899 resultados para Generative process of meaning
The article discusses the right to lusophone literature - Saramago, as example - in the process of teacher` s formation and inside of adults` literacy through formation research process at Sao Paulo city.
Objective. To investigate the modes of water supply and the perception concerning the problems caused by this water among residents of a neighborhood without public supply of water, settled in an area previously used as a garbage dump in the city of Manaus, Brazil. Methods. One hundred and sixty-two semi-structured household interviews were conducted. In addition, a focal group with teachers from a local public school and a meeting with residents were held. The instruments employed focused on the perception and modes of water use and on the process of exposure to chemical contaminants through water. Results. Untreated well water was used by most families. This water was considered to be ""good"" by 64.8% of the individuals interviewed. Most residents (88.3%) declared knowledge about the garbage dump. Of these, 77.6% stated that the garbage dump caused health and environmental problems. However, qualitative analysis of the responses revealed that the residents were not aware of contamination by chemical elements or of the consequences of such contamination. The activities carried out with teachers revealed that they were partially aware of the problem, but did not design interventions to address the issue. In a meeting with neighborhood residents, the presence of social activism concerning the problem was identified, but it did not extend beyond the neighborhood or reach governmental spheres. Conclusions. The study identified a situation of critical exposure that tends to be maintained as a result of misperceptions and lack of social mobilization. The dissemination of research results to teachers and residents was useful to empower subjects.
What do visitors want or expect from an educational leisure activity such as a visit to a museum, zoo, aquarium or other such experience? Is it to learn something or to experience learning? This paper uses the term 'learning for fun' to refer to the phenomenon in which visitors engage in a learning experience because they value and enjoy the process of learning itself. Five propositions regarding the nature of learning for fun are discussed, drawing on quantitative and qualitative data from visitors to a range of educational leisure activities. The commonalities between learning for fun and other theoretical constructs such as 'experience,' 'flow', 'intrinsic motivation', and 'curiosity' are explored. It is concluded that learning for fun is a unique and distinctive offering of educational leisure experiences, with implications for future research and experience design.
In mapping the evolutionary process of online news and the socio-cultural factors determining this development, this paper has a dual purpose. First, in reworking the definition of “online communication”, it argues that despite its seemingly sudden emergence in the 1990s, the history of online news started right in the early days of the telegraphs and spread throughout the development of the telephone and the fax machine before becoming computer-based in the 1980s and Web-based in the 1990s. Second, merging macro-perspectives on the dynamic of media evolution by DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach (1989) and Winston (1998), the paper consolidates a critical point for thinking about new media development: that something technically feasible does not always mean that it will be socially accepted and/or demanded. From a producer-centric perspective, the birth and development of pre-Web online news forms have been more or less generated by the traditional media’s sometimes excessive hype about the power of new technologies. However, placing such an emphasis on technological potentials at the expense of their social conditions not only can be misleading but also can be detrimental to the development of new media, including the potential of today’s online news.
We report on a quantitative study of the growth process of 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensates. By continuous evaporative cooling we directly control the thermal cloud from which the condensate grows. We compare the experimental data with the results of a theoretical model based on quantum kinetic theory. We find quantitative agreement with theory for the situation of strong cooling, whereas in the weak cooling regime a distinctly different behavior is found in the experiment.
Expansion tubes are impulse facilities capable of generating highly energetic hyper-sonic flows. This work surveys a broad range of flow conditions produced in the facility X1 with carbon dioxide test gas, for simulation of spacecraft entry into the Martian atmosphere. Conditions with nominal flow speeds of 7, 9, 11 and 13 km/s were tested. The freestream conditions were calibrated using static/Pitot pressure measurements and advanced optical diagnostics. An extensive set of holographic interferometry experiments was performed on flows over wedges for quantitative study of freestream and post-shock densities, and post-shock ionisation. A one-dimensional code with frozen and equilibrium chemistry capabilities was used to estimate the freestream conditions. An equilibrium chemistry model produced a good match to measured freestream quantities at the high enthalpy conditions which are a major aim of this facility's operation. The freestream in the lower enthalpy conditions was found to be heavily influenced by chemical non-equilibrium. Non-equilibrium in the final unsteady expansion process of flow generation was accounted for by switching from equilibrium to frozen chemistry at a predetermined point. Comparison between the freestream density results of holographic interferometry, pressure measurements and computations shows good agreement.
In this article, we present a model of emotions and attributions of intentionality within the leader–member relationship. The model is predicated on two central ideas. The first is that leadership is intrinsically an emotional process, where leaders display emotion and attempt to evoke emotion in their members. The second is that leadership is a process of social interaction and is therefore appropriately defined in terms of social, psychological theories such as the attribution theory. Our focus is on the perspective of members, not the leaders. Specifically, members' attributions about their leader's intentions influence how the members evaluate, interpret, and eventually label the leader's influence attempts as either “true” or “pseudo” transformational leadership. These attributions are determined by and themselves influence the members' emotions. We describe each of the elements of the model and conclude with a discussion of the implications of the model for theory, research, and practice.
Accumulating evidence suggests that Team-member exchange (TMX) influences employee work attitudes and behaviours separately from the effects of leader-member exchange (LMX). In particular, little is known of the effect of LMX differentiation (in-group versus out-group) as a process of social exhange that can, in turn, affect TMX quality. To explore this phenomenon, this chapter presents a multi-level model of TMX in organizations, which incorporates LMX differentiation, team identification, team member affect at the individual level, and fairness of LMX differentiation and affective climate at the group-level. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our model for theory, research, and practice.
This paper describes the emergence of new functional items in the Mauritian Creole noun phrase, following the collapse of the French determiner system when superstrate and substrate came into contact. The aim of the paper is to show how the new language strived to express the universal semantic contrasts of (in)definiteness and singular vs. plural. The process of grammaticalization of new functional items in the determiner system was accompanied by changes in the syntax from French to creole. An analysis within Chomsky’s Minimalist framework (1995, 2000, 2001) suggests that these changes were driven by the need to map semantic features onto the syntax.
This article extends Defeasible Logic to deal with the contextual deliberation process of cognitive agents. First, we introduce meta-rules to reason with rules. Meta-rules are rules that have as a consequent rules for motivational components, such as obligations, intentions and desires. In other words, they include nested rules. Second, we introduce explicit preferences among rules. They deal with complex structures where nested rules can be involved.
The process of enzyme immobilization under the diffusion-controlled regime (i.e., fast attachment of enzyme compared to its diffusion) is modeled and theoretically solved in this article. Simple and compact solutions for the penetration depth of immobilized enzyme and the bulk enzyme concentration versus time are presented. Furthermore, the conditions for the validity of our solutions are also given in this article so that researchers can discover when the theoretical solutions can be applied to their systems.
Researchers within the field of cultural imperialism as well as the more recently developed globalisation paradigm have tended to dwell upon the economic or corporate dimensions of global cultural flows and have been largely indifferent to the domain of the everyday cultural tastes and forms of cultural consumption that exist in particular national contexts. This article seeks to redress this focus through an examination of one particular instance of cultural imperialism, the widely held belief in ?he Americanisation of Australian society. Using data from a major research project inquiring into Australian everyday culture the article focuses on the changes in cultural tastes and preferences that are evident in three generational cohorts: contemporary young adults, a segment of the 'baby-boom' generation now in middle age, and a group of older Australians born in the years following World War I and the 1920s. The article documents a trend in which overseas influences, particularly those originating from America, appear to be increasingly shaping Australians' tastes in a wide range of cultural domains. Nevertheless, despite these changes in cultural taste Australians of ail ages retain a strong sense of a distinctive national identity. Such findings have implications for an understanding of cultural globalisation as a process of hybridisation and intermixing.
To investigate changes in the three-dimensional microfilament architecture of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) during the process of phenotypic modulation, rabbit aortic SMCs cultured under different conditions and at different time points were either labelled with fluorescein-conjugated probes to cytoskeletal and contractile proteins for observation by confocal laser scanning microscopy, or extracted with Triton X-100 for scanning electron microscopy. Densely seeded SMCs in primary culture, which maintain a contractile phenotype, display prominent linear myofilament bundles (stress fibres) that are present throughout the cytoplasm with alpha-actin filaments predominant in the central part and beta-actin filaments in the periphery of the cell. Intermediate filaments form a meshed network interconnecting the stress fibres and linking directly to the nucleus. Moderately and sparsely seeded SMCs, which modulate toward the synthetic phenotype during the first 5 days of culture, undergo a gradual redistribution of intermediate filaments from the perinuclear region toward the peripheral cytoplasm and a partial disassembly of stress fibres in the central part of the upper cortex of the cytoplasm, with an obvious decrease in alpha-actin and myosin staining. These changes are reversed in moderately seeded SMCs by day 8 of culture when they have reached confluence. The results reveal two changes in microfilament architecture in SMCs as they undergo a change in phenotype: the redistribution of intermediate filaments probably due to an increase in synthetic organelles in the perinuclear area, and the partial disassembly of stress fibres which may reflect a degradation of contractile components.
We developed a system for time-lapse observation of identified neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) of the Drosophila embryo. Using this system, we characterize the dynamics of filopodia and axon growth of the motorneuron RP2 as it navigates anteriorly through the CNS and then laterally along the intersegmental nerve (ISN) into the periphery. We find that both axonal extension and turning occur primarily through the process of filopodial dilation. In addition, we used the GAL4-UAS system to express the fusion protein Tau-GFP in a subset of neurons, allowing us to correlate RP2's patterns of growth with a subset of axons in its environment. In particular, we show that RP2's sharp lateral turn is coincident with the nascent ISN. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The mRNA differential display technique was used to compare mRNAs between normal mammary gland and turner-derived epithelial cells from female Sprague-Dawley rat mammary gland tumors induced by the heterocyclic amine 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) and promoted by a high-fat diet (23.5% corn oil). Two genes, beta-casein and transferrin, were identified as differentially expressed. The expression of these genes was examined across a bank of rat mammary gland tumors derived from animals on a low-fat diet (5% corn oil) or the high-fat diet. Carcinomas had over a 10- and 50-fold lower expression of beta-casein and transferrin, respectively than normal mammary gland. In addition, carcinomas from animals on the high-fat diet showed on average a 5-fold higher expression of beta-casein, and transferrin than carcinomas from animals on the low-fat diet. The results indicate the process of mammary gland tumorigenesis alters the expression of certain genes in the mammary gland, and that the level of dietary fat further modulates the expression of these genes.