922 resultados para Gram-Positive, Bacterial Infections


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Genomic approaches continue to provide unprecedented insight into the microbiome, yet host immune interactions with diverse microbiota can be difficult to study. We therefore generated a microbial microarray containing defined antigens isolated from a broad range of microbial flora to examine adaptive and innate immunity. Serological studies with this microarray show that immunoglobulins from multiple mammalian species have unique patterns of reactivity, whereas exposure of animals to distinct microbes induces specific serological recognition. Although adaptive immunity exhibited plasticity toward microbial antigens, immunological tolerance limits reactivity toward self. We discovered that several innate immune galectins show specific recognition of microbes that express self-like antigens, leading to direct killing of a broad range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive microbes. Thus, host protection against microbes seems to represent a balance between adaptive and innate immunity to defend against evolving antigenic determinants while protecting against molecular mimicry.


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The intensive and inappropriate use of antibiotics in both medicine and agriculture has selected for antibiotic resistant bacteria that cause severe problems in antibiotic therapy. In animal husbandry, antibiotics are used for therapeutic and preventive treatments of infectious diseases and as growth promoters. In Europe, many antibiotics used as growth promoters were of the same classes as important antibiotics used in human medicine. The European Union withdrew the authorization for the use of the major antimicrobial growth promoters between 1996 and 1999. In 1999 Switzerland decided to ban the use of all antimicrobials as growthpromoting feed additives. The regulations concerning antibiotic use in animal husbandry and the chronological reasons for the ban of antimicrobial growth promoters are described. This ban led to a decrease of the antibiotic volume deployed in agriculture. This measure helps to reduce the amount of antibiotic resistant bacteria in food-producing animals. However, the use of medicated feed is still a common practice to prevent and to remedy bacterial infections and thus still leads to resistant pathogens. Surveillance programs, single animal treatment, good manufacturing practices and vaccinations are additional measures to be taken to keep the level of resistances in bacteria low.


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Bacterial infections represent a rapidly growing challenge to human health. Aminoglycosides are widely used broad-spectrum antibiotics, but they inflict permanent hearing loss in up to ~50% of patients by causing selective sensory hair cell loss. Here, we hypothesized that reducing aminoglycoside entry into hair cells via mechanotransducer channels would reduce ototoxicity, and therefore we synthesized 9 aminoglycosides with modifications based on biophysical properties of the hair cell mechanotransducer channel and interactions between aminoglycosides and the bacterial ribosome. Compared with the parent aminoglycoside sisomicin, all 9 derivatives displayed no or reduced ototoxicity, with the lead compound N1MS 17 times less ototoxic and with reduced penetration of hair cell mechanotransducer channels in rat cochlear cultures. Both N1MS and sisomicin suppressed growth of E. coli and K. pneumoniae, with N1MS exhibiting superior activity against extended spectrum β lactamase producers, despite diminished activity against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. Moreover, systemic sisomicin treatment of mice resulted in 75% to 85% hair cell loss and profound hearing loss, whereas N1MS treatment preserved both hair cells and hearing. Finally, in mice with E. coli-infected bladders, systemic N1MS treatment eliminated bacteria from urinary tract tissues and serially collected urine samples, without compromising auditory and kidney functions. Together, our findings establish N1MS as a nonototoxic aminoglycoside and support targeted modification as a promising approach to generating nonototoxic antibiotics.


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CXCL14 is a chemokine with an atypical, yet highly conserved, primary structure characterized by a short N terminus and high sequence identity between human and mouse. Although it induces chemotaxis of monocytic cells at high concentrations, its physiological role in leukocyte trafficking remains elusive. In contrast, several studies have demonstrated that CXCL14 is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide that is expressed abundantly and constitutively in epithelial tissues. In this study, we further explored the antimicrobial properties of CXCL14 against respiratory pathogens in vitro and in vivo. We found that CXCL14 potently killed Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus mitis, and Streptococcus pneumoniae in a dose-dependent manner in part through membrane depolarization and rupture. By performing structure-activity studies, we found that the activity against Gram-negative bacteria was largely associated with the N-terminal peptide CXCL141-13. Interestingly, the central part of the molecule representing the β-sheet also maintained ∼62% killing activity and was sufficient to induce chemotaxis of THP-1 cells. The C-terminal α-helix of CXCL14 had neither antimicrobial nor chemotactic effect. To investigate a physiological function for CXCL14 in innate immunity in vivo, we infected CXCL14-deficient mice with lung pathogens and we found that CXCL14 contributed to enhanced clearance of Streptococcus pneumoniae, but not Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Our comprehensive studies reflect the complex bactericidal mechanisms of CXCL14, and we propose that different structural features are relevant for the killing of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Taken together, our studies show that evolutionary-conserved features of CXCL14 are important for constitutive antimicrobial defenses against pneumonia.


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Propionibacterium acnes is a Gram-positive commensal bacterium thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris. Although the ability of P. acnes in the initiation of pro-inflammatory responses is well documented, little is known about adaptive immune responses to this bacterium. The observation that infiltrating immune cells consist mainly of CD4(+) T cells in the perifollicular space of early acne lesions suggests that helper T cells may be involved in immune responses caused by the intra-follicular colonization of P. acnes. A recent report showing that P. acnes can induce IL-17 production by T cells suggests that acne might be a T helper type 17 (Th17)-mediated disease. In line with this, we show in this work that, in addition to IL-17A, both Th1 and Th17 effector cytokines, transcription factors, and chemokine receptors are strongly upregulated in acne lesions. Furthermore, we found that, in addition to Th17, P. acnes can promote mixed Th17/Th1 responses by inducing the concomitant secretion of IL-17A and IFN-γ from specific CD4(+) T cells in vitro. Finally, we show that both P. acnes-specific Th17 and Th17/Th1 cells can be found in the peripheral blood of patients suffering from acne and, at lower frequencies, in healthy individuals. We therefore identified P. acnes-responding Th17/Th1 cells as, to our knowledge, a previously unreported CD4(+) subpopulation involved in inflammatory acne.


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"Flare-up" reactions are late manifestations of severe T-cell-mediated drug hypersensitivity reactions. Management is anti-inflammatory treatment and avoiding unnecessary medicines. Symptoms like fever, lymph node swelling, and blood count abnormalities may lead to confusion with bacterial infections. For prompt recognition it is important to keep the differential diagnosis in mind.


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A CDP-diacylglycerol dependent phosphatidylserine synthase was detected in three species of gram-positive bacilli, viz. Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus megaterium; the enzyme in B. licheniformis was studied in detail. The subcellular distribution experiments in cell-free extracts of B. licheniformis using differential centrifugation, sucrose gradient centrifugation and detergent solubilization showed the phosphatidylserine synthase to be tightly associated with the membrane. The enzyme was shown to have an absolute requirement for divalent metal ion for activity with a strong preference for manganese. The enzyme activity was completely dependent upon the addition of CDP-diacylglycerol to the assay system; the role of the liponucleotide was rigorously shown to be that of phosphatidyl donor and not just a detergent-like stimulator. This enzyme was then solubilized from B. licheniformis membranes and purified to near homogeneity. The purification procedure consisted of CDP-diacylglycerol-Sepharose affinity chromatography followed by substrate elution from blue-dextran Sepharose. The purified preparation showed a single band with an apparent minimum molecular weight of 53,000 when subjected to SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The preparation was free of any phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase, CDP-diacylglycerol hydrolase and phosphatidylserine hydrolase activities. The utilization of substrates and formation of products occurred with the expected stoichiometry. Radioisotopic exchange patterns between related substrate and product pairs suggest a sequential BiBi reaction as opposed to the ping-pong mechanism exhibited by the well studied phosphatidylserine synthase of Escherichia coli. Proteolytic digestion of the enzyme yielded a smaller active form of the enzyme (41,000 daltons) which appears to be less prone to aggregation.^ This has been the first detailed study in a well-defined bacillus species of the enzyme catalyzing the CDP-diacylglycerol-dependent formation of phosphatidylserine; this reaction is the first committed step in the biosynthetic pathway to the major membrane component, phosphatidylethanolamine. Further study of this enzyme may lead to understanding of new mechanisms of phosphatidyl transfer and novel modes of control of phospholipid biosynthetic enzymes. ^


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The potential impact of periodontal disease, a suspected risk factor for systemic diseases, presents challenges for health promotion and disease prevention strategies. This study examined clinical, microbiological, and immunological factors in a disease model to identify potential biomarkers that may be useful in predicting the onset and severity of both inflammatory and destructive periodontal disease. This project used an historical cohort design based on data obtained from 47 adult, female nonhuman primates followed over a 6-year period for 5 unique projects where the ligature-induced model of periodontitis was utilized. Standardization of protocols for sample collection allowed for comparison over time. Bleeding and pocket depth measures were selected as the dependent variables of relevance to humans based upon the literature and historical observations. Exposure variables included supragingival plaque, attachment level, total bacteria, black-pigmented bacteria, Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, total IgG and IgA in crevicular fluid, specific IgG antibody in both crevicular fluid and serum, and IgG antibody to four select pathogenic microorganisms. Three approaches were used to analyze the data from this study. The first approach tested for differences in the means of the response variables within the group and among longitudinal observations within the group at each time point. The second approach examined the relationship among the clinical, microbiological, and immunological variables using correlation coefficients and stratified analyses. Multivariable models using GEE for repeated measures were produced as a predictive description of the induction and progression of gingivitis and periodontal disease. The multivariable models for bleeding (gingivitis) include supragingival plaque, total bacteria and total IgG while the second also contains supragingival plaque, Gram-positive bacteria, and total IgG. Two multivariable models emerged for periodontal disease. One multivariable model contains plaque, total bacteria, total IgG and attachment level. The second model includes black-pigmented bacteria, total bacteria, antibody to Campylobacter rectus, and attachment level. Utilization of the nonhuman primate model to prospectively examine causal hypotheses can provide a focus for human research on the mechanisms of progression from health to gingivitis to periodontitis. Ultimately, causal theories can guide strategies to prevent disease initiation and reduce disease severity. ^


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Caenorhabditis elegans has recently been developed as a model system to study both pathogen virulence mechanisms and host defense responses. We have shown that C. elegans produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) in response to exposure to the important Gram-positive, noscomial pathogen, Enterococcus faecalis. We have also shown evidence of oxidative stress and upregulation of stress response after exposure to the pathogen. As in mammalian systems, this work shows that production of ROS for innate immune functions occurs via an NADPH oxidase. Specifically, reducing expression of a dual oxidase, Ce-duox1/BLI-3 causes a decrease in ROS production in response to E. faecalis. We also present evidence that reduction of expression of Ce-duox1/BLI-3 increases susceptibility to this pathogen, specifically when expression is reduced in the intestine and the hypodermis. This dual oxidase has previously been localized to the hypodermis, but we show that it is additionally localized to the intestine of C. elegans. To further demonstrate the protective effects of the pathogen-induced ROS production, we demonstrate that antioxidants that scavenge ROS, increase the sensitivity of the nematode to the infection, in stark contrast to their longevity-promoting effects under non-pathogenic conditions. In conclusion, we postulate that the generation of ROS by NADPH oxidases in the barrier epithelium is an ancient, highly conserved innate immune defense mechanism.^


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The death of a mother in childbirth leaving a newborn deserted is a sort of a desecration. This was a frequent event for early physicians. It was felt to be caused by miasmas or punishment from the gods. DaVinci felt the cause was milk stasis, Hippocrates - lochia, Virchow - weather. Then came Semmelweis, Pasteur and Lister. They started a battle with ignorance, hospital administration, budget and academic politics. Ending with the murder of Semmelweis!


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Staphylococcus aureus is a common microorganism in humans, typically colonizing the nasopharynx, skin and other mucosal surfaces. It is among the most frequent causes of clinically-significant bacterial infections accounting for increased morbidity and mortality among individuals with HIV/AIDS. Evidence of higher colonization rates among high-risk HIV populations have been observed however, prevalence estimates have varied. Additionally, behavioral, biological, and/or environmental factors that may account for these high colonization rates are not understood. Previous literature on clinic-based surveys were subject to considerable biases. Additionally, representative samples of high-risk HIV populations were difficult to obtain due in part to an underrepresentation of individuals who may not regularly obtain health care. ^ The main objective of this project is to determine the prevalence of methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant (MRSA) nasal colonization in two populations: 1) men who have sex with men (MSM) and 2) injection drug users (IDU). Both of these populations are included in the third round of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (NHBS) in Houston, Texas. ^ In the NHBS-MSM3 study, logistic regression was used to report odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI). For the NHBS-IDU3 study, to account for the lack of independence between samples, the method of generalized estimating equations was utilized to report adjusted odds ratios and 95% CI. The NHBS-MSM3 study enrolled 202 participants with a MSSA colonization rate of 26.7% and MRSA rate of 3%. In the NHBS-IDU3 study, 18.4% were nasally colonized with MSSA and 5.7% were nasally colonized with MRSA. Among the NHBS-MSM3 population, high-risk sexual practices were associated with colonization. For the NHBS-IDU3 population, age, marital status, employment status, and the presence of scabs, were associated with colonization status when controlling for size of recruitment network. In multivariate GEE analyses, the use of antiretroviral medications and age remained significantly associated with S. aureus nasal colonization when controlling for size of recruitment network and gender. In both studies, a significantly higher than expected S. aureus and MRSA colonization rate was observed as compared to colonization rates described for the general population. However, these estimates were moderate in comparison to reported clinic-based MSM and IDU S. aureus colonization findings. This study validates substantial prevalence differences and biases that may exist with data collected from clinic-based MSM and IDU. The prevalence of MSSA and MRSA nasal colonization did not differ significantly with respect to HIV status among NHBS-MSM3/NHBS-IDU3 participants. Continued examination on the effects of S. aureus colonization and infection should be examined longitudinally to confirm additional community-based determinants in populations that are disproportionately affected.^


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Phospholipid fatty acids were measured in samples of 60°-130°C sediment taken from three holes at Site 1036 (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 169) to determine microbial community structure and possible community replacement at high temperatures. Five of six samples had similar concentrations of phospholipid fatty acids (2-6 pmol/g dry weight of sediment), and biomass estimates from these measurements compare favorably with direct microscopic counts, lending support to previous microscopic measures of deep sedimentary biomass. Very long-chain phospholipid fatty acids (21 to 30 carbons) were detected in the sediment and were up to half the total phospholipid fatty acid measured; they appear to increase in abundance with temperature, but their significance is not known. Community composition from lipid analysis showed that samples contained standard eubacterial membrane lipids but no detectable archaeal lipids, though archaea would be expected to dominate the samples at high temperatures. Cluster analysis of Middle Valley phospholipid fatty acid compositions shows that lipids in Middle Valley sediment samples are similar to each other at all temperatures, with the exception of very long-chain fatty acids. The data neither support nor deny a shift to a high-temperature microbial community in hot cores, so at the present time we cannot draw conclusions about whether the microbes observed in these hot sediments are active.


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The host response to Gram-negative bacterial infection is influenced by two homologous lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-interactive proteins, LPS-binding protein (LBP) and the bacteridical/permeability-increasing protein (BPI). Both proteins bind LPS via their N-terminal domains but produce profoundly different effects: BPI and a bioactive N-terminal fragment BPI-21 exert a selective and potent antibacterial effect upon Gram-negative bacteria and suppress LPS bioactivity whereas LBP is not toxic toward Gram-negative bacteria and potentiates LPS bioactivity. The latter effect of LBP requires the C-terminal domain for delivery of LPS to CD14, so we postulated that the C-terminal region of BPI may serve a similar delivery function but to distinct targets. LBP, holoBPI, BPI-21, and LBP/BPI chimeras were compared for their ability to promote uptake by human phagocytes of an encapsulated, phagocytosis-resistant strain of Escherichia coli. We show that only bacteria preincubated with holoBPI are ingested by neutrophils and monocytes. These findings suggest that, when extracellular holoBPI is bound via its N-terminal domain to Gram-negative bacteria, the C-terminal domain promotes bacterial attachment to neutrophils and monocytes, leading to phagocytosis. Therefore, analogous to the role of the C-terminal domain of LBP in delivery of LPS to CD14, the C-terminal domain of BPI may fulfill a similar function in BPI-specific disposal pathways for Gram-negative bacteria.


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The three genes, gatC, gatA, and gatB, which constitute the transcriptional unit of the Bacillus subtilis glutamyl-tRNAGln amidotransferase have been cloned. Expression of this transcriptional unit results in the production of a heterotrimeric protein that has been purified to homogeneity. The enzyme furnishes a means for formation of correctly charged Gln-tRNAGln through the transamidation of misacylated Glu-tRNAGln, functionally replacing the lack of glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase activity in Gram-positive eubacteria, cyanobacteria, Archaea, and organelles. Disruption of this operon is lethal. This demonstrates that transamidation is the only pathway to Gln-tRNAGln in B. subtilis and that glutamyl-tRNAGln amidotransferase is a novel and essential component of the translational apparatus.


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The spread of bacteria resistant to antimicrobial agents calls for population-wide treatment strategies to delay or reverse the trend toward antibiotic resistance. Here we propose new criteria for the evaluation of the population-wide effects of treatment protocols for directly transmitted bacterial infections and discuss different usage patterns for single and multiple antibiotic therapy. A mathematical model suggests that the long-term benefit of single drug treatment from introduction of the antibiotic until a high frequency of resistance precludes its use is almost independent of the pattern of antibiotic use. When more than one antibiotic is employed, sequential use of different antibiotics in the population (“cycling”) is always inferior to treatment strategies where, at any given time, equal fractions of the population receive different antibiotics. However, treatment of all patients with a combination of antibiotics is in most cases the optimal treatment strategy.