953 resultados para Genomics and genetics
Copaifera langsdorffii is a Neotropical tree with wide distribution in the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest and savanna. Although eight microsatellite loci (SSR) were developed in 2000 and have been widely used since then, there is yet no information about their inheritance, linkage and linkage disequilibrium (LD). Through the analysis of 28 open-pollinated (OP) progenies, the SSR loci revealed Mendelian inheritance and independent assortment. Using these progenies, young and adult trees LD was mainly detected in OP progenies. Our results show clear evidence that the eight SSR loci can be used without restriction in genetic diversity, mating system and parentage analysis.
The tree species Guarea guidonea (Meliaceae) belongs to a predominantly tropical family, being largely found in natural or anthropic forest fragments within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Aiming to develop future studies on the genetic structure of plant species from forests fragments, eleven microsatellite markers were developed for Guarea guidonia, based on the analysis of 45 individuals from natural populations of three different fragments within the forest-anthropic edge, interior fragment and natural edge. Only eight loci showed to be polymorphic and the number of alleles ranged from two to four (mean of 2.50). All populations showed almost the same level of genetic diversity (mean H(e) = 0.3775). These loci will be useful for population genetics studies on Guarea guidonea, providing information for the conservation and management of this species.
Castor (Ricinus communis L.) is an important oleaginous plant from both economic and social points of view. The seeds contain an oil with excellent properties for industrial uses. This paper presents the main results of a study aiming to develop microsatellite markers for castor. Twelve new polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized in 38 genotypes accessions from the castor germplasm of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (EMBRAPA). Knowledge on the genetic diversity of castor can be used to gain a better understanding on genetic diversity conservation, and germplasm management, guiding breeding programs and conservation strategies.
The shrub species Psychotria tenuinervis (Rubiaceae) is native to the Brazilian Atlantic forest and is largely found within natural and disturbed forest fragments. Aiming to develop studies on population genetic structure of forest fragment species, eigth microsatellite markers were developed for P. tenuinervis. Also, 15 loci already developed for Coffea (Rubiaceae) were tested for transferability to this species. We utilized 45 individuals from natural populations of three different fragments-anthropic edge, interior fragment and natural edge, within the Brazilian Atlantic forest. The average number of alleles per locus was 2.5 (two-four alleles/locus). These loci will be useful for future population genetic studies aiming to the conservation and management of this species.
Background: Most hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) patients are homozygous for the p. C282Y mutation in the HFE gene. Some studies reported that HH phenotypic expression could be modulated by genetic factors such as HJV and HAMP gene mutations. Aims: The aims of this study were to identify HJV and HAMP mutations and to analyze their impact on HH phenotype in non-p. C282Y homozygous individuals. Methods: Twenty-four Brazilian patients with primary iron overload and non-p. C282Y homozygous genotype (transferrin saturation >50% in women and >60% in men and absence of secondary causes) were selected. Subsequent bidirectional sequencing of the HJV and HAMP exons was performed. Results: Sequencing revealed a substitution in heterozygosis, c. 929C>G, which corresponds to p.A310G polymorphism in HJV exon 4 (rs7540883). In the same gene, in another individual, an IVS1-36C>G intronic variant was detected in heterozygosis. In the HAMP gene, an IVS3 + 42G>A intronic variant was identified. There were six (25.0%) patients carrying a heterozygous genotype for the HFE p. C282Y and nine (37.5%) patients carrying a heterozygous genotype for the HFE p. H63D. Conclusion: HJV p.A310G polymorphism and two intronic variants were found, but none of these alterations were associated with digenic inheritance with the HFE gene. Our data indicate that HJV and HAMP functional mutations are not frequent in these patients.
The trace element selenium (Se), once known only for its potential toxicity, is now a well-established essential micronutrient for mammals. The organoselenium compound diphenyl diselenide (DPDS) has shown interesting antioxidant and neuroprotective activities. On the other hand, this compound has also presented pro-oxidant and mutagenic effects. The compound 3`3-ditrifluoromethyldiphenyl diselenide (DFDD), a structural analog of diphenyl diselenide, has proven antipsychotic activity in mice. Nevertheless, as opposed to DPDS, little is known on the biological and toxicological properties of DFDD. In the present study, we report the genotoxic effects of the organoselenium compound DFDD on Salmonella typhimurium, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts (V79 cells). DFDD protective effects against hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2))-induced DNA damage in vitro are demonstrated. DFDD did not cause mutagenic effects on S. typhimurium or S. cerevisiae strains; however, it induced DNA damage in V79 cells at doses higher than 25 mu M, as detected by comet assay. DFDD protected S. typhimurium and S. cerevisiae against H(2)O(2)-induced mutagenicity, and, at doses lower than 12.5 mu M, prevented H(2)O(2)-induced genotoxicity in V79 cells. The in vitro assays demonstrated that DFDD mimics catalase activity better than DPDS, but neither presents Superoxide dismutase action. The products of the reactions of DFDD or DPDS with H(2)O(2) were different. as determined by electrospray mass spectrometry analysis (ESI-MS). These results suggest that DFDD is not mutagenic for bacteria or yeast; however, it may induce weak genotoxic effects on mammalian cells. In addition, DFDD has a protective effect against H(2)O(2)-induced damage probably by mimicking catalase activity, and the distinct products of the reaction DFDD with H(2)O(2) probably have a fundamental role in the protective effects of DFDD. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Here, we characterize the Aspergillus homologue ncsA Neuronal Calcium Sensor. We that ncsA is not an essential gene and Delta ncsA growth decreased in the presence of EGTA and SDS. the Delta ncsA mutant is more resistant to calcium NcsA: mRFP localizes to the cytoplasm and its localization is not affected by the cellular response to calcium chloride or EGTA. The Delta ncsA mutant strain more sensitive to voriconazole, itraconazole, and Polar growth in the Delta ncsA mutant was also more aVected by lovastatin than in the wild type The Spitzenkorper can be visualized in both strains although the vacuolar system does not seem to be very different, there is an increase in the staining intensity on the germling surface of the Delta ncsA strain. NcsA promotes pmcA and pmcB expression and therefore there is a reduced expression of these ion pumps in the Delta ncsA mutant background, and also of other genes involved in the response to calcium in A. fumigatus. The ncsA inactivation mutation is not causing loss of virulence in a low dose murine infection when compared to the corresponding wild type strain.
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) eliminates helix-distorting DNA base lesions. Seven XP-deficient genetic complementation groups (XPA to XPG) have already been identified in mammals, and their corresponding genes have been cloned. Hereditary defects in NER are associated with several diseases, including xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). UV-DDB (XPE) is formed by two associated subunits, DDB1 and DDB2. UV-DDB was identified biochemically as a protein factor that exhibits very strong and specific binding to ultraviolet (UV)-treated DNA. As a preliminary step to characterize the components of the NER in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans, here we identified a putative DDB1 homologue, DdbA. Deletion and expression analysis indicated that A. nidulans ddbA gene is involved in the DNA damage response, more specifically in the UV light response and 4-nitroquinoline oxide (4-NQO) sensitivity. Furthermore, the Delta ddbA strain cannot self-cross and expression analysis showed that ddbA can be induced by oxidative stress and is developmentally regulated in both asexual and sexual processes. The Delta ddbA mutation can genetically interact with uvsB(ATR), atmA(ATM), nkuA(KU70), H2AX-S129A (a replacement of the conserved serine in the C-terminal of H2AX with alanine), and cshB (a mutation in CSB Cockayne`s syndrome protein involved in the transcription-coupled repair subpathway of NER) mutations. Finally, to determine the DdbA cellular localization, we constructed a GFP:DdbA strain. In the presence and absence of DNA damage, DdbA was mostly detected in the nuclei, indicating that DdbA localizes to nuclei and its cellular localization is not affected by the cellular response to DNA damage induced by 4-NQO and UV light.
Farnesol (FOH) is a nonsterol isoprenold produced by dephosphorylanon of farnesyl pyrophosphate a catabolite of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway These isoprenoids inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis Here we show that Aspergillus nidulans MA encoding the apoptosis-Inducing factor (AIF)-like mitochondrial oxidoreductase plays a role in the function of the mitochondrial Complex I Additionally we demonstrated that ndeA B and ndiA encode external and internal alternative NADH dehydrogenases respectively that have a function in FOH resistance When exposed to FOH the Delta aifA and Delta ndeA strains have increased ROS production while Delta ndeB Delta ndeA Delta ndeB and Andul mutant strains showed the same ROS accumulation than in the absence of FOH We observed several compensatory mechanisms affecting the differential survival of these mutants to FOH (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved
The dibenzylbutyrolactone lignan (-)-hinokinin (HK) was obtained by partial synthesis from (-)-cubebin, isolated from the dry seeds of the pepper, Piper cubeba. In view of the trypanocidal activity of HK and its potential as a lead compound for drug development, evaluation of its possible genotoxic activity is required. We have tested HK for possible genotoxicity and evaluated the compound`s effect on the activity of the clastogens doxorubicin (DXR) and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in the micronucleus (MN) assay with Chinese hamster lung fibroblast V79 cells. HK alone did not induce MN, at concentrations up to 128 mu M. In combined treatments, HK reduced the frequency of MN induced by MMS. With respect to DXR, HK exerted a protective effect at lower concentrations, but at higher concentrations it potentiated DXR clastogenicity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is characterized by a multiple budding phenotype and a polymorphic cell growth, leading to the formation of cells with extreme variations in shape and size. Since Cdc42 is a pivotal molecule in establishing and maintaining polarized growth for diverse cell types, as well as during pathogenesis of certain fungi, we evaluated its role during cell growth and virulence of the yeast-form of P. brasiliensis. We used antisense technology to knock-down PbCDC42`s expression in P. brasiliensis yeast cells, promoting a decrease in cell size and more homogenous cell growth, altering the typical polymorphism of wild-type cells. Reduced expression levels also lead to increased phagocytosis and decreased virulence in a mouse model of infection. We provide genetic evidences underlying Pbcdc42p as an important protein during host-pathogen interaction and the relevance of the polymorphic nature and cell size in the pathogenesis of P. brasiliensis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this work, we disrupted one of three putative phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C genes of Aspergillus nidulans and studied its effect on carbon source sensing linked to vegetative mitotic nuclear division. We showed that glucose does not affect nuclear division rates during early vegetative conidial germination (6-7 h) in either the wild type or the plcA-deficient mutant. Only after 8 h of cultivation on glucose did the mutant strain present some decrease in nuclear duplication. However, decreased nuclear division rates were observed in the wild type when cultivated in media amended with polypectate, whereas our plcA-deficient mutant did not show slow nuclear duplication rates when grown on this carbon source, even though it requires induction and secretion of multiple pectinolytic enzymes to be metabolized. Thus, plcA appears to be directly linked to high-molecular-weight carbon source sensing.
Proteins are subject to modification by reactive oxygen species (ROS), and oxidation of specific amino acid residues can impair their biological function, leading to an alteration in cellular homeostasis. Sulfur-containing amino acids as methionine are the most vulnerable to oxidation by ROS, resulting in the formation of methionine sulfoxide [Met(O)] residues. This modification can be repaired by methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msr). Two distinct classes of these enzymes, MsrA and MsrB, which selectively reduce the two methionine sulfoxide epimers, methionine-S-sulfoxide and methionine-R-sulfoxide, respectively, are found in virtually all organisms. Here. we describe the homologs of methionine sulfoxide reductases, msrA and msrB, in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Both single and double inactivation mutants were viable, but more sensitive to oxidative stress agents as hydrogen peroxide, paraquat, and ultraviolet light. These strains also accumulated more carbonylated proteins when exposed to hydrogen peroxide indicating that MsrA and MsrB are active players in the protection of the cellular proteins from oxidative stress damage. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We investigated the effects of the dietary pigment chlorophyll b (CLb) on cisplatin (cDDP)-induced oxidative stress and DNA damage, using the comet assay in mouse peripheral blood cells and the micronucleus (MN) test in bone marrow and peripheral blood cells. We also tested for thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and reduced glutathione (GSH) in liver and kidney tissues, as well as catalase (CAT) activity and GSH in total blood. CLb (0.2 and 0.5 mg/kg b.w.) was administrated by gavage every day for 13 days. On the 14th day of the experiment, 6 mg/kg cDDP or saline was delivered intraperitoneally. Treatment with cDDP led to a significant decrease in DNA migration and an increase in MN frequency in both cell types, bone marrow and peripheral blood cells. In the kidneys of mice treated with cDDP, TBARS levels were increased, whereas GSH levels were depleted in kidney and liver. In mice that were pretreated with CLb and then treated with cDDP, TBARS levels maintained normal concentrations and GSH did not differ from cDDP group. The improvement of oxidative stress biomarkers after CLb pre-treatment was associated with a decrease in DNA damage, mainly for the highest dose evaluated. Furthermore, CLb also slightly reduced the frequency of chromosomal breakage and micronucleus formation in mouse bone marrow and peripheral blood cells. These results show that pre-treatment with CLb attenuates cDDP-induced oxidative stress, chromosome instability, and lipid peroxidation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Methionine is a component of one-carbon metabolism and a precursor of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), the methyl donor for DNA methylation. When methionine intake is high, an increase of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) is expected. DNA methyltransferases convert SAM to S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH). A high intracellular SAH concentration could inhibit the activity of DNA methyltransferases. Therefore, high methionine ingestion could induce DNA damage and change the methylation pattern of tumor suppressor genes. This study investigated the genotoxicity of a methionine-supplemented diet. It also investigated the diet`s effects on glutathione levels, SAM and SAH concentrations and the gene methylation pattern of p53. Wistar rats received either a methionine-supplemented diet (2% methionine) or a control diet (0.3% methionine) for six weeks. The methionine-supplemented diet was neither genotoxic nor antigenotoxic to kidney cells, as assessed by the comet assay. However, the methionine-supplemented diet restored the renal glutathione depletion induced by doxorubicin. This fact may be explained by the transsulfuration pathway, which converts methionine to glutathione in the kidney. Methionine supplementation increased the renal concentration of SAH without changing the SAM/SAH ratio. This unchanged profile was also observed for DNA methylation at the promoter region of the p53 gene. Further studies are necessary to elucidate this diet`s effects on genomic stability and DNA methylation. (C) 2011 Elsevier ay. All rights reserved.