporal measures, based on two, three or four gyroscopes attached on lower limbs have been discussed in the literature. The most common approach to reduce the number of sensing units is to simplify the underlying biomechanical gait model. In this study, we propose a novel method based on prediction of movements of thighs from movements of shanks. Datasets from three previous studies were used. Data from the first study (ten healthy subjects and ten with Parkinson's disease) were used to develop and calibrate a system with only two gyroscopes attached on shanks. Data from two other studies (36 subjects with hip replacement, seven subjects with coxarthrosis, and eight control subjects) were used for comparison with the other methods and for assessment of error compared to a motion capture system. Results show that the error of estimation of stride length compared to motion capture with the system with four gyroscopes and our new method based on two gyroscopes was close ( -0.8 ±6.6 versus 3.8 ±6.6 cm). An alternative with three sensing units did not show better results (error: -0.2 ±8.4 cm). Finally, a fourth that also used two units but with a simpler gait model had the highest bias compared to the reference (error: -25.6 ±7.6 cm). We concluded that it is feasible to estimate movements of thighs from movements of shanks to reduce number of needed sensing units from 4 to 2 in context of ambulatory gait analysis.


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Este artículo sintetiza los resultados y las principales conclusiones de una investigación realizada en la Universidad de Barcelona sobre el tema del portafolio docente, un fenómeno bastante reciente en el campo de la formación del profesorado en general, y en la del docente universitario en particular. La introducción de esta herramienta en la Enseñanza universitaria se debe a la Asociación Canadiense de Profesores de Universidad (en la década de los ochenta), que la empleó para la habilitación y la evaluación de docentes. Sin embargo, en este trabajo se parte de la idea de que los portafolios docentes tienen también una vertiente formativa y resultan útiles en la mejora y el desarrollo profesional del profesorado universitario novel. Explorar este aspecto es el objetivo de nuestro estudio. Se ha elegido, como campo de aplicación, el profesorado novel de la Universidad de Barcelona, que ha elaborado un portafolio docente en los cursos de Iniciación en la Docencia Universitaria. El enfoque usado ha sido cualitativo y como estrategia metodológica hemos optado por el estudio de casos múltiple, dado que la muestra está constituida por 10 profesores universitarios noveles de diferentes áreas de conocimiento. Para recoger y registrar la información, los instrumentos empleados fueron la entrevista en profundidad y el análisis de documentos. Los resultados apuntan a que el verdadero valor del portafolio docente reside en su potencial formativo y para el desarrollo profesional del profesorado universitario novel. También revelan que el portafolio es una herramienta valiosa para un nuevo profesionalismo docente, que se orienta a la reflexión sobre la propia práctica docente y al desarrollo de una enseñanza más acorde con las exigencias de la nueva sociedad del conocimiento.


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Pluripotency in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) is regulated by three transcription factors-OCT3/4, SOX2, and NANOG. To fully exploit the therapeutic potential of these cells it is essential to have a good mechanistic understanding of the maintenance of self-renewal and pluripotency. In this study, we demonstrate a powerful systems biology approach in which we first expand literature-based network encompassing the core regulators of pluripotency by assessing the behavior of genes targeted by perturbation experiments. We focused our attention on highly regulated genes encoding cell surface and secreted proteins as these can be more easily manipulated by the use of inhibitors or recombinant proteins. Qualitative modeling based on combining boolean networks and in silico perturbation experiments were employed to identify novel pluripotency-regulating genes. We validated Interleukin-11 (IL-11) and demonstrate that this cytokine is a novel pluripotency-associated factor capable of supporting self-renewal in the absence of exogenously added bFGF in culture. To date, the various protocols for hESCs maintenance require supplementation with bFGF to activate the Activin/Nodal branch of the TGFβ signaling pathway. Additional evidence supporting our findings is that IL-11 belongs to the same protein family as LIF, which is known to be necessary for maintaining pluripotency in mouse but not in human ESCs. These cytokines operate through the same gp130 receptor which interacts with Janus kinases. Our finding might explain why mESCs are in a more naïve cell state compared to hESCs and how to convert primed hESCs back to the naïve state. Taken together, our integrative modeling approach has identified novel genes as putative candidates to be incorporated into the expansion of the current gene regulatory network responsible for inducing and maintaining pluripotency.


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Despite major progress in T lymphocyte analysis in melanoma patients, TCR repertoire selection and kinetics in response to tumor Ags remain largely unexplored. In this study, using a novel ex vivo molecular-based approach at the single-cell level, we identified a single, naturally primed T cell clone that dominated the human CD8(+) T cell response to the Melan-A/MART-1 Ag. The dominant clone expressed a high-avidity TCR to cognate tumor Ag, efficiently killed tumor cells, and prevailed in the differentiated effector-memory T lymphocyte compartment. TCR sequencing also revealed that this particular clone arose at least 1 year before vaccination, displayed long-term persistence, and efficient homing to metastases. Remarkably, during concomitant vaccination over 3.5 years, the frequency of the pre-existing clone progressively increased, reaching up to 2.5% of the circulating CD8 pool while its effector functions were enhanced. In parallel, the disease stabilized, but subsequently progressed with loss of Melan-A expression by melanoma cells. Collectively, combined ex vivo analysis of T cell differentiation and clonality revealed for the first time a strong expansion of a tumor Ag-specific human T cell clone, comparable to protective virus-specific T cells. The observed successful boosting by peptide vaccination support further development of immunotherapy by including strategies to overcome immune escape.