957 resultados para Gram-Negative Infection
Type III secretion systems of Gram-negative bacteria are specific export machineries for virulence factors which allow their translocation to eukaryotic cells. Since they correlate with bacterial pathogenicity, their presence is used as a general indicator of bacterial virulence. By comparing the genetic relationship of the major type III secretion systems we found the family of genes encoding the inner-membrane channel proteins represented by the Yersinia enterocolitica lcrD (synonym yscV) and its homologous genes from other species an ideal component for establishing a general detection approach for type III secretion systems. Based on the genes of the lcrD family we developed gene probes for Gram-negative human, animal and plant pathogens. The probes comprise lcrD from Y. enterocolitica, sepA from enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, invA from Salmonella typhimurium, mxiA from Shigella sonnei, as well as hrcV from Erwinia amylovora. In addition we included as a control probe the flhA gene from E. coli K-12 to validate our approach. FlhA is part of the flagellar export apparatus which shows a high degree of similarity with type III secretions systems, but is not involved in pathogenicity. The probes were evaluated by screening a series of pathogenic as well as non-pathogenic bacteria. The probes detected type III secretion in pathogens where such systems were either known or were expected to be present, whereas no positive hybridization signals could be found in non-pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. Gram-positive bacteria were devoid of known type III secretion systems. No interference due to the genetic similarity between the type III secretion system and the flagellar export apparatus was observed. However, potential type III secretion systems could be detected in bacteria where no such systems have been described yet. The presented approach provides therefore a useful tool for the assessment of the virulence potential of bacterial isolates of human, animal and plant origin. Moreover, it is a powerful means for a first safety assessment of poorly characterized strains intended to be used in biotechnological applications.
RTX toxins (repeats in the structural toxin) are pore-forming protein toxins produced by a broad range of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. In vitro, RTX toxins mostly exhibit a cytotoxic and often also a hemolytic activity. They are particularly widespread in species of the family Pasteurellaceae which cause infectious diseases, most frequently in animals but also in humans. Most RTX toxins are proteins with a molecular mass of 100-200 kDa and are post-translationally activated by acylation via a specific activator protein. The repeated structure of RTX toxins, which gave them their name, is composed of iterative glycine-rich nonapeptides binding Ca2+ on the C-terminal half of the protein. Genetic analysis of RTX toxins of various species of Pasteurellaceae and of a few other Gram-negative bacteria gave evidence of horizontal transfer of genes encoding RTX toxins and led to speculations that RTX toxins might have originated from Pasteurellaceae. The toxic activities of RTX toxins in host cells may lead to necrosis and apoptosis and the underlying detailed mechanisms are currently under investigation. The impact of RTX toxins in pathogenicity and the immune responses of the host were described for several species of Pasteurellaceae. Neutralizing antibodies were shown to significantly reduce the cytotoxic activity of RTX toxins. They constitute a valuable strategy in the development of immuno-prophylactics against several animal diseases caused by pathogenic species of Pasteurellaceae. Although many RTX toxins possess cytotoxic and hemolytic activities toward a broad range of cells and erythrocytes, respectively, a few RTX toxins were shown to have cytotoxic activity only against cells of specific hosts and/or show cell-type specificity. Further evidence exists that RTX toxins play a potential role in host specificity of certain pathogens.
The mycobacterial cell envelope is fascinating in several ways. First, its composition is unique by the exceptional lipid content, which consists of very long-chain (up to C90) fatty acids, the so-called mycolic acids, and a variety of exotic compounds. Second, these lipids are atypically organized into a Gram-negative-like outer membrane (mycomembrane) in these Gram-positive bacteria, as recently revealed by CEMOVIS, and this mycomembrane also contains pore-forming proteins. Third, the mycolic acids esterified a holistic heteropolysaccharide (arabinogalacan), which in turn is linked to the peptidoglycan to form the cell wall skeleton (CWS). In slow-growing pathogenic mycobacterial species, this giant structure is surrounded by a capsular layer composed mainly of polysaccharides, primarily a glycogen-like glucan. The CWS is separated from the plasma membrane by a periplasmic space. A challenging research avenue for the next decade comprises the identification of the components of the uptake and secretion machineries and the isolation and biochemical characterization of the mycomembrane.
Inactivation by allelic exchange in clinical isolates of the emerging nosocomial pathogen Enterococcus faecium has been hindered by lack of efficient tools, and, in this study, transformation of clinical isolates was found to be particularly problematic. For this reason, a vector for allelic replacement (pTEX5500ts) was constructed that includes (i) the pWV01-based gram-positive repAts replication region, which is known to confer a high degree of temperature intolerance, (ii) Escherichia coli oriR from pUC18, (iii) two extended multiple-cloning sites located upstream and downstream of one of the marker genes for efficient cloning of flanking regions for double-crossover mutagenesis, (iv) transcriptional terminator sites to terminate undesired readthrough, and (v) a synthetic extended promoter region containing the cat gene for allelic exchange and a high-level gentamicin resistance gene, aph(2'')-Id, to distinguish double-crossover recombination, both of which are functional in gram-positive and gram-negative backgrounds. To demonstrate the functionality of this vector, the vector was used to construct an acm (encoding an adhesin to collagen from E. faecium) deletion mutant of a poorly transformable multidrug-resistant E. faecium endocarditis isolate, TX0082. The acm-deleted strain, TX6051 (TX0082Deltaacm), was shown to lack Acm on its surface, which resulted in the abolishment of the collagen adherence phenotype observed in TX0082. A mobilizable derivative (pTEX5501ts) that contains oriT of Tn916 to facilitate conjugative transfer from the transformable E. faecalis strain JH2Sm::Tn916 to E. faecium was also constructed. Using this vector, the acm gene of a nonelectroporable E. faecium wound isolate was successfully interrupted. Thus, pTEX5500ts and its mobilizable derivative demonstrated their roles as important tools by helping to create the first reported allelic replacement in E. faecium; the constructed this acm deletion mutant will be useful for assessing the role of acm in E. faecium pathogenesis using animal models.
Type IV secretion (T4S) systems translocate DNA and protein effectors through the double membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. The paradigmatic T4S system in Agrobacterium tumefaciens is assembled from 11 VirB subunits and VirD4. Two subunits, VirB9 and VirB7, form an important stabilizing complex in the outer membrane. We describe here the NMR structure of a complex between the C-terminal domain of the VirB9 homolog TraO (TraO(CT)), bound to VirB7-like TraN from plasmid pKM101. TraO(CT) forms a beta-sandwich around which TraN winds. Structure-based mutations in VirB7 and VirB9 of A. tumefaciens show that the heterodimer interface is conserved. Opposite this interface, the TraO structure shows a protruding three-stranded beta-appendage, and here, we supply evidence that the corresponding region of VirB9 of A. tumefaciens inserts in the membrane and protrudes extracellularly. This complex structure elucidates the molecular basis for the interaction between two essential components of a T4S system.
Type IV secretion systems (T4SS) translocate DNA and protein substrates across prokaryotic cell envelopes generally by a mechanism requiring direct contact with a target cell. Three types of T4SS have been described: (i) conjugation systems, operationally defined as machines that translocate DNA substrates intercellularly by a contact-dependent process; (ii) effector translocator systems, functioning to deliver proteins or other macromolecules to eukaryotic target cells; and (iii) DNA release/uptake systems, which translocate DNA to or from the extracellular milieu. Studies of a few paradigmatic systems, notably the conjugation systems of plasmids F, R388, RP4, and pKM101 and the Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB/VirD4 system, have supplied important insights into the structure, function, and mechanism of action of type IV secretion machines. Information on these systems is updated, with emphasis on recent exciting structural advances. An underappreciated feature of T4SS, most notably of the conjugation subfamily, is that they are widely distributed among many species of gram-negative and -positive bacteria, wall-less bacteria, and the Archaea. Conjugation-mediated lateral gene transfer has shaped the genomes of most if not all prokaryotes over evolutionary time and also contributed in the short term to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance and other virulence traits among medically important pathogens. How have these machines adapted to function across envelopes of distantly related microorganisms? A survey of T4SS functioning in phylogenetically diverse species highlights the biological complexity of these translocation systems and identifies common mechanistic themes as well as novel adaptations for specialized purposes relating to the modulation of the donor-target cell interaction.
Type IV secretion systems (T4SS) translocate DNA and protein substrates across prokaryotic cell envelopes generally by a mechanism requiring direct contact with a target cell. Three types of T4SS have been described: (i) conjugation systems, operationally defined as machines that translocate DNA substrates intercellularly by a contact-dependent process; (ii) effector translocator systems, functioning to deliver proteins or other macromolecules to eukaryotic target cells; and (iii) DNA release/uptake systems, which translocate DNA to or from the extracellular milieu. Studies of a few paradigmatic systems, notably the conjugation systems of plasmids F, R388, RP4, and pKM101 and the Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB/VirD4 system, have supplied important insights into the structure, function, and mechanism of action of type IV secretion machines. Information on these systems is updated, with emphasis on recent exciting structural advances. An underappreciated feature of T4SS, most notably of the conjugation subfamily, is that they are widely distributed among many species of gram-negative and -positive bacteria, wall-less bacteria, and the Archaea. Conjugation-mediated lateral gene transfer has shaped the genomes of most if not all prokaryotes over evolutionary time and also contributed in the short term to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance and other virulence traits among medically important pathogens. How have these machines adapted to function across envelopes of distantly related microorganisms? A survey of T4SS functioning in phylogenetically diverse species highlights the biological complexity of these translocation systems and identifies common mechanistic themes as well as novel adaptations for specialized purposes relating to the modulation of the donor-target cell interaction.
Upon sensing of peptide pheromone, Enterococcus faecalis efficiently transfers plasmid pCF10 through a type IV secretion (T4S) system to recipient cells. The PcfF accessory factor and PcfG relaxase initiate transfer by catalyzing strand-specific nicking at the pCF10 origin of transfer sequence (oriT). Here, we present evidence that PcfF and PcfG spatially coordinate docking of the pCF10 transfer intermediate with PcfC, a membrane-bound putative ATPase related to the coupling proteins of gram-negative T4S machines. PcfC and PcfG fractionated with the membrane and PcfF with the cytoplasm, yet all three proteins formed several punctate foci at the peripheries of pheromone-induced cells as monitored by immunofluorescence microscopy. A PcfC Walker A nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) binding site mutant (K156T) fractionated with the E. faecalis membrane and also formed foci, whereas PcfC deleted of its N-terminal putative transmembrane domain (PcfCDelta N103) distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. Native PcfC and mutant proteins PcfCK156T and PcfCDelta N103 bound pCF10 but not pcfG or Delta oriT mutant plasmids as shown by transfer DNA immunoprecipitation, indicating that PcfC binds only the processed form of pCF10 in vivo. Finally, purified PcfCDelta N103 bound DNA substrates and interacted with purified PcfF and PcfG in vitro. Our findings support a model in which (i) PcfF recruits PcfG to oriT to catalyze T-strand nicking, (ii) PcfF and PcfG spatially position the relaxosome at the cell membrane to stimulate substrate docking with PcfC, and (iii) PcfC initiates substrate transfer through the pCF10 T4S channel by an NTP-dependent mechanism.
It is widely accepted that the emergence of drug-resistant pathogens is the result of the overuse and misuse of antibiotics. Infectious Disease Society of America, Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization continue to view, with concern, the lack of antibiotics in development, especially those against Gram-negative bacteria. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have been proposed as an alternative to antibiotics due to their selective activity against microbes and minor ability to induce resistance. For example, the Food and Drug Administration approved Daptomycin (DAP) in 2003 for treatment of severe skin infections caused by susceptible Gram-positive organisms. Currently, there are 12 to 15 examples of modified natural and synthetic AMPs in clinical development. But most of these agents are against Gram-positive bacteria. Therefore, there is unmet medical need for antimicrobials used to treat infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria. In this study, we show that a pro-apoptotic peptide predominantly used in cancer therapy, (KLAKLAK)2, is an effective antimicrobial against Gram-negative laboratory strains and clinical isolates. Despite the therapeutic promise, AMPs development is hindered by their susceptibility to proteolysis. Here, we demonstrate that an all-D enantiomer of (KLAKLAK)2, resistant to proteolysis, retains its activity against Gram-negative pathogens. In addition, we have elucidated the specific site and mechanism of action of D(KLAKLAK)2 through a repertoire of whole-cell and membrane-model assays. Although it is considered that development of resistance does not represent an obstacle for AMPs clinical development, strains with decreased susceptibility to these compounds have been reported. Staphylococci resistance to DAP was observed soon after its approval for use and has been linked to alterations of the cell wall (CW) and cellular membrane (CM) properties. Immediately following staphylococcal resistance, Enterococci resistance to DAP was seen, yet the mechanism of resistance in enterococci remains unknown. Our findings demonstrate that, similar to S. aureus, development of DAP-resistance in a vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis isolate is associated with alterations of the CW and properties of the CM. However, the genes linked to these changes in enterococci appear to be different from those described in S. aureus.
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) is a gram-negative coccobacillus implicated as a major pathogen in juvenile periodontitis. The immunosuppressive activity of a sonic extract (designated 100SN) derived from Aa was investigated. 100SN suppressed spontaneous proliferation as well as proliferative response to the mitogens, PHA and PWM, of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). 100SN-induced suppression of PHA-stimulated proliferation was heat-sensitive, inactivated by pronase and trypsin, dose-dependent and non-cytotoxic. There were no significant changes in the CD4$\sp+$ or CD8$\sp+$ subsets of PBMC after 7-day incubation with 100SN. There was a trend toward increased levels of the CD4$\sp+$CD45R$\sp{\rm hi}$CDw29$\sp{\rm lo}$ (naive cells, associated with suppressor-inducer activity) and CD4$\sp+$CDw29$\sp{\rm hi}$CD45R$\sp{\rm lo}$ (memory cells, associated with helper-inducer activity) subsets. The target of 100SN appeared to be the non-adherent cells and suppression by 100SN could not be reversed by indomethacin (IDM), the cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor of prostaglandin (PG) synthesis. The mechanism of 100SN-induced suppression was studied in terms of inhibition involving IL-2-regulated T cell proliferation and the results point to the possibility that suppression occurred subsequent to IL-2 receptor binding.^ The suppressive activity observed could occur through multiple mechanisms including cell-cell; contact or release of soluble factors. Supernatants derived from 7-day cultures of PBMC and 100SN (designated CSN-A) were able to suppress proliferative response of PBMC to PHA without affecting cell viability. Analysis of CSN-A showed that it contained PGE2 and soluble IL-2 receptors. Suppression by CSN-A could be partially overcome by either IDM or exogenous IL-2. Significant suppression was also maintained when both IDM and exogenous IL-2 were added at the same time. These findings suggest that PGE2 and soluble IL-2 receptors contribute to the suppression observed but other suppressive cytokine(s) may be involved. Collectively, the data indicate that a factor derived from oral bacteria associated with juvenile periodontitis have profound effects on cellular immune responses, and that these effects may be partially mediated by secondary factors produced by the host in response to the bacteria. ^
Genomic libraries of two Enterococcus faecalis strains, OG1RF and TX52 (an isolate from an endocarditis patient), were constructed in Escherichia coli and were screened with serum from a rabbit immunized with surface proteins of an E. faecalis endocarditis isolate and sera from four patients with enterococcal endocarditis. Thirty-eight immunopositive cosmid clones reacted with at least two of the patient sera and contained distinct inserts based on their DNA restriction patterns. These were chosen for further subcloning in a pBluescript SK ($-$) vector. Each sublibrary was screened with one of the five sera. Analysis of sequences from the immunopositive subclones revealed similarities to a range of proteins, including bacterial virulence factors, transporters, two-component regulators, metabolic enzymes, and membrane or cell surface proteins. Fourteen subclones did not show significant similarity to any sequence in the databases and may contain novel genes. Thirteen of the immunopositive cosmid clones did not yield immunopositive subclones and one such cosmid clone, TX5159, produced an antigenic polysaccharide in Escherichia coli. The insert of TX5159 was found to contain a multicistronic gene cluster containing genes similar to those involved in the biosynthesis and export of polysaccharides from both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms. Insertions in several genes within the cluster abolished the immunoreactivity of TX5159. RT-PCR of genes within the cluster with total RNA from OG1RF showed that these genes are transcribed. The polysaccharide was detected in two recently reported E. faecalis mucoid strains using specific antibody, but not in the other strains tested. This is the first report on a gene cluster of E. faecalis involved in the biosynthesis of an antigenic polysaccharide. ^
Myelosuppression is a common side effect of anticancer agents such as cisplatin. This makes patients more susceptible to infections. Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that is very effective in the treatment of gram negative infections. Both these drugs are excreted by the kidney, and are also nephrotoxic. Thus, each may affect the disposition of the other. This project deals with the nature and duration of the effects of cisplatin on gentamicin pharmacokinetics in F-344 rats.^ The appropriate cisplatin dose was determined by comparing the nephrotoxicity of four intravenous doses--3, 4, 5, and 6 mg/kg. The 6 mg/kg dose gave the most consistent nephrotoxic effect, with peak plasma urea nitrogen and creatinine levels on the 7th day. Plasma and tissue gentamicin levels were compared between rats given gentamicin alone (30 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, twice a day for four days), and those given cisplatin (6 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) with the first gentamicin dose. Cisplatin caused a significant elevation of gentamicin levels in plasma, liver, and spleen. However, cisplatin given in three weekly doses of 2 mg/kg each, had no effect on plasma or tissue gentamicin levels.^ In order to determine the duration of cisplatin effects, a single dose of gentamicin (30 mg/kg, intravenously) was given to different groups of rats either alone, or on day 1, 4, 7, 15, or 29 following cisplatin (6 mg/kg, intravenously on day 1). Plasma samples were collected through a cannula placed on the external jugular vein at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 hours after gentamicin; the rats were sacrificed at 24 hours. Cisplatin caused a significant decrease in gentamicin excretion and an elevation of gentamicin levels in plasma, kidneys, liver, and spleen at all the time points that were tested, except with concomitant administration. Plasma urea nitrogen was elevated, and creatinine clearance decreased by the 4th day after cisplatin and these continued to be significantly different even on the 29th day after cisplatin.^ These results demonstrate that cisplatin nephrotoxicity reduced gentamicin excretion for at least a month in F-344 rats. This could increase the risk of toxicity from the second drug by elevating its levels in plasma and tissue. Thus, caution should be exercised when renally excreted drugs are given after cisplatin. ^
PURPOSE Infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in pediatric cancer patients. The aim of this study was to establish the microbiological spectrum and the susceptibility patterns of bacteremia-causing bacteria in pediatric cancer patients with febrile neutropenia in relation to the use of prophylactic and empirical antibiotics. METHODS We analyzed positive blood cultures of pediatric cancer patients presenting with febrile neutropenia between 2004 and 2011 in Groningen and Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and in Bern (Switzerland), using different antibiotic prophylactic and empirical regimens. RESULTS A total of 156 patients with 202 bacteremias, due to 248 bacteria species, were enrolled. The majority (73%) of bacteremias were caused by Gram-positive bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria, especially Pseudomonas aeruginosa, were observed significantly more often in Bern, where no fluoroquinolone prophylaxis was used. Ciprofloxacin-resistant bacteria were cultured more often from patients who did receive ciprofloxacin prophylaxis, compared to the patients who did not (57 versus 11%, p = 0.044). CONCLUSIONS Gram-positive bacteria predominated in this study. We showed that the use of prophylactic antibiotics in pediatric cancer patients was associated with increased resistance rates, which needs further study. The strategy for empiric antimicrobial therapy for febrile neutropenia should be adapted to local antibiotic resistance patterns.
Temporal dynamics create unique and often ephemeral conditions that can influence soil microbial biogeography at different spatial scales. This study investigated the relation between decimeter to meter spatial variability of soil microbial community structure, plant diversity, and soil properties at six dates from April through November. We also explored the robustness of these interactions over time. An historically unfertilized, unplowed grassland in southwest Germany was selected to characterize how seasonal variability in the composition of plant communities and substrate quality changed the biogeography of soil microorganisms at the plot scale (10 m x 10 m). Microbial community spatial structure was positively correlated with the local environment, i.e. physical and chemical soil properties, in spring and autumn, while the density and diversity of plants had an additional effect in the summer period. Spatial relationships among plant and microbial communities were detected only in the early summer and autumn periods when aboveground biomass increase was most rapid and its influence on soil microbial communities was greatest due to increased demand by plants for nutrients. Individual properties exhibited varying degrees of spatial structure over the season. Differential responses of Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial communities to seasonal shifts in soil nutrients were detected. We concluded that spatial distribution patterns of soil microorganisms change over a season and that chemical soil properties are more important controlling factors than plant density and diversity. Finer spatial resolution, such as the mm to cm scale, as well as taxonomic resolution of microbial groups, could help determine the importance of plant species density, composition, and growth stage in shaping microbial community composition and spatial patterns. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Technological advances in gear and fishing practices have driven the global expansion of the American lobster live seafood market. These changes have had a positive effect on the lobster industry by increasing capture efficiency. However, it is unknown what effect these improved methods will have on the post-capture fitness and survival of lobsters. This project utilized a repeated measures design to compare the physiological changes that occur in lobsters over time as the result of differences in depth, hauling rate, and storage methodology. The results indicate that lobsters destined for long distance transport or temporary storage in pounds undergo physiological disturbance as part of the capture process. These changes are significant over time for total hemocyte counts, crustacean hyperglycemic hormone, L-lactate, ammonia, and glucose. Repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for glucose indicates a significant interaction between depth and storage methodology over time for non-survivors. A Gram-negative bacterium, Photobacterium indicum, was identified in pure culture from hemolymph samples of 100% of weak lobsters. Histopathology revealed the presence of Gram-negative bacteria throughout the tissues with evidence of antemortem edema and necrosis suggestive of septicemia. On the basis of these findings, we recommend to the lobster industry that if a reduction in depth and hauling rate is not economically feasible, fishermen should take particular care in handling lobsters and provide them with a recovery period in recirculating seawater prior to land transport. The ecological role of P. indicum is not fully defined at this time. However, it may be an emerging opportunistic pathogen of stressed lobsters. Judicious preemptive antibiotic therapy may be necessary to reduce mortality in susceptible lobsters destined for high-density holding facilities.