943 resultados para Gold mines and mining
This investigation assessed the applicability of Dr. William Haddon’s strategies for controlling hazards involving materials-handling operations in industrial and mining workplaces. Published over 20 years ago, Haddon’s strategies purport to include all strategies for preventing and mitigating harm to people, property, and the environment. Students in an undergraduate class were assigned to find tactical examples of each of Haddon’s strategies applicable to material handling. Haddon’s tenth strategy involving medical care and rehabilitation was not included. Their classifications were analyzed to identify points of confusion as well as points of general agreement. Students found numerous tactics for strategies involving engineering and behavioral strategies. Fewer tactics were identified for strategies involving damage control through effective and timely response.
In this issue...Engineering Days, Mine Rescue and First Aid, Chemistry Department, Mineral Club, Anderson-Carlisle Society, Honor Roll, Continental Oil Company, Intramural basketball
In this issue...M Days, beard contest, Anderson - Carlisle Society, Honor Roll, South Africa, Magma, International Club, First Aid, Bob Hauck, Continental Oil Company, Montana Power
in this issue...Sweetheart Swirl Dance, R J Trio, Air Force Base, Civil Rights, Bill Barry's Boxing Club, International Club, Donald E. Mahagin, Main Hall
General information on talc, including foreign and United States occurrences, origin, and uses is covered. Montana deposits are discussed in greater detail as to location, geology, mineralogy, and mining. Studies of talc by petrographic and x-ray methods and an experiment to determine the porosity are described and discussed.
Therapeutic strategies based on experience with 119 patients with juvenile chronic arthritis are reviewed. Therapeutic goals are formulated and the means of attaining them (NSAIDs, the so-called disease modifying drugs gold, chloroquine and penicillamine, the antimetabolite methotrexate, intra-articular and systemic corticosteroids, physio- and ergotherapy, technical and orthopedic measures, as well as vocational and medicosocial aspects) are discussed. As the individual prognosis normally depends less on drugs than on preventive and rehabilitative measures, the outcome is largely determined by the quality of a well-coordinated inter-disciplinary team approach.
The radiological determination of foreign objects in corpses can be difficult if they are fragmented or deformed. With multislice computed tomography, radiodensities--referred to as Hounsfield units (HU)--can be measured. We examined the possibility of differentiating 21 frequently occurring foreign bodies, such as metals, rocks, and different manmade materials by virtue of their HU values. Gold, steel, and brass showed mean HU values of 30671-30710 (upper measurable limit), mean HU values for steel, silver, copper, and limestone were 20346, 16949, 14033, and 2765, respectively. The group consisting of objects, such as aluminum, tarmac, car front-window glass, and other rocks, displayed mean HU values of 2329-2131 HU. The mean HU value of bottle glass and car side-window glass was 2088, whereas windowpane glass was 493. HU value determination may therefore help in preautopsy differentiation between case-relevant and irrelevant foreign bodies and thus be useful for autopsy planning and extraction of the objects in question.
BACKGROUND Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) may be useful to identify patients with patent foramen ovale (PFO). The aim of this study was to analyze whether a MDCT performed before pulmonary vein isolation reliably detects a PFO that may be used for access to the left atrium. METHODS AND RESULTS In 79 consecutive patients, who were referred for catheter ablation of symptomatic paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation (AF), the presence of a PFO was explored by MDCT and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). TEE was considered as the gold standard, and quality of TEE was good in all patients. In 16 patients (20.3%), MDCT could not be used for analysis because of artifacts, mainly because of AF. On TEE, a PFO was found in 15 (23.8%) of the 63 patients with usable MDCT. MDCT detected six PFO of which four were present on TEE. This corresponded to a sensitivity of 26.7%, a specificity of 95.8%, a negative predictive value of 80.7%, and a positive predictive value of 66.7%. The receiver operating characteristics curve of MDCT for the detection of PFO was 0.613 (95% confidence interval 0.493-0.732). CONCLUSIONS MDCT may detect a PFO before pulmonary isolation. However, presence of AF may lead to artifacts on MDCT impeding a meaningful analysis. Furthermore, in this study sensitivity and positive predictive value of MDCT were low and therefore MDCT was not a reliable screening tool for detection of PFO.
Patients with complaints and symptoms caused by spinal degenerative diseases demonstrate a high rate of spontaneous improvement. Except of severe neurological symptoms such as high grade motor deficits, medically intractable pain and vegetative symptoms (cauda syndrome) operations require 1) symptoms, 2) a mechanical cause visible on imaging that sufficiently explains the symptoms, 3) a completed conservative treatment protocol performed over a 4) 6-12 week period. According to the evidence found in the literature, patients with lumbar disk herniation significantly benefit from surgery by a faster relieve of pain and return to social and professional activity, however, the results are converging after a period of 1-2 years. Surgery of lumbar spinal stenosis is considered a gold standard and superior to conservative care when symptoms are severe and leg pain is present. Bilateral microsurgical decompression using a bilateral or a unilateral approach with over-the-top decompression of the contralateral nerve root are superior to laminectomy as the decompression procedure. Lumbar fusion is only indicated in patients with spinal stenosis when a major or mobile spondylolisthesis is diagnosed. There is no indication of prophylactic surgery to avoid a "dangerous" deficit that might develop in the future.
La necesidad de estudiar la presencia de metales pesados en el suelo radica en su impacto como indicador de contaminación ambiental. Se determinó la presencia de Cu, Zn, Pb y Cd en suelos donde se distribuyen especies vegetales en un corredor ecológico. Entre los municipios de Soledad de Graciano Sánchez y San Luis Potosí (México) fueron establecidos 30 puntos distribuidos en cinco prácticas dominantes de usos de suelo: agropecuario, residencial rural, comercio y servicios, residencial urbano y minero. Los muestreos se realizaron en cuatro épocas durante 2009 y 2010 (verano, otoño, invierno y primavera). Se encontró un efecto significativo del uso del suelo en cuanto a los niveles de Cu (p = 0,000), Pb (p = 0,043) y Cd (p = 0,010). En el caso del Zn, el uso del suelo (p = 0,000) y la estación (p = 0,059) fueron significativos. El uso del suelo minero mostró las mayores concentraciones de metales y el agrícola las menores. Los niveles de los cuatro metales se encuentran en el rango marcado como alto por la EPA y por otras fuentes técnicas. En el caso de Pb y Cd no rebasan los estándares NOM-147- SEMARNAT-SSA1. Estos resultados reflejan el potencial indicativo del uso del suelo en la evaluación de la calidad ambiental, sin embargo, se requiere continuar con un monitoreo de metales pesados en la zona.
Evaluar la contaminación por metales pesados en los ecosistemas permite conocer la capacidad bioindicativa de especies vegetativas. El objetivo fue determinar la concentración de metales pesados en Prosopis laevigata, Acacia spp. y Schinus molle bajo el efecto de usos suelo y temporalidad. El área se sitúa en la colindancia de los Municipios de Soledad de Graciano Sánchez y San Luis Potosí fragmentada por usos de suelo: agropecuario, comercio y servicios, residencial urbano y minero. Fueron tomadas muestras de hojas de las tres especies en las estaciones de verano, otoño, invierno y primavera y se evaluó la concentración de metales pesados a través de la técnica de ICP-MS. Los análisis estadísticos indicaron niveles de Aluminio (Al) > Cinc (Zn) > Plomo (Pb) > Cobre (Cu) > Titanio (Ti) > Vanadio (V) > Arsénico (As) > Cromo (Cr) > Cadmio (Cd) > Cobalto (Co). Los elementos Al, As, Cd, Cr, Pb y Ti presentaron niveles por encima del umbral normal en vegetación. El uso de suelo tuvo efecto significativo con Al, Ti, Cd, As y Pb; los árboles ubicados en los usos de suelo minero, comercio y servicios tuvieron la mayor concentración. La especie tuvo efecto significativo con Al y Pb siendo Acacia spp. el que presentó la mayor capacidad de acumulación. La temporada del año impactó significativamente en la acumulación de As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr y Ti en las tres especies. La dinámica antropogénica de los diferentes usos de suelo genera partículas y residuos con metales pesados impactando en la disponibilidad y acumulación en las especies evaluadas. Se contribuye a evaluar el impacto ambiental en el sistema fragmentado recomendando dar continuidad a este tipo de estudios.