944 resultados para Glutathione S-transferase


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Ciguatoxins (CTX) are polyether neurotoxins that target voltage-gated sodium channels and are responsible for ciguatera, the most common fish-borne food poisoning in humans. This study characterizes the global transcriptional response of mouse liver to a symptomatic dose (0.26 ng/g) of the highly potent Pacific ciguatoxin-1 (P-CTX-1). At 1 h post-exposure 2.4% of features on a 44K whole genome array were differentially expressed (p ≤ 0.0001), increasing to 5.2% at 4 h and decreasing to 1.4% by 24 h post-CTX exposure. Data were filtered (|fold change| ≥ 1.5 and p ≤ 0.0001 in at least one time point) and a trend set of 1550 genes were used for further analysis. Early gene expression was likely influenced prominently by an acute 4°C decline in core body temperature by 1 h, which resolved by 8 h following exposure. An initial downregulation of 32 different solute carriers, many involved in sodium transport, was observed. Differential gene expression in pathways involving eicosanoid biosynthesis and cholesterol homeostasis was also noted. Cytochrome P450s (Cyps) were of particular interest due to their role in xenobiotic metabolism. Twenty-seven genes, mostly members of Cyp2 and Cyp4 families, showed significant changes in expression. Many Cyps underwent an initial downregulation at 1 h but were quickly and strongly upregulated at 4 and 24 h post-exposure. In addition to Cyps, increases in several glutathione S-transferases were observed, an indication that both phase I and phase II metabolic reactions are involved in the hepatic response to CTX in mice.


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用生物和非生物因子来进行采后病害的防治,是一个非常有效的方法。诱导抗性作为控制果蔬采后病害的生物技术,已成为该领域的一个研究热点。然而诱导抗性的机制非常复杂,涉及到寄主、病原菌、激发子之间的相互作用关系。本研究主要利用酵母拮抗菌Pichia membranefaciens和SA处理果实,观察其抗性诱导表达和对采后青霉病菌(Penicillium expansum)的抑制作用,并从蛋白质组学水平上对诱导抗性的机理进行了分析。研究结果表明: 1、酵母拮抗菌P. membranefaciens (5 × 107 cells·ml-1)和SA(0.5 mM)处理采后甜樱桃果实,能够明显地降低病害的发病率和病斑直径。酵母菌和SA处理影响到了果实抗氧化酶的活性,同时还改变了POD同工酶谱和甜樱桃果实的总蛋白含量,并诱导了新的蛋白质条带产生。用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜技术观察发现,在in vitro条件下P. membranefaciens能够紧密地结合与病原菌的菌丝,而在in vivo条件下这种结合较为松散。 2、借鉴其它模式植物的方法,我们建立了一整套适用于多汁类植物材料的蛋白质组学研究方法。对于芒果,桃,甜樱桃、苹果以及冬枣等果实,都取得了重复性非常好的2-D图谱。我们应用该技术进一步研究了P. membranefaciens (1 × 108 cells·ml-1)以及SA (0.5 mM)处理对桃果实蛋白质组的诱导影响。结果显示,两种激发子处理都能够诱导桃果实产生抗性,从而减轻青霉病引起的腐烂。在诱导处理1 d以后,酵母拮抗菌和SA分别诱导22和16个蛋白的差异表达。质谱鉴定的蛋白属于6大类:代谢,防御反应,转录,能量途径以及细胞结构。有6个蛋白受到两种激发子的共同调控。其中,4种蛋白(包括glutathione peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase precursor, catalase和methionine sulfoxide reductase) 属于抗氧化蛋白,涉及到活性氧代谢。另2个蛋白(Major allergen Pru av 1和peroxidase)是病程相关蛋白,直接参与植物的防御反应。同时一些磷酸化酶和转录因子也受到两种激发子的调节从而参与果实的抗病反应。酶学测定和Northern杂交的结果表明,拮抗菌与SA处理均能影响过氧化氢酶活性及其基因的表达。 3、采前用较高浓度SA (2 mM) 短时间(10s)处理不同成熟期的甜樱桃果实,能够明显降低果实青霉病的病斑直径,并能减轻较低成熟度果实的发病率。在没有接菌的情况下,SA诱导了33个差异表达的蛋白,其中用质谱鉴定出了26个。而在接种病原菌的情况下,SA诱导了19个差异表达的蛋白,并鉴定出了其中的12个。这些蛋白分别涉及到代谢、防御反应、转录、能量途径、信号转导等过程。在没有接种病原菌的情况下,SA处理诱导了Putative DnaJ heat shock protein, PR1-like protein, Peroxidase, Major allergen Pru av 1 (Pru a 1)和Catalase等与抗病有关的蛋白。而在接种病原菌的情况下,诱导了PR1-like protein, Peroxidase和Catalase蛋白的差异表达。通过酶活性测定以及对细胞学定位的研究,我们发现在没有接种病原菌的情况下,POD的活性受到SA的诱导。但是在接种病原菌以后,诱导效果不明显。


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The present study reports the behavioural and enzymological responses in a freshwater teleost fish, Cyprinus carpio var. communis, exposed to acute and sublethal toxicities of mercuric chloride. During acute treatment, significant behavioural changes like erratic swimming, excess mucus secretion and increased opercular movements were noticed. During acute and sublethal treatments, both aspartate amino transferase and alanine amino transferase activity increased throughout the study period. Comparing the treatments, the changes in enzyme activities were found high in acute treatment and all the values were significant at 5% level. The above findings can be used as non-specific biomarkers of environmental pollutants.


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谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR,EC1.6.4.2)是一重要的抗氧化酶,许多生理学和遗传工程研究都证明GR酶在抗氧化中的重要作用。但改变GR酶怎样影响植物的抗氧化系统却不清楚。GR是抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环途径中的重要组成部分,其功能必然与其密切相关。本文用RNAi技术获得具有较低GR酶活性的转基因烟草,系统测定了非胁迫条件和胁迫条件下抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环的变化,得出以下主要结果: 1.选择一烟草叶绿体GR酶编码基因(X76293, gi: 431954)进行RNAi载体构建,构建好的双元载体转化根癌农杆菌LBA4404,然后侵染转化烟草叶圆片。获得的转基因烟草具有30-70%的GR酶活性。分子检测结果表明GR在RNA和蛋白水平上与GR酶活性的变化一致。文中我们第一次用2-D电泳对烟草中GR同工酶进行分析,并确定发生抑制的GR同工酶在细胞中的定位。2-D电泳后的Western杂交检测到烟草的10种GR同工酶,pI值分布在4.5-6.3,其中3种GR同工酶定位在叶绿体内,其蛋白量占据所有GR酶含量的大部分。RNAi发生在叶绿体内和叶绿体外,表明发生抑制的GR同工酶的基因序列具有很高的同源性。igr转基因烟草在表型上与野生型对照烟草无明显差异。 2.所有igr转基因植株和对照植株中的活性氧(O2-和H2O2)、MDA含量和光合作用都无明显差异,表明正常生长条件下GR酶活性的降低不会引起氧化胁迫。测定正常生长条件下igr转基因烟草中谷胱甘肽库的变化。结果表明与对照烟草相比,GR酶活性降低70%会引起转基因植株中GSH/GSSG比率明显降低,而GSH和GSSG的含量稍有增加;测定抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环的变化,结果显示igr转基因烟草中DHAR和MDHAR的酶活性升高,表明非胁迫条件下较低的GR酶活性可能会诱导抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环不能正常的运转。这一作用可能与改变的谷胱甘肽库有关。GR酶活性降低30%的转基因烟草中未检测到这些变化,表明70%的GR酶活对于非胁迫条件下igr转基因烟草可能是足够的。 3. MV处理结果显示,igr转基因烟草的离体叶圆片和活体植株在MV处理后都发生比对照烟草严重的光漂白作用。igr转基因烟草的活性氧和MDA含量明显高于对照烟草,igr转基因烟草的光合作用明显低于对照烟草。以上这些指标表明igr转基因烟草对MV处理更为敏感。MV处理条件下igr转基因烟草谷胱甘肽的含量明显高于对照烟草,但是GSH/GSSG的比率明显低于对照烟草,GR酶活性仍明显低于对照烟草,表明在MV胁迫条件下igr转基因烟草中较低的GR酶活性不能有效的将GSSG还原生成GSH。igr转基因烟草中较高的谷胱甘肽净含量说明其谷胱甘肽的合成能力提高,但这仍不能补偿胁迫条件下较低GR酶引起的GSH/GSSG比率降低。MV处理条件下igr转基因烟草和对照烟草相比ASC的含量大大降低,导致DHA/ASC明显升高。测定MDHAR和DHAR的结果表明,MV处理后igr转基因烟草的MDHAR酶活性明显降低,这表明较低的GR酶活性引起ASC再生循环受到抑制。MV处理后较低的GR酶还引起igr转基因烟草中APX的活性大大降低。以上这些结果表明MV处理条件下降低GR酶活性会削弱抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环,从而引起活性氧的大量积累,造成严重的氧化伤害。 4.低温处理的结果和MV处理的结果稍有不同。在GR酶活性较高的i2转基因烟草中所有检测指标与对照烟草无明显差异。而GR酶活性较低的i21、i28和i42植株与对照烟草相比表现出明显差异。低温下生长的对照烟草叶绿素含量明显高于i21、i28和i42植株。i21、i28和i42中活性氧(O2-和H2O2)和MDA的含量都明显高于对照烟草,表明低温处理下i21、i28和i42受到更严重的胁迫伤害。与MV处理后的变化相似,低温处理后i21、i28和i42中较低的 GR酶活性导致GSH/GSSG大大降低,ASC再生循环受抑制,APX活性明显降低,从而使抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环不能高效的清除活性氧,导致ROS和MDA的大量积累,造成严重的低温伤害。


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近年来大量研究表明水杨酸(salicylic acid, SA)在植物抵抗生物胁迫与非生物胁迫中都发挥着重要作用。然而在一些单子叶植物如水稻中SA的作用迄今仍不是很清楚。为了更深入地了解SA在水稻抵御冷胁迫中的作用,本研究选用两个抗冷性不同的水稻品种:‘长白九’(Oryza sativa cv. ‘Changbaijiu’)和‘中鉴’(Oryza sativa cv. ‘Zhongjian’)作为实验材料,其中‘长白九’为抗冷性较强的品种,而‘中鉴’为冷敏感的品种。在水稻幼苗长至三叶期后,分别对其施以三种浓度(0.5 mM, 1.0 mM, 2.0 mM)的SA溶液预处理24 h,然后置于5 °C下进行冷处理24 h。形态学观察及各项指标的测定结果表明: 一、冷处理后,‘长白九’和‘中鉴’根与叶片中的SA含量都大幅提高,且结合态SA升高的幅度明显大于其自由态形式。 二、外施不同浓度的SA溶液于水稻根部,24 h后,大量SA尤其是结合态SA积累于根中,且其积累量与处理浓度成正相关;而叶片中积累的SA则较少。 三、形态学及生理指标的测定结果显示,SA预处理没有提高甚至降低了两个水稻品种幼苗的抗冷性。并且SA处理浓度越大,幼苗受到冷伤害程度的越高。 四、对水稻幼苗叶片与根中的抗氧化酶活性进行分析发现,常温下SA处理显著提高了‘长白九’和‘中鉴’根中过氧化氢酶(catalase, CAT)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(glutathione reductase, GR)的活性;而在低温下SA预处理反而降低了两种水稻叶片与根中部分抗氧化酶的活性,推测低温下抗氧化酶活性的下降可能与水稻幼苗抗冷性的降低有关。 五、尽管两个水稻品种具有不同的冷敏感性,然而外施水杨酸均加剧了其低温伤害。分析认为,外施水杨酸后,水稻根部大幅升高的内源SA水平可能加剧了活性氧的产生,破坏了植物细胞内部的氧化还原平衡,从而导致水稻幼苗受到的冷害加重。


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Aspartate aminotransferase (E.C. from the skeletal muscle of fresh water fish Cirrhina mrigala has been purified 40 fold by ammonium sulphate fractionation, adsorption on alumina Csub(8) gel and chromatography using DEAE-cellulose column and the properties of the purified enzyme studied. The pH optimum of the enzyme is 7.8. The Km value of aspartic acid and 2-oxoglutaric acid are found to be 2.8 x 10sub(-3) M and 1.0 x 10sub(-4) M respectively. The activity of enzyme is inhibited by p-chloromercurybenzoate, hydroxylamine hydrochloride and sodium cyanide. The inhibition by pchloromercurybenzoate is reversed by reduced glutathione, B-mercaptoethanol and cysteine. Dicarboxylic acids such as maleic acid, malic acid and succinic acid inhibit the enzyme activity. The enzyme is not activated by any of the metal ions tested and heavy metal ions such as mercury and silver strongly inhibit the enzyme activity.


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This paper describes seasonal changes of microcystin-LR (MC-LR) and its glutathione (MC-LR-GSH) and cysteine conjugates (MC-LR-Cys) in three aquatic animals - snail (Bellamya aeruginosa), shrimp (fMacrobrachium nipponensis) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) collected from Lake Taihu, China. MC-LR, MC-LR-GSH, and MC-LR-Cys were determined by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrum (LC-ESI-MS). The mean MC-LR concentrations in the hepatopancreas of snail and shrimp and liver of silver carp were 6.61, 0.24, and 0.027 mu g g(-1) dry weight (DW), respectively: while the average MC-LR-Cys concentrations were 0.50, 0.97, and 5.72 mu g g(-1) DW, respectively. MC-LR-GSH was usually not detectable in these samples. The above results suggest that: (1) in aquatic animals, especially fish, the main excretion form of MC-LR could be MC-LR-Cys, but not MC-LR-GSH, whereas MC-LR-Cys might play an important role in detoxication of MC-LR and (2) that efficiency of MC-LR-Cys formation differs among species. The main detoxication pathway of MC-LR in aquatic animals is suggested as follows: when MC-LR enters into liver/hepatopancreas, it firstly conjugates with polypeptide or protein (including GSH, PP-1 and 2A) containing Cys residues, perhaps also some free cysteine; subsequently, MC-LR-Cys is degraded from these polypeptide or protein; and finally is excreted from animals by the compound of MC-LR-Cys. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective To investigate the hispathological characteristics and antioxidant responses in liver of silver carp after intraperitoneal administration of microcystins (MCs) for further understanding hepatic intoxication and antioxidation mechanism in fish. Methods Phytoplanktivorous silver carp was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with extracted hepatotoxic microcystins (mainly MC-RR and -LR) at a dose of 1000 mu g MC-LReq./kg body weight, and liver histopathological changes and antioxidant responses were studied at 1, 3, 12, 24, and 48 h, respectively, after injection. Results The damage to liver structure and the activities of hepatic antioxidant enzymes including catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxide (GPX) were increased in a time-dependent manner. Conclusion In terms of clinical and histological signs of intoxication and LD50 (i.p.) dose of MC-LR, silver carp appears rather resistant to MCs exposure than other fishes. Also, the significantly increased SOD activity in the liver of silver carp suggests a higher degree of response to MCs exposure than CAT and GPX.


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Previous studies have shown that gonads were the second target organ of microcystins (MCs), and that MCs exposure exerted obvious toxic effects on male reproductive system of mammals. However, relevant molecular evidences are still lacking. Fas-signaling pathway plays a key role in toxicant-induced germ cell apoptosis. This study was to evaluate the responses of Fas/FasL system related genes and proteins in testes of rats injected intravenously with MCs. Enhanced apoptosis of germ cells in the testes of MCs-treated rats was detected by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxy-UTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) associated with up-regulation of the Fas/FasL system. Both Fas and FasL protein expression were induced evidently from I h post-injection, and this high expression level maintained throughout the experiment. In addition, the activation of caspase-8 and caspase-3 protein was also observed, which were indicators of apoptosis. These results suggested the likely involvement of Fas/FasL system in the MCs-induced germ cell apoptosis. It is also suggested that MCs can cause damage to Sertoli cells directly. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oxidative stress response after prolonged exposure to a low dose of microcystins (MCs) was studied in liver, kidney and brain of domestic rabbits. Rabbits were treated with extracted MCs (mainly MC-LR and MC-RR) at a dose of 2 MC-LReq. mu g/kg body weight or saline solution every 24 h for 7 or 14 days. During the exposure of MCs, increase of lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels were detected in all the organs studied, while antioxidant enzymes responded differently among different organs. The enzyme activities Of Superoxide dismutase (SOD). catalase (CAT) and glutathione reductase (GR) in liver decreased in the MCs treated animals. In brain, there were obvious changes in glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and GR, while only CAT was obviously influenced in kidney. Therefore, daily exposure at a lower dosage of MCs, which mimicked a natural route of MCs. could also induce obvious oxidative stress in diverse organs of domestic rabbits. The oxidative stress induced by MCs in brain was as serious as in liver and kidney, suggesting that brain may also be a target of MCs in mammals. And it seems that animals may have more time to metabolize the toxins or to form an adaptive response to reduce the adverse effects when exposed to the low dose of MCs. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study was conducted to investigate time-dependent changes in oxidative enzymes in liver of crucian carp after intraperitoneally injection with extracted microcystins 600 and 150 mu g kg(-1) body weight. The results showed that activities of antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase generally exhibited a rapid increase in early phase (1-3 h post injection), but gradually decreased afterwards (12-48 h) compared with the control, with an evident time-dependent effect. These zigzag changes over time contributed a better understanding on oxidative stress caused by microcystins in fish.


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A novel multi-cell device made of organic glass was designed to study morphological and physiological characteristics of Microcystis population trapped in simulated sediment conditions. Changes of colonial morphology and antioxidant activities of the population were observed and measured over the range of 31-day incubation. During the incubation, the antioxidant enzyme activities fluctuated significantly in sediment environments. The activities of catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and malondialdehyde (NIDA) reached the highest on the 11(th) day, 6(th) day and 6(th) day. respectively, and then dropped down remarkably in the following days. The ratios of Fv/Fm and the maximal electron transfer rate (ETRm) declined during the initial days (1 similar to 11(th) day), but rebounded on the 16(th) day, which were consistent with the variations of total protein. In the end of incubation. gas vacuoles were hard]), observed and the gelatinous sheath was partly disappeared in the population of Microcystis. Nevertheless, the remaining populations. upon transferred to culture medium, were able to grow though experiencing a longer lag phase of nine days. The results indicated that the sediment environments were able to cause negative effects on M. aeruginosa cells. The cells, however, responded to against the possible damage afterwards. It is thus proposed the acute responses in the population during the early stage of sedimentation could be of importance in aiding the long-term survivor of Microcystis and recruitment in lake sediments. The present study also demonstrated the utility of the device in simulating the sediment environments for further investigation.


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Some species of the genera Anabaena can produce various kinds of cyanotoxins, which may pose risks to environment and human health. Anabaena has frequently been observed in eutrophic freshwater of China in recent years, but its toxicity has been reported only in a few studies. In the present study, the toxicity of an Anabaena flos-aquae strain isolated from Lake Dianchi was investigated. Acute toxicity testing was performed by mouse bioassay using crude extracts from the lyophilized cultures. The mice exposed to crude extracts showed visible symptoms of toxicity and died within 10-24 h of the injection. Serum biochemical parameters were evaluated by the use of commercial diagnostic kits. Significant alterations were found in the serum biochemical parameters: alkaline phosphatase (AKP), gamma-glutamyl transpepticlase (gamma-GT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT), AST/ALT ratio, total protein content, albumin content, albumin/globulin (A/G) ratio, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine (Ssr), and total antioxidative capacity (T-AOC). Histopathological observations were carried out with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain under light microscope. Severe lesions were seen in the livers, kidneys, and lungs of the mice injected with crude extracts. The alterations of biochemical parameters were in a dose-dependent manner, and the severities of histological lesions were in the same manner. Based on biochemical and histological studies, this research firstly shows the presence of toxin-producing Anabaena species in Lake Dianchi and the toxic effects of its crude extracts on mammals. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 24: 10-18, 2009.


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The glutathione S-transferases play important roles in the detoxification of microcystin. Core-sequences of three classes of GST (mu, kappa and rho) were cloned from goldfish (Carassius auratus L) i.p. injected with cyanobacterial crude extract at two doses (50 and 200 mu g MC-LReq kg(-1) BW). The relative changes of the mRNA abundance in liver, kidney and intestine were analyzed by real-time PCR. The transcription of GST mu was inhibited in intestine at both doses and the transcription of GST kappa was inhibited from 12 to 48 h in kidney at both doses. The decreased transcription of GST rho was detected in all three organs at the high dose. It is suggested that transcription inhibition of GST rho might be significant in MCs toxicity at higher toxin concentration in omnivorous freshwater fish. Alteration in transcription of GSTs stimulated by MCs implicates an increased health risk to fish. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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C1q family proteins with C1q domain have been reported in vertebrates, but their biological roles are currently unknown. In this study, a C1q-like factor, designated Carassius auratus gibelio ovary-specific C1q-like factor (CagOC1q-like), was identified as a cortical granules component. Immunofluorescence localization revealed that the C1q family member was specifically expressed in follicular epithelial cells, and associated with cortical granules in fully grown oocytes. Moreover, it was discharged to the perivitelline space and egg envelope upon fertilization. As it is the first identified C1q family member that is expressed in follicular cells that surround oocyte, CagOC1q-like was applied to detection of follicular cell apoptosis and deletion. The entire cytological process of follicular cell apoptosis and deletion was clearly seen from double visualizations of follicular cells with CagOC1q-like immunofluorescence and apoptotic follicular cells labeled by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) during oocyte maturation and ovulation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.