958 resultados para Gender across languages
One in a series of six data briefings based on regional-level analysis of data from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) undertaken by the National Obesity Observatory (NOO). The briefings are intended to complement the headline results for the region published in January 2010, at Quick Link 20510.
Discrepancies appear in studies comparing fat oxidation between men and women. Therefore, this study aimed to quantitatively describe and compare whole-body fat oxidation kinetics between genders during exercise, using a sinusoidal (SIN) model. Twelve men and 11 women matched for age, body mass index, and aerobic fitness (maximal oxygen uptake and maximal power output per kilogram of fat-free mass (FFM)) performed submaximal incremental tests (Incr) with 5-min stages and a 7.5% maximal power output increment on a cycle ergometer. Fat oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry, and plotted as a function of exercise intensity. The SIN model, which includes 3 independent variables (dilatation, symmetry, translation) that account for the main quantitative characteristics of kinetics, was used to mathematically describe fat oxidation kinetics and to determine the intensity (Fatmax) eliciting the maximal fat oxidation (MFO). During Incr, women exhibited greater fat oxidation rates from 35% to 85% maximal oxygen uptake, MFO (6.6 ± 0.9 vs. 4.5 ± 0.3 mg·kg FFM-1·min-1), and Fatmax (58.1% ± 1.9% vs. 50.0% ± 2.7% maximal oxygen uptake) than men (p < 0.05). While men and women showed similar global shapes of fat oxidation kinetics in terms of dilatation and symmetry (p > 0.05), the fat oxidation curve tended to be shifted toward higher exercise intensities in women (rightward translation, p = 0.08). These results support the idea that women have a greater reliance on fat oxidation than men during submaximal exercise, but also indicate that this greater fat oxidation is shifted toward higher exercise intensities in women than in men.
The authors give the first description of evangelicalism in Switzerland using representative data. It is shown that evangelicalism can be conceived of as a "milieu" which is characterized by certain structural and cultural traits, boundaries and high internal communication. The relative success of the evangelical milieu compared to other religious milieus is explained by its remarkable ability to retain its own numerous offspring, while on the other hand providing a "religious product" that is also attractive to people without an evangelical familial background. Les auteurs utilisent des données représentatives afin de faire, pour la première fois, une description de l'évangélisme en Suisse. Ils montrent qu'on peut parler de l'évangélisme comme d'un "milieu'' qui se caractérise par certains attributs structurels et culturels, des frontières et une communication interne élevée. Le succès relatif du milieu évangélique comparé à d'autres milieux s'explique par sa capacité remarquable à retenir les enfants de ses membres dans le mouvement tout en offrant un "produit religieux'' attractif aux personnes sans arrière-fond évangélique.
Dominant groups have claimed to be the targets of discrimination on several historical occasions during violent intergroup conflict and genocide.The authors argue that perceptions of ethnic victimization among members of dominant groups express social dominance motives and thus may be recruited for the enforcement of group hierarchy. They examine the antecedents of perceived ethnic victimization among dominants, following 561 college students over 3 years from freshman year to graduation year. Using longitudinal, cross-lagged structural equation modeling, the authors show that social dominance orientation (SDO) positively predicts perceived ethnic victimization among Whites but not among Latinos, whereas victimization does not predict SDO over time. In contrast, ethnic identity and victimization reciprocally predicted each other longitudinally with equal strength among White and Latino students. SDO is not merely a reflection of contextualized social identity concerns but a psychological, relational motivation that undergirds intergroup attitudes across extended periods of time and interacts with the context of group dominance.
This paper draws on field research conducted among a group of resettled slum(1) dwellers in the west of Bengaluru, and analyzes women's collective engagement to improve the provision of urban services in low-income neighbourhoods. The paper argues the need to deepen the focus on urban poor mobilizations below the level of the urban poor as a group - to look at the various groups, and the differences, divergences and contradictions within. Using gender as a differential, the paper focuses on women who dominate local neighbourhood level initiatives within low-income settlements, and analyzes their specific opportunities and constraints as actors within the larger domain of urban poor mobilizations. It proposes that these seemingly insignificant day-to-day negotiations diverge from more individual forms of "leadership", creating a political space at the lowest level of the neighbourhood where the projects of material improvement and emancipation take place simultaneously.
L'existència dels parlars juvenils ens recorda el fet que totes les formes de cultura, i les identitats mateixes de les persones, van estretament lligades a les maneres de parlar que els són pròpies. El que segueix és doncs una reflexió sobre aquest lligam, aquestes relacions tan estretes entre les cultures i les identitats per una banda, i les maneres de parlar i les llengües per l'altra. La primera part del llibre tracta sobre les diverses identitats de gènere que vaig detectar dins els grups estudiats. El lector es preguntarà potser què és això de les identitats de gènere, i per què són tan importants. Els estudis del gènere tracten sobre el funcionament de la divisió sexual en la nostra societat, és a dir, sobre els diversos papers que homes i dones tenen en el mercat laboral, en la política, en la família, etc. A partir de tots aquests conceptes, a la segona part del llibre procediré a explicar quines identitats i ideologies anaven associades a les diverses formes de parlar (argot juvenil, accent andalús) i a l'ús de les llengües catalana i castellana. I aquí es veurà també perquè és important estudiar les diverses veus que apareixen en la nostra parla.