942 resultados para Glycogen storage disease type II
Para o presente trabalho, 235 crianças pertencentes às creches da Prefeitura Municipal de Araraquara foram avaliadas e moldadas com um dispositivo confeccionado com cera utilidade e palito abaixador de língua na forma dos arcos dentários. No intervalo de um ano as mesmas crianças foram remoldadas afim de se verificar se houveram ou não mudanças nas dimensões do arco dentário decíduo. A partir da obtenção dos modelos em gesso, foram realizadas medições por meio de um dispositivo digitalizador tridimensional denominado MicroScribe-3DX nos instantes inicial (primeira moldagem) e final (moldagem após um ano). Foram avaliadas medidas referentes às distâncias inter-segundos molares, interprimeiros molares, intercaninos, perímetro, comprimento de arco e espaços primatas. Consideraram-se ainda dimorfismo sexual, tipo de arco e influência de hábitos. Concluiu-se que as dimensões transversais sofreram aumento significativo na dentadura decídua, enquanto que o perímetro, o comprimento e os espaços primatas permaneceram constantes. As distâncias intermolares apresentaram dimorfismo sexual, com dimensões maiores no gênero feminino. Com relação às medidas de perímetro, comprimento e espaços primatas não ocorreram diferenças significantes em relação ao gênero. As dimensões de comprimento nos arcos não diferem nos arcos decíduos Tipo I e Tipo II de Baume, enquanto que o diâmetro dos arcos Tipo I de Baume, são maiores do que os do Tipo II. Os hábitos de sucção de dedo e chupeta não provocaram alterações nas dimensões dos arcos decíduos no período observado, de um ano.
Chrysomya albiceps is a facultative predator and cannibal species during the larval stage. Very little is known about cannibalism and prey size preference, especially in blowflies. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the influence of prey size and larval density on cannibalism by third-instar larvae of C. albiceps under laboratory conditions. Our results indicate that no cannibalism occurs by third-instar larvae on first- and second-instar larvae, but third-instar larvae do eat second-instar larvae. The functional response on second-instar larvae is consistent with Holling type II. The consequences of consuming second-, compared to first- or third-, instar larvae as well as the implications of cannibalism for the population dynamics of C. albiceps are discussed.
It is well known that a predator has the potential to regulate a prey population only if the predator responds to increases in prey density and inflicts greater mortality rates. Predators may cause such density-dependent mortality depending on the nature of the functional and numerical responses. As spiders are usually faced with a shortage of prey, the killing behavior of the spider Nesticodes rufipes at varying densities of Musca domestica was examined here through laboratory functional response experiments where spiders were deprived of food for 5 (well-fed) or 20 days (hungry). An additional laboratory experiment was also carried out to assess handling time of spiders. The number of prey killed by spiders over 24- and 168-h periods of predator-prey interaction was recorded. Logistic regression analyses revealed the type II functional response for both well-fed and hungry spiders. We found that the lower predation of hungry spiders during the first hours of experimentation was offset later by an increase in predation ( explained by estimated handling times), resulting in similarity of functional response curves for well-fed and hungry spiders. It was also observed that the higher number of prey killed by well-fed spiders over a 24- h period of spider-prey interaction probably occurred due to their greater weights than hungry spiders. We concluded that hungry spiders may be more voracious than well-fed spiders only over longer time periods, since hungry spiders may spend more time handling their first prey items than well-fed spiders.
It is believed that habitat heterogeneity can change the extent of predator-prey interactions. Therefore, in this study we examined the effect of habitat heterogeneity (characterized here as an addition of refuge) on D. ater predation on M. domestica. Predation of D. ater on M. domestica larvae was carried out in experimental habitats with and without refuge, and examined at different prey densities. The number of prey eaten by beetles over 24 h of predator-prey interaction was recorded, and we investigated the strength of interaction between prey and predator in both experimental habitats by determining predator functional response. The mean number of prey eaten by beetles in the presence of refuge was significantly higher than in the absence of refuge. Females had greater weight gains than males. Logistic regression analyses revealed the type II functional response for both experimental habitats, even though data did not fit well into the random predator model. Results suggest that the addition of refuge in fact enhanced predation, as prey consumption increased in the presence of refuge. Predators kept in the presence of refuge also consumed more prey at high prey densities. Thus, we concluded that the addition of refuge was an important component mediating D. ater-M. domestica population interactions. Refuge actually acted as a refuge for predators from prey, since prey behaviors detrimental to predators were reduced in this case.
Ten type I loci from HSA 10 (IL2RA and VIM), HSA11 (HBB and FSHB) and HSA20 (THBD, AVP/OXT, GNAS1, HCK and TOP1) and two domestic cattle type II loci (CSSM30 and BL42) were FISH mapped to R-banded river buffalo (BBU) and sheep (OAR) chromosomes. IL2RA (HSA 10) maps on BBU 14q13 and OAR13q13, VIM (HSA 10) maps on BBU14q15 and OAR13q15, HBB (HSA11) maps on BBU16q25 and OAR15q23, FSHB (HSA11) maps on BBU16q28 and OAR15q26. THBD (HSA20) maps on BBU 14q15 and OAR13q15 while AVP/OXT. GNAS1, HCK, and TOP I (HSA20) as well as CSSM30 and BL42 map on the same large band of BBU 14q22 and OAR13q22. All loci were mapped on the same homologous chromosomes and chromosome bands of the two species, and these results agree with those earlier reported in cattle homologous chromosomes 15 and 13. respectively, confirming the high degree of both banding and physical map similarities among the bovid species. Indirect comparisons between physical maps achieved on bovid chromosomes and those reported on HSA10, HSA11 and HSA20 were performed. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Eosinophils and neutrophils are granulocytic leukocytes that are present in the blood of most vertebrates. Studies have been performed on lower vertebrates to understand the biological roles of the cells in defense mechanisms and to establish phylogenetic studies and new experimental models. Whether these 2 cell types exist in reptiles is a matter of controversy. In the blood of turtles there are 2 types of granulocytes that exhibit eosinophilia, one of them with round cytoplasmic granules and the other with elongated cytoplasmic granules. It has been suggested that these cells may be eosinophils in different stages of maturation but they also may be distinct cell types, i.e. eosinophils and neutrophils. In the present study, we characterized the 2 types of granulocytes that are present in the blood of Chrysemys dorbignih, using cytochemical techniques. Type I eosinophils showed activity of nonspecific esterase, peroxidase activity that is resistant to KCN, and basic proteins. Type II eosinophils exhibited activity of trimetaphosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, nonspecific esterase, peroxidase that is sensitive to KCN, and basic proteins. These observations indicate the existence of 2 distinct cell types in the blood of Chrysemys dorbignih, type I and type II eosinophils, that correspond to eosinophils and heterophils (neutrophils) of mammals and other vertebrates.
In higher eukaryotes, the 5S ribosomal DNA (5S rDNA) is organized in tandem arrays with repeat units composed of a coding region and a non-transcribed spacer sequence (NTS). These tandem arrays can be found on either one or more chromosome pairs. 5S rDNA copies from the tilapia fish. Oreochromis niloticus, were cloned and the nucleotide sequences of the coding region and of the non-transcribed spacer were deter-mined. Moreover, the genomic organization of the 5S rDNA tandem repeats was investigated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and Southern blot hybridization. Two 5S rDNA classes, one consisting of 1.4-kb repeats and another one with 0.5-kb repeats were identified and designated 5S rDNA type I and type II, respectively, An inverted 5S rRNA gene and a 5S rRNA putative pseudogene were also identified inside the tandem repeats of 5S rDNA type I. FISH permitted the visualization of the 5S rRNA genes at three chromosome loci, one of them consisting of arrays of the 5S rDNA type I, and the two others corresponding to arrays of the 5S rDNA type II. The two classes of the 5S rDNA. The presence of pseudogenes, and the inverted genes observed in the O. niloticus genome might be a consequence of the intense dynamics of the evolution of these tandem repeat elements. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Spermatozoa ultrastructure was studied in five marines (Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Larimus breviceps, Cynoscion striatus, Micropogonias furnieri, Menticirrhus americanus, Umbrina coroides, Stellifer rastrifer), and one freshwater (Plagioscion squamosissimus) species of Sciaenidae and one species of Polynemidae (Polydactylus virginicus). The investigation revealed that, in all species, spermatozoa display a round head, a nucleus containing highly condensed, filamentous chromatin clusters, no acrosome, a short midpiece with a short cytoplasmic channel, and a flagellum showing the classic axoneme structure (9 + 2) and short irregular lateral fins. In Sciaenidae, the spermatozoa are type II, the flagellar axis is parallel to the nucleus, the lateral nuclear fossa is double arched, the centriolar complex is outside the nuclear fossa, the proximal centriole is anterior and perpendicular to the distal centriole, and no more than ten spherical (marine species) or elongate (freshwater species) mitochondria are observed. Polynemidae spermatozoa are of the intermediate type with the flagellar axis eccentric to the hemi-arc-shaped nucleus, and exhibit no nuclear fossa, the centriolar complex close to the upper nuclear end, the proximal centriole lateral and oblique to the distal centriole, and one large ring-shaped mitocondrion. The data available show that no characteristic is exclusively found in the spermatozoa of members of the Sciaenidae family when compared to other Percoidei with type II spermatozoa. However, three characteristics were exclusively found in Polynemidae: (1) the hemi-arched nucleus; the positioning of the centrioles; and (2) the ring-shaped mitocondrion. The interrelationships between Sciaenidae and Polynemidae as well as between these two families and other Percoidei are herein discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study describes the morphology of salivary glands of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus female ticks at beginning of feeding (24-48 h of attachment) and semi-engorged (4-5 days of attachment) to verify the degenerative characteristics of these organs and the secretory phase in which the process begins. At the beginning of feeding, secretion granules had been observed only in the cytoplasm of cells b, c(1), c(2), c(4) (type II acinus) and d (type III acinus), as well as large nuclei with regular and preserved morphology. In the semi-engorged females the acini presented few normal cells, few partially preserved ones, and the remaining ones in several stages of degeneration, that is, with retraction and cytoplasmic vacuolization, and nuclei with chromatin in several stages of condensation, picnotic and/or in fragmentation. In type I acinus and in the excretory ducts of the studied glands, at both feeding stages, no degenerative characteristic was observed. In females of R. (B.) microplus, the salivary glands degenerate asynchronically and precociously when compared with those of others tick's species. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Dufour's gland of Bombus terrestris workers, of different ages and with varying degrees of ovary development, was studied with the aim to verify its involvement in reproduction. Measurements of the diameter and the length of the gland were made using an ocular micrometer adapted to a microscope. Transmission electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of the secretory cells and to analyze the secretory cycle. The glandular cells were considered to be near type II cells of NOIROT and QUENNEDEY (1974), a type that has not been described before in Hymenopterans. The results show that there is a correlation between the degree of ovary development and Dufour's gland activity of workers. The diameter of the gland and the secretory cell activity increased with increasing oocyte size in the ovary. Regressive conditions of the gland were observed, which are probably related to increasing worker age. To elucidate the production and releasing process of the secretion and to establish its precise function, a comparative analysis of the secretion process of the Dufour's gland of queens and workers is needed.
A anatomia dos órgãos internos do aparelho reprodutor de machos (ARM) adultos e pupas foi comparada em 51 espécies de abelhas, incluindo representantes de seis famílias. Foram obtidos quatro tipos diferentes de ARM. O tipo I está presente em machos das famílias mais basais (Colletidae, Andrenidae e Halictidae) e é caracterizado por três túbulos seminíferos por testículo, o qual é quase totalmente envolvido pela membrana escrotal. O tipo II é um tipo intermediário entre os tipos I e III e está presente em Mellitidae e Megachilidae, como também em alguns Apidae estudados, sendo caracterizado por possuir dutos deferentes pós-vesiculares fora da membrana escrotal e possuir três ou quatro túbulos seminíferos por testículo, exceto Apis mellifera L., a qual possui secundariamente um número aumentado de túbulos. O tipo III foi achado somente nos Apidae estudados e é caracterizado por apresentar os testículos e dutos genitais (exceto o duto deferente pós-vesicular) encapsulados separadamente, as glândulas acessórias são bem desenvolvidas e o duto ejaculador é calibroso, apresentando fissuras em sua parede externa, as quais podem ocorrer também no tipo II. O tipo IV está presente exclusivamente na tribo Meliponini e é caracterizado pela ausência de glândulas acessórias.
The present study examined the salivary glands of Rhipicephalus sanguineus males at days 0, 3, and 7 post-detachment from the host. Degeneration of this organ occurred in the three stages and it advanced as time away from the host progressed. Thus, characteristics of degeneration were more prominent in males at day 7 post-detachment than in males at day 0 post-detachment. In males at day 0 post-detachment, type I acini were intact; while in other stages these acini exhibited signs of degeneration. In type 11 acini of individuals at day 0 post-detachment, cells a, c1-c5, c8, and indeterminate were identified. Only c I and c8 were intact. The remaining cell types were undergoing degeneration, as well as all cells d-f in type III acini, and all g in type IV acini.In males at day 3 post-detachment from the host, all cells (a, c1-c5, c8 and indeterminate) of type 11 acini, cells d and e in type III acini, and g in type IV were undergoing degeneration. In some Indeterminate acini, the boundaries of cells still could be distinguished, while in others, only a cytoplasmic mass was observed. At day 3 post-detachment, apoptotic bodies were present.In males at day 7 post-detachment from the host, the degeneration process progressed. All cells a, cl, c3-c5, c8 and indeterminate in type II, and d and e in type III acini were undergoing degeneration. Type IV acini still contained remnants of secretion and in Indeterminate acini, only a cytoplasmic mass could be observed. At this stage, apoptotic bodies were also present.The present study still revealed that cells of salivary glands of R. sanguineus males when degenerating undergo the following changes: (a) decrease in secretion production with or without granule breakage, (b) changes in nuclear morphology, (c) cytoplasm shrinkage, (d) loss of cell shape, (e) loss of cell boundaries, and (e) cytoplasmic vacuolation. Together, these changes result in cell fragmentation with release of apoptotic bodies. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study describes the changes undergone by cells of the salivary glands of unfed and feeding (at day two and four post-attachment) Rhipicephalus sanguineus males, as well as new cell types. In unfed males, types I and II acini are observed with cells undifferentiated, undefined 1 and 2 (the latter, with atypical granules), a, c1 and c3; type III is composed of cells d and e; and type IV present cells g. In males at day two post-attachment, type I acini exhibit the same morphology of unfed individuals. An increase in size is observed in types II, III, and IV, as cells are filled with secretion granules. Some granules are still undergoing maturation. In type II acinus, cells a, b and c1-c8 are observed. Cells c7 and c8 are described for the first time. Cells c7 are termed as such due to the addition of polysaccharides in the composition of the secretion granules (in unfed individuals, they are termed undefined 1). Type III acini exhibit cells d and e completely filled with granules, and in type IV, cells g contain granules in several stages of maturation. In males at day four post-attachment, type I acini do not exhibit changes. Granular acini exhibit cells with fewer secretion granules, which are already mature. In type II acini, cells a, b, c1-c5 are present, type III exhibit cells d and e, and type IV contain cells g with little or no secretion. This study shows that in the salivary glands of R. sanguineus males, cells a, c1, and c3 of type II acinus, and cells d and e of type III do not exhibit changes in granular content, remaining continuously active during the entire feeding period. This indicates that during the intervals among feeding stages, gland cells reacquire the same characteristics found in unfed individuals, suggesting that they undergo reprogramming to be active in the next cycle.